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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

5 consecutive days is not enough time for Withdrawals to set in. Usually requires more then 10 days sometimes several weeks for addiction to form.

If you've never been dependant on tramadols before, there should be -no- issues stopping abruptly after 5 days. I wouldn't worry about a taper.

You'll prolly have a big bowel movement once your guts start moving at full speed again though!

And in refernce to the above post:
In his defense, the physical withdrawals are pretty minor and could be mistaken for a flu. Soreness, runny nose, mild diarrhea -- seems to miss on the dreaded sweating like many opiods do to you. And there's no insomnia, in fact, you will probably sleep through the worst stages (if you got 2 days to devote to sleep).

The SNRI addiction is hideous. Outrageous anxiety and everything described on this page and the previous few for sure. But that's not addiction or withdrawal by the pharmacists scope of concern.
Update: I did a little more research and decided to try a small dose to help.

I took 1 50MG Tramadol. Within in 1 half hour the brain zaps stopped as well as some anxiety. 45 minutes later I felt mild opiate euphoria as well as an improved/elevated mood.) 8)

found more info on SSRI "zaps" and nightmares:



Interesting. Make sure the MDMA is completely out of your system when you take the tramadol. That combo could put you down through serotonin syndrome or a seizure pretty quick.

If I go above 50-100mg tramadol, it's a lot like an MDMA comedown. I think 50 to 100 is definitely the "therapeutic dose" for the SSRI-effects.
Am i expierencing panic attacks on tramadol or partial seizures?

Yesterday i had 350mg tramadol over the day along with 30mg valium, towards the end of the day i was fine and relaxed then i got this overwhelming feeling of fear/panic and weakness, felt very shakey and tremory, felt kind of dreamy and spaced out, i took 5mg more diazepam and this stopped msotly, but i still felt kind of spaced out and a little shakey, later on that night i expierenced a sudden flash in my vision which sent me into more panic and similar symptoms but they went away with no more valium.

Now today ive been on buperenorphine all day, recreationally had about 2mg, been nicely fucked all day, had 15mg diazepam with it and was feeling good, i wasnt feeling it quite as strongly so i decided to pop a tramadol, 20 minutes later the high was back in full force but i felt like i was on speed for a minute, got very panicky again and shakey and got the weird spaced out feeling again, my hearing was kind of muffled but everything sounded loud, then i started panicking and smelling something that no one else could smell, all symptoms of auras people get before full on seizures, am i just panicking on it when the SNRI effects kick in? if it was a seizure would i have had a full one by now, i feel fine after a while and seem to enjoy the high again, but i just dont know how a: i could have a panic attack on valium (even though its a low dose for me, i need around 50mgs for good effects, so maybe thats why), and b: Valium is an anti-convulsent, and i didnt go over 400 either time?

So is it just panic attacks/anxiety? or am i having partial seizures and the valiums just stopping them going into full grand mal ones?

thanks to any advice.

(note ive never had these feelings on tramadol before and have used quiet alot of times, and also my benzo tolerance is high so it could still be panic)
The longer you use tramadol, you will experience anxiety increasingly. You didn't have a seizure, you had a panic attack (most likely). Take a break from the tramadol, you probably need it.
The longer you use tramadol, you will experience anxiety increasingly. You didn't have a seizure, you had a panic attack (most likely). Take a break from the tramadol, you probably need it.

also the symptoms he is describing of spaced out feelings and tense shakiness are effects of tramadol. People like to act as though tramadol is weak or predictable. Tramadol is a very strong unpredictable drug. Bignbrown I think it is time for you to take a break from tramadol. One thing I never understand with BLers is when a drug ceases to be enjoyable anymore but they continue to use it. You have to ask yourself why you take drugs; is it to feel good or to have negative side effects and be concerned that you are having serious health complications. You have to pay attention to your body and do what is right for it in the long run, not just what feels good now.

If you've never been dependant on tramadols before, there should be -no- issues stopping abruptly after 5 days. I wouldn't worry about a taper.

You'll prolly have a big bowel movement once your guts start moving at full speed again though!

And in refernce to the above post:
In his defense, the physical withdrawals are pretty minor and could be mistaken for a flu. Soreness, runny nose, mild diarrhea -- seems to miss on the dreaded sweating like many opiods do to you. And there's no insomnia, in fact, you will probably sleep through the worst stages (if you got 2 days to devote to sleep).

The SNRI addiction is hideous. Outrageous anxiety and everything described on this page and the previous few for sure. But that's not addiction or withdrawal by the pharmacists scope of concern.

In response to the bolded part; when i broke my tramadol addiction quit I had the worst withdrawal symptoms. Most notably I was alwasy tired and falling asleep randomly through out the day. Tramadol is very motivating. Upon stopping I felt like I had jsut kicked a methamphetamine habit as i was falling asleep through out the day at work, dozing off at stop lights while driving and just general not motivated to do anything.
also the symptoms he is describing of spaced out feelings and tense shakiness are effects of tramadol. People like to act as though tramadol is weak or predictable. Tramadol is a very strong unpredictable drug. Bignbrown I think it is time for you to take a break from tramadol. One thing I never understand with BLers is when a drug ceases to be enjoyable anymore but they continue to use it. You have to ask yourself why you take drugs; is it to feel good or to have negative side effects and be concerned that you are having serious health complications. You have to pay attention to your body and do what is right for it in the long run, not just what feels good now.

i just want confirmation im not at risk of a seizure? if i first got the aura like symptoms yesterday would it of happened by now?

but thanks. and your right i binged quite heavily on it and not in a good state with the amount of benzos im using atm and being put on a taper tommorow, ill give the trams a rest and stick the opiates you cant have a panic attack on, bupe and oxy haha.
You ate the tramadols yesterday? The seizures with tramadol usually happen on the peak of the high, rarely if ever the day after.

high dose tramadol gives me anxiety on the comeup and comedown. even low-dose tramadol gives me anxiety on the comedown. And remember: Logic absolutely fails during panic attacks and is greatly damaged during period oif high anxiety.

withdrawing from tramadol is said to lower seizure risk as well. keep that in mind yo.
ate the tramadols yesterday, but got a similar feeling from just one today, this was on top of bupe today though, maybe it potentaited it.
i'm gonna have to vote for a break from tramadol too, then. if you gotta add an opiod dependence to your benzo dependence, don't make the opiod tramadol.

the morning anxiety would be insane. unbearable, I dare say. you'd be placing yourself in a circle of hell.. one of the hotter ones. You'd prolly be glad when the day came you swallowed your tongue.

if you need more help meet your health goals, talk to your doctor.
i'm gonna have to vote for a break from tramadol too, then. if you gotta add an opiod dependence to your benzo dependence, don't make the opiod tramadol.

the morning anxiety would be insane. unbearable, I dare say. you'd be placing yourself in a circle of hell.. one of the hotter ones. You'd prolly be glad when the day came you swallowed your tongue.

if you need more help meet your health goals, talk to your doctor.

yes im currently seeing a doc, and a drugs councellor, my first taper was a bit to drastic so im being put on a better mroe gradual one tommorow, i had another 5mg val and feel fine now, was just paranoia about the whole seizure risk i think.

Ive used tramadol 3 days this week, i havent been abusing them jsut to make that clear, ive eaten alot in them 3 days (300mg a day) but ive only got a few doses left, its just this week ive been using opiods as ive been feeling depressed lately, im not looking to switch habbits or anything.

But yeah i guess with the amount of valium ive been taking it would be highly unlikely for me to seizure as ive been under the 400mg limit, i think ive just become a bit sensitive to the strong snri effects at the beggining off the high and they make me panic a bit.

thanks for advice anyway.
boshed 250mg at once, strong SNRI effects, feel very nice and mildy europhic and stimmed, gonna space out a few more 50mg doses with a bit of valium later.
I had placed my tramadol order on wednesday. By mistake I hit 2 day shipping instead of overnight delivery and did not realize my mistake until I checked the tracking number. Problem was that I ran out yesterday. I took my last dose at 5PM yesterday afternoon. Right now I can feel the sweating, ache in my back, and a few brain zaps. Just home from work where I was sweating one minute, and freezing the next. Don't ever let anyone tell you tramadol doesn't induce withdrawals! But Fede will be here very shortly with my relief!!!
yes im currently seeing a doc, and a drugs councellor, my first taper was a bit to drastic so im being put on a better mroe gradual one tommorow, i had another 5mg val and feel fine now, was just paranoia about the whole seizure risk i think.

Ive used tramadol 3 days this week, i havent been abusing them jsut to make that clear, ive eaten alot in them 3 days (300mg a day) but ive only got a few doses left, its just this week ive been using opiods as ive been feeling depressed lately, im not looking to switch habbits or anything.

But yeah i guess with the amount of valium ive been taking it would be highly unlikely for me to seizure as ive been under the 400mg limit, i think ive just become a bit sensitive to the strong snri effects at the beggining off the high and they make me panic a bit.

thanks for advice anyway.

A point of note, you are at a higher seizure risk when quitting Valium if addiction has formed. In fact there is a high risk during both Valium withdrawal and during tramadol abuse above 400mg and while withdrawal from tramadol. If you are kicking both of these drugs at the same time you are probably at a doubled risk for seizure. You are right to be concerned about the risk, but you need not worry. I think that so long as you are working with a doctor and have a taper schedule in place you should be fine. I wish you luck and support.
A point of note, you are at a higher seizure risk when quitting Valium if addiction has formed. In fact there is a high risk during both Valium withdrawal and during tramadol abuse above 400mg and while withdrawal from tramadol. If you are kicking both of these drugs at the same time you are probably at a doubled risk for seizure. You are right to worry about the risk. I think that so long as you are working with a doctor and have a taper schedule in place you should be fine. I wish you luck and support.

just to say, im not addicted to trams :p, i only started using it recreationally last week, im on a steady 20mg of val a week atm, then getting accessed in 2 weeks to see if im ready for a sliglhtly drop.

Feeling good on 20mg val and 350mg tram, no more though, this should last ages anyway.
just to say, im not addicted to trams :p, i only started using it recreationally last week, im on a steady 20mg of val a week atm, then getting accessed in 2 weeks to see if im ready for a sliglhtly drop.

Feeling good on 20mg val and 350mg tram, no more though, this should last ages anyway.

oh i apologize I thought you were addicted to both. I have been prescribed Valium for a while for anxiety as needed. I take it maybe 5-10 mg a week but not everyday, its randomly through out the week. It makes me feel groggy and out of it, I cant imagine taking 20mg a day and still functioning. I guess overtime you build up tolerance for it and it doesn't seem so extreme.

I had placed my tramadol order on wednesday. By mistake I hit 2 day shipping instead of overnight delivery and did not realize my mistake until I checked the tracking number. Problem was that I ran out yesterday. I took my last dose at 5PM yesterday afternoon. Right now I can feel the sweating, ache in my back, and a few brain zaps. Just home from work where I was sweating one minute, and freezing the next. Don't ever let anyone tell you tramadol doesn't induce withdrawals! But Fede will be here very shortly with my relief!!!

That sucks, I always refill mine a week before it will run out that way i don't risk going with out.
Hi, sorry to interupt, another newbie question. (I've posted this thread in chronic pain section as well as unsure where to get the best reply....sorry!) I have a deteriorated disc in my lower back which is pressing against my sciatic nerve. Have had sciatica for over 2 years now, am currently taking Tramadol, 50mg, 2, 3 times a day, along with paracetamol (or codine if the pain is really bad) and Arcoxia, 90mg 1 daily and also Citralapam, 20mg 1 daily. I'm due to have a cortizone steroid injection on Friday. I'm not sleeping because the tablets usually wear off within a couple of hours before going to bed, during the day the tablets wear off and leave me crippled. I'm posting here because I read that Kratom was good for pain and helped you sleep - I'm not a recreational drug user - but I was wondering if this would help, or would the combination be dangerous?
I normally do that myself but it just slipped up on me. Everything is alright now though as my fedex person showed up about 10 minutes after I posted! A 700mg dose and I am back in the saddle again! Bignbrown, watch out for the tram or you will find yourself in my predicament of 1500 to 1600 milligrams daily. And I agree wit MD about the Valium and seizure risk.
I normally do that myself but it just slipped up on me. Everything is alright now though as my fedex person showed up about 10 minutes after I posted! A 700mg dose and I am back in the saddle again! Bignbrown, watch out for the tram or you will find yourself in my predicament of 1500 to 1600 milligrams daily. And I agree wit MD about the Valium and seizure risk.

i only bought enough for 4 doses or so, just for a bit of fun and really enjoy it, its not something im planning to do long term :p

its mellowed out now alot, dont really want it to end :( how long do you find the total duration?
Hi, sorry to interupt, another newbie question. (I've posted this thread in chronic pain section as well as unsure where to get the best reply....sorry!) I have a deteriorated disc in my lower back which is pressing against my sciatic nerve. Have had sciatica for over 2 years now, am currently taking Tramadol, 50mg, 2, 3 times a day, along with paracetamol (or codine if the pain is really bad) and Arcoxia, 90mg 1 daily and also Citralapam, 20mg 1 daily. I'm due to have a cortizone steroid injection on Friday. I'm not sleeping because the tablets usually wear off within a couple of hours before going to bed, during the day the tablets wear off and leave me crippled. I'm posting here because I read that Kratom was good for pain and helped you sleep - I'm not a recreational drug user - but I was wondering if this would help, or would the combination be dangerous?

Due to Kratom and Tramadol's stimulant effects, there's prolly increased risk of seizure, high blood pressure, and jitteryness. I reckon they're also at least partially cross-tolerant to each other, so your tramadols would lose effectiveness quicker.

I don't know anything about your other medications.
Bnb, the duration for me is probably around 6 hours. When I first started this the duration was twice that. Dreamchaser, I have used kratom before to come off of tramadol and it worked really good. The only problem with kratom is that it is not standardized as far as doses are concerned. Will your doctor not put you on stronger meds and also on extended release meds. If the tram works there are extended versions of it available. Sorry I can't tell you more, but just keep checking both places you posted and I am sure you will get some intelligent answers.