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about 100mg of pink kush shatter in each.

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Herb and tobacco is such a baller combination. I don't even like one without the other now.
Im opposite i hate the Devils Pubes..

Like my weed pure

I wanna sit and vape and enjoy a nice taste smoothness and buzz
Yeah I wouldn't wana be pulling all that tobacco into my lungs. Tobacco never roped me in though, I do the occasional snuff and that's about it.

enjoy, me ganja smokin' bredren

I'm high as fuck at the moment and would like to weigh in on the tobacco/weed mix. The highs combine well, but not the substances. I can but really don't like to mix the two in a bowl or a joint/blunt, but it's pretty much a given that I'm going to want to smoke a cigarette shortly after smoking some pot.

Add in some benzo's, lean, and yeah, gotta have my jacks.... but never combined with the herb. I don't hate on those that do, I just don't enjoy it at all and only ever considered the idea when I wanted to stretch my stash out a little-- but seriously, I think that shit tastes gross mixed together. :p
What, putting the lean on the weed you mean? Yeah, I never got that. Did it a few times n' don't see the point. Now codeine/prometh syrup itself? Mmmm...
Xanax cough syrup & weed...oh hip hop music, what hath thou wrought?
Xanax cough syrup & weed...oh hip hop music, what hath thou wrought?

...Widespread availability of great drugs?

I'm surprised that you'd act ignorant enough to think that music is the cause to my, or any other person's, drug(s) of choice, though.
yeah. I've heard that same kind of argument before, though, and it's never made much sense to me. drugs "inspire" the music, not the other way around.
any of y'all cool ass muh fuckas with Netflix should get stoned and check out Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States.

I'm only two episodes in but, bro, I swear to God during the first episode I was literally on the edge of my seat for half of it just soaking this shit in. It's a dope ass documentary series that I really can't do a better job of explaining any better than the title itself.
=D I'm learning something new every day about weed. Maybe an old dog can learn new tricks! Yourbaker, I'd happily purchase your overflow of MMJ suppositories.

It doesn't give me pain relief. I don't believe that anything can without rendering me unconscious! MMJ does, however give me a break from the stress and despair of constant pain.

Jibult...I got high and watched Walking Dead...not recommended. The "holidays" make me want to go all Negan/Lucille with my slacker ass siblings!

I've used all of my Cannatonic and most of my Durban Poison. I've got to find a simpler way to get MMJ.

I'm skipping the MMJ tomorrow, because YES...everyone would smell it. I could use the MMJ oil under my tongue, but...I already have no filter. The oil tends to "lube" my vocal outspoken self.

Better stick to my homemade Fall Sangria or Apple Pie Moonshine (homemade also, by a friend). I'm trying hard to chase away the feelings of loss and sadness of this "most wonderful time of the year".

I'm cooking today. I wish I had weed in my "compound butter" for the turkey rub!

Assclass/Yourbaker...I need your skills, my brothas! That candy looks lovely!
Fuuuuuck no, DixiChik, TWD is awesome to watch baked.

Especially this season's premiere?! Hoooo-o-ooo-oooollllyyyyyyy fuck, Glenn's face will forever be seared into my memory and I was high as fuck and on around 2mg of Xanax when I saw that one. I LOVE Mondays now because I can always look forward to coming home from work, gettin' nice and toasty and watching the new episode (I'm always asleep when they premiere.)

I tend to do that with a lot of the TV shows that draw me in-- Justified, The Shield, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones... can't really think of any others, at the moment, but I would always look forward to getting fucked up and catching the latest episode of my current favorite show at the time.

With other, older shows, I tend to just binge-watch the ever-loving hell out of certain shows; sometimes just for a little background noise and sometimes to just enjoy again. That's usually the comedy and sci-fi shit like It's Always Sunny, Arrested Development, every Stargate series, Farscape and just for nostalgia's sake I'll run through Deep Space 9 every now and then. Ancient Aliens and Unsealed: UFO Files are both pretty dope, too, you just have to not analyze everything and run with it, you know? It's easy to do that when you're all highed up.

[EDIT: But that documentary series I mentioned a post ago is a straight up documentary with old-timey footage and a decent narrator pretty much the whole time. No interviews, just straight up history lessons-- and I shit you not, I love every second of it. I mean, history is always awesome when you learn it through the right medium/from the right teacher, but I've never found myself literally and unconsciously inching closer and closer to the screen until I'm at the edge of my seat for a fucking documentary before. Maybe it was the drugs but that shit just sucked me in, and I couldn't help but pass on the pleasure.]
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Deep. Space. Nine.

That's probably my favorite show of all time. That or a toss up between Babylon 5 and Twin Peaks. The 90s was the peak of television. This HBO generation puts out predictable drivel that bores me to tears. Can't get into TWD, can't get into GoT (tried two effin seasons), can't get into Breaking Bad or Mad Men because the main character's wives are cheating whores. I just say fuck it and stick with 90s television, and when I run out? Watch it all over again 8)
Deep Space 9 was so dope, man, but I really like the three Stargate series soooo much more. DS9 was just something I grew up watching as a kid, and it's by far the best Star Trek series. Stargate had Amanda Tapping, though, and when I was young I had a serious crush on that woman:


Hell.... still kinda do, for real...

[EDIT: The Walking Dead lost me around the third or fourth season-- whenever they had the Governor on the run and he met up with a family boarded up in some townhouse. There were like three boring as shit episodes in a row and it turned me off the show for a couple years, actually. I picked it back up around season 6 when I got Netflix and saw all the episodes on there, figuring fuck it.... Gotta say, it was worth giving another shot. The last two seasons especially, man, some serious shit.

Most people get tired of the zombie theme, and I do too so I get that... but with TWD it's turning into more of an interpersonal-conflict/relationship kind of thing; you know, coping with other survivors in the apocalypse, who seem to pose an even greater threat than the zombies that seem to be more and more of a background presence.

idk, man, it's a pretty intense fuckin' show lately. You should give it another go, imo.

Game of Thrones, though.... God help you if you can't get into that shit. That show is fucking perfect, man, despite how the occasional episode seems to drag on forever.

Breaking Bad's wife only cheats after she finds out about the whole Heisenberg thing. Walt wouldn't let her divorce so she tried to force his hand... but yeah, I get how that could touch a soft spot for some guys no matter the circumstance.]
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Yeah I mean, I was hooked on GoT for those first two seasons, but to me it got repetitive, and I'm also less of a fantasy and more of a sci-fi kinda guy. Gave up out of boredom and frustration with the bad guys always winning. TWD also had a whorey wife in the first few seasons, that miffed me. My favorite characters mostly died out and it too got repetitive after two seasons. I couldn't care for their relationships. Breaking Bad I probably got the furthest into, it was actually quite good, but the story seemed to drag on. I have watched a few seasons of Stargate and saw the 90s movie, love Richard Dean Anderson lol. Babylon 5 would probably be my favorite over DS9 if only it lasted longer. DS9 and the Star Trek series in general offers much more content to nerd about lol.
My partner made me binge watch two seasons of TWD so we could watch the season premiere together. This was not a romantic gesture, my job was watch and stay calm while he screamed and pulled my body in front of his face while saying nononononono.

They have created perhaps the most graphic horror/man's inhumanity to man tv show ever. They have done a great job, the subject matter is dark and the interpersonal writting is reasonable believible. When it was a show about man trying to survive in a viral apocalypse it was interesting, when it turned the corner and became mini wars between small groups that kinda lost me. I realize the slow moving zombies didn't pose a serious enough threat but it just isn't new or different to me when it's just about people being violent towards people. I would have loved if they had gone to season 3 and an invading group from an un-infected continent had shown up as the human enemy instead of being America eating itself from within.
My partner made me binge watch two seasons of TWD so we could watch the season premiere together. This was not a romantic gesture, my job was watch and stay calm while he screamed and pulled my body in front of his face while saying nononononono.

They have created perhaps the most graphic horror/man's inhumanity to man tv show ever. They have done a great job, the subject matter is dark and the interpersonal writting is reasonable believible. When it was a show about man trying to survive in a viral apocalypse it was interesting, when it turned the corner and became mini wars between small groups that kinda lost me. I realize the slow moving zombies didn't pose a serious enough threat but it just isn't new or different to me when it's just about people being violent towards people. I would have loved if they had gone to season 3 and an invading group from an un-infected continent had shown up as the human enemy instead of being America eating itself from within.

I get what you mean, but with me it was the exact opposite. I've felt zombies were just overdone in pop culture for the past decade or so, and when TWD shifted it's focus from the dangers of zombies to the dangers of people the show began to resonate so much more with me. People I can relate to, for better or for worse.... zombies, not so much.

I think the only thing that got me saying "NO!" during the premiere was when Neegan turned the situation into a 2-for-1. THAT shit caught me right the fuck off-guard... especially since I had been telling myself that the show's writers had strayed so far from the source material that there was no way they'd kill the same one that bought it in the comic books, and then here they go and stay (slightly) true to the original story.
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