Alcoholism Thread v. A sober life is a good life <3

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orangutangpsychopa -- sorry if i came off as holier-than-thou, man. i certainly am not. my journey into alcoholism has been long and frought with all sorts of badness; i can't even believe some of the places i've woken up. and my consumption had gotten way out of hand in the last few years. it had to stop. and it has. and i feel better. no more guilt. no more depression. better.

i also had another motive for wanting to go clean.....i was planning on getting pregnant. it seems that i've accomplished that, so DEFINITELY no drugs at all for quite a while. cool thing about that is, the SECOND i find out i'm pregnant, quitting becomes effortless. i just don't want it.
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Now vox and enki, i just explained how alcoholism twists people and where how. If some-one thinks those texts are alcohol boasting, maybe even from survival angle, i'm little bit disappointed.

And weren't, vox, holying any as i see.

It's psychological addiction, alone or bunch drinking. Is it somehow unclear what i mean?

I just explained few things that creep on alcoholism. Or is crocodile tears needed with me, uh-huh.

I'm decided to be without alcohol. And this too, don't think as boasting. Addiction gene, alcoholism gene etc. Need to have or need to lack it. Is that too somehow important matter?

It's just that some-one comes to his/hers senses and quits, maybe permanently or for a period, ½ month, year, 10-12 years...
I've opened a beer at the computer and have half a glass of wine going out in the living room, plus just had a heap of codeine again, eventhough I feel like shit and have a sore throat. grrr, why can't I just goto sleep without drinking and shit for hours first for once :|
how long does minor withdrawal last, i was drunk for about 48 hours straight, ran out then was fine a few hours except a hangover, then was suddenly struck by extreme restlessness and sweating, felt sick and have been shaking a bit, that all started about midnight and its been about 12 hours, im thinking about getting some OTC codeine will that help at all?
if youre in a country where codeine is otc, butalbital might be as well. a barbituate should help with wd's. codeine helps with the shits tho
Maybe it helps, maybe good that it's OTC. Hereby it's cough syrup BTC behind the counter. Can't do high doses easily. That codeine thing, very good solution from government here.

My 5 or 6th or 7th day, feels very good, can think straight, then insecure feeling which is trying to be smart headed. Some things give sure comfort secure feeling, alcohol makes battling against wrong things. What can go wrong if can behave when sober? Not much any except old repeating fears.

Idea of social safety network hunting doesn't bother and many things have it's positive side, thinking and ideas, as sober, give more than bitter-angry drunken visios.

Autumn feels real and euphoric from natural point of view, natural euphoria, and waiting something good, eatables, candy, sweeties or even something trippy. It's very good feeling to have money and wait something, also eating is better as sober. Alcohol is complete bozo thing, luckily did the decision.

It could be wrong time if very angry about many things...

Absolutely best thing as sober is that next month won't go off the track with wrong people or run out of money halfway the month.
how long does minor withdrawal last, i was drunk for about 48 hours straight, ran out then was fine a few hours except a hangover, then was suddenly struck by extreme restlessness and sweating, felt sick and have been shaking a bit, that all started about midnight and its been about 12 hours, im thinking about getting some OTC codeine will that help at all?

Hey mate, hope you start to feel better soon, just remember it will go away. Codeine may help "mask" some withdrawals. In the past I have used small amounts of codeine (50-100mg) to help with benzo withdrawals. I can only think that it could help since benzo withdrawals are very similar to alcohol withdrawals. The only things I noticed were that I still had trembling in my hands, which can be made worse from codeine and it may also make you feel nauseous. I don't think it would hurt if you were to try a SMALL dose to see how you feel, but be carefull, since some side effects could make you no better or a little worse. As for benzos a small dose has helped me though.
Hey mate, hope you start to feel better soon, just remember it will go away. Codeine may help "mask" some withdrawals. In the past I have used small amounts of codeine (50-100mg) to help with benzo withdrawals. I can only think that it could help since benzo withdrawals are very similar to alcohol withdrawals. The only things I noticed were that I still had trembling in my hands, which can be made worse from codeine and it may also make you feel nauseous. I don't think it would hurt if you were to try a SMALL dose to see how you feel, but be carefull, since some side effects could make you no better or a little worse. As for benzos a small dose has helped me though.

thanks alot, i might go and buy some codeine, my mums just gone out to get me valerian which im hoping might calm some of the restless feelinsg, no benzos though ive recently quite them, and yeah this feels very similar to benzo withdrawal its really not nice :(
well 3 grams of valerian (big dose) has helped quite alot, my mum asked in the health shop for the best quality ones as sometimes it hasnt done anything in the past and these ones seem to be helping, dont feel quite as bad anymore, but still think sleep is gonna be hard.
It's not the insomnia with me. It's the lack of affection. I drink b/c I feel unloved.
my lifes been turning up, i dont even have alcohol cravings, i drink once a week, less then i didnt before, sure theres that ticking part of me that wants a nice beer everytime i see one , but thats in the back burner, im way more focused now
It's not the insomnia with me. It's the lack of affection. I drink b/c I feel unloved.
in our brave new world, lighning-speed, constant communication is supposed to bring us all closer; make us feel more connected. so why is lonliness so prevalent?

hugs, mariposa <3
Great to hear ur doing so well Batmanplaybaseball ....Best of luck- know its a cliche but dont give up on yourself! keep doin wot ur doin! :D
well the last time i drank was saturday morning, woke up in the evening and spent a night of sweating, RLS and shakes aswell as bad anxiety. Not awful withdrawal symptoms but still not nice. Im wondering if its ok to have one beer tonight, i feel better than i did then, the symptom thats getting to me is a strong restless feeling, esp in the legs and arms. Theres only one beer in the house and i dont have access to getting anymore tonight, will it make me feel worse tommorow, or would it maybe act like a small taper, i really just want some slight releif from the RLS and chill and watch a film.

I wouldnt exactly call myself an alcoholic as i dont drink daily, but ive had very bad problems with both benzos and gbl (both gaba drugs) and ive only recently come off a daily valium habbit, and it seems when i drink alot (when i drink i drink ALOT) it seems to almost bring back symptoms of benzo withdrawal, and ive been drinking maybe 3 times a week, this was after a 48 hour drinking binge and is the worst ive felt after drinking and feels just like mild benzo withdrawal.

edit: well ive had one beer with some valerian, thats it for tonight, hopefully shouldnt get too bad of a rebound effect if i do ill just eat 3-4 grams of valerian.
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^Hi bignbrown, are you feeling like you're getting better mate?
I was just wondering if I could ask ya about valerian. I've had a bottle for ages but have only ever had 1 or 2 tabs maybe twice ever. I'm always very skeptical about herbal meds, and just the smell of valerian puts me off haha. But was just wondering if you think it is worth me trying it for a relaxant/sleep if I ever need to from alchol or benzo withdrawal? I also have kava tabs which I've only used a few times and have definately noticed effects from kava, but am unsure about valerian.
Went on a 16 day break and then caved in, almost on that same day after downing 7 beers I almost went and lost all my money to gambling. Saturday comes and I have beers after work and end up gambling but not too much, was devestated I made some good coin and then lost it.

I decided enough is enough and went to my first AA meeting on monday night, today comes and this raging manic pulse tells me to have a drink and well so it happens. Am thinking AA is something I may need to attend regularly or work towards possibly health goals which will keep me away from drinking all together.
^Hey mate, I know how you feel. On Friday arvo/night I drank and gambled away a couple of hundred bucks from what I remember, then for some fucked up reason I did the same thing on monday arvo. I'm actually a recovered gambling addict. I once had a job on fantastic money and in the 5-6 years I worked there, I lost 10s of thousands of dollars, gambling and pissing all my pay away. The past 8 months now i've had a gamble once every month or 2 and just keep realising why I can't do it anymore, especially when I have to get drunk while I gamble. Fucking hated myself after friday night for it, then did it again monday.
4.5 years off the booze now.

Hard to believe it's been so long!

I still get anxious around drunk people though.
I wish to christ I never had this "hole" in my life to have to fill with drugs and more alcohol lately. Fucken hate it. Whatever that "hole" is, I dunno.
At this very point in time I honestly wish I could drink myself to death.
Not possible though. For multiple reasons.
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