Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Happy to read your recovery, that day seems so far away from me. I would work if i could but have no energy and it sends my body into panic when i do any type of physical activity.
Im so sorry you guys. I know. I only had the 2 loading shots 4 days apart, at the very end of 2015. So that was all. But I was never schizophrenic nor was I diagnosed as that. Just a huge fucked up system. I can sue that mental institution probably gunna try near end of this year. Hang in there guys. I remember looking it up a lot in 2016, trying to find all those answer's. And the science of the elimination procedures done to Invega proved that Sunlight is the only thing that effectively breaks down the Paliperidone Palmitate. Get out their and exercise. And when you get home for hours and your skin still feels hot and baked, like the sun is still hitting you directly inside your home... Thats how I broke through. That and falling in love with a babe. But i guess i was lucky enough to have her like me when all i did was drink alcohol every day on my walmart lunch breaks and suicidal chain smoking... No i couldn't exercise either, not until about 3 months ago. But I had a beautiful woman to inspire me to either try to live and make it all worth something again. Quit smoking drinking, and exercise against all odds, one last time before giving up for sure. Now i made it and i know the main thing was insane amounts of sunlight, and a final boost of Kratom. I can't take back those 50,000 sum odd cigarettes though, unfortunately. Nor all the time that felt like several decades.
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@Poisoned_veins I don't remember much in all honesty. It all seems so long ago like one huge blur. Just a very slow slope where sometimes you feel 90% recovered, and 3 months go by and you only feel 50%, it is never really consistent. All I know is I worked out a lot when I could exercise again. I did 5 mile hikes and jogged them most i could. About 3 times a week. I just made that my addiction because every time I did that. I felt somewhat of my brain coming back with the good feelings of exercise. But that was at 1 year and 3 months and it was still all very challenging to do so. 6 months it got easier. And it might have felt like 90% for a while but like there were many times after that where I just wanted to die still. I would say the suicidal thoughts went away at 7 months i was able to laugh and get doses of life from my days. Really i think its just gunna make you stronger buuuuuttt like even with my whole life ahead of me now, I don't think it was really all worth that BS. Maybe if i did it all right and didn't smoke thousands of cigarettes or tried acid in a desperate attempt to feel, then maybe i would say ok just don't do anything stupid if your gunna try to be an Invega recovery God Champion. I was very stupid.

@Vbodnariu Im sorry to hear that. Try best you can to exercise after 1 year or so, and treat yourself to some little bit of weed in the meantime. Don't get too addicted cuz it makes you more sad overall i remember.

@Mikecheema92 I never had constipation but I had lots of side effects in the beginning. The 1st month being astronomically unpleasant anxiety. Sex wasn't that great ever nothing is the same until you get it all back. like I said though. Im recovered but not like the way I was. Its great i have my minds eye and i can dream and laugh sincerely again. But, i just don't know if I would really tell everyone it's worth the wait. I think that would be lying. I see the true value of life and sex is probably the value I waited for in all honesty, but it was like too much work i think for just one life. Maybe if you earned immortality then invega recovery is worth the wait, but i felt like i waited 1 thousand years, and now my life is just gunna fly by now in a couple years of paying bills and see that life was still hard as it was.... Even without invega.. Idk... I am happy but Idk. Make sure you know you want it all and don't feel too obligated. Thats my insider advise that none else would possibly understand except us. By the way i don't have much money for another 2 months or so but i would love to meet any of you all in person if your ever in the los angels area in California and i can help out in any way i can for just someone who can relate.
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@Mikecheema I was put on invega October 2016 and started on what I believe was the 117mg dose but then was bumped up to 234mg next month, I received 9 injections total
I won't argue if adderall is less or more harmful than Invega as I believe both are harmful and should be banned, but I can confirm that amphetamine is a potent neurotoxicant even in low doses where as Invega is not (its a serotonin/dopamine antagonist ampng other things) I can also confirm that heavy and amphetamine/adderall abuse in doses above 40mg/ daily will cause more lasting damage to brain function than a single low dose (117mg) shot of Invega. Invega is toxic stuff and I am sure the 234mg injections cause devastating damage. So I think its likely all dose dependent and no accurate comparison can be made.

What I can say with absolute certainty is that speed (the neurotoxin amphetamine which is the active ingredient in adderall ) will absolutely hinder your recovery and stunt the recovery of your brain and of your dopamine neurons. It will seem like a great idea in the short term while your high on speed but its a terirble long term solution.
The best way to recover from Invega is to not bombard your already fragile and weakened brain and body with more synthetic neurotoxic chemicals like amphetamine and take as much times as you need to rest and recover.

Cannabis and cannabinoids are some of the most potent neuroprotective substances known to man and can prevent excitotoxicity, oxidative stress (which Invega likely causes) and other forms of neurotoxicity. Smoking some good bud during your recovery, especially at night, will not hinder your recovery and will protect your brain from more damage. Neuroprotective subtances such as CBD and THC cannot reverse any of Invegas effects but it can prevent any further potential damage and degenertion from occuring. THC also protects against the development of tardive dyskinesia. Some high grade organic cannabis I would recommend as an alternative to speed if you cannot bear the misery caused by Invega any longer and need something to help you cope during your recovery.
Hello everyone I have been reading this forum since V.1 and I would like to thank everyone who has posted about their experiences recovering from this poison. With most cases the drug seems to not be permanent but it lasts forever from what I've seen for 6 months minimum to 12 months to 18 months. A little bit about me is I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and then diagnosed with bipolar with psychotic features mania. I was on Invega injectable for 8 months with loading doses at 156 mg dosages with 9-10 injections total. On the medication I could not go to work and would sleep the whole day away with no emotions, no buzz from dip or drinking, and being heavily sedated being in the military I had no choice to take these for a while until I was allowed to get off my meds recently. I have been off of the poison for 11 weeks now and even though I haven't been off too long like most people I have had some noticeable improvements already as I am able to be productive some days and go to work for a little bit now. I have been combating the poisons through St Johns Wort,Super B vitamins, Multi Vitamins, and Fish Oil. It seems like the St Johns Wort is helping to a point but it could just be the placebo effect I am not sure. I used to be big into working out and running and since being on and withdrawing from the medication I cannot consistently workout and my body/heart physically stops me from running anything more than a mile (at like 10 mins I may add I used to run 8:30 mile and a half). The idea of not been working out and running has really messed with me as I have developed man breasts (I had a big chest before so it doesn't look THAT bad) and am pursuing a class action lawsuit with some attorneys for Invega total omitting of this side effect. At this point of time I feel like I may have recovered 20% of what I used to be as I do have some emotion, I can laugh at certain things, I'm able to carry a conversation way better than I used to almost 3 months ago. My plan to battle the poison is by losing weight through a juice cleanse (from fat sick and nearly dead) which I will start in a month from now when I might have more energy and be home with family recovering from this nightmare. Apparently the poison is stored in fat and muscle cells so this with a light workout regiment might help but I don't know yet as I am taking it easy for the next month until im officially out of the military. I will allow myself to be a guinea pig of stuff to try to help aid in recovery of this horrible drug and I will definitely be posting about my experience to help others in here come up with their own plan to combat the drugs. I never have taken MDMA but i read on the forum it has helped people before. I'm hoping at the 6 month mark i will be able to do little things and be able to function enough to hold down a job. Hopefully workout better than i can now. But to all of you posting through the time invegueser, Phuckinvega, Poisoned_Veins, copper dome, I have read a lot of what you guys have said I'm just happy to know that there is a light at the end of tunnel. But for now this sucks
Guys, guys, gusys.... Breaker Bre(aker) breaker.

You've got to push yourselves to the absolute breaking point. This neurosapping poison is - as has been said - one that effects the very core.

Push yourselves into shape. I believe in your pretty faces.

Despite that my teeth are becoming gross as hell and I didn't shower a lot for a while, I think of a lot of you as well. ha ha
Listen, tots. I understand where you're coming from. I fought like hell and now I can do incredible things. Just ask Bruce Lee... Oh wait, he's dead!

No but seriously. I'm hurt. My body's mangled and I ache like there's no tomorrow and no rest in it either. but at least I can say I'm not experiencing misery like you noobs.
You don't understand, do you, swisscurrie? This is a test (a battle) of your heart and will. You don't go making lawsuits in a sack like this. We're all bagged and tagged.

Mental and or emotional retribution over a lifetime of getting over this sadness with hard work and dedication. If you cats could only see what I've put myself through...

Forget the passive approach. The courts aren't gonna whipe your ass for ya. I'm telling you kids. Push yourselves. And get into the habit of breaking your so called comfort zone, because I know if you're on Invega Sustenna you don't fucking have one.

I read in a couple of your posts you were able to workout again around the 8 month mark and I read you made a full recovery from the medicine have u had any noticeable side effects from the meds that effect lifting? You're saying ur sore is just from lifting or something else?
If you're referring to bench pressing, you could say my skills have declined since earlier posts suggested. I have been able to return to benching around abouts my body weight but haven't quite topped it.
On the contrary, I'm sore from basically just beating my body into shape. The overall soreness, you'll have to understand, is elementary. I take pleasure in the fact knowing that I've gotten this far. It has been a rough mile or so. Hah ahaha Haha. We're all just figuring shit out as we go and holding onto the important stuff so to speak.
You don't understand, do you, swisscurrie? This is a test (a battle) of your heart and will. You don't go making lawsuits in a sack like this. We're all bagged and tagged.

Mental and or emotional retribution over a lifetime of getting over this sadness with hard work and dedication. If you cats could only see what I've put myself through...

Forget the passive approach. The courts aren't gonna whipe your ass for ya. I'm telling you kids. Push yourselves. And get into the habit of breaking your so called comfort zone, because I know if you're on Invega Sustenna you don't fucking have one.

Listen to this guy. I've been pretty much doing that. If only you guys know all the things I've done to push myself and fight this battle as well. You and you alone can help yourself in this situation. Force yourself to go work out, get a full time job, eat healthy, excercise your brain, etc.

I'm not joking.
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