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Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, etc.) and Ecstasy (mega-merged)

I was wondering the same thing a while back, tested, and still rolled, just slightly (and I mean only a tiny bit) less intense and I was on a high dose of xanax. Tonight I'm on 6mg Xanax and I just dropped two red ladies. They should be kicking in within the next hour. It worked last time. If it doesn't work this time I'll let you know.
PimpTurk said:
ok with 1mg xanax. 1mg lorazepam. and 45 mg temazepam....in ur system would u roll if u ate a bean? or would u feel nothing 8(

I haven't had experience with the lorzepam and temazepam, but I have with xanex. I don't know why you would do all those before a roll, but yes you will still roll, but I wouldn't recommend it. Benzo's=tired, which will zone you out big time if you roll and it will be a whole different experience, if you even roll hard. I'd recommend saving xanex for the comedown (if you get one). That way you can enjoy the comedown, maybe smoke a bowl or a cig or whatever you want, spark up some good end of the night conversations, then go to bed and sleep good. Good luck and let me know how your roll goes ;) And if you got any more questions feel free to post or PM me.
You'd definately feel it, if you were awake, and your eyes were rolled so far in the back of your head you didn't know what was going on.
Benzo's on the Comedown?

Would it be unwise if I were to snort 2mg of a benzo like ativan to help with the anxiety I face during my comedown? I will also be smoking some weed to help with it. Also, what do you guys recommend for a light meal before I roll?
Well, first of all, there's NO reason to snort Ativan. Just eat it, it doesn't take that long to kick in. Or, if anything, dissolve it under your tongue. Lorazepam is fairly tasteless, and this is always a good way to administer it if you're looking for it to hit faster.

Personally, I love benzodiazepines on the MDMA comedown, especially Ativan. It nearly 100% eliminates any bad feelings and depression in my case, and allows me to sleep if I need to sleep. Just don't make a serious habit out of it, of course. As for weed, it always makes me more anxious, but your results may vary. Especially in tandem with Ativan.
Just eat it, give your nose a break, it's got great oral bioavailability, so it's not like you're loosing out.
Benzos are great for the comedown.... Temazepam is great, but pretty much any of the benzos work. Several people I know find clonazepam to be very effective, though it's long half life means you're not going to be up and about any time soon
In my experienec beozos work very well on a comedown. I have only used xanax but it put me right to sleep. There is no reason to snort benzos though. Just eat it and relax.
i swear though for some reason railing it hits me the fastest....maybe placebo
Might be a bit faster, but if it is for the come down, I think it might be better if it lasted for a longer time.
Indelibleface said:
Well, first of all, there's NO reason to snort Ativan. Just eat it, it doesn't take that long to kick in. Or, if anything, dissolve it under your tongue. Lorazepam is fairly tasteless, and this is always a good way to administer it if you're looking for it to hit faster.

Personally, I love benzodiazepines on the MDMA comedown, especially Ativan. It nearly 100% eliminates any bad feelings and depression in my case, and allows me to sleep if I need to sleep. Just don't make a serious habit out of it, of course. As for weed, it always makes me more anxious, but your results may vary. Especially in tandem with Ativan.

Maybe this is the wrong thread but felt obliged to offer a warning. Be very careful with any of the Benzodiazepine family. Yes they are extremely effective for coming down especially when mixed with alcohol, but as mentioned above, don't make a habit of it. Its very easy to slide into a situation where you start taking benzos (with or without alcohol) recreationally for purposes other than coming down. And its amazing how quickly your tolernace builds. I did and before I knew it I was addicted to Xanax, which at the end of that vicious cycle, was taking up to 6mg a day. Getting of the horrible stuff was the worst experience of my life. How my GP kept prescribing it to me over those 12 months is still beyond me. Guess I was a good liar.
railing xanax is a waste of time. all placebo; in fact you probably lose a little because all you're getting is the nasty drip that goes down your throat. it's just made that way.

i will say, i take 0.5 mg of xanax after i'm coming down, off adderall or ecstasy, and i start feeling better right away. i think benzos have a great placebo effect. and they definitely feel good once they kick in.
Having made that comment, now I am off the Xanax and realise how you have to treat the benzos with care, I still use Diazepam (Valium, much longer half life than and better suited to the long comedown) when I occassionally roll. The last was a month ago when drank wine, listened to tunes with a friend and consumed 100mg of Valium during the day......until drifted off to sleep at midnight.......lovelly!
Best benzo for MDMA comedown?

In your opinions what do you think the best benzo is for a comedown off of e? I've been prescribed 1 mg Clonazepam(klonopins) & 30 mg Temazepam(restoril) & they are both pretty damn good benzos if you ask me =D . I've had soem people tell me that the Klonopin would be a better choice for a comedown then the Temazepam because its stronger but in my opinion from a sober stand point the Temazepam tends to knock me out alot more then the Klonopins. I function all day at work fine on the Klonopin. Temazepams mainly for insomnia.

So for any of you out there who have tried either of these coming down off of E how did it work out? I used to just smoke weed till i passed out but ive had to kick that habit do to work. Which was really hard to do and is what caused my insomnia. I just hate being stuck awake doing nothing after im done rolling & this is the first time ill be rolling in over a year. Also i have a Soma prescription which seemed to help knock me out good with a beer or too after taking some rather strong LSD.

Anyways just wanted to hear everyones opinions on best way to skip the cracked out feeling and crash.
Yes, Klonopins all the way. I remember I took a couple rolls at my school's powderpuff game way back in Sept. and when I started coming down I took only 2 mgs of Klonopin and it was like the entire comedown was eliminated. I smoked some weed after the Klonopins kicked in and it was like I couldn't even tell I was rolling that day.
Klonopin its is then. I Love my doctor. =D He's very understanding about me quitting smoking herb after doing it for 7 years straight and is really helping me out with my anxiety and insomnia. He gave me 1 mg klonopins & 30 mg Temazepams with 6 refills. %)
TheDankaholic said:
Klonopin its is then. I Love my doctor. =D He's very understanding about me quitting smoking herb after doing it for 7 years straight and is really helping me out with my anxiety and insomnia. He gave me 1 mg klonopins & 30 mg Temazepams with 6 refills. %)

You're lucky :p I haven't had any Klonopins in awhile
Yeah i really try to limit my use of the Klonopin so that i don't build tolerance. I take them maybe 4 days out of the week. Its the Temazepams i seem to not be able to sleep without. Those things are a god send if you have a hard time falling asleep because your mind runs too much and just seems to worry about everything. Klonopins i just take on those stressful days. =D
XTC + Xanax = talking to trees?

This last weekend my friend and I decide to go a miami club/rave on a friday night. We meet up around 11pm and drop our rolls at 12. White bicmen to be exact (the guy on the lighter) These pills are known to be VERY good here in South Florida. Not going to say pure but definatley the cleanest/strongest rolls I have had in a while. Anyway not to make this a trip report but just a question... my friend had taken 3-4mg of xanax before he was rolling. Might sound like a lot but he has built up a tolerance and was fine just on the xanax. When the X kicked in he started to lose control of everything. He kept "dreaming" and not knowing what was going on. He actually started touching and groping me (LOL) thinking I was someone else! At one point the guy who ran the raves asked me why the hell my friend was talking to that tree with his eyes closed!! I was baffled as to why this was happening because this friend of mine is the last person to wig out on drugs. We both have been through HIGH doses of DXM (600-1200mg) IN PUBLIC and been fine. But he was a babbling RETARD this night. Completely delirious for hours on end. Does xanax and MDMA combined make you this insane? (100% sure it had a lot of MDMA but could of also contrained small amount of something else). Thanks for reading.