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RCs 2'-chlorodiazepam (diclazepam) brand new benzo RC

I lived in south East Asia for years and took Xanax, Diaxi's you name it, diazepam's cost 10 pence each and xanax 20pence. Every day for three years I took them like sweets. It got to a stage where I needed to return to the living so self medicated China white for three months.
A drastic measure but one week of opiate withdrawal beat benzo hell.
I've had people suggest that I use percs for a few months and just rapidly taper off the valium (I have no tolerance and I take Delsym twice daily - helps with the taper and keeps me from smoking or drinking - so I wouldn't be developing one either - but I don't see how anything but morphine would be good for me since oxy and hydro both make me panicky because they're stimulating to me, along with all the other thebaine derivatives.

300? I didn't even think they could monitor a pulse that high *cringe*

And yeah, at the worst, I couldn't lie down or wear a shirt because my nerves would feel like they were burning. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't touch anything with my chest, sides, or back!
long acting DHC helped me when I had no valium once, so I know what u mean , but u dnt wanna end up an Opie head
There's actually no point in a rapid detox, I've thought about it a million times because the long never ending tapers piss you off, but with your background, you need to do it like myself , extremely slow. Don't wana risk another seizure or PAWS
Rapid detoxes from any drug can be fucking brutal, I imagine it would be particularly bad with benzos, especially if you've been on them for years. Imo it's far less painful to just do small reductions, and not reducing again until your body and mind is used to the smaller dose, whether that be weeks or even months. When I reduce from suboxone, I'll be reducing by 2 mg every 3 months. These things can't be rushed.
There's actually no point in a rapid detox, I've thought about it a million times because the long never ending tapers piss you off, but with your background, you need to do it like myself , extremely slow. Don't wana risk another seizure or PAWS

If only the doctors would get this through their thick skulls.

Rapid detoxes from any drug can be fucking brutal, I imagine it would be particularly bad with benzos, especially if you've been on them for years. Imo it's far less painful to just do small reductions, and not reducing again until your body and mind is used to the smaller dose, whether that be weeks or even months. When I reduce from suboxone, I'll be reducing by 2 mg every 3 months. These things can't be rushed.

Imagine every single nerve in your body being lit on fire, having all the symptoms of a heart attack but a clean ECG, a headache that feels like someone is jackhammering your brain, not sleeping for days on end because every time you close your eyes the discomfort gets even worse, and being so jacked that a dim light in a dark room looks like sunlight has filled it and you're tripping so hard from delirium that you think you'll go insane and you have one tenth the idea of what full-blown benzodiazepine withdrawal is like after long-term use at therapeutic doses. And that was only 7 days after cessation of 10mg of Valium twice a day - I caved and went to the ER and reinstated myself back on my 20mg of Valium because I thought I was having a heart attack. This was AFTER a 3 day rapid detox using Depakote and Tranxene in a private detox facility.

Never again! Currently down to 15mg and I'm cutting 1.25mg every other week along with using an NMDA antagonist to minimize side effects and it still sucks.

At least with opiates you start to progressively get better after the 7th day in most cases - benzos get progressively worse. :/
Wow, have to say that sounds horrible. Well done for reducing; nobody needs shit like that in their life. Opiate detoxes, particularly heroin are fucking poison, I mean terrible-but at least you know you're going to feel yourself again in a relatively short amount of time.

I just need to be careful I dont wind up dependant to these RC benzos; I have to admit I've been eating them like sweets, especially diclazepam, as I got a good deal on 300 of them.

By the way, I've been tempted to IR a couple; any point in doing so? Can't find any info on this anywhere.
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IR ? You mean IV or IM ???? because If u are I literally just tried to IM pyraz seen as it's water soluble , I've done enough steroids to know how to pin, I put water and 4 pills in a coffee filter and let them do they're thing, drew it and as soon as I stuck the pin in, fucking agony, straight back out again, it was nothing to with the site, like I said its second nature cos of roids, maybe the dye cos that didn't filter, I done it cold, maybe I should of heated it up, or maybe it was god telling me to stop being a fucking curious idiot !
IR ? You mean IV or IM ???? because If u are I literally just tried to IM pyraz seen as it's water soluble , I've done enough steroids to know how to pin, I put water and 4 pills in a coffee filter and let them do they're thing, drew it and as soon as I stuck the pin in, fucking agony, straight back out again, it was nothing to with the site, like I said its second nature cos of roids, maybe the dye cos that didn't filter, I done it cold, maybe I should of heated it up, or maybe it was god telling me to stop being a fucking curious idiot !
I bet he means intrarectally.
Oh yeah, I did mean interectally. I did that with pyraz one time with no problems. Have to say, I don't consider diclazepam to be very recreational. They're okay and they last ages, but there's not much of a sense of well being I've had with benzo's, and they're pretty sedating. This could be unrelated, but I have diminished appetite with these; if I eat, I become nauseus and need to puke. I was hoping going interectal would change things somehow, as diclaz are literally the only benzo I have right now.

I did stupidly try injecting temazepam once, and it really didn't feel much different than oral consumption, it just kicked in faster.
Them etiz really are shit btw why all the big fuss, I've ate about 4 trays of etilaam in 2 days, shit!

Clonazepam on the other hand, my new favourite, got some moggys tonight as well haha for the 1st time in a long time, the internet really can be wonderfull
All I know is that I had 2 x 1mg diclazepam last night and I was seriously gouching my tits off . Couple of glasses of vodka in the mix and I was treating the wife to prolonged sexy time! Total win for me. Beats etizolam hands down :) Found it very similar to clonaz in wobbliness, but with a longer lasting action.
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