Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Merry Christmas Invega recovery forum! I would like to introduce myself, my name's Brian. I've followed this forum, others , and pretty much EVERY source of relevent information I can get my eyes on. I was misdiagnosed etc. , given the 256 and 154 (or w/e) shot 5 monthes ago. I seem to follow general symptoms of the posters here. Some days are better than others but generally I notice this change. This stuff definitely does serious brain damage. I was very healthy prior to my injection. Have you all read Peter Breggin about deactivation syndrome and chemical lobotomy? Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry; google it if you haven't, it will come in to view that our outcomes are the planned outcomes of the doctors/researchers who work on us. Very scary and troubling reading but necessary I think if you are going to get a clear, sober view on this stuff.

Again, Brian here, 2 initial shots and I am 5 monthes out. I will stay in touch

Hey guys, I'm not new to this thread or anything but I've replied to a couple of posts about weight gain. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but it's pretty hard for me to think a thought, especially in comparison to the thought process I used to had that would allow me to think a thought of great lengths. When I see people writing these large paragraphs, yeah that was a hyperbole, I get down in the dumps. I feel like a thoughtless zombie who hardly speaks. Anyone else speak in sentences with few words? Will I get better?
Hey finding colour. Im at a full year now exactly and I can say that boredom is no longer a problem for my mind. But unpleasant vibes that make me cringe at existence, still come and go along with the Anhedonia which is very rare maybe once a week but it will be all day. The depth and complexity of thoughts I had before the shot are long gone.. I'm just saying the boredom does go away. You'll be smart again. Focus and alertness on a conscious level in the frontal lobe or cerebellum or whatever is what I'm waiting for, which seem to go hand in hand with the energy and athleticism as the two brief 2hr windows I've had proved to be that duality with chills up the neck and scalp from the nervous system and metaphysical climate making you stand up straight, crave things like sex, food, and exercise with a real appetite for it once more. Basically, things get kind of better after a long long long time. A year or maybe two for some. But then they should get significantly great again all at once. (Atleast I hope).
Thanks for replying. What hit me most was when you said the depth and complexity of your thoughts are long gone. Has that improved at all, since stopping the invega that is? Were you injected with the invega? So, you're saying I'll recover fully? Thank you
How much and how long ago colour?

I speak but it dosn't sound like my voice. Harder to speaker, its like I have to force it. The ease of flow you take for granted naturally having it gone. Yeah, especially if I smoke pot i just stare blankly. Thoughts dont TEND to come to mind. I only got two shots. These are lobotomizing drugs. Read google books about deactivation syndrome

Also, does any one here have twitching? I might be starting.
Hey guys, I'm not new to this thread or anything but I've replied to a couple of posts about weight gain. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but it's pretty hard for me to think a thought, especially in comparison to the thought process I used to had that would allow me to think a thought of great lengths. When I see people writing these large paragraphs, yeah that was a hyperbole, I get down in the dumps. I feel like a thoughtless zombie who hardly speaks. Anyone else speak in sentences with few words? Will I get better?

Yes, I've experienced this and in some ways still do. That's a great way of explaining it too :)

I have noticed my speech improve as I did things toward improving my general mouth and digestive health. Since flushing my intestines with Epsom Salts; I feel lighter and can see thru the haze of what these drugs caused me - things like speech, listening, meditation, feeling & movement have improved almost instantly at a level that's not only highly noticeable but encouraging. I do believe good health is still possible.
Also, does any one here have twitching? I might be starting.

I had extreme facial twitches. Mainly under my left hand side eye, towards my ear.
Whole cheek would spasm for what felt like 10minutes, but I've no clue really.
Legs and limbs twitch and spine is way out of balance/alignment. All caused by 1 year forced anti-psychotic injections.

Right now, The facial twitching has pretty much gone away completely - spine is growing stronger, legs more relaxed and useful. Arms too.
Thanks invegauser ! That's such great news. I'm glad I explained it well. It's really important that I help you guys out as much I can, as you have all helped me so much. I would've never survived this long if it weren't for this forum. I know you probably feel the same. Remember the early 2016 posts and up to June even it was like the dark ages on here! Now it's finally realistic to hope!

Your welcome finding colour. I can definitely relate to you brotha.i came on here with zero thoughts too and it's 100% better compared to that state you speak of. I slurred my words and everything too. I try to forget because even now it's perhaps worth a half deflated celebratory balloon, barely afloat, but atleast it's afloat. Every day or so it may sink back down to that rock bottom state. But as others have said these last days are hard to explain, as they are unpredictable as shit. But as you get to month ten or sooner if you're lucky you'll find time going faster than the beginning.
** I MAY have the cure for deactivation syndrome **

Three letters guys. NSI - 1 8 9 .

The most hallowed nootropic ON THE NET. Look it up, nsi-189 REGROWS brain volume. Yes, that's right , tomorrow I start my trial with the most sought after brain repair drug on the net. 6 grams, enough to last me 5 monthes.

Now, I'm not promising you stiffs any miracles but, this might be the one for us. I know where to get it, but it isn't easy.

Over and out __spira_ dream
NSI-189 is a substance that is said to increase hippocampal volume, but we have no way of knowing the long-term effects as it had only been around for like 5 years.

It doesn't help everyone. It can cause anxiety is some. It can increase emotional intensity, for some it will last days/weeks/months. Others have reported permanently increased emotional intensity.

I don't think it is a 'cure for deactivation syndrome'.
What better do we have? A desperate shot in the dark is better than ' diet and exercise / / wait a year.'

I WISH I had emotional intensity and music would sound good again. The nuanced effect of the poison takes a nuanced multi-pronged effort to reverse. NSI-189 may be untested but that's NOTHING compared to the damage and danger of the poison. Before the poison, I ate organic food and medicinal herbs. Not anymore, baby!! The poison showed me one key fact in life. You either have a debilitating chemical restraint in your blood stream ... or you don't!!

BTW it increases other regions of the brain besides hippocampal volume, I'm just not sure where. Probably frontal cortex. What other solutions do you have? After a few monthes on NSI , I'm going to try a fat dose of ayahuasca. And don't give me that " But what about psychedelic psychosis BS ." I was misdiagnosed.

Realistically, deactivation syndrome is incurable, because brain tissue cannot be recovered in that way. But that fact makes me unbearably overwhelmed with the despair of losing an integral part of my self. And i want to try something despite the apathy and disconcern from INVEGA. Do you get how bullshit this is? I have apathy from a drug yet I still have a bit of will/motivation to overcome this rare and debilitating disease of deactivation syndrome. sometimes I use my apathy to my advantage. This is a guilty usage of mine. Nothing matters, oh the nihilism and apathy. Except kitties and innocent children and doing spiritual things to help people -- these things matter but not when you are partially lobotomized from Invega. Sometimes I pretend I'm just doped out on methadone or something, atleast then I'd have a good excuse. LOL obligatory invega sucks comment : Invega sucks. Yeah, compared the to effect of Invega ; all of those side effects you mention sound sexy af.

Positve NSI-189 story: one man's recovery from SSRI :

'scuse me while I go have a bump of NSI
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NSI-189 is a substance that is said to increase hippocampal volume, but we have no way of knowing the long-term effects as it had only been around for like 5 years.

It doesn't help everyone. It can cause anxiety is some. It can increase emotional intensity, for some it will last days/weeks/months. Others have reported permanently increased emotional intensity.

I don't think it is a 'cure for deactivation syndrome'.
When I see comments like this, I think of my own desire to use substances like caffeine. While they do - often - open up a temporary window for myself, it's an artificial window nonetheless. These things won't get me any closer to recovery - at least I don't think they will. In your case, your reasons/hopes/expectations might be different. But I suspect that it all kind of boils down to a need... a longing to be recovered.

Just be careful. I've read accounts of some nootropics having adverse reactions in a select few. Just be smart about your dosage. It's a lot like picking mushrooms. If you've done the spore print, compared the mushroom to the one in your book, but still have a queer feeling... just take a little bite and see how you feel.
The damage from invega is profound.nothing repairs it. the doctors who perform these operations are crooks. we are the trampled people of our generation. invega crushes prefrontal cortexes. you cannot recover your limbic system. i wish I could make this right, or fair or get things right but I cannot. The doctors get away with it, society misinterprets us, and I get put in a corner. I can't do anything I used to , this is one of the most horrible things that could happen to a person.

Happy holidays from someone 5 monthes off invega.

I am a college graduate from a reputable school who's been thrown away by society due to invega poisoning. I had a very fine mind and this is a terrible waste.

I wonder how much longer that I can go.
What happened to my heart and soul?
@nnnbbvvv I can relate to a lot of what you're going through. But I also feel like you're undermining the capabilities of the human body, mind, spirit and heart. Also, I have not looked into some of this research you have... but... there was a case of a woman who was a college/university honors student who suffered a head injury and was taken to the hospital. When the surgeons went to take a look at her brain they found there was no brain at all... just the brain stem. People have been known to function with half a brain better than a defective full brain. Take what you will from that.

I'm such a hypocrite though. Here I am telling people to be careful with substance use and here I am practically overdosing on caffeine. Oh well. It's a crutch for now. I'll move onto more important things later.
Of course we want to get high. But that's one of the curses of invega. how long did you have and how long ago? I take dexedrine (perscription meth) and it stopped working well. But 'i couldn't really get high on it after 2 month of taking it 2-3 times a week.
now i dont take it because i dont feel like it. i megadosed tianeptine and got a fine opiate high. i dont think opiates are effected by invega. why don't you try k-holing, that would probably work fine ;)
pot doesnt feel right , like theres a blank space where my mind should be. blind deaf and dumb
I feel about 94-98% recovered. My physical state is another factor, but even with that I can still see elements that are recovering too. It no longer hurts to pee. Not sure why Invega would do that... but whatever. I'm not complaining (that it's gone). I'm recovering faster from workouts. I no longer have any sex drive, but this is more likely a symptom of the Kundalini energies rising up again within me. There's this awesome sense of mental clarity. I'm happy for the first time in a long time. This is not a fleeting happiness though... I can feel it.

Things that helped me... Coconut water, panax ginseng, a mostly raw food diet for almost a year, working out as many days in a week as possible, exercising as much as possible, communication with very empathic human beings (it helps more than you'd think), fasting on occasions, pineapple (not necessarily to speed the recovery but to help with decalcifying the pineal gland), meditation (easier said than done on this poison), and chi-walking.

Any opportunity you get to use your creativity (like popping into a window) - utilize your potential to it's fullest. Most of you will recover faster than I did - I'm hoping, but my metabolism has always been much faster than most. For those interested or for those who have the stomach - spicy foods increase your metabolism for the duration that they're in your digestive system. I know I've said that before, but just a reminder. Wishing you all a happy New Years... sorry to those I've lashed out at in the past. I hope I can learn to manage my anger better now that Invega is (almost) no more. That doesn't change what I said, but I hope those of you can forgive me.
What better do we have? A desperate shot in the dark is better than ' diet and exercise / / wait a year.'

I WISH I had emotional intensity and music would sound good again. The nuanced effect of the poison takes a nuanced multi-pronged effort to reverse. NSI-189 may be untested but that's NOTHING compared to the damage and danger of the poison. Before the poison, I ate organic food and medicinal herbs. Not anymore, baby!! The poison showed me one key fact in life. You either have a debilitating chemical restraint in your blood stream ... or you don't!!

BTW it increases other regions of the brain besides hippocampal volume, I'm just not sure where. Probably frontal cortex. What other solutions do you have? After a few monthes on NSI , I'm going to try a fat dose of ayahuasca. And don't give me that " But what about psychedelic psychosis BS ." I was misdiagnosed.

Realistically, deactivation syndrome is incurable, because brain tissue cannot be recovered in that way. But that fact makes me unbearably overwhelmed with the despair of losing an integral part of my self. And i want to try something despite the apathy and disconcern from INVEGA. Do you get how bullshit this is? I have apathy from a drug yet I still have a bit of will/motivation to overcome this rare and debilitating disease of deactivation syndrome. sometimes I use my apathy to my advantage. This is a guilty usage of mine. Nothing matters, oh the nihilism and apathy. Except kitties and innocent children and doing spiritual things to help people -- these things matter but not when you are partially lobotomized from Invega. Sometimes I pretend I'm just doped out on methadone or something, atleast then I'd have a good excuse. LOL obligatory invega sucks comment : Invega sucks. Yeah, compared the to effect of Invega ; all of those side effects you mention sound sexy af.

Positve NSI-189 story: one man's recovery from SSRI :

'scuse me while I go have a bump of NSI

Listen you don't need to lecture me lol. I also suffer similar symptoms as a result of drugs fucking up my brain.

I have 0 emotions, music doesn't sound good, i can't form emotional connections with other humans like i used to be able to. I derive next to no pleasure from any activities that I would of deemed pleasurable years ago. For example I don't enjoy video games, social interaction etc

My brain is also pretty blank, and it feels like I have nothing to say to people. My verbal communication has decreased, and so had my overall memory which is hard for me as I am currently studying a Masters.

My life is essentially in ruins but like you I also have a bit of will and motivation to try and overcome the negative affects my brain has suffered.

What I was trying to say is, wait at least 2 years since your last dose of Invega, then you should probably try and experiment. The last thing you want to do is to hinder recovery from taking place...

I'm not entirely sure if the word 'crush' is suitable to describing how Invega affects the prefrontal cortex, but the effects are certainly profound...
It may or may not be possible to recover proper activity of your limbic system, but one thing is for certain, your brain will try its best to compensate for any 'damage' or alterations as a result of Invega administration.

You're right though, Doctors are clueless etc. It is sad, but the way I see it, medication such as invega is used to 'dumb' down a person. Doctors would say that your symptoms are not a result of medication, but rather a result of any conditions they think you had.

Anyways, you state you are 5 months of Invega. Well at least for you there is hope. 5 months is nothing is the grand scheme of things. Wait 24 months and then you can assess yourself better.
I found an interesting study showing that the addition of a Glycine transporter type 1 inhibitor to antipsychotic treatment reduced the dopaminergic disruption and side effects cased by Risperidone (identical to Invega)

The authors write: "When risperidone and Org-24461 were added in combination, a decrease in extracellular dopamine concentrations was accompanied with sustained elevation of extracellular glycine levels. Interestingly, the extracellular concentrations of glutamate were also enhanced. Our data indicate that coadministration of an antipsychotic with a GlyT-1 inhibitor may normalize hypofunctional NMDA receptor-mediated glutamatergic neurotransmission with reduced dopaminergic side effects characteristic for antipsychotic medication."

Org-24461 was created based off sarcosine and has an identical mechanism of action as sarcosine. So basically what has been shown is that sarcosine alongside Invega should normalize disrupted and unbalanced dopaminergic function and at the same time also normalize glutamate NDMA receptor function, which is believed to be suppresed in schizophrenia and the main cause for negative, cognitive and depressive symptoms. There are dozens of studies showing that Sarcosine works very effectively against negative, depressive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. There was a double blind study comparing sarcosine with citalopram for depression and sarcosine achieved a three times greater remission rate after 6 weeks than citalopram.

The depression – as measured with the HAMD – was significantly more improved under sarcosine after two, four, and after six weeks compared to citalopram. After six weeks of treatment with citalopram the HAMD score had dropped to 14.0 points (baseline: 24.5), but with sarcosine to 9.4 points (baseline: 23.7). After six weeks, 14 of 20 patients treated with sarcosine fulfilled the criteria for treatment response, but only 4 out of 20 treated with citalopram. Only one patient who was treated with citalopram achieved a remission, but 13 of those treated with sarcosine. Both group differences were statistically significant (p = 0.004 and < 0.001). The tolerability of sarcosine was excellent, relevant adverse effects were not documented."

So my best advice for anyone with Invega still in their blood is order Sarcosine and N-acetylcysteine now. The money that it would cost (less than 50 dollars) is worth it. The long term health of your brain and quality of life is more important.
Both of these supplements have shown to be very effective against depression, bipolar depression, OCD, negative symptoms of schiz, tricholomania and they are now even showing that Sarcosine could regrow dopamine neurons in parkinsons and be an alternative threapy.

I have never found a study as promsing as this. I feel my dopamine neurons have likely been damaged from long term use of SSRIs through my development as well as a short period of amphetamine use. This is the first study that I have found that shows that even after 80% nigral dopamine neuron loss induced by unilateral intrastriatal injections ot the toxin 6-hydroxydopamine, the brain can through glycine transporter 1 inhibition (sarcosine) recover the majority of the lost dopamine neurons by stimulating dopaminergic axon growth rate and axon branching.

You can read the study here:

I read another article stating the N-acetylcysteine, which is sold in combination with Sarcosine under the brand name ProFrontal (indicated for psychiatric disorders, check the website), also stimulates significant dopamine neuron growth and regenerates the dopamine neuron loss in patients with Parkinsons.

So I really believe that a combination of Sarcosine and N-acetlcysteine could stimulate massive dopaminergic recovery induced by the poison Invega.
The studies all show that Sarcosine and N-acetylcysteine:
-Work effectively against depression, either alone or as a way to augment medication.
-Alleviate negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.
-Reduce the side effects of antipsychotic drugs (akathisia, restelesness, anhedonia etc)
-Are neuroprotective (preserve the brain and prevent further damage from occuring) and stimulate the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus.
-Stimualte the generation of new dopamine neurons.
-Prevent weight gain and metabolic disturbances from antipsychotics.

I have no idea if this combination will cure anything that invega caused but for those with it still in there bloodstream it is worth taking because it will prevent further damage from occurring, and at the same time give a strong antidepressive and anti-anhedonic effect.

From personal experience I can only advise that noone tries NSI-189. I personally tried it for three weeks. Not only did if not work but it caused a massive increase in anxiety, restlessness and panic attacks which hasnt gone away after stopping it over two weeks ago. I also got really bad paresthesia (prickling, tingling) in my fingers and toes which hasn't gone away since stopping it and seems to be getting worse.

I also tried NSI-189 in the hope of curing my anhedonia and depression but it has only worsened my quality of life. I hope the effects from it will go away soon. I think its generally a bad idea to take an untested drug, with an unknown mechanism of action that has only just finished short therm Phase 1 studies. NSI increases the size of animals hippocampus by 20% and early data show a similar trend for humans. The researchers at neuralstem even admitted that this growth could be extremely dangerous and that they do not yet know if this growth could be considered a form of drug induced brain tumor. As NSI-189 seems to work be permanently rewiring the human, I am scared that the side effects I have from it will never go away.

Just a word of caution. Hope all are doing well.

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