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Can your high permanently be blocked due to antipsychotics? Or does it just take a long time in some instances to “recover”?

Antipsychotics temporarily make me unable to get high from psychedelics (LSD, shrooms) and dissociatives (ketamine). Oh, and also MDMA. As for everything else (nic, coffee, weed, opioids), it's still the same.

About a month after stopping antipsychotics I'll be able to get high from them again.

To clarify, when I do psychedelics i still feel a little bit of something, but it's not recreational. I don't know a good way of putting it, it's like the trips are extremely suppressed.

Do you feel anything when you smoke?
No nothing the best way I can describe it is it’s akin to CBD, which does absolutely nothing for me.
I quit taking abilify cold turkey at the end of July last year. I probably waited far too long to pull out but I naively thought my body would “adjust” to the meds and I’d be able to get high eventually. And after searching the internet for a few minutes I found nothing but people saying “I smoke weed and take abilify everyday and I’m fine” and “you’re good to go, no interactions whatsoever 👍👍” so I thought it couldn’t be the meds initially. And then about 2 months in I realized I haven’t gotten stoned in weeks/months and it’s not the weeds fault. And I began doing more thorough research and found the handful of horror stories of folks 1yr off and still unable to feel drugs/alcohol, but most the stories are within the first year or so (like myself) with no follow up if they got better..
I was on abilify for approximately 3 months and haven’t been able to get high since. This was from may-July of 2022. Is this thing like permanent to a degree? Nobody on the internet seems to know and I’d love to be proven wrong but at this point I’ve pretty much written off weed for life, which sucks because it was my favorite thing in the world, sadly.
Don’t listen to any of these people who haven’t been on a drug issue. The science and doctors will tell you that this isn’t a side effect but with weed being federally illegal there’s not that much research and honestly on this topic there is no research at all I was on Risperdal for two months, I’ve been off it for two months and what I can say is I took a 300 mg edible. It did nothing I took a 500 mg edible did nothing. I did 18 triple C’s and did nothing. I did ecstasy two times and it did nothing I did almost a full g of coke and went to sleep 10 minutes after don’t listen to the guy say it’s a placebo or it’s your tolerance. It is not your tolerance you can take 1000 mg edible a 10,000 mg edible trust me it won’t do anything and I’ve read the same horror story, and frankly, if the same thing happens to me,
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Don’t listen to any of these people who haven’t been on a drug issue. The science and doctors will tell you that this isn’t a side effect but with weed being federally illegal there’s not that much research and honestly on this topic there is no research at all I was on Risperdal for two months, I’ve been off it for two months and what I can say is I took a 300 mg edible. It did nothing I took a 500 mg edible did nothing. I did 18 triple C’s and did nothing. I did ecstasy two times and it did nothing I did almost a full g of coke and went to sleep 10 minutes after don’t listen to the guy say it’s a placebo or it’s your tolerance. It is not your tolerance you can take 1000 mg edible a 10,000 mg edible trust me it won’t do anything and I’ve read the same horror story, and frankly, if the same thing happens to me,
Yeah I haven’t put much thought into it being FACTS or anything it’s just concerning that you can find as many people who are wondering if they’ll ever get high again as there are people who fully recovered and are willing to share their story. It’s a long shot to hope someone will stumble upon this post with ANY knowledge or first hand experience concerning this specific matter but I’m still searching religiously and leaning on the side I’ll be better maybe this year, because nothing is proving me wrong one way or the other. So I’ve dropped a few lines over the web and people have responded saying it won’t be forever and that’s comforting and reassuring but they’re probably assuming. I’m just damn wondering if I’ll be able to get stoned again, maybe by my 40s?? (I’m 25) Or any drug for that matter, particularly psychedelics if not I may not be able to feel opiates or stimulants either who knows.
Yeah I haven’t put much thought into it being FACTS or anything it’s just concerning that you can find as many people who are wondering if they’ll ever get high again as there are people who fully recovered and are willing to share their story. It’s a long shot to hope someone will stumble upon this post with ANY knowledge or first hand experience concerning this specific matter but I’m still searching religiously and leaning on the side I’ll be better maybe this year, because nothing is proving me wrong one way or the other. So I’ve dropped a few lines over the web and people have responded saying it won’t be forever and that’s comforting and reassuring but they’re probably assuming. I’m just damn wondering if I’ll be able to get stoned again, maybe by my 40s?? (I’m 25) Or any drug for that matter, particularly psychedelics if not I may not be able to feel opiates or stimulants either who knows.
Oh yeah and the reason it’s concerning is because there’s merely a handful of these online, literally. And this drugs been around since 02’ I guess people can live without their drugs or it likely doesn’t effect hardly anyone this way.
Nope, atypical antipsychotics main block the 5HT2a receptor and have fuck all effect on the CB1 receptor. Should you still like psychedelics, NMDA receptors are untouched, so ket works as well
I took the invega sustenna injections and I was able to get high on LSD which acts on the 5HT2a receptor in your brain 5 months off the injections I still had a good amount in my system if I was able to get high on LSD you should be able to get stoned on cannabis again one day for sure.
I took the invega sustenna injections and I was able to get high on LSD which acts on the 5HT2a receptor in your brain 5 months off the injections I still had a good amount in my system if I was able to get high on LSD you should be able to get stoned on cannabis again one day for sure.
Hell yeah man, means more than you realize. I need to get my hands on some L maybe
Don’t listen to any of these people who haven’t been on a drug issue. The science and doctors will tell you that this isn’t a side effect but with weed being federally illegal there’s not that much research and honestly on this topic there is no research at all I was on Risperdal for two months, I’ve been off it for two months and what I can say is I took a 300 mg edible. It did nothing I took a 500 mg edible did nothing. I did 18 triple C’s and did nothing. I did ecstasy two times and it did nothing I did almost a full g of coke and went to sleep 10 minutes after don’t listen to the guy say it’s a placebo or it’s your tolerance. It is not your tolerance you can take 1000 mg edible a 10,000 mg edible trust me it won’t do anything and I’ve read the same horror story, and frankly, if the same thing happens to me,
Sorry bub, but medication side effects are subjective experiences that affect all of us differently. The OP was specifically asking about Abilify and I shared my experience that I've been on the max dose of Abilify for over a dozen years and it never affected a weed buzz. True it does block psychedelics but even that should be temporary until it is fully out of one's system.

I've also taken Risperdal and while at the time I did not smoke weed or use any other drugs, Risperdal had awful side effects and was much stronger than Abilify. So I'm not surprised Risperdal had that affect on you. But like I said above, psych meds affect us all differently and telling someone to eat 1000 mg or 10,000 mg of an edible is not only irresponsible but is a recipe for disaster. Like I said, Abilify is not nearly as powerful as Risperdal, depending on dose and individual metabolism of course. But telling someone, anyone, to eat that much edible can easily throw someone back into psychosis.

Besides, making broad sweeping statements like you made as if you are the expert of all psych meds and illegal drugs only makes yourself look foolish. Your experience is unique to you and nothing more than an anecdotal example, same as mine. The difference is that in my example I did not claim to be any more knowledgeable than anyone else. I simply shared my story and left it at that.
These types of stories are extremely dubious.

I was on high doses of olanzapine for 14 months, and I enjoyed weed during and afterwards. I noticed no change. In fact, I generally stopped smoking weed because it makes me TOO high these days.

Antipsychotics do block certain drugs like LSD, MDMA, methamphetamine, etc... but only for a limited time, generally around 2-6 weeks. This is because APs occupy the same receptors in your brain.

Cannabis and APs effect completely different receptors.

It's possible Abilify may cause side effects which subjectively may make cannabis less enjoyable, but there is no logical medical reason it would prevent you from getting high after it has left your system, especially 6 years later.
Thanks again friend!! I was reading a story on here about Olanzapine and this phenomenon and YOU were commenting and letting them know it won’t be forever, BUT I think the person you were taking to was either lying or only telling half the truth because he made a post in 2020 saying “it’s been 3 years since I got high because of ONE dose of olanzapine 5mg, and then he made ANOTHER post in 2021 saying I can’t get High anymore after taking an olanzapine wafer 1 time 8 months ago… this isn’t the person I mentioned before but it’s seems very similar… some things you can only take with a grain of salt I guess but idk why someone would flat out lie about this.
Thanks again friend!! I was reading a story on here about Olanzapine and this phenomenon and YOU were commenting and letting them know it won’t be forever, BUT I think the person you were taking to was either lying or only telling half the truth because he made a post in 2020 saying “it’s been 3 years since I got high because of ONE dose of olanzapine 5mg, and then he made ANOTHER post in 2021 saying I can’t get High anymore after taking an olanzapine wafer 1 time 8 months ago… this isn’t the person I mentioned before but it’s seems very similar… some things you can only take with a grain of salt I guess but idk why someone would flat out lie about this.
She/He went by the name of gt_shadow
does anybody who takes abilify or risperdal or any type of anti-psychotic shots really notice that they get messed up effects directly after the shot. i was on rispredal pills and a few other different kinds of pills on different occasions and they made me super tired or tired and anxious. i was worried when they started giving me haldol injections that it'd be the same thing but it really wasn't that bad. the only thing i notice is a loss of sex drive. they don't effect my weed high which is good.

this thread makes me worried about messing up again and getting put on worse stuff. no injections of pills have really gotten rid of my schizophrenia so far, just miserable or scray side effects.
Yeah I haven’t put much thought into it being FACTS or anything it’s just concerning that you can find as many people who are wondering if they’ll ever get high again as there are people who fully recovered and are willing to share their story. It’s a long shot to hope someone will stumble upon this post with ANY knowledge or first hand experience concerning this specific matter but I’m still searching religiously and leaning on the side I’ll be better maybe this year, because nothing is proving me wrong one way or the other. So I’ve dropped a few lines over the web and people have responded saying it won’t be forever and that’s comforting and reassuring but they’re probably assuming. I’m just damn wondering if I’ll be able to get stoned again, maybe by my 40s?? (I’m 25) Or any drug for that matter, particularly psychedelics if not I may not be able to feel opiates or stimulants either who knows.
I found it interesting that the only ones that worked for me was shrooms and acid the visuals were normal but the euphoria wasn’t the same. I was also surprised that DXM didn’t work recreationally or for the intend use which is very weird.
Sorry bub, but medication side effects are subjective experiences that affect all of us differently. The OP was specifically asking about Abilify and I shared my experience that I've been on the max dose of Abilify for over a dozen years and it never affected a weed buzz. True it does block psychedelics but even that should be temporary until it is fully out of one's system.

I've also taken Risperdal and while at the time I did not smoke weed or use any other drugs, Risperdal had awful side effects and was much stronger than Abilify. So I'm not surprised Risperdal had that affect on you. But like I said above, psych meds affect us all differently and telling someone to eat 1000 mg or 10,000 mg of an edible is not only irresponsible but is a recipe for disaster. Like I said, Abilify is not nearly as powerful as Risperdal, depending on dose and individual metabolism of course. But telling someone, anyone, to eat that much edible can easily throw someone back into psychosis.

Besides, making broad sweeping statements like you made as if you are the expert of all psych meds and illegal drugs only makes yourself look foolish. Your experience is unique to you and nothing more than an anecdotal example, same as mine. The difference is that in my example I did not claim to be any more knowledgeable than anyone else. I simply shared my story and left it at that.
Yeah not encouraging that much in edibles I was just making an exaggeration.
Oh yeah and the reason it’s concerning is because there’s merely a handful of these online, literally. And this drugs been around since 02’ I guess people can live without their drugs or it likely doesn’t effect hardly anyone this way.
You could be right but I would have thought that there would be wayyy more people having such a issue since a lot of people that have phycosis and schizophrenia got it from drugs and are likely going to come back to the drugs so I’m surprised more people didn’t get off the meds and feel the same way.
So codiene and similar drugs would be really effective or less so?? Sorry haha, thanks for the reply though you guys in this thread are giving me a ton of hope that I might even recover and be able to get stoned sometime this year. I made several posts on Reddit months ago and NOBODY had a clue, some said give it year most people didn’t know. While others said they healed after 2-3 months on average, most of the posts online about this are people like me (in the middle of it) wondering if we’ll be able to get high again hoping somebody has been there and gone through it. But unfortunately they never return months-year+ to the thread to update the world :/
The fact that people never updates the threads after is so annoying if I recover I’m definitely coming back and letting it be known like these drugs are going keep existing so even in 15 years somone can find this useful and know they are not alone.
The fact that people never updates the threads after is so annoying if I recover I’m definitely coming back and letting it be known like these drugs are going keep existing so even in 15 years somone can find this useful and know they are not alone.
Have you ever taken anti psychotic injections, and I agree I’ve taken the invega sustenna shot and I post in that forum all the time when I fully recover I’ll definitely check in letting everybody know.
Hell yeah man, means more than you realize. I need to get my hands on some L maybe
I’m gonna take another trip very soon maybe tmrw or the next day the last time I got high on LSD it felt like it did before I took the injections but one thing I noticed was the visuals were dimmed down but everything else was the same I’ll lyk how it goes I’ll be taking 3 hits it’s one gel tab but it’s triple dipped so I expect too trip balls, I’m a very experienced tripper though I would not recommend this dose for you if you’ve never taken it before I’d recommend starting with half a single dosed tab.
The fact that people never updates the threads after is so annoying if I recover I’m definitely coming back and letting it be known like these drugs are going keep existing so even in 15 years somone can find this useful and know they are not alone.
Couldn’t agree more. At the end of the day I’ve weeded out all the stories and scrubbed the internet and nobody’s saying it’s permanent, their are plenty of people saying it took a year give or take a few months but nobody has said it’s been 2+ years since quitting and still unable to feel it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I hope I’m not. I guess I jumped to the conclusion that I’ll never get high again after not finding sufficient evidence to support my theory. My mistake but I’m glad I came to this conclusion that it’ll likely return, maybe soon. And I’ll definitely TRY to remember to update this thread for anyone in the future. Could be a while though. Take care!
Couldn’t agree more. At the end of the day I’ve weeded out all the stories and scrubbed the internet and nobody’s saying it’s permanent, their are plenty of people saying it took a year give or take a few months but nobody has said it’s been 2+ years since quitting and still unable to feel it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I hope I’m not. I guess I jumped to the conclusion that I’ll never get high again after not finding sufficient evidence to support my theory. My mistake but I’m glad I came to this conclusion that it’ll likely return, maybe soon. And I’ll definitely TRY to remember to update this thread for anyone in the future. Could be a while though. Take care!
I’m gonna take another trip very soon maybe tmrw or the next day the last time I got high on LSD it felt like it did before I took the injections but one thing I noticed was the visuals were dimmed down but everything else was the same I’ll lyk how it goes I’ll be taking 3 hits it’s one gel tab but it’s triple dipped so I expect too trip balls, I’m a very experienced tripper though I would not recommend this dose for you if you’ve never taken it before I’d recommend starting with half a single dosed tab.
Yeah I tried taking 8gs of penis envy mushrooms in December and had mild effects for maybe 20 mins an hour after ingesting. Idk about acid though can’t get my hands on it quite frankly, but I’d guess I’m nowhere near being able to trip anytime soon but I’m fine with that I just want to feel weed again. Also I should probably mention that I’m starting to feel weed just a little bit, maybe around 10-15% of what a normal high experience is like. If that makes any sense. This is a new thing that’s been going on for about a week now, and it’s definitely a big deal to me. But I’m still not able to get high or baked or anything of that nature, but I can feel it subtly creeping back, but like a said I’m only getting a small portion of the full effect.. this is a new thing that’s been occurring idk if it’s in my head or if it’ll improve or stay the same for awhile but I wasn’t having any of these thoughts a month or two ago.
Yeah I tried taking 8gs of penis envy mushrooms in December and had mild effects for maybe 20 mins an hour after ingesting. Idk about acid though can’t get my hands on it quite frankly, but I’d guess I’m nowhere near being able to trip anytime soon but I’m fine with that I just want to feel weed again. Also I should probably mention that I’m starting to feel weed just a little bit, maybe around 10-15% of what a normal high experience is like. If that makes any sense. This is a new thing that’s been going on for about a week now, and it’s definitely a big deal to me. But I’m still not able to get high or baked or anything of that nature, but I can feel it subtly creeping back, but like a said I’m only getting a small portion of the full effect.. this is a new thing that’s been occurring idk if it’s in my head or if it’ll improve or stay the same for awhile but I wasn’t having any of these thoughts a month or two ago.
it’s crazy how potent these AP injections are that the block 8gs of penis envy shrooms I’ve taken 3.5 grams of penis envy and I was tripping very hard for 4 hours and ya that’s a good sign if you can’t feel weed that much anyway you should take a t break lowering your tolerance would make you able to get high easier.