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Am I a bad person?

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psychedelicsoul said:
I'm sorry... I just feel like I'm being judged for doing the only thing I could do to maintain some level of happiness. I'm sorry if I came across as aggresive in my language.

Well, you were aggressive in your language, but the apology is appreciated :). You've started a provocative topic; I think you must appreciate the fact that this sort of thinking is going to antagonise some people. This doesn't excuse rude behaviour on anyone's part though. Just keep it reasonable and we'll see...
I think you just answered your own question.

It doesn't change the fact that I'd still be attracted to lolis anyway and people who molest kids will still do it. Guess what... if I stopped liking lolicon, nothing would happen. There would be no effect on the world. No children would be saved, nothing. So what's the point of stopping something if it doesn't make any difference whether or not you do it.

So what is your sexuality then? Now im well confused.

I'm not attracted to adult males anymore. However, I still sometimes might find shotacon attractive if they're feminine looking enough. Is it wrong? Yes. In fact, if I ever stop watching lolicon, it would be because it might make me attracted to shotacon.

What I was asking is, what gives you the right to influence their decision either way? You did say you hoped a kid seeing your post of your experience would be inspired to change their sexuality via any means possible including self harm and to top it off you said this would be worth it even at the expense of another 5 kids comitting suicide. What makes you think everyones experience is the same as yours? How could you possibly know? Have a think about how your blatant insensitivity and your words can impact others reading this. Everyones entitled to their own opinion but how you present yours makes me sick. I dont know you, you may have been through a lot but a lot of people have and il bet reading shite like this doesnt help.

The same could be better than the people at the "It gets better" movement. I have the same motivation as them... But I'm looking to influence kids who can't help but feel awful about their sexuality and really wanna change. I'm not saying you have to change, but I think overcoming something is a greater joy than acceptance. And if I can share that joy and pride then

Ex-gays are the only people who have the right to mention "pride"... what are straight and gay people proud of? Genes? Environment? What's the point in shouting this pride nonsense unless you've accomplished something. Changing is an accomplishment. People should only have pride in accomplishing something.
Ex-gays are the only people who have the right to mention "pride"... what are straight and gay people proud of? Genes? Environment? What's the point in shouting this pride nonsense unless you've accomplished something. Changing is an accomplishment. People should only have pride in accomplishing something.

The pride movement exists to provide a foundation of strength against attitudes that there is something wrong with who they are. They're saying, "I'm gay and I'm proud of it and happy about who I am". One can feel pride in what they are, without having "accomplished" anything. In this world it's an accomplishment to feel good about yourself if you go against the grain of what is considered societally acceptable.
The pride movement exists to provide a foundation of strength against attitudes that there is something wrong with who they are. They're saying, "I'm gay and I'm proud of it and happy about who I am". One can feel pride in what they are, without having "accomplished" anything. In this world it's an accomplishment to feel good about yourself if you go against the grain of what is considered societally acceptable.

Okay... But I think ex-gays are doing that far more... atleast ones like me do. Sure some only do it becuase they're pussies who wanna fit in, but in my case, it was an act of pure individuality. Religion had nothing to do with it.

I have an ideal image of myself. My ideal self is heterosexual. And I don't need any more of a motivation than that. Im sure you have something about you that's not "wrong" but something you still wanna change.
I encourage other people, even children, to try and change their sexuality the way I did... through torture and self-abuse.

I would not care if someone followed my lead, and ended up commiting suicide. The reason why is becuase it would be a free act of their individuality, so there'd be nothing wrong if someone did... But also because I believe only some people can change.

I wanna find another young boy at the age of 12 on this site, who may read what I've said about torture and about sexual shame, and copy my actions. That way if one child could discover the joy and pride of improving ones self, then it's okay, even if 5 kids commit suicide as a result of stress and pain.

Coming from someone who masturbates to cartoon child porn (you)... can you see why this wound me up op?

Anyway peace, im out.
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Coming from someone who masturbates to cartoon child porn (you)... can you see why this wound me up op?

Anyway peace, im out.

Again... This is points out why people think gays are special or something, but if you're gay, it's impossible because being gay isn't a mental disorder. Therefore, even though gays can't change their sexual desires, apparently everyone else can.
Are you a closet pedophile? Sure as hell sound like one.

Um... not really. I like looking at lolicon. Since I admit it, I'm not a closet pedo. I'm an open lolicon. Now, is lolicon the same a pedo? Yes, but I prefer if you'd call me a lolicon. If people can't call me a lolicon out of respect, then don't get mad when I refuse to call trans people by their preferred pronouns.

I'm not harming children, because loli's are drawings. And I can change as easilly as a gay person can turn straight. Well, I believe they can potentially. However, when ever I bring up the fact that I would have as easy a time doing that as a gay person would trying to turn straight. But I can already here the assholes saying that I'm comparing them.

And that pisses me off... Anytime gay and pedo are used in the same sentence people assume I'm saying they're just as bad.
"Pedos can't change any more than gays can" STOP COMPARING THEM
"Pedos don't choose to like children any more than gays choose to like the same sex" STOP COMPARING THEM
"Not all pedos molest kids, so the ones who don't aren't as harmless as gays are" STOP COMPARING THEM

And even though they like to bash the hell out of people who aren't acting on their sexuality, they'll still have the nerve to bitch about "homophobia"... hypocrites.
You're not harming children, yet you encouraged anyone, "even children", to attempt to change their sexuality through self-torture? You're blatantly encouraging people and children to self-harm if they have something they want to change about themselves. That's sick, dude. Do you realize how sick that is? I hope that some part of you does.
You're not harming children, yet you encouraged anyone, "even children", to attempt to change their sexuality through self-torture? You're blatantly encouraging people and children to self-harm if they have something they want to change about themselves. That's sick, dude. Do you realize how sick that is? I hope that some part of you does.

Well... Here's the thing. If they truely can't change, then they'll give up. Odds are, most people, even those who wanna change will give up and not be able to handle it. That's why I have little guilt in recommending it to the whole world.
Since those who truly can't change will just give up anyways...

But to be honest, maybe I should encourage people to find their own method of changing. Maybe the whole torture thing would work for me, but perhaps someone just as dedicated could find another method. Dr. Leary expiremented with the use of LSD and claimed that 7 out of the 12 subjects reported a change in sexuality.
I'm not harming children, because loli's are drawings. And I can change as easilly as a gay person can turn straight. Well, I believe they can potentially. However, when ever I bring up the fact that I would have as easy a time doing that as a gay person would trying to turn straight. But I can already here the assholes saying that I'm comparing them.

The reason people object to you comparing homosexuality and child-pornography (which you are doing) is because one of them is okay and the other isn't. That might not seem fair to you, but this is an adult world. I've tried to explain to you why people deem one to be okay, and the other not. I'll try once more.

Homosexuality (the act) can be consensual and harmless.
Homosexuality (the lifestyle), likewise.

Pedophilia (the act) ruins children's lives.
Pedophilia (the lifestyle), likewise.

As for pornography, you're in denial about how promoting something as acceptable in society has an impact on how acceptable people deem it.
You've repeated, many times, that you're not doing any harm. But, really, you don't know that. You're just trying to convince yourself.

You literally are comparing them; you're making assumptions about what people think about that, but - either way - you're still doing it.

What about cocks do gay people find attractive? Since when do peoples sexuality become some logical process?

Although sexual desire is driven by the sub-conscious, it can be explored (logically).
And, although your question was - again - rhetorical, I'm going to answer you anyway.

I can't speak for everyone who finds cocks attractive, but I'll do my best.

The male physique is muscular and powerful (in comparison to the female).
Penises - when erect - are big throbbing muscles, bulging with veins.
Being fucked is - at least, to some extent - about being dominated; being vulnerable.
The male orgasm is explosive and animalistic.

Since the vagina is an internal organ, more attention (in terms of perceived beauty) is paid to the (non-genital) body.
Penises are more fun to play with than vaginas, IMO, from a purely objective standpoint.
Foreplay and oral sex are (potentially) better between men, but (penetrative) sex isn't.

If the male physique is muscular and powerful, the female physique is (comparatively) soft and submissive.
The nature of procreation forces women to take a (naturally) submissive role.
The vagina is not hard, like the penis; it is soft.
It is like a flower, rather than a spear.

Then there are feminine guys and ladyboys (the extreme of feminine guys), who have a mix of qualities.
And, varying degrees of masculinity in women.

Sometimes, it's exciting to "be the woman" (if you're a man)... or to "be the man" (if you're a woman).
Because, we recognize that there is something pleasing about dominating and being dominated.

Children, it seems to me, are the extreme of this. They are more feminine than masculine (regardless of gender), in the sense that: they do not have muscular physiques; they are smaller and weaker than adults (particularly adult male sexual partners); depending on their age, boys have higher pitched voices than men; and, they're (boys and girls) yet to (fully) develop body hair...

Women shave their legs to resemble younger women.
Youth is beauty: we can observe that everywhere.


You ask whether or not sexuality is a logical process.
Well, maybe it isn't. But we can observe what turns us on and what doesn't.
I know what I find arousing about men; I know what I find arousing about women.
I'm asking you what - specifically - attracts you to children.
There must be something. Surely you've thought about it?

You're attracted to (or have been attracted to, in the past) both little boys and little girls.
So, what is the common denominator?
If gay guys are attracted to "cocks", as you observe.
Then what is a (non gender-specific) pedophile attracted to?
Vulnerability? Innocence? Weakness? Inexperience?

Do you have fears about being sexually inadequate with adult (read: experienced) partners.
Does (the idea of) sex with a child appeal to you (to some extent) because you can dominate them?
Are you, perhaps, sexualizing yourself as a child; sexualizing your innocence; trying to rationalize what(ever) happened to you?

It's a cop out to not attempt to answer these questions.
And, I don't see how you can look at pornographic imagery without imagining a sexual act (or, at least, thinking *something*).
What is going through your head when you jerk off to little kids?
What part of their body do you look at? (And how does it differ, anatomically, to adult bodies?)

I realize you're getting upset, and I'm sorry about that. (Truly, I am.)
But, I've treated you with respect throughout this thread.
I'd appreciate it if you honestly answer the questions.

If you haven't brought this stuff to the surface before, I want you to try.
But, of course, it's entirely up to you. (I'm just trying to help.)
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Well... Here's the thing. If they truely can't change, then they'll give up. Odds are, most people, even those who wanna change will give up and not be able to handle it. That's why I have little guilt in recommending it to the whole world.
Since those who truly can't change will just give up anyways...

But to be honest, maybe I should encourage people to find their own method of changing. Maybe the whole torture thing would work for me, but perhaps someone just as dedicated could find another method. Dr. Leary expiremented with the use of LSD and claimed that 7 out of the 12 subjects reported a change in sexuality.

You sound like a creepy fucker I would call the cops on if you lived by me and I had kids.

The reason people object to you comparing homosexuality and child-pornography (which you are doing) is because one of them is okay and the other isn't.

Didn't you have a thread defending pedophilia a while back?

Either way this thread definitely gets the...

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fine.. show me sources and statistics that prove that lolicon increases the number of children molested. I'm not sure how you'd go about proving that though.

And why am I attracted to loli's? Well, I think it's because I've jerked off to so much porn of women, and even experimented with looking at gay porn... The point is I've seen it all. I used to not be into lolicon and in fact, found it to be repulsive.

However, after years and years of jerking off to adult women, over and over, 5-10 times a day.... I got tired of seeing the same thing over and over, and by this point I had completely stopped liking men... so what was left other than lolicon? I'm still attracted to adult women, but sometimes I wanna jerk off to something that's not normal or right.

In fact, since molesting kids is wrong, I think that's the appeal of lolicon.
Because even though it's not harmful since it's not real... it's a simulation of something terrible. In fact, that's the reason I got curious about men. Because I thought homosexuality was wrong, and so that made it appealing... It's because it was taboo.

And what's more taboo than lolicon? I like it because it's wrong and naughty and disgusting.

That's ironic isn't it? My homophobia is was what got me into liking the same sex.
Child porn is bad becuase you have to molest kids in order to make it.
Lolicon/shotacon take the molestation part out of the equation.

If child porn and lolicon are the same... then I guess Hostel is just as bad as a real snuff film.
There is nothing wrong with posting provocative content, as long as the intention for debate or resolve is genuine. In reading through this thread, it seems to me that you have already made up your mind about where you stand and why you stand there.

To be honest, I don't see why you are seeking approval for your beliefs. Surely you must have anticipated that most people will not see eye to eye with you on these issues.

Still, I wouldn't say that you are a bad person. I believe there is an inevitable duality in all things and for that reason I think that human perversity is just as insightful and resourceful as human morality.
fine.. show me sources and statistics that prove that lolicon increases the number of children molested. I'm not sure how you'd go about proving that though.

I can't prove it, like you say.
Just like you can't prove that it doesn't contribute.

And why am I attracted to loli's? Well, I think it's because I've jerked off to so much porn of women, and even experimented with looking at gay porn... The point is I've seen it all. I used to not be into lolicon and in fact, found it to be repulsive.

However, after years and years of jerking off to adult women, over and over, 5-10 times a day.... I got tired of seeing the same thing over and over, and by this point I had completely stopped liking men... so what was left other than lolicon? I'm still attracted to adult women, but sometimes I wanna jerk off to something that's not normal or right.

In fact, since molesting kids is wrong, I think that's the appeal of lolicon.
Because even though it's not harmful since it's not real... it's a simulation of something terrible. In fact, that's the reason I got curious about men. Because I thought homosexuality was wrong, and so that made it appealing... It's because it was taboo.

What's next, then, once you get bored of kids?
Maybe exhausting all avenues of internet pornography isn't the way to go?

I can definitely relate to what you're saying here, though.

And what's more taboo than lolicon? I like it because it's wrong and naughty and disgusting.

So, it is wrong?

That's ironic isn't it? My homophobia is was what got me into liking the same sex.

It's very common.
People have same-sex feelings that they bury with homophobic fear.
It is the fear, and the confusion about it, that (often) leads them to experiment.

Child porn is bad becuase you have to molest kids in order to make it.
Lolicon/shotacon take the molestation part out of the equation.

If child porn and lolicon are the same... then I guess Hostel is just as bad as a real snuff film.

I don't think anyone in this thread said that they're the same thing.

nut said:
Didn't you have a thread defending pedophilia a while back?

No. I started a thread about being attracted to sixteen year old girls.
Fucking a sixteen year old is statutory rape, not pedophilia.

I overestimated this forums ability to conduct a mature and civilized discussion.
If this thread was moved into SL&R, a similar thing would happen.

I don't care what anybody thinks: there are some smoking hot sixteen year-old girls.
I'm not going to fuck anyone that young. My girlfriend is ten years younger than me, and that's more than enough.
I just don't see how it's beneficial to pretend like women become attractive when they turn eighteen.
That doesn't make any sense to me, especially since adult women try to look like sixteen year-olds.

Your Pedo Bear picture (hilarious as it may be 8)) doesn't help.
The more we insult and demonize people, the less they will be open to change.
Go ahead and do it to me, again, if you like. Dig up the "Underage" thread.

I attempted to start a discussion.
Like the OP, here, I was brave enough to admit things about myself that most people would keep buried.
You're - honestly - part of the problem (I think) if you treat this like a witch hunt.
It's healthier (socially) to be able to discuss issues without fear of judgement.
You're just going to bury this; it's not going to go away, until we face it.
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I remember a 'type' of porn clip I have seen featured a girl on her 18th birthday getting fucked relentlessly by 3-4 guys. Something disturbing there, but also a point at the arbitrary nature of legality. I think laws might have to be absolutes to be 'real-world' applicable.
I can't prove it, like you say.
Just like you can't prove that it doesn't contribute.\

Well the thing is... If you expect me to believe that looking at drawings and jack off to them in my privacy is harmful to children, then I'm gonna need some sort of evidence. I mean, even the anti-video game people who criticize GTA bring up some sort of evidence... even if it is bullshit evidence.
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