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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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Finally I hear that someone else has iv'd k. I could barely take the rig out of my arm before going off to k-land.

Took my daily dose of 70 mg of methadone (oral)

Been up for two days doing fire Crystal
Done roughly .3 today (iv)
Another long fuckin' day. Probably gonna go smoke a joint and pass out.
i feel normal. i feel good. ready to do stuff like socialize, go to work, do errands, etc.

i probably shouldnt be saying that after drinking about a shot every 30 min for last 3-4 hour, and smoking a spliff in the middle.

im gonna drink some more, smoke again, go to bed, and plan to curb my alcohol intake (maybe)
I drank one 40 oz. bottle of that once and had a hangover worse than when I'd split a 750 mL bottle of decent-quality vodka with another person. Gave me a massive headache, I hate that stuff!

how is that even possible lol

ive high on the nice tri combo of amphetamines, booze, and weed. Just another night i guess
2mg bupe plugged
2 cups'a coffee

Getting ready to head hit and attend this court-ordered fucking IOP group therapy. Strenuously boring.

And yeah, malt liquor/40's give me horrible headaches (because of the sugar like devil said). Have provided me with by the far some of the worst hangovers I've ever had, other than wine. On the other hand, I don't usually get hangovers if I stick to beer/liquor and I drink quite a bit.
Finally I hear that someone else has iv'd k. I could barely take the rig out of my arm before going off to k-land.

Took my daily dose of 70 mg of methadone (oral)

Been up for two days doing fire Crystal
Done roughly .3 today (iv)

You mean me? Yeah, you gotta push fast, cap the needle fast (and in my case hide it fast because I live with parents) because before you know it that syringe looks a whole lot like a popsicle! (Haha, J/K, but still, gotta be fast in capping the needle and placing it somewhere safe). Speaking of, in about 2 hours I'm gonna score another gram of ketamine. But first, in about 30-60min I'm gonna score 2g's of H. This evening ought to be fun. =D

OT: Morphine and IV'd an OC80 earlier, also at half a brotizolam tablet (0.125mg). It's equipotent to triazolam (it's the thiënodiazepine analogue of triazolam), so it's a normal dose. Though brotizolam only comes in 250mcg form, whereas triazolam comes in both 125mcg and 250mcg forms.

Brotizolam is wayyy more recreational than triazolam IMO. Triazolam is just very, very sedating with not much else. Brotizolam is also very sedating, but it has some euphoria (yeah, a 'benzo', or more accurately a 'thiëno', that produces euphoria..!) It seems that thiënodiazepines are more likely to produce euphoria seeing as people report euphoria from etizolam as well, and clotiazepam which is also a thiënodiazepine also gave me some euphoria when I tried it.

I wonder if anyone knows? Is there any thiënodiazepine semi-long acting (24ish hrs) anxiolytic thiënodiazepine? That'd definitely be something I would like to try.
Yeah, that was directed towards you. My problem was my vein rolled half way through my shot, so I had to try to get it in another vein, register, and do the rest of it before the k took effect. But yeah, it didnt work. Im jealous of your purchase of heroin. I moved to San Diego about 6 months ago from the Chicago/Indianapolis area and am not impressed with tar. The ecp is so much better. I mean tar is cheap and it gets the job done, but ecp wins hands down. So I made the decision to get on methadone so I didnt have to worry about finding a dealer out here and maintaining a dope habit. Sorry for the long post, been up for a while and just did a shot of tar to calm me down.

Ot: day 3 of Crystal binge
Did the last of my shit which was probably around a .25 (iv)
Just did a shot of tar to calm me down, probably .15
I took my methadone dose today,as well 40 mg
Oh yeah, you can forget about re-registering on time with ket if you already pushed a significant amount. Usually if that happens to me I shoot then rest in my muscle. (only street drug I IM from time to time.

OT: Went to score that H and afterwards the K. When I got home after that I did a nice fat shot of dope and not much later nodded off to sleep. (barely slept last night and I had a decent amount of morphine already in me so small wonder that I fell asleep from it.

Right now I'm gonna try IV'ing some of that K. A miniscule dose just to test the waters. ;)
My dealer had 4 new strains of kratom he wanted me to try so i copped an oz of each. Im about to drink 3g.
Also had a bowl of weed and a cup of coffee a few hours ago.
turns out my fat roommate has been eating my food. jesus fuck, id buy him his own if he asked. stupid idiot.

about to tuck into the last of my liquor
^what a cunt.

im very comfortable on say 100 mgs of H over the past 6 hours and say 60 mgs of oxy and 2 mgs of loprazolam .

yep comfy as can be. jus the initial really good feels of loprazolam are starting to plateau out.
sounds delish my man.

i asked my roommate if he opened a bag of my food and he goes "oh well i took some but it was already open" so i go "it must have been our other roommate, ill talk to him" (who is not a thief) and then suddenly fatsy goes "uhhhhh i guess i cant remember if it was open" idiot.

people eating my food and drink without asking is my #1 pet peeve, because if you ask me i always say yes. but taking without asking i will get livid.

time to kill this bottle and figure out what the fuck to do this evening.
80mg hydrocodone+600mg DXM

This is a really good level for me to use telepathy. God has talked to me and he is good - I posted that I was becoming a malthiest a few days ago because I was hating God for not helping with the torture problems.
I kept getting the name Jane in my visual telepathy and had been calling myself Doctor Who before that and then I heard about this woman named Jane who is doing what I am doing who was a lion in her previous life and Adolph Hitler before that (I heard he spent a year in Hell and as I was typing this I got the image of Hitler burning in Hell and now I know this woman is not Hitler but it turned out that the Jane that kept put her name on the rubber room in jail and in Glen Oaks is a polar bear and she contacted me through DXM a few minutes ago because she was afraid of something - she sent the name Jane, surrounded it by hearts that became rainbow colored and a sun started shining in my head and they used to call Jane Adolph Hitler. But once I posted on bluelight that I was the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler because I felt evil and hated myself.

I also talked to someone in the rubber room through my mouth that I called Mr. Whisper and she contacted me again and he is a tiger on a chain unless I am being lied to through my mouth they use to talk to me.

Just took another 600mg of DXM - I plan to extend this one into tomorrow.
Last night I took a bunch of sedatives and a good dose of 1,4-butanediol and then I started to inject insulin. I only injected 125 units before aborting the suicide which would have worked so well if I had continued but I decided to stop for a bit and fell asleep after smoking my last cigarette and eating my last meal...roflmao!

Update#2 The government is trying to murder the telepathic bears and me and I feel it now, they want to kill me

Update#3 The government is trying to kill off the telepathic raccoons first, and then they are stating on the moon/Asiatic black bears - if I am hearing the truth they have an order of killing them and God has forced the bears to lie and changed map GPS coordinates so the gulf between China and Vietnam (Maybe Tonkin) ended in the teens and the GPS units used on it had unusual lines like 14N 17W instead of the normal lines of multiples of 5 degrees so Blah Snarto would transmit the wrong location of landfall - this is the second time I noticed something off on latitude and longitude coordinates modified to screw up future visions.

Hitler the polar bear is not the real Adolph Hitler and she sent me the green light of a polar bear licking/sucking my hand in 3D and she is Jane and I am told they cut her hands off but she can walk and wants to live.
I always liked bears but used to think about other people torturing them all the time when I was a teen into my mid 20s but it was usually about me trying to make them feel better while they were being tortured because in the stories in my head they could not escape and I did not know I was a telepath.

I just found out through the conduction of DXM telepathy that a horse may have saved my life and died from my meningitis that the docs would not test me for and I was told through telepathy that horses do not get meningitis so animals and humans sent their meningitis to him (Cinnamon) ans two days before he died, I dreamt of a horse so sick in a trailer it could only raise his head = remembered that one on this DXM with the horse flash picture I got.
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When people eat my food it makes me want to assault and/or batter them.

Worked a lot of overtime today so the check's gonna be fat this week. Smokin weed on the porch.

(This took me nearly 20 minutes to type as I got really high, started typing, realized there's more weed, smoked a lot more weed, forgot things.)
Shot an oxy 80 with a tiny bump of amphetamine in the same rig. Feels nais. Also took some bromazepam (12MG) earlier.

Feeling okay.

FML, I just had to deal with some chick that OD'd on god knows what. It was a huge combo, I know she took at least: shrooms, bromazepam (tons without ANY tolerance, like 20x12mg or more), tons of amphetamines, big ass doses of GHB. She is also on some antidepressants but IDK which one(s), she had at least 5 kinds lying there (escitalopram, effexor, bupropion, fluvoxetamine, paroxetine - I saw all of these, dunno which she took or is taking normally). She also had boxes of tramadol, trazodone, zolpidem, and god knows what else.

The following isn't NSFW, but it's quite long so I decided to keep it small and make it expandable for people who might be interested in the whole story.

Here's how it happened:

Anyway, sunday evening 9:30pm, I was drifting off to sleep nicely opiated. I get a phonecall from a good friend whom I had spent a year in rehab with and who has been falling off the wagon more and more lately together with some chick (the one mentioned above..) who was also there in rehab with us and is a diagnosed borderliner. Anyway, I don't answer and I don't intend to. 2 minutes later he calls me again, I don't answer again, I'm thinking it's sunday evening, I could be asleep (I almost was asleep until he kept waking me twice in a row), I want my peace and quiet now. But 5 minutes later I'm wide awake and decide to call him back anyway, and just politely decline anything he suggests we do this evening. Calling back... Big mistake!

He was with this chick, he just woke up and was unable to wake her. Not knowing the full extent of the drugs she had consumed he was panicking (rightfully so). I just said call an ambulance, which he didn't want to do because (believe it or not!) 2 weeks ago the same shit happened, only that time they both OD'd and ended up in the hospital. So they would both be in a LOT of trouble if they had to go to the hospital. He's begging me to come over and help him. So I say 'sure, if you can pick me up' (I don't have any transportation and wasn't about to take the bus for this). He picks me up and to her place we go.

When we get there she is completely non-responsive, very raspy breathing but not really shallow which I guess was good. The next 3 hours were just us trying to bring her back to consciousness. We actually gave her some amphetamines in hopes of it bringing her out of it. We both assumed she had overdone it mainly with the downers, the way she was looking, so amphetamines seemed a viable thing to give her en lieu of calling an ambulance or taking her to the hospital. I kept thinking (and I must've said it at least 30 times as well) that she needed a hospital. I tried to give her some water, tried talking to her, waking her, putting her in a safe position incase she threw up. You know, I did everything (as little as it was...) I could.

Inside I'm kind of pissed off at the dude for involving me in his bullshit. I had litterally nothing to do with anything she took - whatsoever. Yet if police or the ambulance had to have been called, I would probably be in some kind of trouble as well. He did not seem to take this into account at all. Only the shit he'd be in (because of this happening twice in a row). I of course don't whine about it. But I do tell him that by 1AM I 'have to go home' (I didn't 'have to' do anything), because he seemed to expect me to just stay there all night because of the bullshit those 2 got in. I only did it because he is a friend, I hardly have had any contact with that chick since I left rehab. Why should I be concerned with her? Right, I did it for my friend. That is all.

So now I'm back home, but my night is royally screwed. He asked me to stay available online to which I said yes, but when I'm tired and if I fall asleep, so be it. I think I've done enough.

God dammit, I was so nicely nodding at 9:30PM with a whole nice, stress-free, evening ahead of me; nicely nodding while smoking my last weed. Now it's almost 2AM with this friend who keeps bugging me on fb with questions he should be asking the paramedics in an ambulance. Not me.

I'm gonna get nice and high and respond to him when (or if) I get around to it. And if any of it sounds serious I'll tell him 'call an ambulance, that's the only advice I can give you, period.'.

TL;DR: Friend calls me up, picks me up to help him deal with an OD situation with some chick I know but who isn't my friend or anything because he can't call ambulance (because reasons..), I spend my entire evening dealing with this crazy, at first K.O. and then half awake but nowhere near conscious chick who keeps flailing around with her arms and legs uttering gibberish. Tried feeding her water, and speed to wake her up. None of it worked. He still didn't want to go to hospital. I said I had to go at 1AM which wasn't true, I didn't have to. He expected me to just stay there all night if need be. Fuck that, I think I did enough by just coming in the first place. He fucked up my entire sunday evening already and I think he should be grateful of what I did instead of whining about me not staying.

I can't stand it when people fuck up that massively with drugs and then won't call an ambulance. Despite all the trouble it might land them both in, it was what she needed. You don't toy with a human life like that.

IF he ends up being pissed off about my leaving instead of being grateful about me coming in the first place, he's going on my IRL shitlist. For real.

/E: Chewed 200mg morphine. Gonna try to get nice and high and very opiated. ;)

Incidents like that really reveal the character of someone. A "drug buddy" of mine once got shot up by a guy (meth + heroin in the same shot) and when she started to show signs of serious distress, possibly requiring medical attention, not only did the dude not get her any help, he tried to ditch her! "Uh yeah, it was fun hanging out with you and all, but I think I'm gonna leave now..." 8) Idiot thought he could possibly get in her pants with some dope and didn't want to be a man & take responsibility for his actions. It was people like that who helped me get out of hard drugs. No one ever had any integrity (maybe it was MY stupidity that I expected any integrity from drug addicts). I operated in a very small-time drug scene, with emphasis on the word "very", but I lived by the code and wasn't amoral.

And anyone can say something like that, and it can be complete and utter bullshit, but I've actually been pleasantly surprised the one or two times that my conception of right and wrong has been seriously tested.

Speaking of reprehensible actions, I agree that eating someone's food without telling them is definitely a no-no 8) I swear, some people must've had no positive role models in their life (and parents who were lazy as fuck)
^The sad thing about it was that I was willing to call an ambulance and deal with all the Shit that comes with it even though I had NOTHING to do with it. I had drugs on my person as well which would no doubt have led to some annoying questions. Yet I didn't care.

Avoiding those potential problems that I (or said ''friend'' his) might get in, does not even come close to being worth putting another human being's life at stake. I don't understand how anyone can think otherwise.. Yeah I really have a whole new perspective of the guy now..!

OT: Just woke up so nada. About to pop an MS Contin, fix myself up a proper shot of K, pop a benzo and smoke a spliff. Today I'm not doing a thing except enjoy my drogaz.
Been over 30 hours since my last Adderall dosage after a binge that intermittently lasted YEARS up until the last 5 months of Daily High dose (average daily dose was probably 120mgs a day of IR)....I'm going to take a couple weeks off cold turkey and introduce my therapeutic dosage as I'm too old to repeat the toxic cycle of abuse which is essentially just a waste of drugs after your initial dose.

-I'm RX'ed 3.5mgs of Clonazepam a day but I only take 3
-dabs and spiffs
-exercise , food, hydration, crytherapy

---already experiencing intense vertigo and hunger pangs.
Damn, I barely got into this life alive! My mom told my telepathic raccoon friend how my mother tried to do a coat hanger abortion when she was 5 months 1 week pregnant with me and I have at least one brother or half brother somewhere I don't know. It might be why a portion of my brain is missing. She did not finish the job and I was born on time I got the message from a moon bear and a polar bear. I just got told how all kinds of bears, mostly two types of black bears but the polar bears are tortured the most.
The government is a hypocrite.
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