Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I hope you are alright, please know life will get better eventually. Talking about it with people who can understand you can help a lot to get through this difficult phase. Remember, it is just a horrible phase that will pass.

...but now just bot on runescape for the nostalgia. What are you guys playing?
I am playing Old School Runescape (OSRS). What is your username? Mine is 'GenerousGod'.

If not playing runescape, I am on my Xbox One playing 'The Long Dark', Halo (4 on 360 and 5 on Xbone) and still looking for fun co-op games like Portal 2. Still hoping for a good new Splinter Cell game like Chaos Theory on the original Xbox. SC Blacklist was good too. I am waiting for the original Xbox to Xbone compatibility to play Crimson Skies.
@screwinvega, yea things improved at 5 months and at around 9 months was 100% better than normal :) nothing felt good for a long time but definitely did repair in the end.

@Xeplion, nice mage level :p I just started a pure a few days ago named 'Sativa Fiend' will have a hard time catching up to you lol, my main was banned but also playing a HCIM named 'Kubuntu' :)
Agree with your views on what the drug is, but strongly disagree that it is impossible to recover from.

I took 10 months injections of maximum dose abilify forced into my blood. Within the first few months I noticed massive change at the deepest levels of myself. It changed me, fucked me up. I lost my clairaudiance, my happiness, my energy levels... Everything that made me unique was completely gone. During this time I would have believed you that the damage was permanent and impossible to recover from.

But I did.
Everything that was lost returned to its full extent. I was better than ever. And I have faith it will happen again.
Hello everyone I am new to the thread. I was on invega sustenna as well. I have had either 5 or 6 injections. Not sure because I don't remember how many were given to me in the beginning. I just stopped taking it this month thank god. I have tons of side effects like I can't enjoy anything and nothing satisfies me, I am not confident anymore literally can't love myself no matter how hard I try, can't feel sad, can't cry, can't feel angry, can't enjoy watching TV, don't enjoy music before I could feel music in my soul and it's just not the same anymore, never feel tired or sleepy and haven't been able to sleep in about 5 months, completely blank mind, no imagination, high prolactin, lactation, no period, and no motivation to even shower or brush my teeth ..Seems like I'm the only one with that side effect of not being able to go into a deep restful sleep. I'm scared I may never be able to sleep again. I think I have this side effect because the dose was too high I was given 156 mg for 5 months. I have been off the shot for a month in a half now still feel the same. I know I need more time to recover but how long? Idk I just feel like shit and wanna go back to my old self. Also I have been reading this thread for about 3 months now. I will keep you guys up to date as best as I can.
Don't worry buddy.. you will recover all of your faculties in time, I know it sucks to wait if you're a young adult and are being held back from accomplishing your goals like school, work and developing and maintaining relationships with family and friends because of these horrible drugs. I was pretty much in the same position as you.. except I got real bad anedonia and severe cognitive impairments, (felt like a intellectual disability) sleep cycle changes aka insomnia, along with sexual disfunction off only 2 shots of invega 234mg and 156mg. Also, I was taking risperidone pills for two weeks and I received a week shot of haldol while I was in the hospital to help with my paranoid thoughts. I do believe my case in particular was misdiagnosed to be big polar type 1, I was using alot of weed and cocaine and not sleeping at the time which caused me to have a TEMPORARY psychotic breakdown. I don't know where you live, but here in the United States they prescribe you a pill for any problem and send you on your way.. This is really sad because it can and does destroy people's lives in my opinion to prescribe people these labotomizing drugs to people who do not have really mental disorders.

It just takes time and patience for the drug to leave your system, but YOU WILL recover in time. You can speed up this process by staying away from all alcohol, weed, cocaine, meth and any other antipsychotics that they tell you have to take. They are fucking quack doctors that just want to make money they are not thing about your health at all trust me. Then start eating really healthy fruits, vegetables and protien, talking vitamins, b12, fish oil, magnesium, vitamin D, and exercising ALOT, you will be able to do this when the initial shock of the drug leaves your system. However make sure you ease into your exercise regiment because these drugs also mess with the rhythmic system of your heart... It took me about 5 solid months before I gathered enough strength to get to the gym. Also, get alot of natural sun light, even if it is just 15 minutes of sun bathing in your backyard so you can swear the poison out of your pours.. if you can go to the gym and use the sauna to swear this would really help also.

I hope this information was helpful and I can really stand behind everything that I explained to help rid these horrible drugs from your body and mind. I was in a really dark place a year ago... and my old post can prove that. I thought I would never recover from the invega poisoning, but your body has a great ability to heal itself, you just have to live a sober lifestlye to realize this. It took about a full year to feel like myself again... but stay strong everyone who is suffering and really take my advice and you will recover. Don't ever lose hope and make the right decisions and you can beat this.

God Bless my fellow antipsychotic suffers.
I know when my balls are trying to be busted, but I'm not here to try and give false hope to anybody myself either. Don't tell ME that this drug is permanent - in the sense that I will never recover! I have been through trying times and as my own personal savior, I know when it is high time to give up on something. I no longer hope for a day of full recovery. I don't knuck down and pray to a false god either. If this has been done to me?? so be it. But I will fight every fucking little leg of this bullshit. Don't tell me I'll never be the same. I have this knowing squeezed somewhere into me, perhaps fueling my hatred. I will continue to do as I have not as any sort of measly hope but to serve my own agenda. This poison made me what I am. But I will shape WHO I become.
Well anyway I don't think you can ever recover fully from this simply because it is not soluble in water and that pretty much states that it will stay in your body and it only backs up the fact that this was intended to be permanent....

Mikecheema, please don't tell people here that the Invega poisoning is permanent. Many posters are desperately looking for some hope for recovery. That kind of talk dashes their hopes. Many vitamins are also fat-soluble, not water soluble. They do eventually leave the body. I don't know for certain, but I suspect that Invega may get stored in the fat cells of the body. If that is the case, it becomes very important to eat healthy, exercise and try to get or stay lean (admittedly not an easy task - but doable).
That doesn't keep me from finding new ways to take control. I own my body, I tell my meatsack what do do, Mikecheema. You may wiggle until you don't feel fear anymore... but I'm always already running towards its source.

I can't be ashamed of what has almost wiped me out. It was a grand effort. I applaud these chemists. Now it's my turn.
Does the constipation from Invega sustenna ever go away like you know when only a little bit comes out every day as opposed to how much used to. If anyone knows if you can please post here it would be great

I've been off Invega for 2.5 months and I can assure you the constipation goes away. Frankly, I don't feel as unmotivated as I used to anymore. Not terribly energetic but still better than I used to be.

Im still on the shot and Im recovering quick if not fully recovered :)

I still have the sexual dysfunction and weight gain though.

Hang in there bud.
To qoute zombie_mode this too shall pass.
my invega experiance

I was invega for 5 years at 235mg once a month in my butt. I hve been off it for a year now and have seen little change. I can get irrections again but no sec drive. Hell no drive at all. Few emotions fleeting if any. At first i liked the meds cuz it took away the voices and i couldnt feel what they made me feel anymore but i sucks not feeling the love of your partner when your laying in bed.i pace back in fourth most of the day in some kind of retarded state and when ppl ask me why im on disability i tell em im retarded. Its the way i feel anyways. I never understood what the voices where trying to get me to understand but i certainy do know now that this is not a life worth living.i cannot feel pleasure and cannot feel love and would probly feel indifferent watching paint dry.for 6 years now i have felt so empty so sad so frustrated cuz im trapped in my own mind all alone.i just want idk i was hoping maybe someone on this thread could maybe sugest a good reson to like not kill myself. Idk everything is just like its far away from me i can be right next to someone and they are still not there.its like there is no passion in me and i want the ppl who did it to me to suffer or like go to hell.i want to feel love again and enjoy life and i cant. No drug gets me high no drink gets me drunk no lover fills my heart and moment makes me feel alive.i know invega made my sperm not work but maybe thats for the best cuz idk if i could love my child not gor lack of want but lack of ability.ill probly wait till im 30 and if it dont get better ill definately end it.i lost what makes life worth living to this drug this fucking poison and idk man i just dont know anymore
Today at my meeting with my psychiatrist I want to discuss with her the benefits of adding a dopaminegeric (Wellbutrin, adderall) to aiding the recovery from the Invega shots. What's the consensus on the effectiveness of these mess to combat the Invega symptoms? I figure their potency is reduced due to the Invega's dopamine blockage, but it has to be better than nothing, right?

Hang in there, guys.
Hey guys im new here and in the same boat as alot of you. I was just wondering if the half life remains the same for just 1 single injection. For example would it still take lile 232 days for one single injection of 400mg abilify to exit my system?

Im 5 months since my last injection and the first couple months were extreme torture with little to no sleep and pacing the remainder of the day along with extreme inner torment where pacing or nothing alleviated the akathisia and eps symptoms.

Im able to sleep now and get through the day just existing but i was wondering if i still have time to give myself or is the drug considered to be out of my system.

These days i get my hope from thinking the drug is still in my system and that i still have time to heal because once it is completely out will i truely see a difference. I have been slowly seeing progress but the days are full of terror from thinking i will have to live my days like this till death. I use to play music and be very active person. I just want my life back. I remain with subtle jaw movments and chattering that is on/off during the day and what i think is muscle tensness throughout mybody that is not that comfortable.

Also fatigue and just laying down all day.(although i would probably take that over the intense akathisia) and a few other symtoms

Is it safe to say that medication is still making its way with me 5 months later after only 1 single injection? I dont know how much longer i can hold on, it really is depressing on how completely different of a person its made me. I feel robbed i had potential to do something with my life and now i feel like i wait to die.

Oh and mikecheema92 you did post some really discouraging things. I know were doing bad right now but dam by the end of reading your posts i was stripped of any hope i had on me :/ well i hope things look up thanks in advance for any replys or answers you may have for this.

P.s if anyone wants to fb chat about these miserable times shoot me a message.
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Hey guys im new here and in the same boat as alot of you. I was just wondering if the half life remains the same for just 1 single injection. For example would it still take lile 232 days for one single injection of 400mg abilify to exit my system?

Im 5 months since my last injection and the first couple months were extreme torture with little to no sleep and pacing the remainder of the day along with extreme inner torment where pacing or nothing alleviated the akathisia and eps symptoms.

Im able to sleep now and get through the day just existing but i was wondering if i still have time to give myself or is the drug considered to be out of my system.

These days i get my hope from thinking the drug is still in my system and that i still have time to heal because once it is completely out will i truely see a difference. I have been slowly seeing progress but the days are full of terror from thinking i will have to live my days like this till death. I use to play music and be very active person. I just want my life back. I remain with subtle jaw movments and chattering that is on/off during the day and what i think is muscle tensness throughout mybody that is not that comfortable.

Also fatigue and just laying down all day.(although i would probably take that over the intense akathisia) and a few other symtoms

Is it safe to say that medication is still making its way with me 5 months later after only 1 single injection? I dont know how much longer i can hold on, it really is depressing on how completely different of a person its made me. I feel robbed i had potential to do something with my life and now i feel like i wait to die.

Oh and mikecheema92 you did post some really discouraging things. I know were doing bad right now but dam by the end of reading your posts i was stripped of any hope i had on me :/ well i hope things look up thanks in advance for any replys or answers you may have for this.

P.s if anyone wants to fb chat about these miserable times shoot me a message.
The half life is listed as 25-49 days. 6 half lives should have the drug eliminated or very close. So you're looking at anywhere from 150-294 days. Wait, I assumed you were talking about paliperidone.(Invega) If you're talking about aripiprazole(abilify), that has a much shorter half life of 75 hours, so that definitley shouldn't last that long, did you mean to write abilify?
Yes i was talking about abilify maintena where the half life is said to be 46.5 days (not 75 hours). I was curious as to why the half life for these injections are so long and if its the same for just a 1 time injection or would require a number of monthly injections to reach that half life requirment.
Thankyou for clearing some things up. I recieved a one time 400mg abilify maintena extended-release injection againts my will. I dont know how ill ever get back to normal. The doom feels so real. No words to explain
I wish this was just a nightmare or something and i could just wake up from. I look forward to healing along with everyone else here. This has consumed me i should be focused on many other things right now :/ i just dont know.
@InvegaUser Thanks for the reply. My doctor suggested I try adderall and prescribed me a low dose. You're explanation of why it might not work makes sense but i'll give it a shot anyway--maybe my body chemistry will work in my favor. If it doesn't work I'll try the wellbutrin next.

@Mikecheema92 try and stay positive man. I know its extremely difficult but the mindset is key. I found it helpful to separate from my mind and body ("my mind is feeling this way, my body is feeling this way, but *I* am ok). I know its only psychological and doesn't make the Invega go away any faster, but it will improve your outlook. And its gonna have to improve in order to survive this trial-- the healing process is a long one.

It's been two months off the invega for me. Still a major lack of vitality and creativity and wit in my thought, as well as a physical weakness and fatigue. The only way I can perform my job is by the grace of caffeine every day. I know recovery from the physical effects can take 8-12 months but can anybody speak on when the mental effects lighten up? I've lost all creativity and social fluency and am just waiting for it to come back. Exercising on a consistent basis has also proven tough; I'm not fatiguing on a cardiovascular level but more of an energy level, if that makes sense. My body just "stops" running or lifting the weights on its own.

The months go by so slow, but reading this thread has made the trudge a little easier. Heal up, everyone.
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