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RCs alpha-PHP , a-php - Has anyone got any information?

My thoughts on aphp are as follows.
sorry for typos and shit im high on it now and my thouchscreen sucks. I have to use thos drug with others around for it to be truly fun. I only iv it and the rush lasts like 5 min and the high afterwords is good for at least 2 hours. I redose but not ti.all.my shit is gone or been up for days. I dose a shot every 2 hlirs.
NOT a good drug to get into IVing...(like any is)

Especially if you've got the shit version and not the better one (I've gotten two one that had horrible side effects and body load and other shit and one that was moreish as fuck and better than meth around here); though, honestly I'll be restraining myself from buying this shit or other stims as I don't like the withdrawn person it makes me at all. I dunno if it's just me but I find that an easy task and know I'm not really lying to myself saying it, maybe it's just from kicking other tougher shit.

BTW if you're high on this shit I'm surprised you don't need to be a perfectionist with typing. Usually stimulants make me so razor sharp that I'm a perfectionist at the expense of other more important things.
try MDPV then, and u will get a chock. Infact, DON'T try it :)

Nicklazz if i could find it, i'd definitely give it a try. Even though i know it'd lead to uncontrollable redosing and psychosis apparently i like learning everything the hard way. The way i see it the ultimate stimulants are Meth, Cocaine and MDPV so i'll have to try it, one day hopefully.

Lolwhatzdrugz i'd have to disagree on those dosages. From what i read A-PHP is significantly less potent then A-PVP. 3-5mg's sounds like MDPV dosages?
If you're trying to live spiritual don't do this, got that evil edge. I'll leave this one for the crackheads.

Really? As far as i'm concerned you are a crackhead for trying it. How can a substance have an Evil edge? Go smoke more DMT.
No. You're wrong or have bad shit. If you have crystal aphp 3-5mg works for sure. Sorry if that sounded too terse.
A-PHP is just as shitty as A-PVP is, probably even worse, especially when compared to it's superior Predecessor, the Peevee!
NOT a good drug to get into IVing...(like any is)

I would agree. Having gone down the rabbit hole numerous times with both MDPV and aPVP (smoked and snorted), and from what I hear about aPHP's effects profile, IVing it is just asking to become a slave to the chemical. But I've only IVed a drug once so I won't comment further.

BTW if you're high on this shit I'm surprised you don't need to be a perfectionist with typing. Usually stimulants make me so razor sharp that I'm a perfectionist at the expense of other more important things.

No fucking joke ese! When I'm on a good stim high, I will literally spend 45 minutes on 2 paragraphs just making sure the spelling and grammar and punctuation is perfect down to the pixels in my screen!

THCified said:
A-PHP is just as shitty as A-PVP is, probably even worse, especially when compared to it's superior Predecessor, the Peevee

Never done aPHP, but I have done plenty of MDPV and aPVP. Never had the mysterious "Tan mdpv" that so many talk about, I've only had the pure white (it was later shown the tan batch had some other chemical impurities in it which led to the insane effects.)

I agree and disagree. I agree that MDPV is superior. I get a tad less paranoia, its a tad bit easier to sleep on, its not as fiendish, and the best part is it gets me creative and in the mood for writing music or doing something similar and not thinking about when my next hit from the pipe will be.

That said, I don't think aPVP is a shit chem. I look at it like this (and I know this is a shitty analogy but bare with me): if aPVP was pure d-Meth, MDPV would be an X pill that was 80% d-Meth and 20% MDMA. Obviously the effects are nothing like those mentioned, but its an analogy.

aPVP can be very fun, and I find that sexually it's superior to MDPV. As long as you don't end up sleepless for 3 days you'll be alright. 2 days of sobriety and back to normal world.

I'll say though, hearing your room-mates walking up and down the stairs for 8 hours straight while they search through your car for drugs is a nightmare, especially when you get the courage to walk outside and they're all fast asleep. Oh and I promise you that all three: MDPV, aPVP and aPHP are worse for your teeth than doing meth. I'm going to write a little guide soon in BDD on staying healthy while binging on PVs.

Can anyone comment as to the duration of the aPHP high vs. aPVP high? I've heard its a bit shorter, therefore a bit more fiendish, but I would love if someone could give me a semi-detailed breakdown. Also what is the difference in terms of the rush? I hardly get any rush from aPVP/MDPV, it mainly just waits about 1.5 minutes and then kicks in hard, but I don't consider that a rush. Thanks!
Thanks for posting such a detailed Point of View,honestly. I cannot leave that much input about the PHP/PVP as my research on them is limited but enough to say they're nothing too interesting, and even though PV's been told to be kinda "evil" Compound, it's, if threated carefully and with respect, the second best Stim there is, while Methylphenidate is, subjectively seen, much better, but this is bcuz i am diagnozed ADHD!
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Heh... there's no way that aphp is worse for your teeth than racemic methamp IMO. Unless you stay up for 10 days and think your teeth are betraying you so you pull them out ;)
Correct me if i'm wrong. When it comes to potency: MDPV> A-PVP> A-PHP

The stuff i had was active at 5mg but i needed higher dosages for euphoric or rushing effects.
Heh... there's no way that aphp is worse for your teeth than racemic methamp IMO. Unless you stay up for 10 days and think your teeth are betraying you so you pull them out ;)
Hahaha if I even made it to 10 days on a PV, I would just be a brain in a vat.

The general current consensus on what causes "meth mouth" has to do with side effects of dry mouth, acidified salivia etc. Not the actual chemical itself destroying your enamel, say like a soda pop would.

And since I don't have a PhD in chemistry, I won't go down that route. But from my lonnnnng term experience with meth, aPVP & MDPV (although not quite as much with the MD) it seems the mouth-related side effects from the PVs are a little more harsh than regular meth. Its obviously subjective anecdotal evidence so take it with a grain of salt.... but I had been drinking soda multiple times a day, and occasionally binging meth for about 3 years, my teeth still looked pretty damn good almost no corrosion.

Got my first sample of aPVP, 3 days later I had gaps forming in between my teeth starting at the top. My dentist even seemed tripped out. Although I will concede, I generally stay hydrated more often while on meth... PVP makes me forget to do life. And lately I have made it a habit of brushing my teeth multiple times a day and using mouth wash after any vaped hit of an aPxP or MDPV... and I guess you may be right, the damage is MUCH slower now that I have implemented these strategies.

As far as potency goes (another user mentioned MDPV > aPVP > aPHP). This seems to be the case yes, however personally I find the potency difference between MDPV and aPVP to be minimal, albeit existent.

While aPHP may be a little less potent, also keep in mind that it's effects profile is also different. When you increase the alpha chain past 4 carbons (4 right?) you lose potency and according to a few blue lighters euphoria as well.

I have extensively tried a-PBP, which is a decrease in the alpha chain by 1 carbon, basically the opposite direction from aPVP ---> aPHP. I also found aPBP less potent than PVP, much less euphoric and had a very-easy-to-hit ceiling of effects. That said, it actually behaved a TON like methylphenidate, and was to date the ONLY functional PV-analog I have ever tried and never made me paranoid or over stimulated. When vaped it tasted similar to aPVP crystals, but with a hint of pine-sol.

I'll stop because this thread is about PHP, and thats the one damn pv analog I haven't tried yet. Continue on nothing to see here....

As far
So the general consensus is that the Peev is and remains the superior Compound, and so there's no reason experimenting any further with the a-PxP's, eh?!
So the general consensus is that the Peev is and remains the superior Compound, and so there's no reason experimenting any further with the a-PxP's, eh?!

So it seems, unless you're in a Sch1 MDPV country, but it's super moreish so probably best not to fuck with it anyway.
pros: energy, euphoria, life affirment, positivity, motivation, extreme creative thoughtsn, music appreciation like never before, hallucinations, delusions, extreme sexual arrousal, extreme orgasm, extreme body rush, powerful paradigm change. Life force.

cons: dysphoria, suicidal thoughts/lfantasies, extreme use compulsion, extreme paranoia, extreme paranoid delusions, extreme hyper vigilancy, extreme hypochondriasis, no trust, no appetite, insomnia, hypertension, pulminary hypertension, pacing, anxiety. -AS THINGS GET WORSE-
rapid changing of clothes, angoraphobia, paranoid shicozphrenia full blown, stashig and hiding, uncontrollable compilsive redosing
-the Worst-
unstoppable redosing, auditory visual paranoid delusions, frozen panic catatonia, suicidial acts, violent planning, extreme desperate stashing/hiding/flushing, hate, days after insanity, screaming/scratching in sleep.

Yes it gets BAD.

I would start a session by vaping 100mg hit after hit. Thene vaping 80mg every 10-15 minutes for 2 days. Then plugging 80-200mg every hour while smoking 60-80mg every 30 minutes for 3 days. The final 2 days of these sessions (x3) Id be plugging 100-200mg, orally 100-150mg and vaping 100mg nonstop. Id he a suicidal delusional Fed hating Life lovig wreck.

I have a 3 year tolerance so be aware. My doses are stuoid and irresponsible. My D2 receptors are fucked and downregulated to the Max. Be Careful

Just ordered another 25,000mg so well see LOL
Ohhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnn

Dude please try to go slower, or at the very fucking least noooooooo faster!

Be safe <3