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Miscellaneous What kind of drugs are going to appear in the future?

I think fat&bulblike has it correct. The 10% thing is in reference to how much neurologists used to understand about how the brain functions. Progress in neuroscience has been vast, so I think that number would be much higher now - generally, no one bothers updating bits of inane trivia for accuracy.


P.S: I think the most interesting and desirable drugs of the future will probably be... illegal
i have read a few articles stating that some of the top chemists believe there could be some extraordinary salvia and ibogaine analogues. i think Shulgin himself has even stated that he is "waiting" for some young new organic chemist to come along and revolutionize the RC world, just as he did.

Also, they suspect the potential salvia and ibogaine analogues to be the strongest psychedelics yet, more "hallucinogenic" than DMT, and active at single digit microgram levels! If anyone has more info, please post it!
Probably just going to be a bunch of kids strung out on prescription pills in the future that were stolen from the local pharmacy.

although, I'm unfortunately a part of this generation "RX" group.. and I'd have to say fuck pills, I'd like to see stronger, longer lasting psychedelics (Super-Psych's) granted for now I'm damn well content with DOI, DOC, and LSD, and whatever else may be on my blots.
Baby Jade said:
i have read a few articles stating that some of the top chemists believe there could be some extraordinary salvia and ibogaine analogues. i think Shulgin himself has even stated that he is "waiting" for some young new organic chemist to come along and revolutionize the RC world, just as he did.

Also, they suspect the potential salvia and ibogaine analogues to be the strongest psychedelics yet, more "hallucinogenic" than DMT, and active at single digit microgram levels! If anyone has more info, please post it!

If thats really true, I can't see anything good coming of it... I mean, people can't even be bothered to by a good milligram scale... how can we expect them to weigh out 1 or 2 micrograms??? Not my cup of tea as a small mistake could mean BIG consequences

Anyway, something I would be interested in seeing is the action of DMT but with a LSD-life duration. Might be too much, I dont know, but it could be interesting
Have you tried oral DMT/ayahuasca moracca? Not quite LSD-like duration but longish. Also Intramuscular DMT has a duration of 45minutes-1hr and is a lot like smoked DMT but is a little longer of a trip.

And yes 1-2ug active doses are frightening but I suppose it could work on blotter if the people laying it had access to ridiculously precise scales or were dealing with high enough dilutions. Still scary scary shit.

Salvinorin/ibogaine analogues don't sound terribly recreational to me although I have not tried ibogaine.
im tellin ya the ringed trifloropropyl mescaline is where its at!

one day there gonna make it and its going to be the best drug ever created and I'ma be like yo that is MY drug--toldya so. eat up!

as far as blotters that are super potent and super long lasting DOTFM-dragonfly is going to be next. and after that DOPFP-dragonfly (petafloropropyl)
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I'm 90% sure pharms will take over, it already has...theres just so much more potential for abuse. the companies like purdue pharma dont care about abuse cuz they abusin that shit too, they want more money...id do the same thing as wth they did before they got fucked over...but some people wouldnt but i would haha
about hte brain thing, u guys are not smart....10% is used for thinking that why if they say we used 100% wed be able to do crazy shit like read minds and move things just by thinkin of it...like rest (90%) of the brain does ur body needed shit like moving and breathing and pumping blood. GO FIGURE
PillPoppingAnimal said:
about hte brain thing, u guys are not smart....10% is used for thinking that why if they say we used 100% wed be able to do crazy shit like read minds and move things just by thinkin of it...like rest (90%) of the brain does ur body needed shit like moving and breathing and pumping blood. GO FIGURE

Do you have any type of scientific information to back up all the speculatin' you just did?

If you go to a university and take a neurology class, I'm sure you'll learn that what you said is crap.
The urge to childishly type "new ones" 8) has been resisted for about a week - I crumbled :eek:
Good ones.
Seriously good ones :D . Pharmacology is advancing all the time. Ligands will get more selective, reducing unpleasant side effects, and maximizing the good ones.
A cannabis strain that doesn't cause any anxiety and other nasty side effects like racing heart and dry mouth.

A drug which is identical to methylone but the effects last longer would be my favourite. I like mild ones.
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Hellman said:
A drug which is identical to methylone but the effects last longer would be my favourite.

I think MDMA fits in this category?

But seriously, Shulgin took the structure of mescaline and wrote PiHKAL, as well as the structure of psilocybin and wrote TiHKAL. So many naturally occuring substances have yet to have analogues made of them. I think there's potential in the harmala alkaloids, the lysergamides (more that we haven't found yet), salvinorins, as well as whatever it is that's in kratom (I forget off the top of my head). Many more, but those are what come to mind right now.
P.S: I think the most interesting and desirable drugs of the future will probably be... illegal
Well, that's a given. Anything that is interesting and new, that the government doesn't understand, ipso facto has to be illegal.

I do think that there is huge potential in the ergoloids--both lysergamides and ergopeptides--that has yet to be fully tapped. I for one would like a non-visual psychedelic (purely cognition-expanding) ergoloid for everyday, around-the-house use. Hydergine fulfills this description pretty well, but I think that progress can still be made.

Personally, I consider salvia to be a dead-end. I mean, if the parent compound is virtually useless (it is for me, mea culpa for any big-time salvia fans out there), why would derivatives be that interesting?

One that I am dying to investigate at a decently high dosage is alpha-methyl-N-dimethyl-tryptamine (TMT). My spidy-sense (er, chemical intuition) is tingling about this one--I don't think it has been given a fair shake, because of the well-known crappiness of 5-MeO-AM-DMS and 5-MeO-AMT.
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Roger&Me said:
Do you have any type of scientific information to back up all the speculatin' you just did?

If you go to a university and take a neurology class, I'm sure you'll learn that what you said is crap.

no sh*t! couldnt have said it better myself
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