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Lysergamides Issy's first time on LSD crystal

Could indulging in esoteric theories like this be a source of dopamine for some people?

I'd like a yes or no.
I think that is just a silky patronising question tbh.

There is no pleasure, fun, thrill,, excitement or rush plainly imagining things for...enjoyment sake.
I have taken LSD while on an SSRI and the experience was not diminished or blunted at all.

I also once took some Niacinamide on acid just to see if it would change the LSD experience, make it stop, etc. and nothing happened I still tripped just fine.
220mics friday, 220 saturday, 440mics monday...I cant stop chowing down on crystal. Ok its not as psychedelic today but im still in such a good mood im bubbling with laughter.

If it’s LSD you won’t be feeling anything even if you take a full mg if you keep that up. Or does “pure” LSD also not cause tolerance?

why do you believe a certain value system can provide any insight into subjective psychedelic experiences that another value system cant?

Subjective. Exactly.

It’s wonderful that you had or are having such a great time with your LSD. However, in this and the other thread you sometimes seem to be gloating that you have access to this rare pure substance and everyone else who thinks they’ve had a good time on acid in the last decade or more is naive and a bit of a chump.

Or am I reading you wrong here?

I have no doubts about your experience but you seem to disbelieve everybody else’s for some reason.
was your first the best/most memorable?

I remember my first well but they surely weren't my best

I definitely laughed a lot more when I was younger, but my best were well into my psychedelic career
I suppose it was. I mean, being my first true psychedelic experience, I think it will always be uniquely magical in my mind. But I had several trips after that which were just as intense as the first, but I think over time I just got more used to tripping. Some things used to scare me (looping hard freaked me out the first time) but became entertaining and amusing as I tripped more.

I think my most fondly remembered trip was about 5 years ago when I took 3x125ug 1A-LSD tabs. It wasn't the most intense trip I'd had, but it was very profound and I just recall having some very life-affirming moments that I don't know if I'll ever match. It was also a fantastic setting, I was on a secluded beach with great friends and drinking a lot, and these rednecks were doing donuts in their trucks with multi-colored LEDs all over them till well after 6am. It was quite a strange time.

There was another time on some acid laid on sugar cubes back in college, many years back now. I took three, and it felt as if I could feel the edge of the universe. I don't know how else to describe it, just a sense of all-encompassing knowledge.
I think that is just a silky patronising question tbh.

There is no pleasure, fun, thrill,, excitement or rush plainly imagining things for...enjoyment sake.

No more patronizing than your original comment about people who do not believe in theories like that.

Could there be pleasure in feeling like one knows secret truths and has a better understanding than, say, regular mindless dopamine junkie sheeple?
If it’s LSD you won’t be feeling anything even if you take a full mg if you keep that up. Or does “pure” LSD also not cause tolerance?

Subjective. Exactly.

It’s wonderful that you had or are having such a great time with your LSD. However, in this and the other thread you sometimes seem to be gloating that you have access to this rare pure substance and everyone else who thinks they’ve had a good time on acid in the last decade or more is naive and a bit of a chump.

Or am I reading you wrong here?

I have no doubts about your experience but you seem to disbelieve everybody else’s for some reason.

Yeah it reads a bit like that...
Are you sure you understood what i wrote?

I used the term "value system" simply to describe the lack of critical thinking in some self-styled psychonauts. You know, the same kind of attitude you just jokingly but nevertheless succinctly described.

Are you asking me why i prefer a value system that has critical thinking to one that lacks critical thinking?

What Im trying to get you to understand is why "critical thinking" whatever that means, should have any benefit when its based in complete ignorance. Lets get one thing clear - you dont have the foggiest idea how LSD works right? Not a fucking clue. Presumably you mean that according to what you have read on other drug boards "LSD is LSD and there can be no difference" so you are going to keep eating shit LSD for the rest of your life in blissful ignorance. Fair enough. I hope you have a good time.

It's like a primitive tribe sitting in a mudhut telling each other " An enormous metal object with wings? That flies through the sky? Critical thinking tells me only birds can fly". Meanwhile me and TripNz are sat outside in a 747 honking the horn and saying "I dont know how it works mate but Lets go for a fucking ride"
If it’s LSD you won’t be feeling anything even if you take a full mg if you keep that up. Or does “pure” LSD also not cause tolerance?

Subjective. Exactly.

It’s wonderful that you had or are having such a great time with your LSD. However, in this and the other thread you sometimes seem to be gloating that you have access to this rare pure substance and everyone else who thinks they’ve had a good time on acid in the last decade or more is naive and a bit of a chump.

Or am I reading you wrong here?

I have no doubts about your experience but you seem to disbelieve everybody else’s for some reason.

Real LSD causes tolerance but nothing like shit LSD. Ive certainly never had any effects tripping so close together like this from shit LSD. You are so tired from not being able to sleep why bother tripping again? But you dont even get a hangover from this and you can get to sleep like on mushrooms.

Nah - I've told you its from the darknet and this is the first time Ive had real LSD after eating shit acid for 20 years. How the fuck is that gloating? "Ive eaten shit for 20 years" - that sound like a brag to you? You are completely missing the point.

For 20 years I agreed that "LSD is LSD". Because I was fucking clueless and it sort of makes "logical sense" that pure acid cannot be such a different drug to impure acid. Go back and read my posts - Ive been an "LSD is LSD" man for years. I was wrong. So fucking wrong. Pure acid is as different to shit acid as mushrooms are

And Im not saying its a "slightly different "variation in effects like you can on different days with shit acid - Im saying its a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DRUG WITH MASSIVELY DIFFERENT EFFECTS.
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What Im trying to get you to understand is why "critical thinking" whatever that means, should have any benefit when its based in complete ignorance. Lets get one thing clear - you dont have the foggiest idea how LSD works right? Not a fucking clue. Presumably you mean that according to what you have read on other drug boards "LSD is LSD and there can be no difference" so you are going to keep eating shit LSD for the rest of your life in blissful ignorance. Fair enough. I hope you have a good time.

It's like a primitive tribe sitting in a mudhut telling each other " An enormous metal object with wings? That flies through the sky? Critical thinking tells me only birds can fly". Meanwhile me and TripNz are sat outside in a 747 honking the horn and saying "I dont know how it works mate but Lets go for a fucking ride"

I love how one of my biggest opponents on bluelight has now become converted to high quality LSD. I said it for years!

Its very obvious who has proper LSD and who doesn't.

THE good shit doesn't make you feel like your veins are gonna constrict and make you a idiot who can't string sentences together. The good shit is so clear and fluent and free of nasty physical side effects.

I wish i had free time to eat shit loads of LSD like i was in previous years. I miss it alot. Best drug on earth.
What Im trying to get you to understand is why "critical thinking" whatever that means, should have any benefit when its based in complete ignorance. Lets get one thing clear - you dont have the foggiest idea how LSD works right? Not a fucking clue. Presumably you mean that according to what you have read on other drug boards "LSD is LSD and there can be no difference" so you are going to keep eating shit LSD for the rest of your life in blissful ignorance. Fair enough. I hope you have a good time.

It's like a primitive tribe sitting in a mudhut telling each other " An enormous metal object with wings? That flies through the sky? Critical thinking tells me only birds can fly". Meanwhile me and TripNz are sat outside in a 747 honking the horn and saying "I dont know how it works mate but Lets go for a fucking ride"

You're actually the one acting more tribal.

I've never had shit LSD. All the LSD i've had has been great. This kneejerk "your LSD is shit" reveals your intentions with all this.

My critical thinking is not based on ignorance. You just made that up. Criticizing unfounded assumptions is not something that comes from ignorance. To the contrary, it's a skeptical response to displays of ignorance. You're really twisting this up aren't you.

I've never claimed to know everything. Nor do i lack "the foggiest idea". I'm just trying to figure out what makes more sense out of the options. You have not made any case for the drastically different effect of "pure LSD" beyond hyperbolic praise. You even keep calling it crystal even though it's been diluted and laid on blotter for some weird reason. You guys are not even trying to stick with truth or make sense. This thread is an elitist wank fest where you pretend to have magically better LSD than everyone else.

Lysergamides are solved by now. Anyone who wants glorious acid can have it, and that's great. Take your ego fuelled magical thinking elsewhere pls.
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I've never had shit LSD.

That's what I thought for 20 years.

And you can't "make sense of the options" because you havn't a fucking clue how LSD works. All you are doing is blowing it out of your arse in complete ignorance.

But - nobody can convince you with words. Your mind is closed. Until you take some good acid. Then you'll know.
Truly psychedelic people embrace the widespread access instead of fabricating opportunity to lay claims on superiority.

Super basic shit rly
Then you're even more confused.

Why did it suddenly become shit in retrospect?

I think we're just going round in circles now. I learned it was shit when I took some good acid. Y'follow?

Lets leave it there mjall unless you can think up something worth replying to.
That's what I thought for 20 years.

And you can't "make sense of the options" because you havn't a fucking clue how LSD works. All you are doing is blowing it out of your arse in complete ignorance.

But - nobody can convince you with words. Your mind is closed. Until you take some good acid. Then you'll know.

Same goes for you. You don't realize?

Isn't tripping a tool for being wise? You're not using it like that. You just claim to have superior knowledge based on a trip.
I think we're just going round in circles now. I learned it was shit when I took some good acid. Y'follow?

Lets leave it there mjall unless you can think up something worth replying to.

No i don't follow. You have described your previous LSD experiences as shitty in retrospect, but now you're saying you didn't know they were shitty when you had them. To me that means they weren't shitty and you're rationalizing something.

If things are shitty we usually notice that. Psychedelics even enhance such perceptions.

Are you using the word "shitty" to mean "really awesome but not as awesome as something magically even more awesome"?

The running in circles is all on you...
ill keep eating my LSD made by organic chemists in czech republic who know what they are doing and not the local crack dealer who probably had the blotters shoved up his smelly asshole.

Needlepoint or gtfo. I do not take bum LSD.

I consume only the finest crafted LSD made by europeans with a PHD In chemistry
ill keep eating my LSD made by organic chemists in czech republic who know what they are doing and not the local crack dealer who probably had the blotters shoved up his smelly asshole.

Needlepoint or gtfo. I do not take bum LSD.

I consume only the finest crafted LSD made by europeans with a PHD In chemistry

This is just spam and weird bragging.

Wtf do bumholes have to do with LSD lol
Theres hundred of thousands of ppl world wide that have had pure lsd ...you guys aint the only ones who have had high quality acid....

I havn't had any pure LSD in 20 years of taking it hundreds of times from dozens of vendors. That's in the UK. Every sheet I've ever bought has been shit. You think the world outside the UK has better quality acid?

BTW, it's not "me" that's making it Joe - it's someone on the darknet.