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Television 24

wtf, in season one it took like 2 episodes to triangulate!! none the less, this show kicks ass, and i watched(for the first time) scenes for next weeks episode... i felt like i was entitled because i only got to watch half an episode, it looks fucking amazing.
yeah, so the heavy guy with a speech impediment from ctu said he could do it if the phone rings four times. so he called the mothers number, and of course they didn't answer because of fear it was the father. bam, they had her and busted in. they made it seem very easy.
McLaren said:
i am so jacked about this show... it gives me a body buzz at every commercial break, not to mention the close of the episode. i just watched tonights episode and man i already need a fix. i was wondering why they didn't update us on the mole situation, they barely even touched that subject.

Yeah me too! I love this show! I make a fool out of myself trying to explain it to people that dont watch it! They say it cant be that good.

My wife and I come up with outrageous scenarios that may happen in future episodes but 24 ALWAYS tops them! I love being clueless while watching this show! Just when you "think" you have it figured out they throw you another curve ball!
dvd: 24

i think this is the best thing to ever come out on tv. what can be better than a 24 hour movie of nothing but action drama and ctu torturing terrorists!!! what does everyone else think?
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Well, the first 2 seasons were OK but when they get to season 3, the formula for that movie kinda gets boring. Same thing all over again.
Just watched the season 4 finale last night on Sky One. 'twas fucking great. Season 4 has definately been the best so far.
fengtau said:
Well, the first 2 seasons were OK but when they get to season 3, the formula for that movie kinda gets boring. Same thing all over again.

first season was awesome.... 2nd season was alright... 3rd was better and the fourth kicked ass. you should definately check it out. no real stupid side stori
es(read: kim bauer)
Great concept of a show.. realisticially if u sat down and watched a whole series start to finish it would only go for roughly 17 hours once youve cut out the commercials.

I didnt get into the show first time around, but when it was repeated on TV late at night, I watched it each night mon-fri and by saturday I couldnt wait any longer so I rented the whole series and watched it all by monday.

ever since then I've downloaded the show as soon as it hits the air.

Season 4 had some really good plot points and I cant wait to see how season 5 will go!

Anyone notice that Jack is a bundle of energy and never eats ? Sure hes not on screeen all the time, but theres never any hints that hes grabbing a bite to eat in the CTU caffeteria... Or maybe im mistaken and he does eat but I just didnt notice... anyone know ?
ozsteveo said:
Great concept of a show.. realisticially if u sat down and watched a whole series start to finish it would only go for roughly 17 hours once youve cut out the commercials.

Actually, they did that over here on TV. They ran a marathon of Season 1 according to the exact time, i.e. when it was 8PM on the show, it was also 8PM real time. Kinda freaky at first but then it got too late and I went to bed.

All in all, it was a great show. I have all 3 seasons on DVD.
well yeah the show on tv goes for a full hour but thats with the commercials.. thats the only way they can make the 24 hour concept actually 24 hours...
but really we only see about 18 hours...
example - when it cuts to commercials the show quickly brings up the time eg 08:42:15 and when it returns from a 4 minute commercial break, the time in the show is 08:46:15,, it keeps up with the continuity but we dont know whats going on in that 4 minutes really.. maybe thats when jacks grabbing a bite to eat :)
THe only problem with the show is that the nasty terrorists keep making the mistake of running all their plans through Los Angeles and within spitting distance of LA CTU. Anyone ever thought about what the other CTU's do?
i hated it in season 3 where jack was hooked on h, and he kept sticking the needle to his arm and then getting all frustrated and throwing it across the room or car. then finally he popped some pills.....i wonder what they were....mabye oc's?? or methadone?
Subutex (aka buprenorphine).

Patial agonist/antagonist opioid.

Who knows... could have been asprin. Doubt it though, Jack's a tough guy... he doesn't need painkillers. :)
tambourine-man said:
THe only problem with the show is that the nasty terrorists keep making the mistake of running all their plans through Los Angeles and within spitting distance of LA CTU. Anyone ever thought about what the other CTU's do?

LOL, good point:D
tambourine-man said:
THe only problem with the show is that the nasty terrorists keep making the mistake of running all their plans through Los Angeles and within spitting distance of LA CTU. Anyone ever thought about what the other CTU's do?

They should focus all their evil plans on killing jack... then they would be free to do whatever they wanted. i.e. steal a nuke, and point it right at his house.