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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

Just want to give a few words on this compound:

I used about 150mg altogether yesterday. At first it unfogged my mind,It's very pleasant, gives you a nice subtle euphoria for a couple of hours and fades into a clearheaded stimulation for a few more. 50mg of Diphenhydramine sedated me enough to sleep around 2 hours after my last dose. Some vasoconstriction resulted in cold extremities, to a lesser extent than ethylphenidate. There was a slight amount of bruxism. Less anorexia than I'd had expected (especially when considering the non substituted ring counterpart of this compound was an anorexiant), much less so than other stimulants. Treats you very well the day after; I feel no low feelings and completely baseline.

Overall a decent compound.
Coming to the end of my 2g's.
Fairly sure I am inhaling more drugs than air at this current point.

Edit: Forgot to mention, it may be a bit caustic but nowhere as near the infamous ethylphenidate.. it burns for a few seconds like methamphetamine, but subsides quite quickly. I kinda enjoy it. Product was small crystals akin to ketamine.. drip tastes like salt or something. Not unpleasant in the least bit. I can unclog my nose quite quickly the next day with a warm shower. Oh also after doing this I sometimes get a poor sleep (3-4 hours) and still feel sort of stimulated the next day. This one has long legs! My preferred ROA is snorting, I don't see why people say this chemical is useless in the nose.. perhaps your tolerance is too high?!?! My usage of stimulants is twice a month so I believe I have little to no tolerance. ALSO! No flu-like symptoms whatsoever in my history of using this (about 6 times, a 500mg-1g each time).

It seems different batches from different lab sources are floating around. My first version was slightly yellow and did not sting in the nose as much. My current version contains white crystals and it induces a harsher pain than Ethylphenidate hcl when applied nasally, but is not as caustic on the other hand.

Mine has reached maximum 160bpm.. this is in the middle of a gram binge. I know a gram isn't that much, but what the fuck are people doing shooting up a gram + at a time? It's like some people here have a death wish... people doing 6-8 grams A DAY?!?!?!

Everyone, that does stimulant RCs (or street stimulants) in high doses (almost everyone in this thread) must be relatively reckless about their health and have serious problems, that make the decision to take that risk seemingly correct in their POV.

The problem is, that their/our POV is polluted by the craving for stimulants, hence does not satisfy the minimum dimension of objectivity.
Tomorrow you will be glad you hadn't ;)

What was your ROA ? Vaping via e-cig ?
Wow this stuff seems popular. Can anyone sum 3-FPM up in a couple words? So much info I can't go through it all.

Comparable to methamphetamine? worse/better or just different?

Worth trying if I havn't? :p
Tomorrow you will be glad you hadn't ;)

What was your ROA ? Vaping via e-cig ?
You may be correct, alas it's a sleepless night for me anyway.
Vapourising on aluminium foil is more than effective without having to evaporate 1ml+ of PG at a time. :)

The EADD 3-FPM Thread may be of interest, Alfredo.

Vape through E cig is the way to go. Taste is more bearable and if your like me your vaping anyway so why not mix 250 mg's in 3 ml of E juice and vape away.

I'm gonna try to move away from IV and stick to vaping and small bumps. This is a great stimulant at reasonable doses but when pushed can leave shitty side effects when using without a benzo.

Being a drug addict and being wreckless about your health can be two separate things. I can workout and eat healthy and value health but give me a bag of stimulants and even though I'd rather be more cautious the desire for a rush or the high overpowers. This isn't the case for everyone and some people don't have that same craving. But those people that don't have that craving claim its willpower when in fact they just don't have the same level of addiction and desire to chase a high. Regardless I still try to do my best to not go crazy.. I make sure to not order more than 1-2 grams and take a few weeks off before using it again. But when I use you best believe I'll most likely be IVing 200mgs even though I wish I could just do smaller doses. Still gonna try to move away from the needle though its just not worth it.
(For functional purposes)

A while ago I tried 3-fpm orally and nasally and wasn't too happy with the results for functional purposes. Last week I tried to vaporize it and I liked a lot. I must be really sensitive to stim insomnia though. About 30mg vaped, before noon, had me needing a benzo to fall asleep that night. The stimulation was pretty subtle throughout; very relaxed and functional, at least for my first attempts. I liked it a lot.

If I were to keep this to once or twice per week, should I expect tolerance to build anyway?

Also, I vaped out of a freebase pipe and the stem got all frosted up. Does that mean that 3-pfm condensed everywhere before being inhaled?
Tolerance builds oh so quickly, I could hit 3g's within 36 hours when chasing from foil, which is much better than a pipe given you can control the heat much better. I would slowly heat the condensed vapour into a single pool a run that around.

Vaporizing seems to be a waste to me IMO.. it's very very moreish, can't stop hitting that pipe. Like how I get with meth.. but eh that's vaping for you. Just got some more in, feeling good! Might try some in e-juice later but after trying to vape HDMP-28 (it didn't dissolve) I dunno.
It's only a waste if you can't hit it all. ;)

Though I must point out I'm British and thus referring to 'Chasing the Dragon'. :)

If I were to keep this to once or twice per week, should I expect tolerance to build anyway?

I think it depends largely on ROA, how far you push the dosage and your circumstances at/around the time. I managed to take ~80mg/day orally (spread throughout the morning; not all at once) for a good six months or so w/o developing any noticeable tolerance.. but bare in mind that I have a fairly severe attention deficit disorder so, in my case, it's probably had a beneficial effect on my brain-chemistry over-all (i.e. makes it more like that of a "normal" person) rather than throwing it out of whack.

I have since built up some tolerance over the proceeding 4-5 months and now require ~100mg/day but I'm not sure whether that would've occurred if it weren't for a period of fairly regular insufflation.
3-FPM is really nice. Speedy but does'nt drive you. I like 50mg to 75mg orally.
Gets me going without getting me manic. Just enough to fix the fence, not
do something daft like buy a new musical instrument!
I am bipolar and while I don't turn that manic on it, it consistently caused some extremely impressive delusions that had everyone around me fooled.
Started experimenting with this recently; 30-40mg sublingual and oral administration.

Query- I've spent the last few weeks sifting through the megathread, and can't recall anyone mentioning two side effects I've found to be quite pronounced...was wondering if anyone else had found them as well?

Decreased pain response and heightened olfactory senses.

I'm something of a fragrance enthusiast, and, for ~6 hours after ingestion, I find myself much more able to isolate and identify notes in a given cologne than I can whilst sober. Notes I've never noticed seem clear as day, without me having to think about it; it feels as though my nose...works better? Is more sensitive?

As well, while outside working in the yard for a few hours today, I looked down at my hands to find them dripping blood from a number of burst blisters that had formed completely unbeknownst to me. I often putter around doing landscaping in my spare time, and prior to now had never experienced chaffing to the point of drawing blood that offered zero warning prior to breaking the skin. Small cuts on hands from cooking stopped bothering me, as well..-

In fact, now that I think about it, 3F-PM seems to mostly cut off all my pain, exhaustion, and hunger, responses, beyond any classical stimulant or RC I've experimented with. I realize that the latter two effecrs are well documented, but I find 3F-PM to do so more efficiently (too efficiently, perhaps) than anything else (methamphetamine, EPD, MPH, dextro/racemic amphetamine), for the duration of it's immediate effects. With, perhaps the exception of cocaine, which leaves most of my nerves feeling physically numb or unresponsive.

(My (completely uneducated) theory is that I'm simply too involved in a given task to bother giving a second thought to anything and everything but whatever I'm doing?)

Sorry for the ramble, tail end of 35mg sublingual.

PS- one of the most informative and well-written megathreads I've had the pleasure of reading.
CrOOk, your research into the darker side of this substance is invaluable; long, long time lurker/new member, and though my opinion might not count for a lot as such, thank you for posting about all of that, man.

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In what way?
IV use produced the typical stimulant thud of one's BP skyrocketing, and 48h into a binge I will certainly be hearing a few oddities.
