• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Social But Jah nowhere it's great to see you . . . Right here and now or somewhere

really honest I um I am not into pills don't know much .. . just know all about stopping to use them !!
If your problem turns out to be a deficiency of some sort, it's always possible to get the stuff you lack by including it into your diet. That is, of course, if you aren't taking meds that absorb great amounts of that nutrient. Or you need more because of a special physiological condition.
I am going to try some kratom right now . . . . I think :rolleyes:

I get real scared . . . Terrrrrrrrrrrified.
I am going to try some kratom right now . . . . I think :rolleyes:

I get real scared . . . Terrrrrrrrrrrified.
terrified of going to the doc? Or of taking kratom?
I can relate very much relate to the first!
If your problem turns out to be a deficiency of some sort, it's always possible to get the stuff you lack by including it into your diet. That is, of course, if you aren't taking meds that absorb great amounts of that nutrient. Or you need more because of a special physiological condition.
jyes ma'm. I'm living on a prayer with those BLOOD TESTS !! ? 🙏:rolleyes:
wELL yes

I don't know how to talk to him.. . . . my Doctor ? :rolleyes:

I refuse all the tests EXCEPT the BLOOD WORK of course.

So far they are tolerating me. He keeps saying that I don't have to . . .
but the staff sent the doctor in himself to ask me.

They still are trying though. fck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yannnnno If I have colon cancer . . . . there will be a tumor marker on the blood test

you can do just as much with the sh#t smear

AND no colon symptoms yet so . . . . . DUH


I just have cramping from my inflammation symptom !!! tsit !!!! bye
So you're afraid of colon cancer?
very few things i'm afraid of BUT that being said don't know how to keep saying NO to them

i think i read somewhere that they can't force you to do anything as far as procedures

AND they are keeping me as a patient. my doctor is a townie and has been here pretty much

forever (after med school) so he seems to be real cool and there for the community and all of us

and i ain't takin no fckn tests until i say so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and as far as colon cancer i dont' give a sh#t looooooooooooooool
I'm afraid of strokes, or some kind of brain thing.
Cancer not so much.
But I had my share of bad experiences with doctors and then all the tests they want you to take. Once they start they won't stop.
And it's worse when you're a private patient, or have a private health insurance.
I'm afraid of strokes, or some kind of brain thing.
Cancer not so much.
But I had my share of bad experiences with doctors and then all the tests they want you to take. Once they start they won't stop.
And it's worse when you're a private patient, or have a private health insurance.
Ohhhhhh I don't even try to think about that one

YOu are soooo right on though damnzzzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is right up there on my Scare Factor !!! 😁<3
You (or your neighbor) got cats?
And you drink valerian root broth like me, then dispose of the root bits in the yard?
Thing is, since I started that valerian experiment, cats keep coming to my yard, driving one of my dogs mad.
I hope it;s the valerian root bit, and not mice.
ner just the test get that sh#t away from me yannnno

they miss up and it'spunctured it's a Toool
My ex got a colonoscopy once and asked to be sedated during the process.
I think the sedation was the reason he agreed (or even demanded) the test in the first place. At that time he couldn't take anything illegal, so he always found ways to get all kinds of meds by playing sick.
well here they only give you local anesthesia anyway

AND my moms friend got punctured. she said it was horrible.

fck no fck Nuhuh 🙁

but she is serious

she said it hurts

and somthin went wrong

EDIT: she's like 90 lbs and she got f#ckdddddd.
So I finally got out of my curled up in a ball today. I had a traumatizing day today.

A bowels of hell kind of day. It was just hot. I cleaned up and multi-tasked.

I went outside to cool off later and the wind was chilling.

The wind is all weird and was blowing and it gets cold outside at night.

But at least it's like hillbilly a/c all nice and refreshing ! . . . . . .

I try to do several chores at the same time. So I don't have to waste time when I get more done much quicker.

Like I do the laundry and ten other things at once while I wash and dry and clean and try. Cold showers help too.

And I went through my bills and I have my insurance coverage back again but

I don't know if it reconciled my emergency bills so far.

So getting medical insurance again felt like dope and in the end it made made my day

a little better day today, as bad as it blew. he hee

But it did help a lot before. Because the insurance does cover most of it.

Yeah and I might get poked. That's a scary thing isn't it. Loooool. Pay pay pay pay. But it helps.


But I got to ride in an ambulance in a snowstorm blizzard and once again, I didn't die.

I can't drink kratom right now, gabapentin doesn't work. I can't get any Norco now. Acetaminophen is poison. Very.

It's a waste of a prescription and is horrible. I don't know what to ask my doctor for anymore.

Would I be able to get a prescription for morphine ?


Or maybe I will ask for some Cetirizine. Loool

I don't know why it is OTC. The ones from la pharmacia are amazing !!!!
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SO THIS IS MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. And I decided to write it down. Also learning about the brain and addiction is a good focus because it can help to stay motivated

and to help stay busy by focusing on something that can be helpful. It can help you spend your energy and time as a helpful reminder about recovery. And a way to stay busy and keep

finding support to help get through and out from it all with everything else in mind also.





And also, the section and threads The Brain and Addiction in the forum here are very helpful for doing this and a good reminder and focus to keep your mind busy with so much helpful support and has a tremendous amount of amazing information. That section has so many

helpful and useful references that is a great support and so helpful to learn and know about too. And IS especially helpful to help learn new habits !!

Learning new habits can be helpful in life and also for being able to learn how to find happiness. So I just wrote this as my thought for the day. Maybe I will try to write

a little bit more again another time. Or as another post. It can be a lot to process and also a lot to type everything out all of the time. I just wanted to write a little bit and not too

much and it is a lot of typing and can kind of hurt my wrists too. But that being said . . .

So my thoughts now here are on and about

hierarchy and status vs. authority (internal authority)
which is
confidence discipline leadership gratitude and enjoyment.

MAKE TODAY A GREAT MEMORY. And don't forget to seek peace and love too.

And always remember:


So it can be said when learning about the brain:

- The first enormous lie being you have been injected with is symptom vs cause.

- And then the second part is confusing pleasure with happiness.

There are two massive lies that are destroying people's psychology. Without them even knowing it. And when you hear these your brain is going to

connect a thousand dots to maybe some weird feelings that you've had throughout your life. Your doctors, and teachers, the media, social media, marketing, your friends, and

even your coaches lied to you but the sad part is they probably didn't know that they were doing it because they were lied to as well.

This first lie here is already in almost every aspect of your life and it's so hidden that there's not really even a name for it. It is a cause

that no one really can see. Or see it that clearly.

This concept defines the cause of blindness of when a group or a person focuses heavily on some symptoms while they just ignore the cause completely. In the pursuit

of a goal, people will tend to desire the symptoms of the achievement instead of the cause of those symptoms.

So an example is easy to see in people who desire wealth. These people might focus on these symptoms of wealth like a Lamborghini or a giant house

or even some expensive yacht. The cause of that wealth is almost out of focus entirely. The cause would be things like 30 000 hours of work and sleepless nights invested in

personal growth and pitfalls and failures that lead to the discovery of a person's wealth. These deep personal sacrifices that were made. And diligent tireless hours of time spent

obsessing and researching. Maybe a particular field.

Another glaringly obvious example is just take a look at how many sales techniques are out there versus how many

courses are out there actually teaching you how to make quality products. Yeah pretty awful !

So let's say someone wants to be more confident. For example they might focus on the behaviors of competent people. They'll spend tons of hours studying

speech patterns and movements and behaviors and all of these little things that confident people do. Then eventually someone will write a book

about all these details. This full-blown reference volume of all of these symptoms of confidence. The belief is that if somebody could just get the symptoms all lined up in

place they're going to feel confident and then they're going to achieve their goals.

This is kind of like someone telling you that taking duct tape and taping an orange to a bunch of random trees will make them all orange trees.

Not really a good plant. Those oranges are symptoms of being an orange tree so those behaviors of confident people are symptoms of a cause. They've spent their

lives differently than other people.Their internal belief systems are radically different from people. Without confidence they aren't moving their body or speaking a certain way

because they read a list of how to do it. Their behavior is a result of a cause not forcing a whole bunch of symptoms.

So to sum this part up their behavior is a product. A byproduct of not the other way around. The problems that a society as a whole faces are a byproduct

of some cause. And these root causes are never discussed as whether it's a deliberate effort or an effort to ignore the real sources of the issues.

Or maybe people in government grew up

with the same belief systems that we developed just to focus on symptoms. We might never know but almost every problem we are facing as a nation

or any society are likely a result of a lifetime indoctrination into focusing on symptoms and ignoring causes.

If you're sitting down to write out your personal goals. Focus on the causes that will make your goal a byproduct a symptom.

So instead of setting goals this year think in terms of byproducts. So what are the byproducts I want to happen in my life.

And once you've got a list of byproducts that you'd like to have. Determine the causes that you need to make them all happen, automatically.

When you see social issues or the news or politicians. They are getting you to focus on a new issue or a threat. Remember that they're pointing to symptoms and they

probably don't want you looking too closely at what those symptoms are actually. A byproduct of Pleasure and Happiness !!