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Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, etc.) and Ecstasy (mega-merged)

VelocideX said:
royksopp -- you take benzos continually for sleep? you realise that eventually they lose efficacy, and produce addiction?
Why would that differ from anxiety issues?

IMO it's wrong to get someone prescribed drugs on long term if there are possible other ways (therapy) to create a solution that lasts you your lifetime.
The reason they prescribe for example amphetamines to children is so they could have a relatively normal youth and then when they are older hopefully the symptoms will disappear.
They also overprescribe anti-depressiva too. I mean sure some people need it to function but then at least get them in therapy next to that.

This whole "take a pill and your problems are gone" theory never works.

But that's another discussion :|
this is getting off topic but i take 4 different anti-depressents daily just to keep from killing myself. im not saying that thearpy isnt helpful, but sometimes your at a point in your life where you just dont have anyone close enough to talk to. until then ill take the pills to get rid of my problems
I don't think the prescription does anything, I think it matters if you're taking it or not :)
royksopp said:
this is getting off topic but i take 4 different anti-depressents daily just to keep from killing myself. im not saying that thearpy isnt helpful, but sometimes your at a point in your life where you just dont have anyone close enough to talk to. until then ill take the pills to get rid of my problems

Yes I realize but you also must realize that that's not a permanent solution. You have to work with your problems. It has to do with your subconscious, and drugs don't do shit(how could they?) about fixing that. It's a temporary solution, one that'll keep you pushing deeper.
And I don't mean talking to friends. Talking to a professional, who knows what he/she is doing.
My prosac hardly seems to be effecting me all, i've been on it for over 5 months, but then i have some intense unresolved issues to deal with so i was never expecting a quick fix...
Sprinklervibes said:
Yes I realize but you also must realize that that's not a permanent solution. You have to work with your problems. It has to do with your subconscious, and drugs don't do shit(how could they?) about fixing that. It's a temporary solution, one that'll keep you pushing deeper.
And I don't mean talking to friends. Talking to a professional, who knows what he/she is doing.

last time i went to see a psycologist, i made her cry and she had a masters degree (she was wicked hott too...oh well). i know that the mind is more complicated than quick fixes with pills but then again why do we use drugs recreationally?(think about it..) I take medicine until I can find a solution to my disorder. You cant access your "subconcious" without a hypnotist and while im sure thats where most of human behavioral problems hide, its still not something i can fix at the moment. some people have chemical imbalances. this is true. we all know its true because we know what it feels like to have depleted serotonin levels. some people have levels that are lower than others. no amount of talking can change this. depression is due to alot of things but not all of it stems from real world problems. i have no reason to be depressed right now. i have a very loving family and support from my friends but chemically my brain works at a different level. its like having asthma or diabetes, some of those people will always need to take medicine in order to survive. having an imbalance in your brain is no different.
The purpose of this forum isn't to serve as an on-going, live journal. You appear to have found the answer to your question, so I'm closing this.
I might add that if you feel nothing from that dose of benzos, I'm surprised you can just stop without seizures.
Look you're the kind of person that can make good use of SSRI's. A bad example is the mother of a friend of me, who's depressed because her children are on drugs. Why put such persons on SSRI's? She tried commiting suicide twice since being put on the drugs. Such people need psychiatrists.

The subconscious is a weird thing but I don't think you need a hypnotist to alter it. Just acting differently, talking instead of being quiet, going out, thinking differently will slowly change your subconscious. It did for me. I used to have a (very mild) slumbering depression before I first tried E, then all was better, then I started abusing it, then I got mildly depressed again. Now I'm completely done with E but there's still that "depression"(more like a deep unhappiness, discontentment with life). Therapy is the only thing in life that ever helped me long-term with it.

If you say you made a psychiatrist cry, there must surely be more to it than a chemical disbalance. I know there are people that lack in neurotransmitters, I have ADD and I think I lack in dopamine myself - it's the only answer I can think for being tired all day, can't concentrate, hypersensitive to most drugs.. Anyway I think a psychiatrist is good even for people that think they have no problems - everyone's fucked up IMO. Especially if it's free like mine is :D - it isn't a psychiatrist.. I don't know the english word for it.
Hang in there and know that tomorrow the sun will shine brighter %)
BTW Röyksopp is a great band..
i'm worried that the doctor will either send me to therapy for my anxiety issues or just prescribe me something that's too mild, fearing that a sedative is inappropriate for my age. What would you recommend I do? The problem I'm having is beginning to take over my life. I will become anxious and stressed to the point where I get neck pains and severe headaches. Approximately 1-2 days a week it is impossible for me to shut my brain off and I get less than an hour of sleep, coupled by depression. I need something to help me through these periods.
well didnt he already prescribe you valium? why would he stop the prescription unless you gave him a reason to? If your getting anxiety attacks that bad, you really need to be on an anti-anxiety medication, and by judging from your posts you sound around the age where it would be acceptable to prescribe them.

If your doctors a dick and stops the prescription, find your own street pharmacist. it sounds like you really have a problem and without medication your life could be awful
i can agree with what you said now...maybe i was in an off mood earlier
I have ADD and I think I lack in dopamine myself - it's the only answer I can think for being tired all day, can't concentrate, hypersensitive to most drugs..

Are those telltale signs of ADD? Anything more?
(Sorry to deral the thread a bit).
Ive done it, before a party. It made me not want to dance, and it lessened those body tingly, i wanna get laid feelings. save it for after.
Benzo's are good for mellowing out a speed high, IMO. There's nothing that needs to be mellowed out in a MDMA high. After the smooth comedown I fall asleep with ease.

Speed always went hand in hand with benzo's for me. Alcohol+speed+benzo's+weed had me thinking I snorted an MDMA like RC instead of speed. Kind of like the speedball MDMA is by itsself.
What do I do?

What if the doctor won't give me a mild benzodiazipine like valium...I'm seventeen and living at home, and my parents are pretty emphatic about trying everything besides benzos. (IE antidepressants) I'm all for any solution but I can no longer deal with this anxiety and I know that anti-depressants will take at least a month to begin working, while in the meantime they are said to INCREASE anxiety for that month. I'm not a doctor, but I think the best, and maybe only solution is a mild sedative like valium so I can find relief during the episodes of anxiety, in correlation with therepeutic help. All I know is that I can't deal with this anxiety for much longer and I feel like if I don't receive timely help for the current problem (not to mention an initial INCREASE due to anti-depressants) I am going to forced to self-medicate. If I even mention benzodiazipines the doctor is going to immediately think I'm drug seeking but this is absolutely not the case. I need something to help me.
meltinggg -- though this is a bit off topic, I'll give my advice: you need to talk to your doctor about these concerns. A two week benzodiazepine prescription whilst the SSRIs begin to work is legitimate, and perhaps even indicated in agitated depressed patients. SSRIs can increase suicidal ideation in some people in the first few weeks, and thus it's important to monitor for agitation. There's plenty of websites that will support this view.
Benzos and E

ok with 1mg xanax. 1mg lorazepam. and 45 mg temazepam....in ur system would u roll if u ate a bean? or would u feel nothing 8(