Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

You might find comfort from the reddit post below. Happiness and thriving after Invega is possible:

beanfox101 (reddit):

"Invega was probably the worst thing I have ever had forcefully put into my body​

I need to make this rant, because finding this subreddit again has made me remember how much shit I’ve went through within the past three years. The entire mental health care system is FUCKED. I’m not talking about just medication. I’m talking about therapy, psychologists, psychiatrists, and most importantly, behavioral hospitals.

TL;DR: I was given an invega shot at a mental facility due to presenting psychosis and having overdosed on my medication beforehand. I am still having long-term side effects, but better than where I was.

I was send to a behavioral hospital three times within a year (2021). I was sent there by a toxic ex that had no idea how to handle my mental health, and made me spiral out of control. That relationship is a story for another day, but my experiences while at the hospital were bleak. Especially my last and (praying to the universe) final time I was sent, which was also my longest stay there of two weeks.

Fellas, the voluntary thing is BULLSHIT. I have been lied to multiple times by doctors in the ER that I’ll only be kept for three days. I’ve been told that if I don’t volunteer I’ll be forced to go. I have been screamed at by hospital staff workers to stop crying, even though I was cut off from making any contact to family at times and they had no clue where I was. The last stay, my ex called the cops on me and had me dragged away without even telling my parents where I was.

I have seen so much, from sexual harassment between patients, fights breaking out, people trying to escape by running into glass doors, mistreatment of transgender patients, mental decline in older patients to the point where there’s nothing left of them but a breathing body, and even a fellow patient cutting themselves with the wire in their Covid mask (only to find they gave him another wired mask the next day). And there’s more on top of this. I was even denied my birth control for days due to it having to be “cleared,” and having an painful early period because of it with no sympathy from any nurses. I had one night where I woke up to myself puking and having diarrhea, with nurses giving me no privacy and just WATCHING.

But you guys are here for the medicine stuff. So, my last visit at the hospital, it was a new place near my college that literally had nothing in place. Their resources were far in-between. I was submitted under involuntary restriction due to psychosis, even though I was never given the chance to put myself through voluntarily (I only asked what happened if I said no, not straight up deny). Once the doctors learned of me trying to overdose on my medication twice in a few months, they automatically told me I had to be put on an injection. It was either this, or I wasn’t going to be let out early enough. Keep in mind that I was submitted during December, and I was missing my college finals as well as having Christmas and New Years approaching. Of course I wanted out as soon as possible!

So, I let them do the invega shots. The thing was, I had no idea how bad they were affecting me when I was in this place. I mean with bright lights everywhere, shitty chairs, only having TV to watch and me literally just doing coloring pages all day, I couldn’t do much else. I became numb halfway through my first week, not knowing that it wasn’t just me adjusting to my temporary living style. Once I left the place, I could barely walk, my vision was blurred, my speech was also slurred, and I had a hard time staying awake. I rushed myself out of that horrible place just to go home, only to find that they left me completely fucked up in the brain. All I wanted to do was to see my now ex to show him what the fuck they did to me, but that day has never come. If I do see him, however, I will sorely kick him in the ass for leading me down this slippery slope.

It was weeks into the drug before I was finally taken to urgent care for a Benadryl shot. From there on out, I was popping benadryl in me every four hours just to stay stable. I wasn’t even fully myself. I was a walking zombie that could hardly thing. As a young woman who loved to draw, write, and daydream to music… it was all gone. ALL. OF. IT. I had to even quit my job because I just couldn’t return. I partially would love to sue the doctors there for the paystubs I missed out on. Sadly, I have no idea if I can even sue for malpractice or even mistreatment.

My next college semester was all writing classes. And I couldn’t even write anymore. Typing was even painful. I still was making up the finals I missed However, I passed that semester with straight A’s, and got an A and a B on the finals I missed. I have never been more proud of myself for pushing through that rough time. I wrote a whole fucking SCREENPLAY that I almost completely aced. 100+ pages of pure imagination that I worked away at weekly, with barely any way to come up with dialogue, and yet it’s my favorite piece I’ve written.

I was finally able to draw again once I met my current partner, who helped me come up with a new sketchbook and get some drawing ideas going. Friends, the spark does come back with a little bit of muscle work. I created some awesome drawings that are now up on a RedBubble shop. I was becoming happy again, and thriving in creativity once more.

But what’s fucking me up right now is I was diagnosed COMPLETELY WRONG this whole time. I never had bipolar. It was OCD. I only found out recently when going through a new long-term relationship and noticing ROCD symptoms. Once that clicked, it made sense why my past was the way it was. I had OCD the ENTIRE time, and never once was I questioned about it. So go fuck yourself psych ward, I’m now completely med-free and thriving, even if I break down once a week. My breakdowns do not define me. I am still a happy person even if I cry sometimes. My brain does not need fixing if I can manage my symptoms on my own. Go fuck yourself big pharm.

But anyways, does anyone else who’s been on invega have any advice for me moving forward? I’m still having brain fog from time to time, and the worse hypertension known to man. I also space out regularly and have a hard time focusing (more than usual). I also want to know if there is any way I can sue the facility for malpractice or any kind of mistreatment for what I endured. I literally signed papers where you can physically see that I struggled to even hold a pencil."

"the doctor give the pills but pills dont have the will to take the pain out of the brain they just make the brain insane, and still they distribute the poison it kills creative voices". One of my favourite artist ever. It was crazy to discover this old song of him and see these lyrics.
I would also like to remind that there is huge % of people who are happy while living on these injections 😆 it helps to understand that in many cases there are also underlying issues. Trauma of forced drugging alone can create ptsd symptoms that wreak havoc in the mind.
I know you’re trying to help with all this positivity bs but I’m 99% sure Queasy_Chemisty_844 is another poor soul that killed themselves, hasn’t posted anything for 9 months and last posts were about suicide because of invega. most hopeful post out there. Read the comments too of that dude. He recovered fully after one year of injections after 8-9 months which is amazing.
How queasy was crying after 3 injections where there are people who recovered after 12 of them? Its astounding
Guys what is your most mystical experience psychic clayiorvant stuff you ever experienced?
I was camping in a forest, after I opened my chakras, and achieved god mode because of semen retention, I imagined in my mind a aircraft hangar in front of me just for fun, and hours later, a beam of yellowish light came out of my forehead, I slightly closed my eyes and saw it dancing around like if it's shooting particles in many directions.
I opened my eyes and infront of me, I saw the silhouettes of the hangar I imagined in my mind before.
It created the hangar, but it was transparent.

I think this ability is called apportation.
This is by far the most crazy thing I experienced in my life.
I have more experiences from that forest.