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alcohol and mdma

My friend died from alcohol+mdma+Amphetamine+cocaine and poppers. His heart literally exploded. Uu rip 🌴

That definitely sounds like a toxic combo.

But I've done LSD, phet, coke and pharmaceutical amyl nitrite and it was heavenly. But I don't think I'd like to risk it now...
That definitely sounds like a toxic combo.

But I've done LSD, phet, coke and pharmaceutical amyl nitrite and it was heavenly. But I don't think I'd like to risk it now...
Yeah but my friend that day had some BOMB coke. And when I say BOMB I mean it. I remember him opening a huge wrap, there was prob 4g in there and he had swallowed I think like 2 pills(these pills had amphetamines cause I had en too) that + poppers was too much. He died young man, 22 years old. May first was his bday, he would have been 28 this last Saturday:/
Coke and alcohol I hear is a really bad mix in terms of toxicity. Yet everyone seems to do it.
While one or 2 beers may be fine while rolling, I strongly advise against drinking alcohol and taking MDMA.

Alcohol will increase the blood concentration of MDMA so a given dose will hit you harder if you drink.
This may sound fun but it also means more neurotoxicity.
Every single time I rolled in a group the people taking more alcohol were always the ones with the worst comedown out of all the group, and the ones that made the worst choices during the evening, like buying more drugs when they hadn't planned on doing it, getting caught by security and thrown out, loosing wallets or other valuable property, made out/had sex with randos they wouldn't have touched with a 3 feet pole if they hadn't drank etc.

The only worse party drug combo I can think of is Alcohol and Ketamine, I've literally had a group of 3 friends do the first line of Ket, decide that it didn't hit them hard enough (they were so fucked they didn't realise), and they choose to do the next line right next to two bouncers (like almost touching backs) thinking they were safe in that spot.
They spent 30 minutes outside under pouring rain in their t shirts forgetting they had been thrown out and repeatedly attempting to get back in with the bouncers initially laughing at them and clowning them for their state but gradually getting more and more pissed and screaming threats at them at the end.
Personally most or my experience with MDMA has been dropping a little of it (like a medium sized crystal or two), snorting a line of it then drinking the rest of the night.
The combination feels pretty good and it makes you actually wanna go do stuff while you're drinking rather than just lounge around.

It has downsides and you're really gonna wanna make sure to keep hydrated on the pair for obvious reasons but it's very much a party combination,
If you're just chillin alone with both on hand then I would just stick to the alcohol and save the MD for when you plan to be out partying.
Personally most or my experience with MDMA has been dropping a little of it (like a medium sized crystal or two), snorting a line of it then drinking the rest of the night.
The combination feels pretty good and it makes you actually wanna go do stuff while you're drinking rather than just lounge around.

It has downsides and you're really gonna wanna make sure to keep hydrated on the pair for obvious reasons but it's very much a party combination,
If you're just chillin alone with both on hand then I would just stick to the alcohol and save the MD for when you plan to be out partying.
Holy hell.

I did mdma and a lot of alcohol one night last weekend. Ended up having another Blackout. Alcohol alone does not give me a blackout ,but these 2 combined have done it twice in the last few months.

I was so out of it ended up in a strip club telling every girl who approached me I was into mdma and did they want some? I was stupid .

Security didn't like me much and I almost got cops called on me. Lucky just thrown out instead.

No memory apart from security.
drinking while on is ok or not recommended?

what are the real dangers and im sure people have done it and have stories on it.
MDMA and alcohol are both diuretics and can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte deficiency. The same applies with other stimulants and alcohol. MDMA like other stimulants can also mask the intoxication of alcohol, causing you to drink more than you otherwise would, which can pose it's own dangers.

The best thing you can drink on MDMA is plenty of water with some added electrolyte tablets. This will make the experience far safer and more enjoyable overall.
I can't seem to not drink alcohol with mdma and it makes me ill next day ,proper sick. Wake up with brusies and jaw torn to fkk.

See these gigs or dance tents where alcohol is obviously served and ppl are dancing. Pop a pill then go jumping about drinking waiting for it to take effect. Everyone is doing it.

Now the beer is flowing and I'm swaying. Take another pill at this stage turns me into a rubber man with eyes rolling. 😩
Holy hell.

I did mdma and a lot of alcohol one night last weekend. Ended up having another Blackout. Alcohol alone does not give me a blackout ,but these 2 combined have done it twice in the last few months.

I was so out of it ended up in a strip club telling every girl who approached me I was into mdma and did they want some? I was stupid .

Security didn't like me much and I almost got cops called on me. Lucky just thrown out instead.

No memory apart from security.
See this is exactly what I said.

I don't combine them ever because I black out... Same with 4-MMC, methylone, butylone, etc. plus alcohol.

I've never done it successfully so I don't even attempt it anymore.

I once tried to smoke a ten gram bag of 4-MMC when I was drunk. I put the bag in my mouth and lit it. The bag melted and 4-MMC went everywhere.

It's much better to save the alcohol for the next day.
See this is exactly what I said.

I don't combine them ever because I black out... Same with 4-MMC, methylone, butylone, etc. plus alcohol.

I've never done it successfully so I don't even attempt it anymore.

I once tried to smoke a ten gram bag of 4-MMC when I was drunk. I put the bag in my mouth and lit it. The bag melted and 4-MMC went everywhere.

It's much better to save the alcohol for the next day.
Thanks. Can't seem to do it. Beer, beer, beer.

It's what I did for years before I recently added in mdma. Makes ya feel so good the glass or can is never empty.

What is causing these blackouts that never happen even if I drink a skin full.
Thanks. Can't seem to do it. Beer, beer, beer.

It's what I did for years before I recently added in mdma. Makes ya feel so good the glass or can is never empty.

What is causing these blackouts that never happen even if I drink a skin full.
I don't commonly blackout on just alcohol either.

Something about the pharmacology of triple releasing agent stimulants combined with alcohol makes me black out pretty much everytime though. Doing stupid blackout antics too.
I don't commonly blackout on just alcohol either.

Something about the pharmacology of triple releasing agent stimulants combined with alcohol makes me black out pretty much everytime though. Doing stupid blackout antics too.
I hear ya.
Happen again. Total spangle and my mate was even worse than me and doesn't remember being in the nightclub. Drink flowing while on MDMA.

Causes a real problem when mixed it seems
What about mdma for a hangover if you've had loads of alcohol night before?

the roll will feel like ur high and have a hangover. really not pleasant

also this blackout thing comes from too much of either. ive done both before loads of times and not blacked out. i find the blacking out can come from just too much mandy mainly. as long as your not munted and go medium on the drink its ussually fine

if u had a lot of booze make the mdma amount much smaller and if the mdma amount is larger have maybe one or two bottles of weak beer over the evening

for me weed and booze i often have no memory of the evening from quite early on but again this is when having a heavy session, but obviously nothing wacky happens
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It depends how intoxicated I am on the MDMA. Sometimes I will take a small amount, drink some beers, take the other half of a pill and drink more beers til it's time for beddy bye.

The only time I wouldn't drink on MDMA is when I go to harvest and forget to bring a case of beer.
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I prefer to have a beer as I come down. I remember a mate taking mdma in the pub a few years ago, washed it down with a pint of Guinness. He puked it all back up into the glass then downed it again. What a lovely sight.