14th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Hey white boy, what you doin' uptown?

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^I'm recently becoming a big Jim Beam fan, it's incredibly smooth when mixed and doesn't seem to make me quite as obnoxious!
blueshues said:
^I'm recently becoming a big Jim Beam fan, it's incredibly smooth when mixed and doesn't seem to make me quite as obnoxious!

ugh, no, jim beam is rather shite as well. i don't enjoy the taste at all even though i used to drink it like it was going out of fashion in my teens

Not sure if you're a scotch whiskey fan or not, but I'm always a fan of some Johnnie Walker myself. Black label is good as a more affordable bottle and is still great quality. I really don't like red label though, too much of that wood fired barrel flavor if you ask me I feel like I'm eating charcoal. If you've got the money to blow, get some Blue Label. A bit overpriced IMO but it's still a damn good whiskey. Worth spending the money on at least once.

indeed JW is pretty damn nice, and especially the Blue label as you mentioned - worth every penny. i actually stole a bottle of black from an old acquaintances (he wasn't really a friend but hung around our stoner group through highschool and after we left highschool) parents booze cabinet. my mate and i also decided it would be a good idea to go through their wine rack and picked out some pretty old shit which would have been worth a pretty penny or two i'd have imagined. they were some of the nicest reds i have ever had the pleasure of drinking, though i can't remember the names of them for the life of me.

the dudes parents were colombian, right. and he was getting into a fair bit of trouble, including being caught selling weed. so you know where his parents send him for a year to clean up and get his act together? fucking Columbia with his aunt and uncle and cousins. LOL

he became a cokehead and was smoking just as much, if not more while he was there. he came back skeletal man from all the coke. i mean, why the fuck would you send your sun across the otherside of the world to the coke capital of the world when he had a little problem with smoking weed and getting into a bit of strife here and there. talk about parents of the year award. i'd have done all the same shit as well if i knew going to Columbia was going to be my "punishment"!
I got some money to play around with and that pic of the raw you posted got me craving Tommy.

looks like im getting less trees than originally I intended to

johnny walker blue label and gentleman jack. drinks to live by.

yeah its hard to live on those drinks and do H at the same time lol
^I hardly ever drank while doing H, unless I happened to have got some dope that didn't get me high at all but made me not sick, then I might drink a little bit...Just a bad combo, drinking ruins the high of opiates IMO...
I agree. When I'm clean from opiates I'm a bit of an alcoholic myself, I drink like a damn fish with a booze problem. But when I'm high, drinking is the last thing on my mind. And even if I do, I'll have a beer or two at the most.
I agree. Definitely not worth it and I'd much rather be high than drunk. The only drug that i think goes with booze is coke.
I used to have a ritual with my friend when we'd go cop, he'd always drive....We'd drive into whatever neighborhood I had to go to and he'd drop me off near the house and go for drive around the block....I'd run in the house, go grab the dope, and I'd call him as I was walking out and he was always close by, so he'd come and stealthily pick me....We had to start doing this because it's just so hot on pretty much every street I copped on that you couldn't just park on the street!...I always kept the dope in my mouth cuz it was grams bagged in plastic....If the cops just saw me walking out, it was almost a guarantee that I'd get grabbed and searched!...It happened all the time, I just swallowed the dope!....The cops pretty much had it right on their computer, "This guys a junky!"....

Anyway, the drive back to the highway was always scary! It was twenty minutes back to his house and he had a fully stocked bar in his basement....We'd fly back to his house and run downstairs to the bar! I'd dump the dope right on the bar, we'd divide it and immediately fix up a shot....

I could always hit quicker than him, and after I did that shot, he'd always just look at me and say "Well?!"....the moment of truth! If the dope sucked I'd always be so dissapointed!...If I wasn't high, ten minutes later I'd just make a mixed drink in disgust!

This dude makes a lot of money and he's not married, so a lot of the time, he'd just go to the bank and take out another hundred bucks and we'd try again with a different dealer! He had the magic ATM card!
damn, despite the blurry pic, that looks like a scrumptious lump of smack you got there. what's the weight? a gram +? quality gear i assume as well?

I meant to ask opinions on what you all thought the weight might be, but it's hard to tell between the 2 megapixel cameraphone and it being a chunk which may be a different density than other dope. He just calls it a full one, which either means a gram, or the amount he would normally put in a bundle.

I used to have a ritual with my friend when we'd go cop, he'd always drive....We'd drive into whatever neighborhood I had to go to and he'd drop me off near the house and go for drive around the block....I'd run in the house, go grab the dope, and I'd call him as I was walking out and he was always close by, so he'd come and stealthily pick me....We had to start doing this because it's just so hot on pretty much every street I copped on that you couldn't just park on the street!...I always kept the dope in my mouth cuz it was grams bagged in plastic....If the cops just saw me walking out, it was almost a guarantee that I'd get grabbed and searched!...It happened all the time, I just swallowed the dope!....The cops pretty much had it right on their computer, "This guys a junky!"....

Anyway, the drive back to the highway was always scary! It was twenty minutes back to his house and he had a fully stocked bar in his basement....We'd fly back to his house and run downstairs to the bar! I'd dump the dope right on the bar, we'd divide it and immediately fix up a shot....

I could always hit quicker than him, and after I did that shot, he'd always just look at me and say "Well?!"....the moment of truth! If the dope sucked I'd always be so dissapointed!...If I wasn't high, ten minutes later I'd just make a mixed drink in disgust!

This dude makes a lot of money and he's not married, so a lot of the time, he'd just go to the bank and take out another hundred bucks and we'd try again with a different dealer! He had the magic ATM card!

My friend and his girlfriend would do the same thing, and one time she got pulled over by undercover detectives wearing ski masks after she dropped him off and went to drive around the block. I asked if he was sure they were cops and he said they tore the car apart for a good 20-30 minutes so it would make sense they were cops since nobody that is trying to rob your stash would run your car for that long right off the main road.
tommy said:
He just calls it a full one, which either means a gram, or the amount he would normally put in a bundle.

similar terminolgy/slang that gets used with weight in regards to meth around here. most dealers i've dealt with call a gram a "fully". and with weed "fully" means an oscar (ounce, oz).

so was it the fire?
Is subtex the same as suboxone, except it dosent have the narcan(or whatever it's called) in it. Do you have to wait till you are in w/d to take it? I know how to take subs I was just wondering if it would still give you precipitated w/d if taken too soon. I'm gonna guess and say it will.
A lot of people think it's the naloxone in suboxone that causes precipitated withdrawal, this is wroong, naloxone is pretty much inactive unless used IV...

Buprenorphine on it's own can cause PWDs....I've been prescribed both, there seemed to be a slight difference, but not much, maybe it was all in my head...

It gives me a headache how many people I've tried to explain this to that just can't seem to comprehend it!
A lot of people think it's the naloxone in suboxone that causes precipitated withdrawal, this is wroong, naloxone is pretty much inactive unless used IV...

Buprenorphine on it's own can cause PWDs....I've been prescribed both, there seemed to be a slight difference, but not much, maybe it was all in my head...

It gives me a headache how many people I've tried to explain this to that just can't seem to comprehend it!

Well it's because when it first got big, (and even still) the idiot doctors were the ones who kept saying that about the naloxone causing PW's.. The docs put out a lot of false information about bupe, specifically suboxone. I don't know if they wanted it to be a scare tactic or if they were just morons. But at this point.. it's pretty common knowledge in the scientific community that bupe has a higher affinity rate than naloxone.
similar terminolgy/slang that gets used with weight in regards to meth around here. most dealers i've dealt with call a gram a "fully". and with weed "fully" means an oscar (ounce, oz).

so was it the fire?

That [a "fully"] is exactly what he calls it, so it's probably a gram. The only reason I was skeptical was because when I break it up it doesn't look like a bundles worth (which should be a gram if the bags are fat). That's probably because it's not a fluffy powder when I crush it, and since it's still a little coarse it doesn't look like as much as it would if it was more fine.

I put it in a coffee grinder once but I lost too much that way, so I just crush it like I crush pills. If I can break it into little pieces then I just use a card to press down on it as I grind it down over a hard surface. I've also done it by folding paper and rubbing the side of my lighter over the paper to crush the dope inside the envelope I made from the paper.
I've had grams of "raw" so compressed it was really fucking hard to break up...I like a bic lighter...You gotta be careful so it doesnt fly though....

A lot of the grams I was getting were 1.0 with the bag, which was usually .15 to .2 on it's own...Sometimes not, it all depended....Some of these guys, if you bust their balls about exact weights and try to talk them down too much, they'll just step on it to make it weigh more! If it was good, I wouldn't complain about the actual dope only being .8....

I usually just said a "whole" or a "half"...sometimes in Spanish....

I noticed, with the grams, a lot of guys will sell it uncut one day and stepped on the next...that's how they make their money a lot of the time...If it's really good shit, chances are they're paying more for the finger(10 grams) but their customers expect the same price, no matter what the quality!.....So they alternate between cut/uncut, sometimes drastically changing from day to day and you never really knew! I'd rather pay 15-20 bucks more for good shit than get a deal on garbage!
A lot of people think it's the naloxone in suboxone that causes precipitated withdrawal, this is wroong, naloxone is pretty much inactive unless used IV...

Buprenorphine on it's own can cause PWDs....I've been prescribed both, there seemed to be a slight difference, but not much, maybe it was all in my head...

It gives me a headache how many people I've tried to explain this to that just can't seem to comprehend it!

Good post. Headaches are not uncommon for suboxone users. Many say it's the naloxone. I get em if I do too much suboxone and I can say that I've never got em with subutex but, my experience with subutex is admittedly limited. Suboxone is so much more common and the few that I've ever known to get subutex said that they had bad reactions to the naloxone so....

They aren't head splitting headaches or anything just persistent and more irritating than anything else. Kind of like a weak tension headache.
I've had grams of "raw" so compressed it was really fucking hard to break up...I like a bic lighter...You gotta be careful so it doesnt fly though....

A lot of the grams I was getting were 1.0 with the bag, which was usually .15 to .2 on it's own...Sometimes not, it all depended....Some of these guys, if you bust their balls about exact weights and try to talk them down too much, they'll just step on it to make it weigh more! If it was good, I wouldn't complain about the actual dope only being .8....

I usually just said a "whole" or a "half"...sometimes in Spanish....

I noticed, with the grams, a lot of guys will sell it uncut one day and stepped on the next...that's how they make their money a lot of the time...If it's really good shit, chances are they're paying more for the finger(10 grams) but their customers expect the same price, no matter what the quality!.....So they alternate between cut/uncut, sometimes drastically changing from day to day and you never really knew! I'd rather pay 15-20 bucks more for good shit than get a deal on garbage!

The bag it comes in doesn't even weigh a point, so I'm not too concerned about that. Also he gets a lot more than 10 grams at once since he gets it from the city and probably sells that amount in a day so it wouldn't be worth it for him to only get that amount each time.

The last stuff that was mostly powder was really good at first, and then when he got more I noticed an insoluble cut in it so I told him about it and the problem was sorted. He only cops like once a week so it's pretty consistent. My only issue is that he doesn't tell me when it's a new batch, which can be dangerous but luckily I noticed the change in batch last time and did a lot less, otherwise it wouldn't have ended well since about half my normal dose with the new batch had me higher than my normal dose of the previous one. I called him right after that to tell him to let people know it was a new batch and to sample it before they did their "get high" dose.
^Yeah, I hear ya...these days though, even if theyre picking up more than one "finger", a lot of the times it's broken down into 10 grams on that level, they may be picking up 10 fingers, ounces aren't as common anymore, IDK why, legal reasons maybe....

The problem with telling your guy that his stuff is super strong, it may just encourage hime to cut it!lol....

It's a fucking shell game! Sure, there's reliable people out there who give you what they're gettin, but it seems to be rare, IME.

Pretty much, before I copped anything, I'd call other users who knew the same people I did to see who's shit was good that day...Over time I kind of developed a network with other users and we'd call each other to see what was what....It takes effort to be a drug addict! but when you're spending damn near everything you have on the shit, it's worth it to try to get the best shit you can possibly find!
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