  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

2006 NFL Thread

[S]alvatore said:
Haven't replied to this thread because I was waiting to download the game before knowing the results, and i've still only seen the fu<king shortcut/highlights of it. And can we please stop with the "Chicago has an easy schedule" excuse.

ummm... instead of wasting any more effort typing a response good enough to make you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH of the Bear's cupcake schedule, I will just let michael say:

michael said:
yeah, their schedule isn't easy at all! the teams they have played have a collective 9-15 record!

thanks, michael. this thread in BL is often rampant with ignorance, misinformation, and homerism (although any passionate football fan suffers from the latter). but you always seem to keep a level head, not get caught up in the hoopla, and consistently pwn ignorant misinformed statements made by fools.

and you can count on alasdairm to bring some solid statistics into the arguement.

all this just backs up the fact that the Chicago Bears plays a schedule full of cupcakes. however, with that being said, they might just be the best team in the NFL so far into the season.
I guess the officials are allowed to give away games to teams they feel like. Because when they called roughing the passer on TB's QB on their game winning drive that is exactly what they did. Absolute bullshit. THe wanted Cincy to lose, so they decided their was roughing the passer. And there wasn't, even the announcers thought it was a bullshit call. The Bengals should be 4-1, conspiracy theory in full force. Hopefully those refs families get fired. People hate on the Bengals for their off the field conduct, and people know the Bengals beat Tampa, I guess the NFL told the officials to call every bullshit call they could to keep TB in the game. That is there way of punishing Cincy.
happy to see tiki barber pile up some serious yardage, as well as the giants D putting on some sacks to keep the g-men rolling over atlanta, who are suddenly looking like the playoffs are evaporating.

the saints put one over the eagles, so our two teams sort of did each other a favor this week.

and congrats to vince young and the titans...
^Normally i'd resent that statement and defend the falcons,but your actually right.The falcons did get ran over and they deserved it.Until the falcons get some wide recievers that can actually catch a football they'll never see the playoffs.Just because your fast does'nt mean your a good wide reciever.:p
Vick has always had accuracy problems. He's one of my favorite players, but he's not a great pure quarterback. Without a solid passing game, you can hang 250 rushing yards on teams and still get beat. They need to turn Vick loose and design more set run plays for him and scramble the secondary.

Tiki Barber is ridiculous. Probably the most under-hyped running back there is. He very quietly moved into 17th place on the overall rushing yards list recently and there was no fanfare.

Congratulations Terrell Owens! You caught 3 touchdown passes against a team that would probably lose to Vanderbilt. Good luck trying that on the Giants. (actually there's a good chance he will torch the Giant's secondary).

So much talent came into the League during this year's draft. It's fun to watch the development of Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush and Vince Young. Especially Reggie Bush. He has so much foot speed. Once he learns a few things about how to hit holes in the NFL, he is going to be a monster. We don't have an NFL team here, but I'm becoming a Saint's fan. I don't think anyone is going to win in New Orleans this year.
i dig the saints, i'm happy to see their success. its a good storyline, as they are fighting to remain in new orleans now... if they make the playoffs, sell some tickets, and move some merchandise (bush and brees jerseys, anyone?) it'll be tough to move them to the southwest.

i think the giants front four is starting to finally click, and the secondary is still very shaky but is improving slowly. seven sacks on vick, though? fugettaboutit. they kept the team way under their rushing average and didn't allow too many pass completions in the second half.

with the eagles and skins losing this week, and a key matchup between the cowgirls and my g-men next week the NFC east is a scramble right now. not as strong as predicted in the preseason, but its pretty fucking exciting nonetheless.

i can't wait to see the bears on monday, not the least reason being that i have bernard berrien and jay gould on my fantasy team and my opponent has rex grossman and mushin muhammed. should be interesting. i'd like to see leinart do good against da bears, but i think he's going to have a trial by fire, quite frankly. urlacher is thirsty for blood.

as far as tiki, i think he gets herbed by the media because they don't use him in the redzone as much. he is a fucking workhorse. 185 yards on the ground and another 40 odd through the air? that is called carrying a team on your shoulders. let's not forget brandon jacobs, who is an excellent change of pace back, the guy is fucking huge. i love the running game in football, and tiki is by far my favorite player. glad to see him getting some props.

i'm not a steelers fan, but i'm happy to see roethlisberger getting back to form. i feel bad for the dude with the run of shit luck he has had lately. then again, KC isn't exactly a fucking behemoth.

and finally, whats up with cincy? if you lose a heartbreaker to the bucs after muscling through a tough early schedule that is kind of screwy. the pundits will be scratching their heads on sportscenter tonight.

tonight i'm rooting for denver as i hate the raiders, those cheating bastards.
So does anybody now believe the Saints are legit contenders now? What a game....I got a lil scared when the Eagles went up by 7 in the 4th....but what a drive Brees put together...He's the big diff maker this year...He's starting to remind me of Tom Brady......Decent but not great numbers....but knows how to win games
it was a good drive, but they lucked out when the eagles screwed up with 12 men on the field. otherwise it looked game over for them.
smotpoker said:
any chance Batch will get the start soon since Rothelsberger is starting to look like a lame duck?

dude, that would be like saying to bring back Kitna if Palmer got dominated by an 0-4 team. oh, wait a second ;)

JerryBlunted said:
i'm not a steelers fan, but i'm happy to see roethlisberger getting back to form. i feel bad for the dude with the run of shit luck he has had lately. then again, KC isn't exactly a fucking behemoth.

yeah, the win was huge for the Steelers. you're right, KC isn't by any means a behemoth, but they did have a top-rated pass-defense that scared me coming into the game. hopefully the win will be the start of something great.

Benefit said:
Tiki Barber is ridiculous. Probably the most under-hyped running back there is. He very quietly moved into 17th place on the overall rushing yards list recently and there was no fanfare.

Tiki Barber is under-hyped but that guy is a football player in every sense of the word. I just wish the Giants used him in the redzone more often.
Hypnotik1 said:
So does anybody now believe the Saints are legit contenders now? What a game....I got a lil scared when the Eagles went up by 7 in the 4th....but what a drive Brees put together...He's the big diff maker this year...He's starting to remind me of Tom Brady......Decent but not great numbers....but knows how to win games

I'm biased towards the falcons and I can't help that.But I honestly believe the Saints will have trouble staying on top of their division.Carolina is a totally different team than what they showed the first few gamesIt'll be interesting to watch their next meeting.
can a team win on Monday Night Football without scoring an offensive touchdown, creating 6 turnovers, and being down by 20 at half-time?

... I suppose the answer is yes.
Poor Leinart; guy has an awesome game, gets good protection in the pocket and what happens? Special teams and a lame duck running game fucks them.

It was painful to watch. All Edgerin James needed to do was pick up maybe two first downs and clock control would have decided the game. I don't blame him though; the offensive line is a total liability. They came through on the pass protection, but could not open any holes at all. Edgerin James had nothing to work with. Instead of running it on their final two plays prior to the field goal attempt, they should have turned Leinart and Boldin loose. Bad late-game decisions. Despite a colossal choke job, they should take pride in pushing the Bears to the brink. WIth Boldin, Larry Fitzgerald, Leinart and Edgerin James, this team is only going to get better.

That sack on Leinart where he coughed up the ball was inexcusable; the right tackle completely missed his assignment and was dicking around at the line of scrimmage not blocking anybody.

The Bears were having trouble getting to Leinart, but they jammed the line effectively and totally shut down the run. Arizona's secondary was on fire and I was surprised at how much pressure the front seven put on Grossman. Painful, and you feel for the Cardinals who are, as Tony Kornheiser pointed out, one of the most atrocious franchises in all of sports. Awesome game.
Benefit said:
Painful, and you feel for the Cardinals who are, as Tony Kornheiser pointed out, one of the most atrocious franchises in all of sports.

yeah, I did feel for the Cards. I suppose I am a Bears fan - but I don't really want any undefeated teams and I had no idea the game would be down to the wire like that.

anyways, I have a question. what do you all think about Tony Kornheiser? I actually really dig him. I think he is hilarious and brings an angle to the game that Joe Theissman only dreams about.

he kinda has that "annoying know-all-the-stats and love-to-prove-you-wrong" Jewish angle going on... but I like him.
I love Kornheiser. Pardon the Interruption is probably the best sports show and it's great when he rips on Theisman.

I was laughing so hard when there were 6 minutes left in the game and he said, "If the Cardinals lose this game, they should close down this stadium forever and turn it into a pizza place." Right after that Edgerin James got the ball ripped.
Yeah I like Kornheiser too. That was the most pathetic,pitiful loss i've ever witnessed in football.They did'nt derserve to win.Not to take anything away from the Bears,but Arizona gave that game away.
kornhole works! i think his television show w/ wilbon (sp?) is shit but his radio show was pure class. ups to espn for putting a real journalist in the booth.

that game last night was one of the best i've ever seen... i dont know how a team bounces back from a loss like that... oh yeah i do, they dont bounce back at all
michael said:
it was a good drive, but they lucked out when the eagles screwed up with 12 men on the field. otherwise it looked game over for them.

yea but wouldnt u think the 12th man was a big reason why they didnt convert that 3rd down?

sickpuppy said:
I'm biased towards the falcons and I can't help that.But I honestly believe the Saints will have trouble staying on top of their division.Carolina is a totally different team than what they showed the first few gamesIt'll be interesting to watch their next meeting.

I agree.....Carolina is back living up to their expectations...Its crazy how much Steve Smith means to that team

anyways, I have a question. what do you all think about Tony Kornheiser? I actually really dig him. I think he is hilarious and brings an angle to the game that Joe Theissman only dreams about.

he kinda has that "annoying know-all-the-stats and love-to-prove-you-wrong" Jewish angle going on... but I like him.

I dont like Kornheiser that much.....He doesnt really know the game......Ive noticed him pissing off Theisman (probably the most knowledgable annoucer in the NFL) alot by his lack of knowledge when it comes to playing the game....

I think Tony covered the N.O - Atl game well b/c it was a lil more about football (he is a great journalist)....but as for straight game knowledge....he's off and becomes aggravating knowing Theisman really wants to slap the shit out of him ...
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i like tony kornheiser a lot, i watch pardon the interruption after work every day and think he is fairly knowledgeable, but very funny and not afraid to speak about his opinions. theisman is an old school jock who wants to be straight up and down with the announcing, but he needs a guy like tony for color just like tony needs him and tirico to keep him on track. i dislike theisman's cutting off tony and giving him shit on air. if i had to pick one to jetison it wouldn't be kornheiser.

Well i guess its what u expect or want out of an annoucer....

Personally, i wanna here all about the X's and O's, player evauluation, and stratedgy....Theisman is great at giving the audience expertise, extensive insight into the game (especially the mindset of a QB).....I love the complexity of football and its great having a former great player explain and break it down all for you.....

Kornheiser lacks that and is pretty clueless when it comes to the above mentioned.....again ill reiterate he is a great journalist and i really do like his commentaries and insights on PTI and that kind of stuff....But he comes off as (plz excuse the chauvnism) like that 'girl' who thinks she knows about the sport and tries her hardest to sound like she knows what she's talking about but is really wayyyy off....thats Kornheiser IMO...he's just not cut out for color commentary....

Id like to see Sean Salisbury in there....that guy REALLY knows his shit...