Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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No worries, I thought you are on morphine and it seemed odd to me that oxy would last that long. Chronic pain does suck. I have pain issues as well And it makes getting clean even harder. Personally I think your making a great choice by sticking to your dose and not jeopardizing your tolerance/health. Not to mention the mental issues that come along with it.

And honestly you have been helping with my sub withdrawls, your encouragement is encouraging ;)

Dopejay. For me subs do help with pain,I believe they do for everyone, it is an opiate after all. I think the issues lies within most people associate pain relief with being high. And subs definitely can get a person high. The majority people in my opinion who say subs or methadone have never got them high are usually the ones who are nodding out at some point in the day. Most on subs/methadone are either at a clinic which they consider it treatment of they get it from a pain doctor. The ones at the clinics don't want to admit they can feel the drug since they are "in treatment" and the ones at the pain doctors are only taking it for "pain" don t want to be labled. That's not to say some people do genuinely take it for pain or are using it as a mean to avoid other opiates. I guess it all depends on your dose. At one point my subs were getting me high.

But if I were you I'd avoid getting on them if you can. If you ever change your mind and wish to be off then it's much harder getting off subs/methadone than "regular" pain pills. Then again your know your body best and know what's best for you more than anyone else ever could. Just try to think with the long term consequence s can be.

Also subs Jack up your tolerance more than most opiates.

Wish you all the best.
Yeah I'd say subs would be too easy to get imo. Just go to the doctor and tell him I'm addicted to opioids. I'd be subbed up in no time lol. They have no problem handing that out to people because it 'can't get you high'.

Unfortunately for me I somehow got a drug seeker label. Even though I've never straight up asked for drugs or anything before. And yet they've still stamped me a drug seeker in my chart. I'm going to go above them with this and complain to their CEO about discrimination. But for the time being I guess I just have to wait for the pain clinic. Probably a futile effort at this point. I highly doubt I'll ever get anything again. They even took away my diazepam and won't give it back.

Looks like I'm turning to the streets for relief.
Out of curiosity, how would one even go about getting on suboxone anyway? I know if I told a doctor I wanted it for pain relief they'd laugh at me and told me to get lost. should I actually lie to them? I could lie and tell them I'm heavily addicted to opioids. They think I'm lying to them as it is anyway so why not?
Doesn't suboxone help with pain though? I'm not addicted to opioids see, I just need them for my back pain. When I do have opioids I don't drink at all because I don't need to. I thought suboxone was just to stave off withdrawals?

I have a buddy who takes it for oxy addiction and he says it does nothing but keep him from getting sick. It's got naloxone in it so I didn't think you would get any effect from it at all besides withdrawal relief?

The big thing is if I ask for suboxone that'll be basically confirming their suspicions to them and I'll never get a medication for my pain. I'm currenty waiting to get into the pain clinic here but that's going to take years (that's what they've told me).

I know you are not addicted to opiates. But have pain issues. Suboxone and Subutex (without the naloxone) are several times stronger than morphine! I don't buy for one second that you can't get a "high" from them.

I have seen many others on this forum post that they are living with pain and could not get prescribed pain medication so they turned to subs or methadone. Both of those medications do help for pain, they are very strong opiates/opioids after all, just like mtop 2036 said! Doctors prescribe them both for pain as well as addiction!

I think either Subs or methadone (though if it were me, I would take the subs but do your research) would be better then turning to alcohol! Alcohol is the worst of the worst and is destroying your liver! Not to mention other internal organs.

You say you don't drink when your pain is being controlled? Tell the doctors that! You said you only turn to alcohol for pain relief when there is nothing else available to you, tell the doctor that! I would think any doctor worth his salt would rather see a young person prescribed some pain medication then become an alcoholic!

Why not go to the "addiction Doctor " and tell him this and see what he wants to do? Since you don't seem to be able to get into pain management which I don't understand!
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Out of curiosity, how would one even go about getting on suboxone anyway? I know if I told a doctor I wanted it for pain relief they'd laugh at me and told me to get lost. should I actually lie to them? I could lie and tell them I'm heavily addicted to opioids. They think I'm lying to them as it is anyway so why not?

You are going to have to look around this website for the answer to that question my friend!
No worries, I thought you are on morphine and it seemed odd to me that oxy would last that long. Chronic pain does suck. I have pain issues as well And it makes getting clean even harder. Personally I think your making a great choice by sticking to your dose and not jeopardizing your tolerance/health. Not to mention the mental issues that come along with it.

And honestly you have been helping with my sub withdrawls, your encouragement is encouraging ;)

Dopejay. For me subs do help with pain,I believe they do for everyone, it is an opiate after all. I think the issues lies within most people associate pain relief with being high. And subs definitely can get a person high. The majority people in my opinion who say subs or methadone have never got them high are usually the ones who are nodding out at some point in the day. Most on subs/methadone are either at a clinic which they consider it treatment of they get it from a pain doctor. The ones at the clinics don't want to admit they can feel the drug since they are "in treatment" and the ones at the pain doctors are only taking it for "pain" don t want to be labled. That's not to say some people do genuinely take it for pain or are using it as a mean to avoid other opiates. I guess it all depends on your dose. At one point my subs were getting me high.

But if I were you I'd avoid getting on them if you can. If you ever change your mind and wish to be off then it's much harder getting off subs/methadone than "regular" pain pills. Then again your know your body best and know what's best for you more than anyone else ever could. Just try to think with the long term consequence s can be.

Also subs Jack up your tolerance more than most opiates.

Wish you all the best.

Thank you MT.
I appreciate you saying that.
I think it is a good choice to stick to my dosage and not jeopardizing my tolerance and mental health also.
Too much of the morphine makes me not feel well at all. I don't like it. I just want to keep it at the - not freaking in pain and being able to think straight and function as best as is possible level.

I am very lucky and appreciative to have a good pain specialist who knows what he is doing. I trust him.
He has helped me so much.

Good to hear my encouragement is helpful for you! I wish you all the best!
I know you are not addicted to opiates. But have pain issues. Suboxone and Subutex (without the naloxone) are several times stronger than morphine! I don't buy for one second that you can't get a "high" from them. A high in comparison to what? Shooting heroin for years maybe, those folks don't feel it much. But for you, it would definitely help with pain issues!

I have seen many others on this forum post that they are living with pain and could not get prescribed pain medication so they turned to subs or methadone. Both of those medications do help for pain, they are very strong opiates/opioids after all, just like mtop 2036 said! Doctors prescribe them both for pain as well as addiction!

I think either Subs or methadone (though if it were me, I would take the subs but do your research) would be better then turning to alcohol! Alcohol is the worst of the worst and is destroying your liver! Not to mention other internal organs.

You say you don't drink when your pain is being controlled? Tell the doctors that! You said you only turn to alcohol for pain relief when there is nothing else available to you, tell the doctor that! I would think any doctor worth his salt would rather see a young person prescribed some pain medication then become an alcoholic!

Why not go to the "addiction Doctor " and tell him this and see what he wants to do? Since you don't seem to be able to get into pain management which I don't understand!
I've tried to tell them that before. They honestly don't care as long as you're not taking pain meds that they've given you. I don't understand it, it's so fucking backwards here. The nurse practitioner told me "if you're depressed and anxious it will cause you to have back pain". Ummm I don't think that's how it works. I could be happy as a pig in shit and still have back pain. fucking moron. She then told me to start taking lithium again and basically said it's all in my head and that "my brain screams for anxiety meds and pain meds when it really doesn't need them".

I'm telling ya, when I say they don't care, I mean they literally couldn't care less. As long as you aren't "getting High" on something they're supplying they're happy.

And yeah it's ridiculously hard to get into pain management here. My buddy who was in a real bad accident was waiting 5 years and counting to get into the pain clinic here. They're starting to go the way of forcing everybody to taper off their meds and There's no middle ground. If your not dying of cancer, you dont get pain meds.

The suboxone is actually a great idea tho. I'll never get it for pain however, id have to lie and get it for opioid addiction which doesn't exist. Kinda ironic, I don't want opioids to get High, but in order to get something for pain I'll have to lie about using opioids to get high. They all think I'm a fucking addict anyway.
Yeah, I hear you. Your diagnosis of bi polar may be what the huge problem is, I don't know.
I don't get it.

It's like the people in actual pain who have a real need for medication cannot get it but the people who are addicted have no problem.
They know how to do this I guess.

I would look around this website and talk to some of the people who did make the choice to take the suboxone/methadone and see what they have to say. Educate yourself on your choices and situation.

I really just hate to see you keep turning to alcohol! That is the worst choice.

You would think that if the doctor knows that your brain keeps screaming for opiates and benzo's and that back pain can be caused by anxiety/stress then that would be enough. Makes no sense! How do they expect you to manage your life?

I feel for you having that bi- polar issue. Have you researched treatment options for that?
Have you researched what other people living with that diagnosis say helps the most?
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Yeah, I hear you. Your diagnosis of bi polar may be what the huge problem is, I don't know.
I don't get it.

It's like the people in actual pain who have a real need for medication cannot get it but the people who are addicted have no problem.
They know how to do this I guess.

I would look around this website and talk to some of the people who did make the choice to take the suboxone/methadone and see what they have to say. Educate yourself on your choices and situation.

I really just hate to see you keep turning to alcohol! That is the worst choice.

You would think that if the doctor knows that your brain keeps screaming for opiates and benzo's and that back pain can be caused by anxiety/stress then that would be enough. Makes no sense! How do they expect you to manage your life?

I feel for you having that bi- polar issue. Have you researched treatment options for that?
Have you researched what other people living with that diagnosis say helps the most?
All treatments for bipolar type 2 have horrible physical side effects. Nausea and vomiting, skin falling off, liver damage/failure, kidney damage/failure, stomach ulcers, internal hemorrhaging to name a few. If I'm not going full manic which would require hospitalization in a psych ward, then I'm not taking that shit. What they don't realize or just don't care about is I have access to opioids on the street if I want them bad enough. I've used a lot of opioids and most of it wasn't prescribed to me. What gets me is that there are people here who have been getting prescriptions for 180 x 5mg oxycodone refilled every month for years and they don't take a single one! They sell them all! One such person just paid off a brand new car with dirty oxy money. Another bought a new house! It's fucking disgusting!
Starting the Tapering of Oxy and more

So about 1 1/2 years ago i was prescribed low dose of percocet to help me with back pain and shoulder issues i was having. Long story short, it has snowballed into now taking 150 mg of Oxy daily, along with a high amount of caffeine, Ambien to sleep, Adderall to concentrate, and an antidepressant. I still have shoulder and lower back pain so tapering off will be extra difficult but this drug has ruined my social life and I've gained 40 lbs over the last year because whenever i take it i seem to get hungry and can't control my eating either. I have a very addictive personality so obviously this was a bad mix.

Has anyone else picked up other addictions while on pain medication? I now drink like 8 Caffeine drinks daily, take double dose of ambien at night or else i can't sleep, and have resorted to finding pain medication from outside sources since the original 40 mg per day wasn't doing anything at all. Even now, the 150 mg doesn't do much of relief anymore. I take it so i dont get the withdrawals and so i feel relaxed for at tops 30 min. Really bad situation i put myself into.

I would love to be able to quit on my own but something tells me I'm going to have to check in somewhere for help.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, along with anybody with similar stories. Thank you for your time.
I have had amazing success with Loperamide for opiate wds..
You can search for my posts on the subject. They go back about 2 years.
This is a nice tapering support thread and it's nice to have it but no one wants to me help me in my tapering journey on this WEBSITE. I like Blue Light but I receive no support. 8(
We are here to help. I am really sorry you didnt find this thread sooner, but everyone here is very helpful.
Could you describe your experience so far and maybe someone here could offer some advice?
I'm already readjusted back to my prescribed dosage. Oral ROA.
Look at how fast that was.
You just have to bite the bullet for a few days and your body readjusts.

So about 1 1/2 years ago i was prescribed low dose of percocet to help me with back pain and shoulder issues i was having. Long story short, it has snowballed into now taking 150 mg of Oxy daily, along with a high amount of caffeine, Ambien to sleep, Adderall to concentrate, and an antidepressant. I still have shoulder and lower back pain so tapering off will be extra difficult but this drug has ruined my social life and I've gained 40 lbs over the last year because whenever i take it i seem to get hungry and can't control my eating either. I have a very addictive personality so obviously this was a bad mix.

Has anyone else picked up other addictions while on pain medication? I now drink like 8 Caffeine drinks daily, take double dose of ambien at night or else i can't sleep, and have resorted to finding pain medication from outside sources since the original 40 mg per day wasn't doing anything at all. Even now, the 150 mg doesn't do much of relief anymore. I take it so i dont get the withdrawals and so i feel relaxed for at tops 30 min. Really bad situation i put myself into.

I would love to be able to quit on my own but something tells me I'm going to have to check in somewhere for help.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, along with anybody with similar stories. Thank you for your time.

Your experience is quite common, unfortunately. Quite common when prescribing medications, as well, basically the primary medication produces side effects so other medications are prescribed to deal with the side effects.

If possible I would try to stop taking the ambien, at least on a regular basis. Being related to benzos, Ambien has a pretty awful withdrawal syndrome, more dangerous than opiates actually, and longer-lasting. My recommendation is to try to taper down the oxy, as quickly as you can (meaning reduce your dose by, say, 10%, or as much as you can and not feel shitty, you're looking to not get high, just get well. Keep reducing the dosage after you've stabilized on a lower dose). Once you get down lower, you shouldn't have nearly as much fatigue. When I used to take oxy for a while it gave me energy, I felt really productive on it, but you're on a very high dose. Once you have more energy because of a lower dose, you can stop taking so much caffeine. probable the biggest culprit for needing Ambien to sleep is the adderall, so if you can cut that out it would be great. If you can greatly reduce caffeine and cut out Adderall, you could stop taking the Ambien every night. I'm most concerned about that as you don't want to become dependent on it (hopefully you aren't already).

If you are able to check in somewhere, like an extended in-patient rehab, that would certainly be the best option where you would be the most likely to succeed.
I'm already readjusted back to my prescribed dosage. Oral ROA.
Look at how fast that was.
You just have to bite the bullet for a few days and your body readjusts.

Thanks PO. I know Ill get there. Hopefully someday soon be off all of it.
Hey Squeak, you will get there for sure, hope you are well.

PO, yay!!! I'm glad your body readjusted so fast and you are readjusted on that dosage again, that great!!

Love you guys,

Thanks PO. I know Ill get there. Hopefully someday soon be off all of it.
Thanks guys.
I love you too! All of you!!

Where is ShroomySatori? Are you okay ShroomySatori?? I'm worried about you. Please let me know how you are doing my dear friend.

Hang in there everyone! Just try and slowly decrease one medication at a time. Very slowly. No pressure, no time limit.
My prayers and love are with you all!
This is not impossible!

Have a look at some threads over in the Mental Health Forum. There are many people with Bipolar diagnosis over there who talk about getting help from psychiatrist treatment. Those kind of doctors are much more helpful in understanding the brain chemicals being "off" and are willing to dig deep and try different combinations of medications to get you feeling back to yourself again.

I had to go through a lot of different medications and combinations to finally find a combination that works for me with my chronic pain.
It was a process that sucked but when I finally got the right combination it was like a whole new world just being able to sleep, eat, and feel somewhat "normal" again.

I am glad I have been doing some reading over in the Mental Health forum because I have severe trauma, PTSD, major depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, that cause a lot of problems for me and just knowing I am not alone in dealing with these things and finding the right words to express this to my doctor is and will be helpful for me.

Don't give up. We have to advocate for ourselves and be willing to try different things to get ourselves feeling and functioning the best we can. Things can get better. There is hope.

Just wanted to let you know and to encourage you to still seek some help. It looks like it is just a matter of getting to the right kind of doctor for the situation. Almost all the people with your diagnosis are prescribed some kind of benzodiazepine in conjunction with mood stabilizer's or other medication. Even opiates are prescribed a lot by these doctors.

I hope you are doing well today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you lots of love, support, and encouragement.

Hey all. Phones been out. Had to get a new one. I'm back now tho! Hope everyone is having a swell day.

Have a look at some threads over in the Mental Health Forum. There are many people with Bipolar diagnosis over there who talk about getting help from psychiatrist treatment. Those kind of doctors are much more helpful in understanding the brain chemicals being "off" and are willing to dig deep and try different combinations of medications to get you feeling back to yourself again.

I had to go through a lot of different medications and combinations to finally find a combination that works for me with my chronic pain.
It was a process that sucked but when I finally got the right combination it was like a whole new world just being able to sleep, eat, and feel somewhat "normal" again.

I am glad I have been doing some reading over in the Mental Health forum because I have severe trauma, PTSD, major depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, that cause a lot of problems for me and just knowing I am not alone in dealing with these things and finding the right words to express this to my doctor is and will be helpful for me.

Don't give up. We have to advocate for ourselves and be willing to try different things to get ourselves feeling and functioning the best we can. Things can get better. There is hope.

Just wanted to let you know and to encourage you to still seek some help. It looks like it is just a matter of getting to the right kind of doctor for the situation. Almost all the people with your diagnosis are prescribed some kind of benzodiazepine in conjunction with mood stabilizer's or other medication. Even opiates are prescribed a lot by these doctors.

I hope you are doing well today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you lots of love, support, and encouragement.

Hey. Just responded to your pm. Yeah I've been left out in the wind to fend for myself. It sucks but I get by I guess. Got no choice.
Hey all. Phones been out. Had to get a new one. I'm back now tho! Hope everyone is having a swell day.

So good to hear from you!
I have been worried about you.
Still worried about ShroomySatori.

Glad you brought up the phone/internet being out. Maybe that is what has happened.
Makes me a bit less worried anyway.

Sending you ALL lots of Love and encouragement.
Hang in there guys!
Baby steps.
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