AWARENESS-Sat. Aug.11th NH

One of the people arrested was one of my friends friends. He said they arrested them for have aderol a ADD med that was prescribed to him. He didnt have his ID on him so he couldn't prove that it is his. I'm sorry I don't have any sypathy for stoopid people or people that do drugs. Still illegal searches are faqt. I don't know what happend to the kids arrested im sure they got out of it but still.....And wtf was up with the smoking rules?! I had a pass so at the begining I was allowed to smoke but by the end I had to like suck the guy working the door off to have a fuckin cig. Then by the end end I wasn't even allowed out. They said we were giving our passes to our friends to go smoke. MORE LIES. He wouldn't allow me or my friend who were clearly on the list and had press passes. O well maybe another time.......
These posts make me cringe!!! ALL my events have been so friendly-even this one ..but the undercovers went there with an agenda to bust people.Anything for some press
I'm sorry to those who lost their good vibe