Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@Neuroleptique33: (ceci est la r?ponse de invegauser que j'ai traduit): Je vais sacrement bien merci. Tu as bien repondu a I_Want_To_Recover et a Rosi71.
Les stages ou tu n as pas de pensee ni d emotion s appelle la phase zombie et dure a peu pres 8 mois.
Tu atteins apres ta premiere "window" (moment ou tu as tres peu de symptome) et c est super agreable.
Apres cela tu auras d autres windows et "waves" (vagues de symptomes negatives). La premiere window est la meilleure, les waves s attenuent au fil du temps. Les deux s alternent jusqu a la guerison complete. Tu y arriveras assez vite et laisseras ce cauchemar derriere toi.

Il est preferable que tu ne prennes pas ta vie. C est comprehensible que tu veuilles te suicider, on traverse tous cela. Cette souffrance ne dure pas pour toujours, je te le promets.
@SkavrsXeplion: my energy is pretty good except I can't work out yet. Muscle weakness is one of the last symptom along with some anxiety and depression. No big deal though.
My sex drive is very good. I masturbate like 5 times a week. I am trying to stop though.
Someone who has this much hate (Sharvansara) is not really recovered. He's expressing that he's still in the mids of the misery. Come on if he was recovered he would go on and enjoy life to the fullest istead of spreading confuision and hate around the thread
To the room

This thread will be different without invegauser. We have to be respectful toward others. This thread is the last active english speaking thread about invega I know.
I think the moderators have an eye on this thread which is good.

@Sharvansara: I understand where you come from. I am asking you to find a better way to advertise your product here and not to spread informations that may not be true.
We are not trying to force feed people with AD or other drugs. I won't try your product because I am already feeling okay. I hope someone does and give us some feedback. We are here to give people hope and useful informations.

@Rosi71: try this product if you want. You already tried Cerebrolysin and it didn't work. Just don't hurt yourself.
to the room: zack365 is right. Sharvansara feels upset and needs time to cool off. please ignore his posts for now and continue on with healing and talking about recovery in the thread as usual.

i will PM the MH mods and inform them of what is going on and they will determine what is best from there. that is what they are here for.

it is more important you each focus on your own recovery and as a collective for now.

i will get back to you all later.

heal quickly. peace.
@invegauser I think I will take a break too until you come back, because everyone is worrying and there's no recovered one to take the sorrows away. So I think it's just gonna add up to my concerns as long as you're not here. I will follow the thread to see when you're back. Have a great time
Guys its not so simple like you think am 29 years old now and i was going through all the problems from 2013 and i just had only one shot of 235mg of invega and i was counting my days like months and years and searching for thousands of articles in internet and one among this is bluelight and i have already done BCA and then did MSC pharma and just because of the problems with invega started my research in PHD of paper presentations against antipsychotics and am not promoting my product and is not my products . My angry is when useless doctors prescribe expensive medicine you just do that with out question but when a person like me who suffered for five years your all are mocking that it nothing else dear
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Guys this is a big complicated thread that has become its own community in some ways. We try to take a hands off approach as mods. That said anyone selling or advertising products is going to be infracted. That's not cool.

Carry on
@Neuroleptique33: ca peut etre effrayant mais ce produit ne finit pas de me surprendre. Dans 1 mois tu auras peut etre un syndrome que beaucoup ont eu : le fait de trop penser. Tu es encore qu au debut. On verra comment tu t en sors.

Has anyone tried liposuction where you got the shot yet if it can suck fat out surely invega to as it just sits there in your fat
Has anyone tried liposuction where you got the shot yet if it can suck fat out surely invega to as it just sits there in your fat

I don't believe that our suffering comes from the fact that the neuroleptic has bound itself to the body's own fat and continues to release into the body and brain after the treatment.

Your Join Date is: Oct 2017 ? - how long you have the symptoms already?
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Nearly 27 months but a lot better but also suffering from benzo withdrawal to I really think that invega just sits there in your muscles seeping out bit by bit the nanocrystals slowly wearing out slowly in some people faster un others who knows liposuction may work for you better than taking other horrible medications try it
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