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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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Just dabbed 40mg of a mix of some nice shatters, mostly Banana Green Crack with a bit of Fire OG so I'm definitely feeling pretty high. I love how just one low temp, low dose dab gets me to where I want to be, dabbing exclusively saves me a significant amount of $ over smoking weed.

Also, 150mcg clonazolam (low dose, basically equivalent to 0.5mg klonopin) is no doubt contributing to the vibe on a sub-perceptual level.
Tonight marks my last dosage of Adderall for a drug holiday to get some fucking dopamine back in my withered brain. I can take 200mgs of IR and just feel a mild stimulation...It's time for a break...All blood work came out impeccable but I otherwise follow a healthy lifestyle in terms of fitness, nutrition, hormones, peptides, vitamins, alkalinity, etc.

-180 mgs of Ir Adderall throughout the day
-3mgs of Clonazepam
-Tons of White Rhino bowls and dabs of crumble
-5 injections of GHRP-2, Mod-GRF 1-29
-2 Spot injections of BPC-157 in injured AC and medial deltoid
-0.5 cc pre workout of an injectable blend of Dianabol and Anadrol that's 50mg of Each per ml!!! I only took .5 so 25mgs of each...
I can't imagine what 200mg of Adderall feels like. How long is the break for?

Not really in the mood to be high TBH but I do have a little temazepam and weed going on to help me feel better from the meth I did earlier.
On a related note to the 2 above comments, I have been smashing through amphetamine sulphate since yesterday morning (UK time, so about 20 hours maybe).

I've managed to kill a good part of a 3.5g bag, but I know sulphate is usually not all that pure. Never had adderall so can't really compare it, but I'm guessing I've dosed on the high side seeing as I was redosing a bit too frequently from about half 12 yesterday afternoon until around midnight. Obviously a stupid idea as I have work to do today and sleep has not happened. At about half 6 I got the plate back out and resumed. Thank god I have enough stims to get me through todays programming task, so much for "I'll use this sparingly to help with the early starts" :S

Only succumbed to one wank so far, so pretty good going imo
booze n weed all day, went to a beer festival in portland this afternoon and had a good time

wish i had some more og mountain dew or juice at least

browsin 4chins naow
Just a beer after a brutal day at work.

Gotta wake up in about 5 hours to hit it hard again (sigh)
20 mg diazepam, 800 mg codeine, medium-strength coffee (lovely coffee too!). The rightest way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon. It's surprising how recreational I find diazepam on its own, which I reckon is not a very good thing in the long run.

@Burnt_Offerings: I remember you saying that diazepam and other benzos make you extremely depressed. How come?

Oh, and I'm back to the grind as well. Got 2 commercial projects to do as well as a lot of pure research that needs to be done. Oh well, I sure need some medication to get through all that.
120mg morphine chewed
160mg OC IV
12mg Bromazepam
10mg Diazepam

Smoking a cigarette now, when I finish that I'm lighting a fat spliff of O.G. Kush & Super Polm Hash Blend that I already rolled.

Benzos and opiates are indeed the rightest way to spend a lazy sunday afternoon. =D

@BD: In the higher dose range diazepam can be pretty recreational, the muscle relaxant property can feel really nice, especially when you're tense. That recreational part goes away pretty quickly though due to tolerance, and like I said in that one PM I sent you recently, using higher doses than your prescribed therapeutic dose. Even if the recreational use is only sporadically, it really messes with your tolerance and will make them far less effective when you do actually need them.
Lets see, ingested .5g of kratom extract along with 2.5g of powdered leaf and taking 3600mg gabapentin (spread out) for this etizolam withdrawal. Day 2 of that, wanna play it safe an make sure I don't have a seizure.
60mg Mixed amphetamine salts, half oral, half sniffed. I dont even feel it anymore but gotta do something.
2100mg gabapentin (somewhat staggered)
2 cans of Busch ICE
40 oz. of Natty Ice
40 oz. of Steel Reserve
some Kayak Grape dip

I hope I'm not hungover heading into work but I know I will be on some level...
2100mg gabapentin (somewhat staggered)
2 cans of Busch ICE
40 oz. of Natty Ice
40 oz. of Steel Reserve
some Kayak Grape dip

I hope I'm not hungover heading into work but I know I will be on some level...

Those Steel Reserves man. Had a little get together with a few friends and smashed a few. Next thing I knew everyone but me was throwing up in any available spot optimal for spewing vomit. Someone also broke my toilet with puke. The pineapple one is fire tho.

OT: 0.25mg clonazepam, 1.25 tsp of mixed Kratom (predominantly white vein) in a strong cuppa coffee, green tea, 50 mg 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine. I don't think I've moved any slower than a jog since my shift started. It's 34F in cold storage and I'm sweating like a hog.
Man, Steel Reserve...*shudder* I have some extremely unpleasant memories of Steel Reserve/Steel Reserve 211. I drank one 40 oz. bottle of that once and had a hangover worse than when I'd split a 750 mL bottle of decent-quality vodka with another person. Gave me a massive headache, I hate that stuff!

BD: There actually was a time when I got a lot of therapeutic value from benzodiazepines. Used to have social anxiety and benzos helped me a lot with that, clonazepam especially (although I credit psychedelic hallucinogens with helping me with finally eliminating my social anxiety...I mean, I still get a little nervous when I'm just getting to know some person or persons who I want to like me/impress, but that's a normal and healthy response IMO) But then a shift took place at some point in my life and I started to really dislike the effects of tranquilizers...I don't know, it's like they just drain all the color out of life. They stop me from feeling any emotion, and put my mind into a terrible place...

I've heard some other people on this site describe them in the same way, and I've heard that Leo Sternbach said that diazepam made him depressed whenever he took it (I'm not sure if that's true, though). Psychiatric medication in generally hasn't done great things for me, but I recognize that they can be tremendously helpful for some.

I've found that they also subtract from my enjoyment of other drugs, such as psychedelics, marijuana, or even heroin. The only drug I would consider using them in tandem with anymore is methamphetamine, but I quit that so I really have no use for them as a part of a "drug combo"
dreading the drinking of some kratom/mango smoothie. that shits so nasty. but it feels so goodman.

atm just stoned and listening to new aphex twin.
Shot an oxy 80 with a tiny bump of amphetamine in the same rig. Feels nais. Also took some bromazepam (12MG) earlier.

Feeling okay.

FML, I just had to deal with some chick that OD'd on god knows what. It was a huge combo, I know she took at least: shrooms, bromazepam (tons without ANY tolerance, like 20x12mg or more), tons of amphetamines, big ass doses of GHB. She is also on some antidepressants but IDK which one(s), she had at least 5 kinds lying there (escitalopram, effexor, bupropion, fluvoxetamine, paroxetine - I saw all of these, dunno which she took or is taking normally). She also had boxes of tramadol, trazodone, zolpidem, and god knows what else.

The following isn't NSFW, but it's quite long so I decided to keep it small and make it expandable for people who might be interested in the whole story.

Here's how it happened:

Anyway, sunday evening 9:30pm, I was drifting off to sleep nicely opiated. I get a phonecall from a good friend whom I had spent a year in rehab with and who has been falling off the wagon more and more lately together with some chick (the one mentioned above..) who was also there in rehab with us and is a diagnosed borderliner. Anyway, I don't answer and I don't intend to. 2 minutes later he calls me again, I don't answer again, I'm thinking it's sunday evening, I could be asleep (I almost was asleep until he kept waking me twice in a row), I want my peace and quiet now. But 5 minutes later I'm wide awake and decide to call him back anyway, and just politely decline anything he suggests we do this evening. Calling back... Big mistake!

He was with this chick, he just woke up and was unable to wake her. Not knowing the full extent of the drugs she had consumed he was panicking (rightfully so). I just said call an ambulance, which he didn't want to do because (believe it or not!) 2 weeks ago the same shit happened, only that time they both OD'd and ended up in the hospital. So they would both be in a LOT of trouble if they had to go to the hospital. He's begging me to come over and help him. So I say 'sure, if you can pick me up' (I don't have any transportation and wasn't about to take the bus for this). He picks me up and to her place we go.

When we get there she is completely non-responsive, very raspy breathing but not really shallow which I guess was good. The next 3 hours were just us trying to bring her back to consciousness. We actually gave her some amphetamines in hopes of it bringing her out of it. We both assumed she had overdone it mainly with the downers, the way she was looking, so amphetamines seemed a viable thing to give her en lieu of calling an ambulance or taking her to the hospital. I kept thinking (and I must've said it at least 30 times as well) that she needed a hospital. I tried to give her some water, tried talking to her, waking her, putting her in a safe position incase she threw up. You know, I did everything (as little as it was...) I could.

Inside I'm kind of pissed off at the dude for involving me in his bullshit. I had litterally nothing to do with anything she took - whatsoever. Yet if police or the ambulance had to have been called, I would probably be in some kind of trouble as well. He did not seem to take this into account at all. Only the shit he'd be in (because of this happening twice in a row). I of course don't whine about it. But I do tell him that by 1AM I 'have to go home' (I didn't 'have to' do anything), because he seemed to expect me to just stay there all night because of the bullshit those 2 got in. I only did it because he is a friend, I hardly have had any contact with that chick since I left rehab. Why should I be concerned with her? Right, I did it for my friend. That is all.

So now I'm back home, but my night is royally screwed. He asked me to stay available online to which I said yes, but when I'm tired and if I fall asleep, so be it. I think I've done enough.

God dammit, I was so nicely nodding at 9:30PM with a whole nice, stress-free, evening ahead of me; nicely nodding while smoking my last weed. Now it's almost 2AM with this friend who keeps bugging me on fb with questions he should be asking the paramedics in an ambulance. Not me.

I'm gonna get nice and high and respond to him when (or if) I get around to it. And if any of it sounds serious I'll tell him 'call an ambulance, that's the only advice I can give you, period.'.

TL;DR: Friend calls me up, picks me up to help him deal with an OD situation with some chick I know but who isn't my friend or anything because he can't call ambulance (because reasons..), I spend my entire evening dealing with this crazy, at first K.O. and then half awake but nowhere near conscious chick who keeps flailing around with her arms and legs uttering gibberish. Tried feeding her water, and speed to wake her up. None of it worked. He still didn't want to go to hospital. I said I had to go at 1AM which wasn't true, I didn't have to. He expected me to just stay there all night if need be. Fuck that, I think I did enough by just coming in the first place. He fucked up my entire sunday evening already and I think he should be grateful of what I did instead of whining about me not staying.

I can't stand it when people fuck up that massively with drugs and then won't call an ambulance. Despite all the trouble it might land them both in, it was what she needed. You don't toy with a human life like that.

IF he ends up being pissed off about my leaving instead of being grateful about me coming in the first place, he's going on my IRL shitlist. For real.

/E: Chewed 200mg morphine. Gonna try to get nice and high and very opiated. ;)
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I can't imagine what 200mg of Adderall feels like. How long is the break for?

Not really in the mood to be high TBH but I do have a little temazepam and weed going on to help me feel better from the meth I did earlier.

It feels like a mild expresso with a pronounced crash, therefore the break... Beside's some irritability and lack of motivation, I am usually back to 100% in 10 days...

Picked up some new strains at the dispensary today:

-Lamb's Bread
-Platinum OG
-Death Star
-Suicide crumble hash
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