Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Day 14 of my unbearable agony. Can't think or do anything in general. I'm a vegetable from just one invega shot of 156mg I took two weeks ago. My next semester starts in four weeks and I'm an honors student. I don't want my life to be ripped apart. Will I be normal before next semester starts????
@awesome31311: Every person reacts differently from invega injection. You say it is an "unbearable agony". You had one 156 mg injection. And you will be 6 weeks off when the semester starts. The product has a half life in average of 45 days. Therefore we can hope the amount will be divided by 2 by then. With 73 mg left in your body we can hope you will be less tired, less anxious or depressed. When I was at 6 weeks off from my last shot, I would not have been able to go back to school. Everyone is different, the best you can do is exercise, eat healthy and pray.
I am available if you have any question.

Kind regards
Elle merite des tartes aussi ta psy je sais pas comment cous faite endurer ?a 6 mois j'ai envie de me tuer chaque jour..
I think for me nothing works, the brain-cells are away, thats why this nervous feeling in the body, but no receptors in the brain.
I can feel happy when hearing music and I feel not so unhappy all the time, but the very intensiv emotions are Not there, I think they come from the right side of the Cortex. Or is it the Amygdala, that is changed also? My hormone also are different, my breast is empty like never before.
Actually pacitane is not just a dopamine agonist it Antimuscarinics are also used as anti-parkinsonian drugs. In parkinsonism, the same happens with invega degeneration of receptors and pathway there is imbalance between levels of acetylcholine and dopamine in the brain, involving both increased levels of acetylcholine and degeneration of dopaminergic pathways and it does not just blocks it degenerates so the pathway is released and flushes out the lock and even i have tried many dopamine agonist but it does not show any result but the action of pacitane is different from other dopamine agonist and yes i took only one shot of invega but the half life of invega is just approx two months and i stopped taking any drugs am healed . I took pacitane and stablon for just two months
@ Rosi71

Wie viel fuehlst du, wenn du Musik hoerst?

(sagen wir mal, dass der gesunde Zustand vor den Neuroleptika 100% waren)

Wieviel Prozent sind dann jetzt?
@ Rosi71Wie viel fuehlst du, wenn du Musik hoerst?(sagen wir mal, dass der gesunde Zustand vor den Neuroleptika 100% waren) Wieviel Prozent sind dann jetzt?
I think there are different parts of the brain. Most parts are ok now I think, I feel normal. But this part where the vivid emotions are, is blocked or destroyed. When I drive with my car then I think sometimes I feel really good, I think I forgot how I felt before. I felt very good before, vivid, young and full of love.
I think there are different parts of the brain. Most parts are ok now I think, I feel normal. But this part where the vivid emotions are, is blocked or destroyed. When I drive with my car then I think sometimes I feel really good, I think I forgot how I felt before. I felt very good before, vivid, young and full of love.

Aber Konzentration und schnelles Denken seit 2 Jahren alles normal?
@Neuroleptique33: on est tous emprisonnes dans notre corps ici. On est victimes de leur poison. Mais il ne faut surtout pas perdre. Aujourd'hui j'ai envie d'aider les gens dans la meme misere et j ai de la compassion. Il peut y avoir de bonnes choses a l avenir. J ai appris par exemple que je ne suis pas invincible ou aussi fort que je pensais l etre. C est une bonne lecon d humilite.

@Sharvansara: thanks again for the information. I hope it is as effective and safe as we could expect.

Best regards
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