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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

Ok, this is really strange. I just filled my Tramadol script. I hadn't taken any in about 3 weeks. I had taken 100mg the other night and didn't feel very high. Last time I took more than that after 3 weeks off my pills and I threw up... So tonight I took 200mg and STILL don't feel very high!!

Is it possible I got a bad straight from the pharmacy script?! WTF?!

did you get a different generic then you got previously? Generics use the same active ingredient as the name brand however, they use different fillers. It is possible that the generic you got this time has fillers that are harder for your body to break down and so less is entering your bloodstream at a time as in it is not all hitting you at once but slowly being absorbed. Try crushing them to a powder before swallowing them with a little bit of caffeinated soda or some coffee or tea.
Woke up about 2AM with a severe pain in my right rear side. Laid around till 4:30 then said fuckit, got up and came to the local emergency room where I am currently typing from. Turns out I have my first kidney stone, and at age 54 to boot. My question concerns the tramadol I take inteferring with the pain meds I have been given. I was given 4mg of morphine, torondol, and an anti nausea med, something starting with a z. Since then I have been given 3 more injections of morphine. The problem is I am not feeling anything much in the way of pain relief. Some people say that tram + opiates really works great, but my experience has been the opposite.
Woke up about 2AM with a severe pain in my right rear side. Laid around till 4:30 then said fuckit, got up and came to the local emergency room where I am currently typing from. Turns out I have my first kidney stone, and at age 54 to boot. My question concerns the tramadol I take inteferring with the pain meds I have been given. I was given 4mg of morphine, torondol, and an anti nausea med, something starting with a z. Since then I have been given 3 more injections of morphine. The problem is I am not feeling anything much in the way of pain relief. Some people say that tram + opiates really works great, but my experience has been the opposite.

personally when i take tram i get very little in the way of pain releif, and i think that it raises my blood pressure causing more blood to go to the painful area making it feel worse. Also lots of people say tramadol intensifies their other pain meds but in my opinion it taints the feeling and is not pleasurable. Is the tramadol also prescribed? Why cant you just ask the pharmacist?

I take DHC that is not prescription sometimes, so when i get a new script I ask the pharmacy if what I'm taking will interact with teh DHC I am already taking for tooth pain. Sometimes you have to be creative. By all means do NOT ask the hospital because they will know you are taking the other drugs and might not scribe you new ones, but the pharmacist isn't gonna tell the hospital about the other drugs you take. You can also call a pharmacy you are not at like just pick one out fo a phone book and call in (don't give you name) and tell them you were prescribed all those medicines separately and wanna make sure they are safe to take together.
I am not really into opiates at all-- I'm more of a psychedelic person. But I have been experimenting a little bit with Tramadol, and I find it VERY euphoric, motivating and empathetic! I almost feel like I'm rolling if I take just one 50mg pill and smoke some bud on top of it. I feel understanding of everyone's situation, and feel like giving out all sorts of love! Also I want to be productive and help others. :) :) Seems good to me! Of course, I won't overdo it. At least I don't think I will. o_O;
I am not really into opiates at all-- I'm more of a psychedelic person. But I have been experimenting a little bit with Tramadol, and I find it VERY euphoric, motivating and empathetic! I almost feel like I'm rolling if I take just one 50mg pill and smoke some bud on top of it. I feel understanding of everyone's situation, and feel like giving out all sorts of love! Also I want to be productive and help others. :) :) Seems good to me! Of course, I won't overdo it. At least I don't think I will. o_O;

I would often have mdma-like peaks on two 50mg tramadols if i took caffeine with them. I was able to get those effects for about 3 months before it passed. In a way it was better than MDMA. I have never been able to take MDMA more then 2 days in a row and get pleasurable effects let alone 3 months in a row. :D
I did the amount I normally did (and I was always taking the generic) and smoked weed with it like I usually do.
I don't know, maybe the body chemistry was off.
I did it a couple days later and I was high as usual.
Somethings are just unexplained.
Im currently on 300mg trams and feeling good, im wondering if i could increase the dose to 350 or maybe even 400mg and be ok? im on 25mg of valium too which if im not mistaken is an anti-convulsent and should be safe with that, but then again my benzo tolerance is high so it might not work that well. Does anything else safely potetiate it, got a bit of itching to was thinking low dose of an antihistamine but all i have is nytol (DPH) and think that has some effect on serotonin so dont want to put myself in any danger, just want to safely enjoy the buzz.

Well im comfortable at 300mg so ill wait for any replys before decideing to top up, dont want to put myself in any danger.

Feeling very stimmed, so maybe ill stick with this :)

PS: I have an extra 5mg valium too if it would add to the saftey, dont know about you guys but i get no shallow breathing from trams at all untill it starts finally wearing off.
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well on 350mg now, feel fine, took the extra 5mg val to be safe, breathing is slow but nothing i cant handle, love this drug, perfect mood booster for me, esp since im starting a valium taper friday.
Is it possible to have panic attacks on tramadol? Or am i about to have a seizure?

I was relaxed and fine sitting down, had 30mg valium and 350mg tramadol, then suddenly got this overwhelming feeling of panic, and strange weakness feeling in my body, still feel it, feel shakey etc, i wouldnt of thought it would be a seizure because ive had 30mg valium, is there any signs where i should def take some more benzos to be safe?
Absolutely, tramadol can cause anxiety and panic attacks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. You don't need to take more benzos - the real danger comes when you cross the 400 mg mark.
Absolutely, tramadol can cause anxiety and panic attacks. Don't worry, you'll be fine. You don't need to take more benzos - the real danger comes when you cross the 400 mg mark.

ah good, guess i would of known know if i had a seizure hehe, tempted to go for the last 50mg hehe. Will make 400mg but with 30mg valium accross the day i dont see a seizure risk surely?
If you keep below or at 400 mg a day, you won't have a seizure. Unless you're prone to them, but that's just unlikely.
personally when i take tram i get very little in the way of pain releif, and i think that it raises my blood pressure causing more blood to go to the painful area making it feel worse. Also lots of people say tramadol intensifies their other pain meds but in my opinion it taints the feeling and is not pleasurable. Is the tramadol also prescribed? Why cant you just ask the pharmacist?

I take DHC that is not prescription sometimes, so when i get a new script I ask the pharmacy if what I'm taking will interact with teh DHC I am already taking for tooth pain. Sometimes you have to be creative. By all means do NOT ask the hospital because they will know you are taking the other drugs and might not scribe you new ones, but the pharmacist isn't gonna tell the hospital about the other drugs you take. You can also call a pharmacy you are not at like just pick one out fo a phone book and call in (don't give you name) and tell them you were prescribed all those medicines separately and wanna make sure they are safe to take together.

MD, tramadol is my only prescribed med. The others mentioned were administered for the first time Monday morning via IV. I never did get all the relief I thought I would from the morphine. When I left I was given a script for 14 Percocets 5/325. I took a couple when I got home and waited an hour to gauge the affect, then took 2 more. It finally began to work and did releive a lot of the pain.
Has anyone used tramadol for MDMA withdrawal- ie: brain zaps, trouble falling asleep, nightmares? I have been on an x binge for about 3 weeks 4-5 a day. I am feeling shitty and want to detox from the x for a bit. I have some trams left over that were prescribed for pain. I have never taken more than 2 @ a time. (I only felt the high the first time as I have chronic cross tolerance for opiates even though I only take them once in a while now). At any rate, I want to stop the nasty brain zaps as it is disconcerting. However, I do not want to make it any worse. As I read much of this thread, I realize that everybody's body chem, tolerance, cross use of substances and experience are very different. Tramadol is still a bit of a mystery for everyone. Perhaps there will be more published studies in the near future. Sorry to ramble, any advice is appreciated.
Tramadol for MDMA withdrawal?

Has anyone used tramadol for MDMA withdrawal- ie: brain zaps, trouble falling asleep, nightmares? I have been on an x binge for about 3 weeks 4-5 a day. I am feeling shitty and want to detox from the x for a bit. I have some trams left over that were prescribed for pain. I have never taken more than 2 @ a time. (I only felt the high the first time as I have chronic cross tolerance for opiates even though I only take them once in a while now). At any rate, I want to stop the nasty brain zaps as it is disconcerting. However, I do not want to make it any worse. As I read much of this thread, I realize that everybody's body chem, tolerance, cross use of substances and experience are very different. Tramadol is still a bit of a mystery for everyone. Perhaps there will be more published studies in the near future. Sorry to ramble, any advice is appreciated.

Update: I did a little more research and decided to try a small dose to help.

I took 1 50MG Tramadol. Within in 1 half hour the brain zaps stopped as well as some anxiety. 45 minutes later I felt mild opiate euphoria as well as an improved/elevated mood.) 8)

found more info on SSRI "zaps" and nightmares:


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for those who think tramadol is not addicting you are a complete moron. this is a serious snri yes its snri people look it up. and its withdrawal symptoms of anxiety are something on a completely different level than opiates. having detoxed from methadone once and oxy a few times i know what i am talking about. the anxiety and panic that comes on during this is horrible. dangerous increased blood pressure is another issue. along with mild opiate withdrawal flu like symptoms it is literally a hell of its own...now ill wait for the guy who took 5000mg of oxy a day for 50 years to respond and tell me i dont know what serious opes are blah blah blah lol...yes thats a joke...why do people feel the need to feel so superior???
I've been taking 3-5 50mg pills a day for about 5 days in a row now. I'll probably take 4 tomorrow (200mg total) and nothing on Friday. Possibly stopping Friday all together. However I have enough left to taper... should I? Or...abruptly stopping after 5 consecutive days of use should be okay?
I've been taking 3-5 50mg pills a day for about 5 days in a row now. I'll probably take 4 tomorrow (200mg total) and nothing on Friday. Possibly stopping Friday all together. However I have enough left to taper... should I? Or...abruptly stopping after 5 consecutive days of use should be okay?

5 consecutive days is not enough time for Withdrawals to set in. Usually requires more then 10 days sometimes several weeks for addiction to form.
Funny thing is, I recently had a pharmacist demand he was right in telling me that Tramadol is NOT addicting and doesn't cause ANY physical withdrawal. He even said it's a non-opiate. And this is the head pharmacist at walgreens if you can believe that. It just shows you that people on this board have more sense and intelligence than alot of the medical profession. I'm just now starting to enjoy Tramadol because, like a bluelighter said before me, the speedy effects are pretty much diminished and now I'm left with the sought after opiate feeling it gives me.