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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ

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The pain will go away but you won't feel "like a million bucks".
I too have cronic pain and im on methadone 8-10mg pills a day and oxycodone ir 30mg-10 a day...I have noticed the methadone alone can stop the pain and should be the gold standard imo over morphine everyone has there opinion though...Methadone for pain management is no joke and works wonders...I TOO SAY NEVER SHOOT THIS SHIT UP!!! There are too many reasons to not do it. I have noticed that now being on methadone 80mg's a day for 4-5 months that i can go w/o it for days! Like 4-6 days before even getting cold clammy sweats. I have noticed that even when I dont take the done regularly like say 30-40mg's every other 3-4 days it still can take almost a week to buzz on other opiods...I yet havent felt a full blown acute w/d from the methadone....Why? I dont know....any questions or answers to this would be very helpful ...Thanks
^^^Man, if you were to go 10 days without any methadone or other opiates, you would be feeling like hell. However methadone works so well for CP, it sucks that it is so dangerously physically addicting.
I have used methadone recreationally for almost 2 years. I get a euphoric, long lasting high every time I dose. I have found that if I only dose once (or sometimes twice) a week, I am able to get very high every time. I take 65mg evertime I dose.

Occasionally I will take a tiny piece of subutex (no more than 3mg) in between doses, to stop the VERY mild withdrawal symptoms I sometimes experience between methadone doses.

Does anyone else use methadone like this? It takes a lot of self control, but it can be very rewarding for those like myself, who feel that nearly every other form of opiate does not last long enough.
Has anyone had any experience with Methadone?
So far I taken Oxycontin, Fentanyl, Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) and morphine for pain.
The best experience I had was with Dilaudid (IV), the pain went away and I felt like a million bucks.
I have chronic pain and end stage renal failure. (lol no not cause of drugs.)
Methadone is the next thing my insurance will cover and nothings been working because of my high tolerance. So I'm willing to give Methadone a shot.

I thought methadone was pretty good for my pain but it was at a very high dose. If you have a high tolerance and your doctor prescribes a low dose of methadone you would probably still be in trouble. I love morphine or hydromorphone as well the times Ive had it coming out of a pca machine. I would tell you to give methadone a try for sure if it werent for the fact that some doctors only prescribe it in low doses. Also if recreational value matters to you and you have a high tolerance than you likely will be disappointed.
how strong is methadone compare to hydromorphone (dilaudid)?
I took 10mg for my first try, I read about people dying just from 5 mg.
Hey I have an important question please help. Im an experienced vicodin user but havent use any in a few weeks. My tolerance has gone down and i can get pretty messed up off of 20 mg right now. I have a bottle of 5mg methadone pills and am wondering how much i should take to get me that good vicodin feeling.
^10mg methadone will be much stronger than 20mg hydrocodone. I'm not comfortable giving you an exact number under 10mg; methadone is much stronger than hydrocodone and you will have to start low and titrate your dose to where you want it. I'd start at 5mg methadone and increase by 2.5mg at a time. Methadone lasts for a long time and you can easily overdo it and be sick for a day or two, or even die. I hate to sound like I'm scaremongering; methadone is just a seriously strong drug and must be respected.
So methadone binds to proteins or whatever well today I read that there are drugs which can replace the methadone on the protein or kick it off basically thereby causing higher blood levels of methadone. Edit- I can't find the thing that I read it in now maybe I just imagined it, but does anyone with more knowledge of the subject know if that is true? that it causes increased plasma concentration of methadone?

If it is then taking that with something like tagamet to prevent it from metabolising wouldn't that potentiate/lengthen the effects quite a bit? I know its probably impossible to greatly increase the euphoria in any way but I am interested in this because my dose doesn't last very long, it is completely worn off before I go to bed, I don't feel that bad at this time but I have not been sleeping well at all, waking up 4-6 times a night even, and before I go to the clinic in the morning I don't feel well at all. So thats something I am interested in at least until the clinic raises my dose to a more comfortable level

Also I just found this page which lists a bunch of drugs and their interaction with methadone, this thing is a great resource. http://www.hpharmacia.com/assets/pdf/2007_WeschulesDJ_APhA_Methadone_Drug_Interactions.pdf
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I thought methadone was pretty good for my pain but it was at a very high dose. If you have a high tolerance and your doctor prescribes a low dose of methadone you would probably still be in trouble. I love morphine or hydromorphone as well the times Ive had it coming out of a pca machine. I would tell you to give methadone a try for sure if it werent for the fact that some doctors only prescribe it in low doses. Also if value matters to you and you have a high tolerance than you likely will be disappointed.
Aside from how long methadone lasts all the drugs you listed are better painkillers IMO.
Methadone Dispensing and Care Questions

I'm not familiar with Methadone and I have some questions I hoped that some Bluelighters who are would answer for me.

Does a doctor have to be physically present at the clinic when it's dispensed?

How often do you have to see the doctor once your stable?

How often do you have to have counseling?

Basically, how many days a month do you do anything other than go in and take your dose and leave?

I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have a nurse come to home or work and dispense methadone rather than going into a clinic every day. I know after a while you can earn 'take home' doses but I'm unsure of how many doses they allow you to take home and how often you need to be seen by the doctor and counselor or if this is done at different times of the day than regular dispensing.

Anyone with first hand knowledge who can tell me what it's like?

Thank you all so much!
has anyone had sleep paralysis with methadone? its been happening whenever I take methadone
Aside from how long methadone lasts all the drugs you listed are better painkillers IMO.

yeah i'm thinking about taking fentanyl but thing is 50mcg works but i get sleep paralysis and hallucinations, and bit aggro.
Ive browsed through this thread to find out so much mis information. I used to have an account on here called sp0r but I dont remember the log in info. Anyways tagamet/cimetidine has nothing to do with stomach acid. It is a potentiator of P450cyp3a4 which is an enzyme that breaks down methadone. So when the enzyme is blocked that leaves more methadone in the blood stream and less peaks and valleys leaving for a longer duration of action and less withdrawl do to the steady amount in the stream. Also dextromethorphan hBR is an amazing potentiator. As are most dissociatives/NMDA antagonists. They are shown to lower dependency on alof of drugs and believe me I have tested this on myself numerous times. You can use as little as sixty mgs to notice a difference, but If you do anywhere from first to second plateau trip, then when you are comming down dose your dxm, you will be hammered by the DXM and or most other opiates and benzos. Trust me on this I have tried it many times.. It is almost surreal. If you want to follow me on twitter I will post tips here and there on ways to potentiate and tweets on almost all drug tips. Im not trying to be a show off but honestly I do know alot. I have spent my life studying these matters. One thing is alprazolam is a great potentiator but if you smoke it is horrible because nicotine kicks alprozolam out of your system almost immediately. I reccomend klonopin/clonazepam or even diazepam. My twitter account is daveg412 and if you follow me and send me a txt via email to [email protected] leaving me your twitter name I will follow you and thus get your tweets to my cell phone and be able to answer your questions on the road. I am glad to help almost anyone, because there is alot of misinformation out there. If you want to email me try [email protected] and I will get back to you asap but twitter is the best so other people can get the answers as well. Happy drugging :D
sp0r412 aka daveg412 on twitter aka sp0r on irc undernet channel #smack
aim dag109 . Hope to talk to you soon.
One question I am not sure of, can you get cats claw OTC in USA?
One more thing, THIS whole grapefruit juice scandal, yes it is a potent cyp3a4 inhibitor but the high levels of vitamin C helps your body to destroy your blood levels almost immediately. Stick with tagamet/cimetidine or erythromycin if you can find it.
twitter: daveg412
Subutex/suboxone = methadone = no no

I have used methadone recreationally for almost 2 years. I get a euphoric, long lasting high every time I dose. I have found that if I only dose once (or sometimes twice) a week, I am able to get very high every time. I take 65mg evertime I dose.

Occasionally I will take a tiny piece of subutex (no more than 3mg) in between doses, to stop the VERY mild withdrawal symptoms I sometimes experience between methadone doses.

Does anyone else use methadone like this? It takes a lot of self control, but it can be very rewarding for those like myself, who feel that nearly every other form of opiate does not last long enough.

THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and do not reccomend it. Subutex/Suboxone are mu partial agonists/ kappa full agonists, and you are likely to get incredibally sick beyond your worst nightmares.

aka daveg412 twitter
Methadone clinic gotta get off please help

ok so heres the situation . PLEASE tell me how bad my w/d could be or how you think i can go abuot it easiest way . Thank you and please dont be a jerk about it , im already a nervous wreck as it is................
So i stupidly decided to go on the methadone clinic about 6 wks ago because 1. it was free and
2. i was tired of risking my freedom coppin in the hood
Anyway after bein on it awhile ive realized i dont wanna be stuck on methadone and im sick of goin there every morning to get it , and i know all it is doing is makin my opiate problem more serious since im on 60 mg and my habit wasnt that bad when i got on ..........(they bring everyone up to 80 , i went down to 60 a week or so ago by asking)
Anyway , since they want to keep you on and make it hard for you to lower your dose how you want i need to do what i have to to get off without being terribly sick (i have 3 wks left to get my college degree)
So if my counselor wont let me drop down to 40 mg when i meet with him tmrw, here are my options
1. dont dose for 2 days and get cut in half to 30 mg (id be ok missing 2 days , i have a take home bottle that i saved)
2 just break rules (piss dirty , miss group etc, then they will administrativly detox you which is dropping 2 mg a day i believe)
3 go along with the counselor and be a slave to their clinic
4 stay at 60 but just start skipping days (you can miss one day and not get in any trouble just cant miss 2 or dose is cut in half)
Honestly from what i hear about the withdrawals i feel like i better get off the clinic before it is too late and i end up not being able to
I think id even rather cop a couple buns of D if i had to if it helped me get thru meth w/d (i have a little money i can blow and a safe connect not in a bad hood)
Also i forgot to mention i have been on opiates for about 1 and a half years almost every day...............was goin to sub doctor a few months but they didnt work for me............as far as size of my H habit , i could easily do a bun in a day but due to money i usually wouldnt do that often , and could get by a day on 5 bags or so .....
maybe best bet if stop to done and do h for a few weeks till the done gets out your system so its like u never were on methadone and either taper urself or go cold turkey.

i had a friend who had a laghable habit, no junkie would consider it a habit but hes one of those kids who goes to the doc for everything, he went to the doc when he missed a shot cuz he was so freaked out even though i told him he was fine, but anyways, he got on methadone and was gettin high as ballls on it cuz he didnt have a crazy habit and now he is 100 times worse than he started, imo methadone is bad news. but thats just for me, more power to ya if it works for you!
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