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I throw up in my mouth a little every time someone mentions plugging marijuana.

Not your fault, baker, it's involuntary. That shit just does not sound right to me.

High as shit, runnin' low on the gumbo but just got a new script of xanax. ::sigh::

Pretty sure I'm addicted to Xanax. Physically, I was for sure but I just, and I mean just got over a light 5 day w/d some time yesterday, and then the plug comes through like "ay I got those for you, sorry it took so long"

I had been telling myself since I started detoxing Friday evening that I just was gonna muscle/drink/smoke through the w/d and did, but then when it was literally right there at my door I just couldn't resist taking the bottle despite the fact that I'm pretty much back to baseline after withdrawing for the past several days. Didn't NEED 'em, just WANTED 'em after nearly a week of telling myself I don't.

.....Yeeeeep. Addiction 101. :\

So how y'all doin'? That's why I haven't posted much the past week, just been trying to keep my mind focused on little things so as not to invite a rebound anxiety panic attack while I went cold turkey off my little binge.

In other news, I'm a mother fuckin' Uncle, man. My brother's baby girl was born last week, and that celebration is what kicked me right off of my responsible, moderate use and into full-blown binge. Proud as fuck, though, and she was born on the other coast so it wasn't like I needed to be sober to go see her or anything (yet), so I justified it by just celebratin' the shit out of that little girl's birth and then..... 23 bars later, here we are. heh.

But yeah, yo, I'm proud as shit on that note. =D
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:! Sorry guys n gals...This turned into a wall of text. Please read, if for no other reason, you'll be thankful you're not ME!

=D Congrats on the new niece, Jibult! I'm smiling at the memories that evokes for me. I'm the youngest of 6, so some of my nieces and nephews are close in age. I have great great nieces and nephews now. Jeez...SOAK IT IN, my friend! It is but a vapor, literally! Now I'm back at "pherclempt" like Mike Myers' character.

TAC...I didn't get as far as seeing crocs 8o but I did get silly-shit-faced with RSO (one grain dosage). It didn't kick immediately for me, but came in waves. I got uncontrollable laughter, which felt good. Trouble is, I was laughing at my husband...telling him he could get his own fucking mac&cheese.

I realized the RSO had ripped off my "edit" button, so I said "I'd better hush before I say too much". He replied "I think you already have!" He's a good sport, though...was happy to see me actually laughing! This is a guy who does silly dances for me when commercials are on. (think Scrat from Ice Age doing running man)

Yourbaker...I've been told that MMJ enemas would be beneficial for my gut issues. (plug your ears, Jibult :eek:) Sadly, I have to resort to saline enemas when Linzess 290 isn't moving things along. I have no clue how I would incorporate MMJ into that "therapy". I am very interested in the suppositories you speak of. I have to use Lidocaine HC suppositories, so I'm no stranger to the routine.

I've read many of your posts and admire your knowledge of all things weed. I've never tried edibles. I wish you were MYBAKER! :)

My disease has totally fucked my GI so I can't take ANY of the many pain meds I've tried (from Fent to Oxy). My dear friend who is now end stage prostate cancer (hospice) convinced me to try MMJ. It continues to be a rollercoaster of trials amongst the grief and pain of losing him. He and his wife have been such a blessing to me. She shops/ships to me. His death is imminent. I won't expect her to continue to do this for me.

Somebody HELP ME please!

I've tried smoking (no) vaping (yes-prefer dry herb) sublingual oil (love, but too expensive to maintain) and RSO (random onset). I've not found true pain relief tbh, but some strains lift my despair for a bit. I need to learn more and have access to product for trials. Thus far it's been hit or miss with the strains, as I MUST be able to function.

I'm not one to whine, but existing (not living) should not be this difficult.

Oh, well...I'm off to decorate a Christmas tree for my mom's (90) room at the NH. I will do her manicure afterwards, as always. The Harvest Supper is tonight for the residents and their family. I enjoy helping serve the residents. She's unable since last Thanksgiving to even sit in her wheel chair. Her food is pureed (now that's vomit-worthy) but I will sit at her bedside and "celebrate" the holiday by feeding her.

So, yeah...I think perhaps I'll come home tonight and GET HIGH, just for shitz 'n giggles.

I don't know how much more stress and despair I can endure. Cherry on top of a shit sundae is now more dental problems. Dentist cut off a porcelain crown to diagnose "decay". He put a tin foil temporary and nonchalantly told me I need a ($2000+) root canal and new crown (ya think?) OR an extraction and implant ($3000+) Every tooth in my head is porcelain crowns/bridges, bought and paid for through a bank loan before age 25. I can't begin to afford this amount of money and I have no dental insurance.

FFS, I should already be high...stay high...say good-bye to this thing called life.
I realized the RSO had ripped off my "edit" button, so I said "I'd better hush before I say too much". He replied "I think you already have!" He's a good sport, though...was happy to see me actually laughing! This is a guy who does silly dances for me when commercials are on. (think Scrat from Ice Age doing running man)

Your husband sounds like a great guy. :)

Yourbaker...I've been told that MMJ enemas would be beneficial for my gut issues. (plug your ears, Jibult :eek:) Sadly, I have to resort to saline enemas when Linzess 290 isn't moving things along. I have no clue how I would incorporate MMJ into that "therapy". I am very interested in the suppositories you speak of. I have to use Lidocaine HC suppositories, so I'm no stranger to the routine.

I've read many of your posts and admire your knowledge of all things weed. I've never tried edibles. I wish you were MYBAKER! :)

My disease has totally fucked my GI so I can't take ANY of the many pain meds I've tried (from Fent to Oxy). My dear friend who is now end stage prostate cancer (hospice) convinced me to try MMJ. It continues to be a rollercoaster of trials amongst the grief and pain of losing him. He and his wife have been such a blessing to me. She shops/ships to me. His death is imminent. I won't expect her to continue to do this for me.

Somebody HELP ME please!....

...FFS, I should already be high...stay high...say good-bye to this thing called life.

Wish I could help, until we take back some authority from the crazy law makers though my hands are tied.

This batch of plugs are simply weed, coconut oil and lecithin. I made them at 35mg cause 50 seems a bit too much at times if I'm working etc. A company called backdoor medicine sells them. I don't make these for commercial distribution so I'm stuck with 200. I do work in the tiny hole between an lp and a few dispensaries but with the laws all swinging everyway I'm actually working as a commercial baker at least til sometime next year when I can legally work between the lp and compassion clubs again. Right now I'm in the long wait.

Hopefully there will be a few great Canadian edible production companies starting up soon and I can drift over to work for them. Either that or go rogue and teach how to cook at home like a pro. 30 years of high end baking experience gives me a huge wheel house of products.

Most of the products I've been producing were for cancer patients, my mom had 3 rounds of it and actually got me into the industry working with weed. Right now with almost no work (Canadian government is making new rules) I am just doing oils and some chocolates and plugs.

Edibles need a working liver and a reasonable supply of omega 3 to work properly. The sublingual effect will still exist but the slightly psychedelic high from the delta 11 will be weak or non existent if your liver can't convert it. The sublingual effect from plugging is about 3X the oral effect but no delta 11 cause it misses the liver. While I love the mild psychedelic plugging has changed the game for me. I function like I'm not even remotely high but no focus issues.

It's hard to believe a year ago I felt a lot like you seem to now. Thankfully most of my issues where reversible my liver has hung on and my GI issues have nearly vanished.

I have hope, maybe I can lend you some.
:) Thanks, TAC...He is, indeed! We are BLESSED to have each other. We've been married for 36 years. We are "all we've got". It's pretty sweet (insert gratitude and ugly cry) amongst the bitter weeds of his HBP/Diabetes and my decades of disease.

Yourbaker...Respect, my brotha. I'm so happy you were able to help your mom, though I'm sorry she had to battle such an evil disease. Once is too much, 3 times is merciless. I certainly empathize.

You have much to offer the chronic pain community. It's a crying shame that your compassion and talent are not heralded, as there are SO MANY of us who suffer needlessly.

You said your "GI issues have nearly vanished". Can you share what your issues were/are? If that's too personal, feel free to message me. I experienced liver failure in 1994 when lesions of disease blocked my common bile duct. Surgery excised lesions throughout my abdomen, but they have regrown now to choke my bowels and bladder. I've seen specialists across 3 states just since 2013. Surgeons (even endo specialists) won't touch me.

THANK YOU for lending me some of your hope. I've run out, after decades of this struggle. I would hit the exit before sundown today, but I don't want to leave my hubby alone in this world.

Meanwhile, the basics of eating, sleeping and pooping remain a challenge. I won't drag you into my ditch of agony.

Y'all have a good day...and weekend!
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Nothing really seems personal anymore my GI issue was severe bloating from unknown causes. Over 12 years I don't even remember how many doctors I've seen or how many different diets they put me on or foods they cut from my life. I had 2 hernias from the bloating and the surgeries left me out of work for months. I bloated so hard it actually tore me up inside. No solution ever found. I would spend days in agony just wanting to poop, crazy constipation and all the prescription drugs gave was a short term diariah.

I used to look forward to a few good days each week, now I have about 1 bad day every 2 months. Since I have been using daily edibles it has improved. I have given up all the diets except for less dark chocolate and coffee. Now I have 2 cups a day vs 2 pots and chocolate rarely. For a year the doctor made me give up coffee, then when I asked a year later he said something like "oh, no coffee should be fine, you shouldn't worry about it." I chose to let him live.

20ish years of booze has my liver damaged just about bad enough to be the one who takes me out. They say weed has a placebo effect if you focus on the reason you take it, it will do the most good, this is why it is popping up for so many diseases that just mentally defeat you before they kill you. Weed seems to give us back the mental footing we need to fight back again. My intention was to use weed to ween off booze and that seemed to work. Now I am addicted to weed but who cares? The GI improvement was just a happy surprise.
Agggghhhhhh I've got an ounce of Diamond OG on the way. =D=D=D


'Bout to go smoke this oil-coated, double-rolled blunt while I wait for the touchdown. Hope y'all enjoy this next 45min to an hour as much as I'm about to....
'Bout to go smoke this oil-coated, double-rolled blunt while I wait for the touchdown. Hope y'all enjoy this next 45min to an hour as much as I'm about to....

I'm still at work so that tells you what mood I'm in, esp since everyone else left. And I've got to go into work tomorrow to look after animals, so no edibles tonight. And probably no booze either.

That's what weed is for I guess.

Congrats on the niece btw. As well as congrats on the nice weed (I hate autocorrect that's my excuse)

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Wish I could help, until we take back some authority from the crazy law makers though my hands are tied.

This batch of plugs are simply weed, coconut oil and lecithin. I made them at 35mg cause 50 seems a bit too much at times if I'm working etc. A company called backdoor medicine sells them. I don't make these for commercial distribution so I'm stuck with 200. I do work in the tiny hole between an lp and a few dispensaries but with the laws all swinging everyway I'm actually working as a commercial baker at least til sometime next year when I can legally work between the lp and compassion clubs again. Right now I'm in the long wait.

Hopefully there will be a few great Canadian edible production companies starting up soon and I can drift over to work for them. Either that or go rogue and teach how to cook at home like a pro. 30 years of high end baking experience gives me a huge wheel house of products.

Most of the products I've been producing were for cancer patients, my mom had 3 rounds of it and actually got me into the industry working with weed. Right now with almost no work (Canadian government is making new rules) I am just doing oils and some chocolates and plugs.

Edibles need a working liver and a reasonable supply of omega 3 to work properly. The sublingual effect will still exist but the slightly psychedelic high from the delta 11 will be weak or non existent if your liver can't convert it. The sublingual effect from plugging is about 3X the oral effect but no delta 11 cause it misses the liver. While I love the mild psychedelic plugging has changed the game for me. I function like I'm not even remotely high but no focus issues.

It's hard to believe a year ago I felt a lot like you seem to now. Thankfully most of my issues where reversible my liver has hung on and my GI issues have nearly vanished.

I have hope, maybe I can lend you some.
where do you live, there are edible makers looking for help...
I feel like the only person in WA who smokes recreational and hasn't tried oils, hash, glass, dab. I'll rip the blunts, bongs. Vapes, and gas masks but the new cannabis trends I have yet to devirginize.
Well, I've fucked my tolerance. Too many bowls n' dabs of late. Just took a small dab only to catch a slight buzz. Curses! Time to chill out on the toking...

^Gemini, wax is just so damn fun and it's a unique experience from bud, I feel. The high is a bit clearer and as long as you don't take too much in one go you don't get zonked, so to speak lol. If you have a decent bud tolerance, a small dab will feel like smoking a bowl in one hit. Very nice.
I definitely prefer cannabis flower to dabs in certain respects...the flavor, visual and aromatic (and, to a certain extent, the actual high itself) qualities of cannabis vary considerably, much moreso than BHO. Which, for the most part, all tastes the same to me, a.k.a. very hot, dry vapor that feels like it's punishing my lungs

Dabs get me turnt up, though, which is why I like taking 'em. Just never really made the move from flower to dabs, I still predominantly enjoy/consume flower
where do you live, there are edible makers looking for help...

Funny how that works, I just got a 3 week layoff notice for end of site. So yeah, I'm in Canada, fairly portable currently near vancouver. I really haven't been following the industry much. When my mom passed I only kept cooking for a few people and tried to avoid the recreational market out of some feeling it would make me less of a target since it was being ignored but not yet legalized.

I would die to turn my life of hands on commercial production experience loose in the new edibles arena when it opens.
who knows if that'll happen? the feds seem to be of one mind with "nanny state" ontarian politics, wouldn't surprise me in the least if rec cannabis gets limited to LCBO sales by public corporations and small business gets marginalized as always.
Don't be like me and try to cook when you're too high.

Well I'm high and hungry, so I made a 3 lb ground chuck meatloaf. And I'm very hungry, so a few eggs, a cheese, some green peppers and some garlic. Took a while. And then I thigh ought let's top this sucker with garlic mashed potatoes. Another delay, but done.

Opened a new jar of weed and a few bong rips. Ok, it's covered with mashed potatoes and I made fancy designs on it with a fork and for the heart attack I added some shredded cheddar cheese quite sparingly on top.

Set the oven to broil. Forgot about it for a while (an hour or so). Put it under the boiler to mak fancy burn marks.

Took it out and holy shit, the oven gloves on both hands are burning. So I jammed em in the dog's water dish. PRoblem solved.

And who said stoners couldn't improvise.

I do have pictures.

who knows if that'll happen? the feds seem to be of one mind with "nanny state" ontarian politics, wouldn't surprise me in the least if rec cannabis gets limited to LCBO sales by public corporations and small business gets marginalized as always.
doesn't mean there aren't groups making edibles right now for the dispensary, mom and black market.

Lots are little mom and pop, making brownies with poop soup, but some are the real deal. Find the pros.
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