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Chicago Heroin v. No Touching of the Hair or Face

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Whatever milligrams your on will be enough to keep u from gettin sick,you just,have too stick it out,feelin a little crappy till the done works,it not,smart to go up on the dose when whatever your on, your body will stabilize.
cause your stoned on that shit bro.. what do u expect

I ain't gonna lie when I went to the clinic I kept chasing that buzz ( it was a very subtle buzz at that) till I was at 150mg then it leveled off and I realized I had fucked myself taking suck a high dose. It took a long time to taper from that dose. I was young and nieve about it too. Didn't have the internet or nothing to really educate myself with.
I ain't gonna lie when I went to the clinic I kept chasing that buzz ( it was a very subtle buzz at that) till I was at 150mg then it leveled off and I realized I had fucked myself taking suck a high dose. It took a long time to taper from that dose. I was young and nieve about it too. Didn't have the internet or nothing to really educate myself with.

I went through the same thing when I first got on methadone. It was before suboxone was being used mainstream like it is today and there wasn't the level of info with the internet like now either. I got so strung out on the done I ended up going back to dope just to make the kick easier.. hah.
I went through the same thing when I first got on methadone. It was before suboxone was being used mainstream like it is today and there wasn't the level of info with the internet like now either. I got so strung out on the done I ended up going back to dope just to make the kick easier.. hah.

The clinic knew if they got our dose high enough that we would most Likley be lifers and that would be guaranteed
My methadone withdrawls were worse than with heroin, I went through 2 weeks before I was fine and I was on 100mg also.
Yeah unfortunately that's how it works in a lot of places. :\

Yup, but what can you do?
You have the choice on whether to up your dose that high & consume it..... However, I don't agree with the doctors prescribing such high doses. It's almost as if they have no morals...

Yeah you can't rely on the doctors good intentions, that's for damn sure. That's why like you said, it is up to you to exert some control to save yourself future pain... though given our histories as drug addicts, that's not always easy to do. Hah.
Yup, but what can you do?
You have the choice on whether to up your dose that high & consume it..... However, I don't agree with the doctors prescribing such high doses. It's almost as if they have no morals...

You got that right. The doc at the clinic I went to was an older lady in her late '50s and was just the nicest lady you would ever meet. She was always happy to give you an increase.
Well I copped a few jabs the other day without giving the methadone a rest beforehand and damn 70mg definitely makes it much harder to get high on dope if you haven't taken a few days off. Blew threw like 10 caps worth and only got moderatley high (was nodding, but the euphoria gets diminished).. Anyways, after doing that, then throwing up a dose the next day, I was able to get down to doing 7 caps. We'll see how tomorrow goes when its been 2 days off done (I think thats gonna be the minimum amount of time I'll take off of methadone before doing any dope.. Not gonna waste this much dope again. But this was a good learning experience) Got 17 caps left so I'll start off with 3 blows to test the waters later on tomorrow afternoon (I dose really early in the AM, so early afternoon is like 6-7 additional hours after my 2nd missed dose to make sure I'm able to get a lot higher.. If it feels like its still blocking the euphoria more than I am willing to let it... I'll wait 1 more day and still have a whole jab to do.

That's my plan anyways. Definitely won't be doing ANY dope in the future without having at LEAST 2 days off the done first though. You can break through, but its wayyy too high of a cost, especially when you know its fire dope that you'd be really high off of if it weren't for the methadone.

I still stand by methadone as being the best way to get off dope though. I won a good bit of money at the casino so I decided to blow some on blows (pun intended), but I haven't had any cravings for dope. And this is going on 3 months with methadone.. I swear, methadone works wonders for me. And, if I ever did eventually get a craving, I'd need at least 2 days off the done to get a good strong high.. So That would help stop most 'impulse relapses' right there.. But again, haven't had any type of cravings like that since I started MMT.

You've gotta be careful with that man, even though the done is blocking the high it's still in your system. It's not like suboxone where bupe has the higher affinity at the receptors and prevents the other opiates from latching on, it just raises your tolerance to the point where your body is so used to having a high dose of opioids in it that adding more doesn't do much. It can still easily result in an OD though, so be careful. You might not feel that high but you can nod out and never wake up.

I liked methadone it worked well for me. The only bad part was going through all the bullshit at the clinic. If you could find a doctor to perscribe it monthly like subs then you would have a heck of a lot of more freedom , instead of being a slave to the clinic.

Get this, my boy brought his girl to the clinic for her dose and they got pulled over by DTs right after they left. Luckily they didn't have anything on them but they were asked why they took so long, if they were dealing, or if they knew of any drug dealing going on in there. They even pulled the "look, if you have less than a bundle on you just give it up and we will let you go." Ha. So they told the director the next day and she said they weren't the first people to have that happen to them recently.

I thought that there were laws preventing cops from sitting on done clinics like that, but who knows. Like I said my boy was clean, but he was saying that it's like fishing with dynamite (well he said it was like in the Simpsons when they use the electrical bug zapper to kill the fish). This was in NY obv, but I just wanted to share that here when I saw you mention the b.s that you have to go through at the clinic.

Yeah I've seen cops hassling people coming from clinics a lot. Same goes with people leaving the needle exchange. It's fucked up and desperate on the part of the police.
Tommyboy what are DT's? I'm assuming cops of some sort. The police would bring pregnant women to the clinic when they are residents of the county jail. Handcuffed and leg shackles wherimg jail cloths too. And they always got to jump ahead of the line.
so came up on like 150 7.5s which suck but imma trade them off and make a few hun
the pigs here were doing the same shit rite outside the needle exchange a couple yrs back
what's not good is the rain.
riding a motorcycle in rush hour traffic in a light rain. make the street slippery enough, and make the other drivers even bigger idiots.
oh yeah, and it's stupid trying to cop off the bike with a helmet on and nobody sees your face or recognizes you.
anyway, got home in one piece.

what's good, i don't know. haven't been out much.
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