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Legal high products in the UK (branded pills and powders)

Very little information on it so far but the (tiny) PD thread on it is presented for your reading pleasure - Lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide - Anyone assayed?. More info would be a boon but on the surface it does sound rather exciting :)

PS: I must admit that Evad may well have a point too - the people behind that whole scam site appear to have been... scammers. But I guess it is possible somebody else actually went ahead and made the things for real.

EDIT: Doh! My linky is apparently for an analogue of the analogue so is of limited (or no) value. I'll get back in my box now :eek:
hmm made by Dave the dude that sells bullshit to thesun

I'd avoid that like a free sample of 5-meo-AIDS
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Has anyone tried crushing up JGG and insufflating it? Is this something to steer clear from doing? It's just that I always insufflate if possible (never got anything from a bomb although I'm not sure how that's physically possible) so I'd rather do this, just not if it's going to destroy my septum over the course of one night...

You CAN crush these up and snort them, BUT it really dries out your nasal lining, it's not as effective as bombing and it give you horrible brigh green snot.

However, contrary to what some say it does have an effect. I've had quite pleasant results mixing it with very small amounts of stronger stims such as MDPV to give it an nice little boost when snorting. Obviously take it easy when mixing stuff though.
jolly green granules

The JGGs were great...euphoric, speedy, dancy and leess twatted than with MDMA and Mephedrone.....similar kind of feel though lighter and controllable. Not a bad thing maybe?

Bombed about a gram over 8 hours for 2 nights in a row and although tired no real comedown or loss of appetite or rebound effect.

Thoroughly recommended for when you want to get off but dont want to look or feel too out of it!

'Mephedrone - lite' - Im stocking up baby!
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You're clearly a vendor/shill. You've signed up and just posted about how great JGGs are.
Anyone who uses the words 'no real comedown' has no real credibility imo!

Still haven't tried mine yet...
Iv not payed any attention to the RC scene recently, what happened to 6-APB? last time i checked, not everyone rated the first batch of released 'pellets', i tried the sample powder twice, and enjoyed it.

last time i checked there were rumours about the pills not containing the promised 100mgs and so on, have things picked up and is 6 APB actually worth looking into?
Thanks for that, I loved the effects of the pellets but the residule stimulation was a serious pain in the arse....

Like a literal pain in te arse? rectal administration? i wouldnt put a pellet in my anus... would hurt... joke :)
cheers grudgehugger . also iv found a site selling what it calls pure ivory . it states on the packet that its mdvp 93.9 percent pure now i love ivory wave ultra and thats what i beleave it was . so any 1 tryed this pure ivory its american i think .

Will be trying the Bolivian Bath from the same vendor in the coming weeks.

The vendor is to be commended, they've been completely transparent as to what are in their bath salts and their caps.
my normal vendor just 200mg free of recharge with a note saying how it know last release launa wave was shit
just opened packet nt doing it yet tho , has a yellow colour very lumpy no smell . letters on packet C.A.R if that helps. not had said brand in any form before
if they do a cheep extra strong maybe other wize 2for1 deals only way to go n smoke it