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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ

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^Honestly, this might be the best advice. I'd get a few more doses of methadone but spaced out as much as possible to help start the transition to the other opiate, then to taper to clean with the new opiate.

If your clinic is really forcing you to be on such high doses (and those are definitely larger doses than I would be willing to take), I would get out of the program and just taper with other opaites. If you can get codeine, dihydrocodeine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone, you could use those to step down to a weaker opiate first, to ease the transition to being clean.
i have 60 tramadol they wouldnt help at all would they , i hate to use Dope to try to get off the clinic but it may be only thing i can get ........................
sorry man tramadol wont touch methadone withdrawals

maybe 2-3 weeks into withdrawals they MIGHT help with paws..

my advice is switch to bupe and taper as you please. That's what I did..I was at 80mg methadone for about 8 months, and flipped right over to bupe without a prob.

I don't get why you are talking about skipping days etc.. why are you in such a rush? Using dope to detox is a horrible idea and will do nothing but get you back in the groove of dope addiction.

The clinic WILL NOT stop you from detoxing if that's what you want to do, contrary to what you might think.

You could ask them to detox you 1mg a day, which might not be too bad considering its only been 6mo. Why drop 20mg in one shot?

But in all honesty, the most painfree route IMO is switching to bupe. I switched from 80mg done to 12mg bupe and was down to 1mg in like 1.5 months and didn't miss a nights sleep...
A coupe of buns of dope will not even get you anywhere near through methadone withdrawals. It'll be gone in a day, or 2 at most lol. 60mg methadone is no joke, bigger than what your dope habit likely was.

If wanted to stop copping in the hood so stop. You are not going to get any relief from a few bundles of dope. When I got off of 80mg done, my tolerance had skyrocketed. I was shooting a bundle EASY per shot (to get high). My point is, a few bundles will not get you through 2-3 weeks of hell and the 2 months of paws to follow

You have 3 weeks left of school so why are you going to risk getting kicked off of methadone. You want a painfree detox, so you have to do it properly. You will be at the mercy of th eclinic if the way you go about your detox is to just sijmply break their rules.

If you can not switch to bupe, the only pain free way (which is a fantasy in reality..there is no pain free way to get off of done) will be to detox properly. Which means at the fastest 1mg a day, which will probably cause you pain once you are down to 30mg, You shoudl just do a proper detox and tough it out a bit longer at the clinic.

But I can't stress enough how much switching to bupe woud benefit you in every way. You can taper at your own will, without going to the clinic, and you will not be constantly sick feeling like you are dropping your dose.

Going otu and coppng a few bundles is going to leave you at square 1 soo quick. Just to stay off sick you will go through that shit the by the time you can say methadone.

The only reason I would say to get any dope (though its just th addict in you that is telling you to get it...) would be to switch to dope for 3-4 days, then wait 24 hours, then take the bupe. So you are not just straight stopping the done and waiting 3-4 days till you are hurting bad then taking the bupe.

I was really scared to make the switch but thats what I did, done>dope for 3 days>wait 30 hours>bupe and I don't think I even broke much of a sweat...and I was soo scared for nothing.

Once you break the rules at your clinic and do administrative detox you will have no choice, no turning back, fucked. Right now you are in liquid cuffs, you got 3 weeks left of school, don't risk fucking your self over royally for finals.

p.s. there is no reason why bupe should work for you, especially if you were using just a bundle a day of dope. My suspicion is that bupe didn't "work" for you becuase you wer econstantly swtiching between dope and bupe. bupe will EASILY cover 60mg done. just give your self a few days to level out once you switch and youll be feeling 100% in no time.
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well i talked to my counselor today and he dropped me to 55 mg , so that is ok .............maybe i can drop 5 mg a week or so . then when i get under 30 maybe think about goin to bupe. although i really didnt like bupe but if i was gettin it at the clinic maybe it would be easier than havin my own script and knowing they are easy to get something for if you know what i mean (i know you do ) anyway my prob now is that i did good first few weeks on clinic then got some unemployment money (and u know how they give u your back checks all at once , like 1000 bucks) well that had me off to the races, i already am on klonopin prescribed (which im not supposed to be at clinic but thats a whole nother story) so i ended up gettin zanny bars too, coke, and of course buns of dope..........now im hoping i dont have a dope habit on top of the meth............id say over last 10 days to 2 weeks ive been messin with dope again and still been on the clinic............so worse case scenario when i cant afford the D anymore , at least ill have the clinic to falll back on , (i may be a little sick but wouldnt be anything like goin from doin dope and havin no meth to fall on ) anyway , i think i just feel so guilty that ive hidden all this from my family since they are mad that they knew i relapsed 5 months ago(because of that they didnt even invite me for holidays) so imagine if they knew about whats really goin on .........id prob be outta the fam for good. anyway yeah i gota finish school , thats another thing theyd be steamin mad about , if i didnt finish now when im one class short of finally gettin an associates degree after 2 years............somehow ive managed to do ok and pass classes thru my using.............cant find a job though and starting january im only gonna have enough money to barely get by if i dont get a job ...............
that sounds like a good plan...i don't know, it is a pain to live with all the clinic's rules and regulationss, but when i remember the problems of being a junkie without 'done to fall back on....THAT will fuck up a person's ability to pass classes, lol. at least with 'done, it's legal, it's safe, and they WILL taper you down eventually. don't rush it...just my 2 cents.
thanks. i gotta stop messin with coke and dope and just be on the methadone
get some buprenorphine and you'll cut your methadone detox time down to well under a week.
I did an instant switch once from 265mg daily methadone over to 8mg buprenorphine. I did it while hooked up to an IV and all that mind you, but I really didn't need to be if I couldn't afford it.

Honestly, only the 2nd day was terrible, the rest were managable. I'd rather suffer a couple days of terrible withdrawal than weeks feeling "not there" and fluish.
do u guys think if i dosed meth saturday (55 mg) then skipped sunday and monday that by tuesday i could take a sub thats 72 hours
^ Listen to your body. You must be in withdrawals, not severe, but nonetheless present to a certain degree.

72 hours looks a bit short to me, but everyone is different (I'm not even in light withdrawals after 72 hours without methadone).
do u guys think if i dosed meth saturday (55 mg) then skipped sunday and monday that by tuesday i could take a sub thats 72 hours

When in doubt, just use the criteria in the Clinical Opiate Withdrawals Scale (COWS Scale) that you can find here.

^That should tell you when its safe to take the buprenorphine based on symptom severity and not some guess based on time since you used which will vary considerably from person to person.
Hey guys, first post, but ive been peepin the forum for a couple years for info now....anyhow...Does anyone know for sure if i have to piss a dirty for h to be let into clinic? Say w/d done and cleaned up week before was the story or such? Clinic in n.j. beleive it's private,going off what ive been reading, cost is $125 a week 4 me, and $100 intro.. Thanks.,.,Oh yea, i left out, i have a appt this weds, with a pain management center, my "first" official , but they str8 up said on phone they will give me a shot in back?, or good pills ...lol...can i be honest bout my tolerance and "request" the m-done at a reasonable strength?
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^That's a great chart man, thanks for posting...

Yeah, I don't follow ALL of the bupe discussion as C.H has that shit on lock, but from what I've seen, I'm surprised its not referenced more often. If people follow the instructions, its a relatively straight-forward way to avoid p-w/d.
Hey guys, first post, but ive been peepin the forum for a couple years for info now....anyhow...Does anyone know for sure if i have to piss a dirty for h to be let into clinic? Say w/d done and cleaned up week before was the story or such? Clinic in n.j. beleive it's private,going off what ive been reading, cost is $125 a week 4 me, and $100 intro.. Thanks.,.,Oh yea, i left out, i have a appt this weds, with a pain management center, my "first" official , but they str8 up said on phone they will give me a shot in back?, or good pills ...lol...can i be honest bout my tolerance and "request" the m-done at a reasonable strength?

Thats really expensive. I was on 2 diff meth clinics in NJ and I had to pay 150 up front (which covered the first 3-4 weeks. and 50 a week there after.

They did require a positive urine for H. Both were private. Both were kind of interested in track marks, which I didn't have much of at the first one, and had plenty at the 2nd, either way they accepted me no prob when they heard how much I was using lol.
just set up an appointment at a clinic....problem is, I'm out of dope today, and the appointment is saturday, so I'm worried that if I don't have dirty pee, they'll refuse to treat me

I was thinking of perhaps eating some poppy grounds on friday to make sure there's morphine in my system, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make them last until then.....what should I do? I figured I might be able to be honest with my therapist about how when I made the appointment I was at rock bottom....other than that, I might be pretty much over physical withdrawals (this isn't why I'm going, I've put a lot of thought into this) so there might be at best minimal WD symptoms when I see the doc....

any advice?
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