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RCs alpha-PHP , a-php - Has anyone got any information?

Does anyone know if this will cause false positives or if it is tested for in suboxone treatment? Im waiting til after my appointment anyhow bc i cannot find any info anywhere and do NOT an to lose subs to be the first conributing info on it lol. Im already in hot water with them and cant be screwing around, just asking outta curiousity
so is this a a no???

Is what for what reason?

Are you stupid. There is no good high. And it tastes like shit....

Are you too stupid to find a decent suppler? If it's tan it's more likely to suck and have many impurities. The good stuff is like crystal and 5-8mg vaporized gives quite a rush. 10-12mg for your first dose would have you almost puking from the rush. It's pretty fucking intense.

Nah it is a good as fuck high of you keep valing for hours whrn your body adjusts the extreme lift this chemical offers. Crack it is not, it is more

Agreed, it is quite euphoric though moreish. With some effort you can pace yourself and sleep.

Its tasty as fuck if you like the flowery peachy taste of PVs

Peachy? Never thought so... it is a unique flavor.

Does anyone know if this will cause false positives or if it is tested for in suboxone treatment? Im waiting til after my appointment anyhow bc i cannot find any info anywhere and do NOT an to lose subs to be the first conributing info on it lol. Im already in hot water with them and cant be screwing around, just asking outta curiousity

Drug testing questions aren't allowed. Go get a 12 panel (or if you haven't the money a nida-5 panel) and see if it gives false positives.
Woahhh wtf? Bickering? Man you're taking too much if you're talking to yourself. (If you mean me I was jokingly informing him that drug testing questions aren't allowed).

As for 2g, man I'd be careful. This stuff is pretty damn moreish, I'd only order more than 1g if I felt like finding a friend to hold on to it, and honestly the thought of hitting them up just to get some and possibly annoying them is enough not to.

This stuff makes EPH look like garbage though.... if it is in crystal form and not what was originally a tannish powder.
a-PHP wont flag any standard panel test. even sent to GCMS unless they are looking for it or PV relatives. personal experience

more dank crystals yo
First time with this class of stimulant. Vaped 500mg over a 12 hr period with a 4 hour sleep in there. Initially(first few hours) a powerful mindset, anxiety, talkative, euphoric and moderately pro sexual. After a few redoses seemed to get better and better we all agreed.

This is by far the most fiendish substance i've used. Vaping off foil is fun but thats ALL you do the entire time. I'd do it again but definitely with a different ROA. If only alpha-php had a longer duration it would be perfect.
If you're trying to live spiritual don't do this, got that evil edge. I'll leave this one for the crackheads.
Potent shit. Not really suited for high doses and binges. Tread carefully b/c too muc feels like absolute shit.
I'm new to research chemicals and I tried to find the answer by UTFSE but couldn't find it. If one is to vape it (brownish crystals), how often do you hit the pipe? (i.e., every 10 minutes, every hour, etc.) How much should I load in the pipe (I got a scale). Should a oil burner be use or a crack pipe? Are the effects like crack or meth? I've done 3 grams of crack in 12 hours but I never did any amount of meth. Based on some comments above, sounds like 3 grams of a-php is too much to do in 12 hours. What are the effects? Am I going to be up for days? Is my heart going to be beating 200 beats per minute for hours? I don't want to overdue it. Thanks.
^3 grams in twelve hours would probably kill you. I haven't tried this but I have a friend who loves it and one gram is good for 2-3 days of continuous use.
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^3 grams in twelve hours would probably kill you. I haven't tried this but I have a friend who loves it and one gram is good for 2-3 days of continuous use.

1-200mg in 12 hours would kill me... maybe less.

One gram is good for 1 week.... binging with a little tolerance. Either you guys are getting not good stuff or need to STOP RIGHT NOW.

An initial dosage is 2-3mg for no tolerance, maybe 5mg with one.
I'm definitely interested in this chemical. I'm a fan of aPVP for being ape shit 3 days straight but definitely not for being a productive member of adult society. Love the feeling though, and the rush I get for 30 minutes after vaping the chemical is god like.

From a lot of the descriptions aPHP seems up my alley, however I purchased some MD-PHP (the PHP version of MDPV) and it was total crap, nothing positive about it whatsoever. I also tried aPBP which is one step in the opposite direction as aPHP on the alpha chain length. It was an awesome functional stim and mood lifter, almost zero paranoia or noticeable negative side effects, but you hit a ceiling very quick and there is no rush or in-your-face euphoria.

I'll probably pass on aPHP, although not for any specific reason. Just wait, alpha-PHP will be banned soon enough, and then everyone will move on to the "replacement" which of course will be less than stellar and so on and so forth. Just like all the junk that tried to replace mephedrone like 3MMC which is a crap cathinone high with very large potential for heart problems. Hell, even the super pure large crystal batches of Meph weren't that great. Shifting baselines yo'!
This is by far the most fiendish substance i've used. Vaping off foil is fun but thats ALL you do the entire time. I'd do it again but definitely with a different ROA. If only alpha-php had a longer duration it would be perfect.

try MDPV then, and u will get a chock. Infact, DON'T try it :)
Since a-PVP is, as i think, plain and simple as it is, shite as shite can be and the a-PHP at least having kinda unique properties to it the PVP is missing, even though it's nothing too spectacular, time and all the Research lead us to the conclusion that none of those have something what the superior "oh-so-evil" PV can't, especially while being less dangerous/harmful or whatever it is being blamed for (just bcuz it's just a fair bit more potent mg per mg).
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My thoughts on aphp are as follows.
sorry for typos and shit im high on it now and my thouchscreen sucks. I have to use thos drug with others around for it to be truly fun. I only iv it and the rush lasts like 5 min and the high afterwords is good for at least 2 hours. I redose but not ti.all.my shit is gone or been up for days. I dose a shot every 2 hlirs