7th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread v. the hero in our lives

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Take this shit back to your thread, fuck.

How much can you talk about dope in Chicago without getting sick of it? I find this to be a nice change in pace, as do the other mods. I really don't see what the problem is.

i know wtf

Nobody said you couldn't post about the dope here. Go ahead, this is the only recent post I can recall of yours, and it isn't even taking about heroin. OK there were 3 other posts, but still...
I just re- watched American gangster, man that dude had the ultimate hookup, and he made all the chicks take their clothes off while they worked the dope, he had everything hooked up. I think his stamp was blue magic or something like that. I would've loved to got some of his shit right when it got back before anyone touched it. They said even after he cut it that it still was way stronger than anyone else's shit. OMG could u imagine his uncut shit!!!!! You would have to be xtra careful!!!!
Blame your drug importers greed for that, because if The Netherlands, Italy, Germany,Spain,etc. have cheap and good quality dope,
They don't the Drought has affected almost all of Europe , i know this as i have Close Freinds in Spain , Portugal n Germany it's the same all over prices are up quality is down.#
I've been on Heroin for over 15 years n have used in Italy , Spain , Portugal n all over the Uk i've built quite a network of fellow users in this time .
So brimz, why do you think there is such a "drought"?

Sounds strange to me, cause there is so much $$$$ to be made by drug trafficking.

Either the euros are too afraid to import some dope or theres no dope to import..what else could it be?
So brimz, why do you think there is such a "drought"?

Sounds strange to me, cause there is so much $$$$ to be made by drug trafficking.

Either the euros are too afraid to import some dope or theres no dope to import..what else could it be?

If only i knew , i remember the Drought back in 2001 n that was nothing compared to this.
My hunches are
The distribution network really high up in the chain has been severly messed up due 2 fighting for controll of teritory n sloppy behaviour which doesn't endear prospective sluppiers to wanting to deal with uk Gangsters.

I really am finding it hard to think of areason cos were talkin multi millions like u said.
BTW theirs no shortage of Crack though, which jus confuses things even more.

The theory that their is no dope to import does have some credibility but , i jus find it 2 hard 2 belive.#

It's not like their s nothing at all , but unless you are pretty connected / been in the game a good few years tis hard to get decent .
I can get ok tackle at <snip> for 1.6 grams i suppose thats like 50 dollars but the strength is nowhere near what it should be,.
I despair i really do.
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the drought has really hit berlin a guy on opiophile been bloging that shit for months, there is good gear about real good but you got to be prepaired to spend 10 quid a point 1 in the uk. But what ive heard germany has been hit hard so has the republic of ireland . I blame the yanks get out of pakistan and afghan and let the dope flow US TROOPS OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST. serj taken favourite quote out of system of a down
All this talk of drug drought is foreign to me.

Where im at theres never been a drought, ive been using all sorts of psychoactives for 7 years. Im in the Southwestern US by the border to Mexico. Leme tell you i dont see a drought happening anytime soon. The criminal syndicates that coordinate drug trafficking are vast and have supreme power. The Mexican Cartels are running shit. They make billions. Their resources are much greater than that of any government, as in theyre making billions $.

I dont know if yall in EU hear about Mexican cartels. Theyre winning the War on Drugs.

Thats all i got for now
Cor blimey, lord, love a duck, blow me over and other Dick van Dyke argot. What a culture clash. This fella Altenkj may be the biggest threat to Anglo-American relations since that upstart Jefferson.

Chicago, huh, not a heroin renaissance in Chinatown. Pity. Has anyone seen the Chinese rocks since they vanished from these shores about a hundred years ago? Sorely missed.

What my compatriots say is correct. Although supply pockets maintained throughout, the drought was Europe wide. Naples is a law unto itself but the rest of Italy was hard hit. I'd thought Turkish suppliers to Berlin had escaped the law enforcement pressure back home as politicians sought to clean up their act for EU membership but the Opiophile correspondent is probably more up to date. Junk in the Dam, I heard, whilst not impossible to find, was scarcer and lower quality than usual throughout the last winter

As for the effects of the invasion, it's difficult to determine any precise influence. It's true prices decreased here during the noughties, but they'd been doing so for some time previously. Falling prices were matched by diminishing purity, also part of a continuing trend. If anything, the deployment of our boys in Hellmand has added to the hardships of traditionalists in that lawless province. Certainly, since the drought has eased somewhat dealers have upped the prices for the good stuff.

What of the Volunteer Army? Are they developing Nam style habits? Have their cousins in the inner cities taken any interest in bringing it back home? We've yet to read of heroin stuffed corpses or the giddy excesses of Air America. Your VA seems reticent on the subject of addicted army personnel and Afghani powder wallahs camped at the gates of US bases. To the victor the spoils of war, they say, and I hope that, unlike us, you're seeing them there.

Yep, there's a big and wide-open market in the UK just waiting for someone to fill it. Glad I don't have to worry about it too much. Love and peace, free Americans. ( 'the peace symbol - the footprint of the American chicken', just read that, allegedly a quote of J Edgar Hoover) As our man Brimz notes, it would be a grand thing were universal junkie nation to rise and demand the removal of its chains. Users both sides of the Atlantic have been marginalised, stigmatised and persecuted far too long. Leap onto your chestnut mares and carry the news across the Republic. Try not to nod off in the saddle or stop off en route for blow jobs.

OK, I'll get my coat and slink off back to our ''own thread''. May y'all stay high and out of gaol and ER till I pass this way again.
I find this to be a nice change in pace, as do the other mods. I really don't see what the problem is.

IMO this has been one of if not the best dialog this thread has had since I've been reading it. When else do we get an opportunity to converse with our friends from across the pond? Good stuff as usual Tommy.
What of the Volunteer Army? Are they developing Nam style habits? Have their cousins in the inner cities taken any interest in bringing it back home? We've yet to read of heroin stuffed corpses or the giddy excesses of Air America. Your VA seems reticent on the subject of addicted army personnel and Afghani powder wallahs camped at the gates of US bases. To the victor the spoils of war, they say, and I hope that, unlike us, you're seeing them there.

I have only heard rumo(u)rs of that. I was planning on asking one of my friends that got off the H and joined the Navy, but he didn't return home after he was discharged for what I am assuming was a drug offense. I am not sure where the drugs that he was using came from, as he was at a military base in the U.S, and had not yet deployed.

The markets here are all run by gangs, so I would assume that anything brought back here from Afghanistan would only be in very tight knit groups, to the like of which I do not belong. As I said, people have claimed that it is here, but nobody on here has mentioned that they, themselves, have used it.
Ya all this euro drought discussion is interesting.

Makes me think of economics, supply and demand.

I would like to understand why such great demand is getting this low, ifnot nonexistant supply. Afterall, there are millions or billions of dollars to be made in the game/business.
^ Well it is like economics. Think gold.... It is expensive because it is rare. So if they cut off the supply, they can make the same amount of money because people will pay more due to it being rare. Now Afghanistan can just hold onto the stockpile of heroin, and make the same amount of money while sending over less heroin. Also, they wouldn't have to farm as much if they can make the same amount while selling less product. It is only when another supplier steps in that competition can occur, bringing prices down. So the real question is, who is going to step and begin supplying the UK with their product?

That's just my best guess anyway.
Ya idk why either.

They def could make more $ by constantly supplying. I mean if theres no supply practically then when someone does supply they could set their own prices due to monopoly aka no competitors. Its hard to wrap my head around cuz here all sorts o drugs are super common available.

Supplying drugs is a huge market, so theres always more than enough willing participants, at least here in the USA.

The million dollar question, why is europes demand for this drug not being supplied. Its hard for me to believe theres not enough dope, barely any or none. I mean i know if u control a market you can set a price for product, if demand is great and supply is low that would drive up prices, yes. But it dont make sense why the suppliers arent selling now, since theres no dope they can set whatever price they like.

Also there may be a production issue? Is this true, that growers have stopped, ran into problems, and cannot supply the people.

Would be interesting to get to the bottom of this.
Talking about supply and demand, I can't believe it hasn't moved further down into middle /south Georgia yet. There is definitely demand almost everyone is on OC'S, roxis, or going to the clinic. Clinics are everywhere even in very small towns because of the demand. Someone could definitely get the business cause everyone I know is driving to Atlanta, even people in Alabama, southern Tennessee, and south Carolina. I've read where interstate 75 is a major route out of Florida to Atlanta so it's coming right by all these small towns it just don't stop off, lol. Wish it would go back to like it was before the 1920's when coke and opiates was in all these elixirs everyone was selling. Everyone talks about prohibition but what about the drug prohibition, wish it would end too!
Rockmonster I'm on EST now (on vacation in NYC). Fucking beautiful day today in the city.

Back to supply and demand and some stuff I cited. TommyBoy uses gold as an anology and made a good point. I like to use petroleum as a relevant analogy. A substance our social and economic system can't do without=that we are hopelessly dependent on.

We found out in 74' I believe during the OPEC crisis how vulnerable our supply of this good is. I remmeber waiting in gas lines in the late 70s (I think I might have posted this in this thread." Anyway, the oil producing (mostly Middle Eastern Nations in resposne to the USAs support of Israel in the Yom Kipur war imposed oil embargos on the USA that severly effected the economy and led to inflation.

In 1979, after the revolution in Iran, their was the second energy crises. People had to wait in Gas lines. Green flag met gas, yellow ment emergency vehicles only, red ment no gas. I remember that as a kid. Was there some people getting Gas, yes of course, connected or wealthy.

Now when there are Cartels, like the Medelin Cartel,Cali Cartel, ect...like Petroleum Cartels, the stronger the monopoly and ability to control the price, the greater the ability to fix and artificially inflate the price. Competition and free market capatalism tend to be a consumers or end user's best friend. Inspite of the Cartels ability to produce economies of scale and have finacial and political capital to increase production, make shipping more efficient, buy off higher level officials...things that competing groups can take advatage of when cartels are dismanteled...why the war on drugs is an excercise in futility overall over time. One would guess so after 100 years of failure.

In time new sources were discovered, more oil started comming from North America and new soureces steped in to fill the void as profitability caused incentives for new exploration, ect... then prices dropped through the 80s...and the USAs dependence on the Middle Eastern oil Producers was diminished.

The USA lainched a war against the Cartels, other oraganizarions took their place. Opium production, despite Plan Colombia and US aid to the Colombian government began reputedly by an associate of the Cali Cartels (reputedly a man named Ivan Urdinola-Grajales, maybe to make up lost coke revenues and the potential the Eastern Seaboard markets possed for heroin revenues.) Expert chemist were imported to make a proper product capatilizating on this groups ability to invests heavily in capital resources. The DEA ended up shutting them down.

Now Other organizations, the North Coastal Cartel, Norte de Valle Cartel, got involved- probably most likely utilizing existing infrastructure. Paramilitary groups also got in on the racket both right and lefy wing (AUC, ect...) prices fell, quality improved and when Plan Colombia was having a noticeable effect on Coca production in Colombia, more Coca production started shifting to Peru and Bolivia (the latter who kicked the DEA out of their country.) Anyway, more interdiction, more competition, lower prices and greater product.

Now with respect to Mexico, they decriminalized drugs I think Aug of 09' of simple defined possession. Calderone also declared a war against drug Cartels. The dirty secret is a.) corruption is systemic in Mexico, and B.) Calderone is selectively prosecuting the drug war- hence the Sinaloa Cartel or whoever is reposnsible for getting that fire tar to Arizona, Ohio, ect

The other dirty secret- refering to my other post- the narcoswine, prisons, and other vested interests have a reason to see the flow of drugs come in, addicts to save, panic in the suburbs, amid painful budget cuts they are protecting their agency, prison, ect...funded. Plus the market for substitute medication, NIDA budgets, treatment programs needing slots filled.

Now Europe was getting its heroin from Afghanistan primarily. The Bush administration didn't give a fuck about the heroin problem in Europe. and installed Karzai- a corrupt dude. Also made alliances with warlords. Now ironically he might not have been good for Europe and was well hated over there, much as I hate to be the one to say it, in my unexpert analysis, his administration was a boon for Europe's heroin market's. Obama on the other hand has collaborated with NATO, especially, the UK, instituted crop eradication programs in collaboration with the UK, Germany, and crop substitution programs, restructured the war and put more of an emphasis on Nation building (not as much as Patreus, McCrystal, and others wanted because of the cost)- this last thing is the silver linning for Europe's addicts, but other NATO nations seem to have taken this resposinibility partly upon themselves (anyway markets always bounce back eventually- like I said an excercise in futility. I suggest the book Obama's wars by Bob Woodword for background info and alittle more research and draw your own conclusions.

So like the OPEC analogy, who will fill the holes? Colombia would be my first choice if i was to venture a guess- already have established routes. Maybe Burma but YaBa is an easier product from a logistical standpoint and still prety profitable- hence a poorer candidate. If Colombia was to devert supplies the East Coast would see a significant drop in supply and price in the short term in my estimation unless the shortfall was made up by mexicans and tar.
In this scenario the USA (but not Canada) would probably see a drought, atleast in the short term. Then our Brothers and Sisters across the pond can come and gloat on this board, say that those of us using dont have game, ect...Just glad I'm outta the game so i don't have to worry about supply shocks for stuff.

As for the politics, I didn't vote for Bush, McCain or Obama, my support for 2012 is Ron Paul, who would not only pull the US out of most wars but the War on Drugs as well.%)

I see this gentleman as the only hope left for America and in the unlikely event he was elected, would be of benefit internationally.

The link posted a few days ago- the report on the drought is a good document to read for background info- the intel,/ analysis, ect...seem sound.

As easy-easy pointed out the SE has a drought of heroin, in this case because there are Pharmaceutical substitutes that cause a dissincentive to establish a significant market- not that there isn't one- its just not booming- a draught in effect on US soil related to other factors- vested interests- Pharmaceutical comapnies with big pocket lobbyists in Congress and in those statesto keep their profits going. If the whole Pain Clinic thing was outlawed I would bet there would be a huge surge in heroin supplies on the streets- we've seen this to an extent in California over the last 10 years and other parts of the country.

Bottom line...perpetuating the Drug war probably pays more in the USA than the UK and a huge market supplied by one country or entity is at great risk for supply disruptions- leasons learned from the petroleum crises in the 70s. My amatuer economic and narco-geopolitical analysis.
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Charlie My experience with US military personel in AA coming back from deployments- San diego is a highly militarized town- is that alcohol and ambien is the drug of choice of those still active seeking treatment. Every now and then someone pops dirty but thats usually weed or E or something purchased stateside- the sailors and USMC personel don't seem to be dabbling in dope- maybe the other branches?- though an article I read said that opium and heroin were widely available in a Bazaar outside Bagram Air Base.
Hey jspun thats rad youre on vacation, especially cause youre in nyc cause thats somewhere i would like to go eventually.

So why nyc? Which burrough are you stayin at?

How are you feelin nyc? Been goin sightseeing?
Hey Rickmonster- In midtown Manhattan. Definetely been sightseeing. Yesterday we did central park, pizza in spanish harlem, and Hobokken, NJ- an actually cool little town across the Hudson river in Jersey b/c my Mom's wife's their. Today we might go to SOHO and Lower Eastside/ EasT Village, Tribecca time permitting. Maybe even check out the staue of Liberty. Its trippy, though how sanitized this city has become: All the crime and dope, relatively speaking is across the river in Newark, possibly Jersey City. Spanish Harlem felt as safe as walking around 4th ave, Tuscon- if you've been to that spot, or the Gaslamp in San Diego. The People here aren't rude like the stereotypes so far for the most part have been extra friendly. Its cool there's so much energy.

Feeling OK- little anxious b/c my docs tappering me off of clonopin but I feel it has to be done )from 5 mg to 4/ day.

How are you- staying clean? I was gonna check out a midnight meeting here if I have the energy left tonight.
Ya im over 7 weeks clean from dope, but im smokin spice and takin adderall. It beats dope n coke cause its an easy habit to support. I dont miss runnin around hustlin and i dont miss the desperate feeling the desire for dope gave me. Now i really aint gota worry bout shit.

NAs goin well. Sometimes im self conscious that people know im a junkie scumbag at meetings. But NA still does work for me. Having a support system like that is a good thing.
Ya im over 7 weeks clean from dope, but im smokin spice and takin adderall. It beats dope n coke cause its an easy habit to support. I dont miss runnin around hustlin and i dont miss the desperate feeling the desire for dope gave me. Now i really aint gota worry bout shit.

NAs goin well. Sometimes im self conscious that people know im a junkie scumbag at meetings. But NA still does work for me. Having a support system like that is a good thing.

Don't worry about what they think your doing a good thing, truth is we all have skeletons in our closet and we all have done things while we were high that we wish we could erase. That said, I can still say I love a heavy nod!!!!!! Lol
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