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Miscellaneous What kind of drugs are going to appear in the future?

pill are already taking over! my cousin is an early high school age and he refuses to smoke weed but yet took vicodin once, and he tells me plenty of his friends do pills and they dont smoke and are actually against it. i find this weird and bad, to be doing pills as young teens and not getting you feet wet in softer stuff is illogical. im only about four years older than him and my generation wasnt like that at all in high school, everyone sttyed drinking and getting stoned. too much too quick now, too much to quick. pills are easy and we have sucj easy access to them now with perscriptionsthrown left and right. im not anti pills or anything i enjoy them myslef, but i do think its gonna bite us all in the ass one day.
about hte brain thing, u guys are not smart
that's not a nice way to start a post

and the rest was not a clever way to finish a post that began by pretending you were smarter

stop; grow up a bit; and start posting again
Has anyone seen the movie harley davidson and marbrol man? It some cheesy action movie and the main characters get their hands on some pycedelic called like blue heaven.

"It kills 1 in 10 users instantly and once you use it, you are hooked for life"

That would be a fucked up drug.

If you got to use it 11 times, then, you could consider yourself very lucky. Lol.
something that ive always thought to be VERY possible is that many new psychedelic plants will be discovered in the depths of the ocean. I mean think about how huge the ocean is and how little we know about all of it. there has got to be some psychedelic plant matter down there just waiting to be discovered.
heres a real question which drugs have already been discovered and we have and never will hear about ?
Many hundreds (or thousands!) of drugs with properties that would make them great as recreational drugs have probably already been discovered by the big pharmaceutical companies and shelved for exactly this reason. That information stays inside those companies, so we may never end up hearing about them (clinical trials they may have done, especially).
sick trip?

haha my friend and i were discussing a man made virus of sorts that has a predetermined 'run time' in your body. Since tripping is essentially interference between what your eyes, ears, nose, skin etc senses and how your brain perceives it, this 'virus' would screw around with that and you'd be tripping and not have to redose for as long as you want. Although I really dont believe that this is in any way the future of drugs- I'd be curious to see how many people would be super excited about it if it was created in some sketchy underground laboratory...

keep tripping,
BrainSurgeon said:
RC's and all the uncommon legal psyhcs(datura,salvia(for now) etc..)

Datura? No I don't think so. If datura becomes popular or is the only drug available I'll go back to alcohol or start growing my own stuff. It's a deleriant not a psych BTW.

As for future drugs, just think about how much easier it is going to become to cook your own drugs as technology evolves. We could have biochemistry hobbyists or pro's cooking their own stuff.

Or hopefully the morons who think that prohibition works will finally give up and we'll be able to do whatever we want.
a drug which is a dissociative, psychedelic, and empathogen simultaneously. basically combining effects of ketamine, lsd, and mdma in one drug.

btw those are like my 3 favs, acid, ecstasy, and special k. gotta have my special k
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Yeah right...Like that is going to happen. lol

So far meph has become popular (probably not for long). I am guessing right after shulgin releases his new book, we will see a massive increase of different things.
The future of drugs is nano technology. Drugs basically set off certain things in your brain and what not... little nano robots will be able to do the same thing eventually but stay in you and you can start/end shit when ever you want. It will be designed by the military to increase soldiers mental abilities, like better/sharper vision, more adrenaline/amping them up for combat, releasing chemicals to ease pain(for injuries) and so on and so on.

Then it will be leaked/mainstream will figure it out and bam, we'll have people walking around that can be on any drug they want at the click of there fingers, with no tolerance, and no peaks, and no cost.
omg did you guys hear about this new drug theyre putting out? it cures everything

but the side effects are: AIDS, Gonorrhea,syphillis,Cancer, brain tumors, diabetes, crohns disease, alzheimers, headache,nausea, explosive diarrhea, kidney failure, black lung, muscular dystrophy, ADHD, skin lesions, sickle cell anemia, parkinsons, lou gehrigs disease, autism, gangreen, west nile virus, scarlet fever, shingles, smallpox, radiation poisoning, heavy metal poisoning, herpes, chronic pancreantitis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, High blood pressure, athlete's foot, post-traumatic strees disorder, Fahr's disease, legionnaires'disease, Feingold syndrome, fibromyalgia, cystic fibrosis, thrombosis of the liver, megalomania, delusions, manic depression, rotlung, muscle necrosis, leprosy and leprechaun bites.

Fortunately since it cures everything it also cures its own side effects. ;)
Stims. Stims are on the rise, meth is gonna be huge once it hits europe, i bet.I could see nanomachines that RELEASE drugs, like STIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would get them that would put out either amphetamine (or if i were feeling daring, methamphetamine), but by then, addiction will be so common it wouldnt necessarily be so bad, so probably methamphetamine lulz.
a drug which is a dissociative, psychedelic, and empathogen simultaneously. basically combining effects of ketamine, lsd, and mdma in one drug.

btw those are like my 3 favs, acid, ecstasy, and special k. gotta have my special k

5-MeO-DALT apparently gets empathogen/psychedelic decently. 2C-B/I comes close. As to how you'd mess with those molecules to hit NMDA -- hell if I know, sir.
Dissociative, euphoriant, psychedelic... opioid? 3-MeO-PCP comes pretty close - touches on all of 'em. Just a shame it hasn't made it big yet... or maybe that's a blessing in disguise :D

Have high hopes for a new flush of dissociative psyches :)
I'm not sure how iron-clad a source this is but reading the above argument about humans only using 10% of their brains led to me looking out this page that I read a while back.

We've often been told that we only use about 10 percent of our brains. Famous people such as Albert Einstein and Margaret Mead have been quoted as stating a variation of it. This myth is probably one of the most well-known myths about the brain, in part because it's been publicized in the media for what seems like forever. Where did it come from? Many sources point to an American psychologist of the early 1900s named William James, who said that "the average person rarely achieves but a small portion of his or her potential" [source: AARP]. Somehow, that was converted into only using 10 percent of our brain.

This seems really puzzling at first glance. Why would we have the biggest brain in proportion to our bodies of any animal (as discussed in the sixth myth in our list) if we didn't actually use all of it? Many people have jumped on the idea, writing books and selling products that claim to harness the power of the other 90 percent. Believers in psychic abilities such as ESP point to it as proof, saying that people with these abilities have tapped into the rest of their brains.

Here's the thing, though; it's not really true. In addition to those 100 billion neurons, the brain is also full of other types of cells that are continually in use. We can become disabled from damage to just small areas of the brain depending on where it's located, so there's no way that we could function with only 10 percent of our brain in use.

Brain scans have shown that no matter what we're doing, our brains are always active. Some areas are more active at any one time than others, but unless we have brain damage, there is no one part of the brain that is absolutely not functioning. Here's an example. If you're sitting at a table and eating a sandwich, you're not actively using your feet. You're concentrating on bringing the sandwich to your mouth, chewing and swallowing it. But that doesn't mean that your feet aren't working -- there's still activity in them, such as blood flow, even when you're not actually moving them.

So there's no hidden, extra potential you can tap into, in terms of actual brain space. But there's still so much to learn about the brain.