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RCs 2'-chlorodiazepam (diclazepam) brand new benzo RC

Right did 6 etzi yesterday and 1 mirtazapine any problems mix this stuff with them today ?
Thank you .had one of them all ready got closed eyed visuals of it really cool ones like my hand and arm reaching out for something .as soon as my computer gets home I'm going to try 4 at once to see what happens next very very nice drug these
SO people are actually enjoying these? I took a lot and found them rather boring. Rather get non RC benzos.
yeah these are pretty boring, ended up taking 10 last night down with 2 pints of strong cider
first one fun was second 2 one sniffed the other under the tongue and got nothing off it shame
I only had them once and felt a bit spaced kinda and chilled like the 1st time a took Valium, they are hypnotic but not in a sort of Euphoric way more in a "don't give a fuck what's going on round about me" kinda way
Diclazepam, from the reports, sounds like someone took the edge off of olanzapine then took lorazepam and bound them in one molecule.


Curious to see how the withdrawal is with this one though...
the going really cheap on sites at the minute so dnt think the doing to well
I can second that; I brought 250 for the price of 100 etizolam. Supply and demand, I guess-just cause they're not popular, doesn't mean they're worthless. I took some last night with etiz and got proper stoned, but tonight I'm taking them on there own.
The prices I've seen are still a lot higher than just going through an IOP and getting a thoroughly-researched benzo complete with blister packs though.

There has to be a reason that this one was never put on the commercial market.
I just buy powder if I'm gna get RC's now, especially with Pyraz, really good for anxiety although people pass it off as shit because it's not recreational and it's fucking expensive, powder all the way with that shit, I'm gna get some for the med cupboard even though I still have 700+ pellets lol,
Diclaz I'm propyl gna have another blast at just for the sake of it, these RCs are very handy to have in your medicine cupboard for when the W/D's kick in (if you're that far gone like me) or your stash runs out, only thing that I am extremely cautious with is Etiz , although I've 8mg Etilaam Pellets today as well as Diaz and they don't seem to be working as good as before, my tolerance is just fucking crazy.
This Flubromazepam, gna need to order some of that as well soon and see what it's like , even if it's shit, still another back up for seizure time.
What on earth do you guys do when you run out? I've damn near died from benzo withdrawal three times and I've never abused my benzos, I just rapidly build a tolerance to them. Even with that, I got up to 8mg of Xanax a day max, 6mg of Klonopin a day max, and 60mg of Valium a day max... I started a taper from 20mg of Valium on the 14th of September and I'm down to 15mg right now but fuck it sucks.

I mean, I was always the first one to go balls to the wall with drugs - high doses, eyeballing extremely potent RCs (I was especially stupid with 5-MeO-AMT which I would consume two or three times a week 20-40mg per bender and I did that for a month or two, took a month off, then did it all over again), tripping every single day... I dropped all of it with minimal withdrawal including when I started seeking out meth bomb pills and when I had surgery and was on 50-60mg of hydrocodone a day for a month and a half straight... Benzos though? Fuck me if I'm even an hour late taking them...
You are in the exact same boat as me, I CAN'T run out, simple !

I've nearly died an extremely painfull death at age 20 through benzo W/D so I feel you believe me and yeah it is fucking shit. I'm on a taper but it is just not working, under a psychiatrist in a drug clinic, but as far as these new benzo naïve RC guys are concerned, they don't know what they're messing with.
Its sickening. I'm using low dose Delsym cough syrup twice a day to help minimize the physical side of the withdrawal but the psychological side is a bitch in its own right... I keep telling myself that I can do it - I mean I know what its like to cold turkey and I've been rapid detoxed twice - the cold turkey ended quickly, one rapid detox I ended up getting kicked out of the psych unit for not participating because I was so sick and they gave me back my pill bottles while I was waiting for the cab to pick me up and I shoveled down my last Valium right away and then got to a doctor the next day and this last time was voluntary, I felt fine while I was in the hospital, even told them I didn't need the extra benzos they were offering me because I felt fine... They discharged me on day 5 and day 10 I was in the ER convulsing so bad they couldn't get me still long enough to get a clear ECG reading to see if I was having a heart attack - again, reinstated. Shit cycle.

I heard that Etiz was as bad as Klonopin to get off of so I never bought it when it was cheap and instead ordered expensive Roche Valium from an IOP for awhile when I didn't have a doctor. Such a ridiculous cycle. At the time, Etiz wasn't well known at all and one of the legit pharmacies would ship it to the US CHEAP but I didn't want to risk it, especially after people started to compare it to Klonopin and Xanax. Then phenazepam hit and I called that as a terrible idea the first day it showed up on another board... Look at the disaster that turned out to be.

This diclazepam is interesting to me only because of the descriptions of the effects and its structure. I have a feeling this stuff would push my benzo dependency through the roof as well. Back to my tapering, carry on!
I just buy powder if I'm gna get RC's now, especially with Pyraz, really good for anxiety although people pass it off as shit because it's not recreational and it's fucking expensive, powder all the way with that shit, I'm gna get some for the med cupboard even though I still have 700+ pellets lol,
Diclaz I'm propyl gna have another blast at just for the sake of it, these RCs are very handy to have in your medicine cupboard for when the W/D's kick in (if you're that far gone like me) or your stash runs out, only thing that I am extremely cautious with is Etiz , although I've 8mg Etilaam Pellets today as well as Diaz and they don't seem to be working as good as before, my tolerance is just fucking crazy.
This Flubromazepam, gna need to order some of that as well soon and see what it's like , even if it's shit, still another back up for seizure time.

I hate you ! :(
You are in the exact same boat as me, I CAN'T run out, simple !

I've nearly died an extremely painfull death at age 20 through benzo W/D so I feel you believe me and yeah it is fucking shit. I'm on a taper but it is just not working, under a psychiatrist in a drug clinic, but as far as these new benzo naïve RC guys are concerned, they don't know what they're messing with.

I've taken weeks off from benzos and never got WD let alone a seizure. Are you positive it was all benzo WD related?
I've taken weeks off from benzos and never got WD let alone a seizure. Are you positive it was all benzo WD related?

Not everyone gets withdrawal, some are much more sensitive than others but benzo withdrawal is a very unique phenomenon - it is entirely impossible for it to be anything else except benzo withdrawal, especially when reinstating the benzos kills the withdrawal symptoms over time.

People that are in tolerance withdrawal are the ones at the biggest risk of having severe benzo withdrawal symptoms as they have been living in low grade withdrawal for a period of time. Benzos are no joke and benzo withdrawal is actually considered a medical emergency - they will take you by ambulance and put you in the ICU until they can stabilize you.
Not to mention the pain , every single muscle, tendon legiment, bone totally seizing, pureee agony, some people pass out and don't feel it , I DONT ! I feel every fukin bit of it, my heart rate went up to 300, defeated science how I never went into Cardiac arrest instantly, I got 50mgs valium , shots of morphine and still rattling like a bag of ginger bottles for a week in the hosp then about 2 months when I got out !