14th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Hey white boy, what you doin' uptown?

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im completely ok with a dealer saying "im not around until x time". thats fine. just make it that time, lol. if someone is blowing the phone up before hand, now thats too much.

and today isn't half bad. 5.5mg of klonopin (3mg already consumed) and a fat bag of some G13. yay!
With the amount of money i spent with my dealers they better be meeting me at their earliest convenience. I understand the game and that he has kids and a life, but he chooses to sell dope.
Finally back from copping. Between waiting for my guy and some subway weirdness it literally took all day smh. But I got 12 bags this time and they seem to be completely different from what my dealer usually has...the bag itself seems to be made from a different material and it is slightly thinner. These remind me of the bags I used to cop years ago in the hoods of Hartford for half the typical going rate. Granted, they were extremely hit or miss. I remember one time I got a bundle of some dark brown powder that smelled and tasted like chipotle sauce. All these bags seemed to do was make me itchy and want to sneeze. I think I literally did like 8 at once, and this was back when snorting 2 bags would fuck me up real good.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. These bags have no stamp at all which is quite unlike my guy's stuff. The powder itself is very light tan/white and on the flaky side. It has the typical bitter, heroin taste and burns the nose just slightly. I wonder where he gets his dope. Anyone in the NYC/BK/NJ area know of anything similar?

And @XThexXTankX I get what you're saying, I would/am annoyed when customers call repeatedly or act impatient (I sell weed) but I think I'm a pretty good customer considering I waited literally five hours on this guy after he told me he'd call me "soon" to tell me when to come. I only texted him twice during this time and was very polite and understanding both times just asking what's up to gently remind him that I was in fact still waiting and hadn't gone to someone else. Additionally, I see him two or three times a week and cop at least a bundle each time so I would think he values my business. All I'm saying is that it would be greatly appreciated if he would show it a bit more.

But how's everyone doing tonight? I gotta study for two finals I have tomorrow:( the three bags I just snorted ought to keep me happy at least haha
Anyway, back to what I was saying. These bags have no stamp at all which is quite unlike my guy's stuff. The powder itself is very light tan/white and on the flaky side. It has the typical bitter, heroin taste and burns the nose just slightly. I wonder where he gets his dope. Anyone in the NYC/BK/NJ area know of anything similar?

There's plenty of bags floating around NYC with no stamp. I've gotten non-stamped bags, all different dope, from several different dealers. Happens. Sometimes they are still folded and taped like a regular bag, other times they aren't folded at all.
Yeah, further north, we're I'm from, actual "stamps" went out awhile ago...Now it's usually grams, but when you find traditional "bundles", theyre usually not even folded anymore! Just 10 blank bags all straight with a rubber band around them....

Back in the day, they used to be stamped and stapled and taped...In philly they put each individual one in its own little plastic zippy...This countries going downhill Goddamit!
yeah youll still probably get a baggie around each one in Philly

common courtesy you know lol

althought getting them out is a pain in the ass if your trying to save the bag so I stopped doing that and just rip the bag apart
I picked up some of that raw today, and remembered to take a picture of this batch since I've been meaning to but kept of forgetting. Actually the stuff before this was mostly powder and when it was solid it was really easy to break up, so I never took a pic of it. This stuff seems similar but is a lot harder to break up than the last stuff, but easier to break up than the stuff before that.


It's just the slightest tan, but as you can see it's practically white. The moisture from my hand made it a little darker, so it was white to start off.

The last few batches have smelt more like vinegar than most dope I've come across. It's good stuff, but I've had some stamp bags that were better than this, although those stamps were considered absolute fire. This stuff is just solid dope, and it's worth it for me at the price I'm getting it at.
Ya see I don't sell to anybody and everybody. I got select customers and the thing is even though my schedule is top priority and my customers understand that if I tell em I'm gonna be there at a certain time I always am. On the dot. And if something happens I always let them know asap instead of leave them hanging. But I also expect the customers to be on time also. If I say be here in 5 min I mean it. Early is ok but don't show up 6 min late. Always be punctual and on time that improves efficiency and things run a lot smoother.

Sometimes customers will comw from outta town so I give them a break if they run late but they must always let me know that they will be a few mins late.
Ya see I don't sell to anybody and everybody. I got select customers and the thing is even though my schedule is top priority and my customers understand that if I tell em I'm gonna be there at a certain time I always am. On the dot. And if something happens I always let them know asap instead of leave them hanging. But I also expect the customers to be on time also. If I say be here in 5 min I mean it. Early is ok but don't show up 6 min late. Always be punctual and on time that improves efficiency and things run a lot smoother.

Sometimes customers will comw from outta town so I give them a break if they run late but they must always let me know that they will be a few mins late.
I feel you man, that's all I'm asking from my guy too. That he gives me an idea of a timeframe and attempts to stick to it, not even that he always be ready right away. Because I definitely do that for him and in my own (less "big time") drug business for my customers.

And back to what someone else said about stamp bags inside little plastic baggies, that's how my fire connect back in CT used to have it packaged up and generally how I distinguished between good dope and the dirt from the ghetto. Maybe she had a Philly based connect or something.
@ XThexXTank: You should chill with talking about dealing. We try to limit the incriminating stuff we post (coming from the guy who just posted a pic of his dope ;) ) to minor stuff from the past or small quantities of stuff we are getting high on at the time, instead of posting about ongoing illegal activity.

How did the interview go Tommy?

Alright. I wasn't qualified enough so I didn't get the position. I don't even know why they called me in for the interview. I realized after I applied that it was a managerial position that required 3 years of experience in a field that I had no experience in (I meant to apply to the job listing below it). When they realized I had no experience I told them that I had read over the job description again after they called me back and I saw that experience was required, but I figured I would go to the interview still to see if they had anything else that I may be qualified for, plus I tried to sell myself on having some experience that could help with that job.

They applauded me on my effort to tie together my other experience with how it could apply to this position, and they said it was a good strategy for me to still come in and see if they had something else I may be qualified for. They said my resume won't be thrown out and they are sending it over to another department where my experience would better apply.
^ Hope it gets you in the door. That was a good move in my book it shows initiative.
I picked up some of that raw today, and remembered to take a picture of this batch since I've been meaning to but kept of forgetting. Actually the stuff before this was mostly powder and when it was solid it was really easy to break up, so I never took a pic of it. This stuff seems similar but is a lot harder to break up than the last stuff, but easier to break up than the stuff before that.


damn, despite the blurry pic, that looks like a scrumptious lump of smack you got there. what's the weight? a gram +? quality gear i assume as well?

i got my morphine (close enough to dope) and diazepam filled this afternoon so have enjoyed 200mg IV plus 35mg diazepam on top. had to take some promethazine just a bit before to help the itchy and scratchies. not too often i use an anti-histamine but when i start itching unbearably i need to drop some. having a beard and rubbing it leaves me with a damn well irritated face from rubbing it constantly.

gave my pills to dad so i don't go overusing, leaving me with nothing for christmas and new years as we all know it's a necessity to be fudged on some decent opiate and a little benzo on top. i'll be getting myself a nice top shelf bottle of whiskey as well for celebrations. anyone got any ideas on what a good whiskey is? i usually drink jack daniels or makers mark. as good as they both are i would like to try a new drop. glenfidich scotch is on the cards.
Man I don't think packaging has to do with quality. I mean I am gettn fire right now but I've gottn philly dope that was complete shit.
Idk but I think all philly dope is packaged like that.

@Tommyboy yeah man I feel ya see what yer sayin ill lay low ;-)
^Oh, you're already being monitored!

I'm actually a DEA agent thats just really good at faking being a junky!

Yeah, the packaging doesn't really matter, but it at least shows a little effort for christs sake! You could end up spending all day bagging those things, and people do!

I think the whole taped/sealed/stapled thing, was a way of preventing the runners from stepping on the product so that you're bags would hit the street at high quality and people would come back for the same stamp over and over.....Of course, its almost like putting your signature on the illegal drugs youre dealing!
Not sure if you're a scotch whiskey fan or not, but I'm always a fan of some Johnnie Walker myself. Black label is good as a more affordable bottle and is still great quality. I really don't like red label though, too much of that wood fired barrel flavor if you ask me I feel like I'm eating charcoal. If you've got the money to blow, get some Blue Label. A bit overpriced IMO but it's still a damn good whiskey. Worth spending the money on at least once.
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