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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Idk 3 months seems a bit long, the temptation to up the dose over that long period is very high. When the tolerance comes down (which is the whole point of tapering), the high gets better increasing temptation to increase the dose. Although one or two weeks isnt really sufficent, 3 months imo is overboard, maybe if u include recovery time with acute w/d etc yes but strictly still using and tapering no. But as u stated everyone is different and its circumstantially dependent.
Hey guys, please don't think I try to be some kind of macho man or who knows what, but I've always thought that few months or even few weeks are waaaay too long and completely unnecessary when it comes to tapering down your drug usage. Again...it's just me , but all I need is just 1 week. Even after 5 years of everyday using all I needed was 1 week. Well I have to admit that I've never used more than 7 bags a day, but this was my median for very long period of time. So when the next day arrived Idid only 4 ...my body was already withdrawing but I didn't feel it cause I was still getting high ..and the next day I did 3 or 2 ..same thing I was withdrawing but didn't feel it cause I was using, after couple of days of doing 2 per day I did only one on the following day, the day after and the last day too. So finally comes the day without any heroin and yeah I was little dope sick but 48 hours later I'm free and living again.
And I gotta say that I never took the 'before bed' hit . I mean of course I've done it many times before I went to sleep but in my 'dope addict' life I don't do such a thing as 'before bad' hit. I do it whenever I want, and if the last hit today is at 9pm and I'm going to sleep at 1am that's how it is. Don't need one before bad . Not to say anything about one after I wake up. That's totally different story?
And I gotta say that I never took the 'before bed' hit . I mean of course I've done it many times before I went to sleep but in my 'dope addict' life I don't do such a thing as 'before bad' hit. I do it whenever I want, and if the last hit today is at 9pm and I'm going to sleep at 1am that's how it is. Don't need one before bad . Not to say anything about one after I wake up. That's totally different story?

I should rephrase that term. When I said before bed hit what I really meant
was the last hit of the day. Just in the event of tapering down, you don't wanna be going to bed feeling for sick, restless legs and all that shit. Cuz when I was talking about tapering down, I was talking in terms of someone who works an 8hr plus per day job and maybe has a wife/gf and/or kids. Basically someone who would have to do a slow taper to stay comfortable because of a lot of responsibility.
I can honestly say that tapering is near impossible if you have no willpower. I, myself, can fluctuate between anywhere from a bag or two a day to a jab to myself or more. I've found that even after weeks of one or two a day I still have the same jacked up withdrawals as if I had more. Idk. Maybe it's just me? I quit back in 2006 for 6 years. That time it took me 4 subs over 6 or 7 days and months of lethargy. But I did it. Then I got hooked on roxies after an accident and got on the sub program for a year.. Then I picked up h again, like an asshole. Now.... I can't take a suboxone, nomatter how long I wait. I ALWAYS have precipitated wds. Always. I feel trapped. Shit used to help me now it's straight torture. Id literally take the wds over a sub because of what hell I go through. I don't get it.
Changing pace on the thread....lets come up with some ways to realistically get off the dope. Lets hear some post of ppl with a strategy to taper down and get off the dope! Id like to hear someone that could maybe give me a 1 to 3month game plan to where i could taper down and get off? What do u guys think? What are some things i could do to get off? And lets not do rehab or methadone. Im primarily interested in a taper down strategy.

Tapering off is damn near impossible for 95% of us. If we had self control like that, we wouldn't be addicts in the first place. You really have to be focused on quitting and want to quit in order for that to work. It's simple. Are you ready to stop getting high? Have you had enough? Is getting high somethng you're ready to throw away for good? Remember, although dope is potent and it doesn't take long for your tolerance to go down so that you can get high, your objective is to only do enough to get by..not high. If you find yourself nodding or feeling that warm, fuzzy feeling, then you're not tapering. Its so hard to do. And I agree, if you're planning on a taper anything longer than 2 weeks, you're lying to yourself and you're not ready yet. If you're planning a 2 month taper, then in my opinion, you're in need of some other kind of assistance and you won't be able to taper off on your own. The best way is to give it to someone else and have them give it to you on a schedule. Less and less until you're off for good. Easier said than done.
Hey people in the chicagoland area, I might be looking for some new people to hang with, let me know if you want to get together sometime. PM if interested.
I can honestly say that tapering is near impossible if you have no willpower. I, myself, can fluctuate between anywhere from a bag or two a day to a jab to myself or more. I've found that even after weeks of one or two a day I still have the same jacked up withdrawals as if I had more. Idk. Maybe it's just me? I quit back in 2006 for 6 years. That time it took me 4 subs over 6 or 7 days and months of lethargy. But I did it. Then I got hooked on roxies after an accident and got on the sub program for a year.. Then I picked up h again, like an asshole. Now.... I can't take a suboxone, nomatter how long I wait. I ALWAYS have precipitated wds. Always. I feel trapped. Shit used to help me now it's straight torture. Id literally take the wds over a sub because of what hell I go through. I don't get it.

I thought I was the only one that subs don't work for. When I take them, it either does nothing at all or make me even more dope sick. Even if I wait 3 days to take it. And people would tell me that I'm taking it wrong, or taking it too soon or whatever. And I try explaining to people that it doesn't matter how long I wait, it still doesn't work for me. And I'm not an idiot that can't figure out how to put it under my tongue. But the precipitated withdrawals from it are godamn awful. It's like dope sick times 10, no exaggeration. It used to work for me back in 2009 when I used it to get off of the "codones", oxy and hydro.
I got a question for you guys. Say you have a person that does 1 bag of dope, no more/no less, every night at 8:00 for 2 years, without ever missing a day. Do you think that person would get withdrawal symptoms if they just stopped using?
I got a question for you guys. Say you have a person that does 1 bag of dope, no more/no less, every night at 8:00 for 2 years, without ever missing a day. Do you think that person would get withdrawal symptoms if they just stopped using?
Yeah they would w/d... One bag of dope is still like taking 20+ vicodin or over 1000mg of codeine,
why wouldnt they wd lol??
Alright u guys it starts today!!!! #TAPERTEAM2016!!!! Lmao. Lol. But seriously imma try to start off with maybe a line every 4hours or so? Idk. Imma mainly try to just use when i need to throughout the day and start there. But i def think imma do a up to 3 month taper. I have no idea wtf that one chick is talking about claiming it only takes a week to get off drugs? After heavy ussage for months? Ummmm no. I cant help but call bullshit on that one.
I thought I was the only one that subs don't work for. When I take them, it either does nothing at all or make me even more dope sick. Even if I wait 3 days to take it. And people would tell me that I'm taking it wrong, or taking it too soon or whatever. And I try explaining to people that it doesn't matter how long I wait, it still doesn't work for me. And I'm not an idiot that can't figure out how to put it under my tongue. But the precipitated withdrawals from it are godamn awful. It's like dope sick times 10, no exaggeration. It used to work for me back in 2009 when I used it to get off of the "codones", oxy and hydro.
You aren't alone. And, thankfully there is nothing wrong w me :) or maybe there is something wrong a both of us? Who knows. I know I have tried twice in the past 3 months to take them and the first time I ran out and bought some d and I felt all better, the second time I was not so lucky. Was out of cash and had to take it thru the night thru the next day and then I got good. I didn't care if I felt jack shit as long as I felt better. It is torture and fuck that shit, I wont be trying again. And fuck methadone. Why touch the only thing other than Xanax or alcohol that can kill me from the wds? No thank you. Now here I am, like I said, I feel trapped. Dont get me wrong, I do love d and all but I feel there's a time span for most things. I don't want this to be forever..
Alright u guys it starts today!!!! #TAPERTEAM2016!!!! Lmao. Lol. But seriously imma try to start off with maybe a line every 4hours or so? Idk. Imma mainly try to just use when i need to throughout the day and start there. But i def think imma do a up to 3 month taper. I have no idea wtf that one chick is talking about claiming it only takes a week to get off drugs? After heavy ussage for months? Ummmm no. I cant help but call bullshit on that one.
You aren't talking about me, are you? Cause I never said a week.. And a taper from a sniffer is easier than a shooter. First time I quit I sniffed only and stayed ok for years. Its hard as he'll, all.of it.. Nomatter how long u five yourself it is going to suck. If I can five a little of my thought on this?... If You wanna taper, don't do that line when you need it. Try n wait it out as long as you can and in the morning, try n cut down the size of your first blast. The less u do in the am, the less u will need to stay ok. Facts.
You aren't talking about me, are you? Cause I never said a week.. And a taper from a sniffer is easier than a shooter. First time I quit I sniffed only and stayed ok for years. Its hard as he'll, all.of it.. Nomatter how long u five yourself it is going to suck. If I can five a little of my thought on this?... If You wanna taper, don't do that line when you need it. Try n wait it out as long as you can and in the morning, try n cut down the size of your first blast. The less u do in the am, the less u will need to stay ok. Facts.

No i dont think it was you. But someone a few post back was claiming it only took them a week to get off drugs. I hate when ppl come in spreading blatelent lies like that. Theres no way in hell a person can taper off dope when theyve been using daily for months or years!!! Not possible! No one has ever done that.
No i dont think it was you. But someone a few post back was claiming it only took them a week to get off drugs. I hate when ppl come in spreading blatelent lies like that. Theres no way in hell a person can taper off dope when theyve been using daily for months or years!!! Not possible! No one has ever done that.
Well I wish you the best of luck on the go ahead.. Just try to wait on your first one of the day as long as u can and as small as u can stand it. You will fare alot better that way.. Its my day today so im getting high as a kite. One day to celebrate being alive for one more year lol. I am grateful though:)
Yeah they would w/d... One bag of dope is still like taking 20+ vicodin or over 1000mg of codeine,
why wouldnt they wd lol??

I knew the answer to that question. I just wanted someone else to validate that part of what I'm going to say about this whole taper down discussion. With people saying that 3 months is too long to taper down and someone said they did it in a week after a 7 bag a day habit, after the last 3 days of the week at 1 bag a day they jumped off the D completely and only felt bad got 48 hrs. If you can have withdrawals from a one bag a day habit then there's no way that anyone could taper down from any amount of usage to one bag a day for 3 days, jump off completely, and be ok after 48 hrs. And as far 3 months being too long, if you are doing an average of 8 bags a day for 2 years, just using this as an example of an average user, this habit isn't huge but it's a pretty good one, so 3 months is 12 weeks, if you cut down a bag a week by week 8 you're on one bag a day, and that's 2 months right there, but that last bag a day is going to be the hardest to eliminate, so you are going to want to cut down to a half a bag a day and maybe then to a quarter bag a day, which I know doesn't seem like much but remember your tolerance is going down as well. So right there you're at just about 3 months. If you can do it faster that's great. But I don't think too many people would be able to even if they might think so at the beginning. Also, imo, you are just as much at risk to fuck up whether you taper fast or slow.

You aren't alone. And, thankfully there is nothing wrong w me :) or maybe there is something wrong a both of us? Who knows. I know I have tried twice in the past 3 months to take them and the first time I ran out and bought some d and I felt all better, the second time I was not so lucky. Was out of cash and had to take it thru the night thru the next day and then I got good. I didn't care if I felt jack shit as long as I felt better. It is torture and fuck that shit, I wont be trying again. And fuck methadone. Why touch the only thing other than Xanax or alcohol that can kill me from the wds? No thank you. Now here I am, like I said, I feel trapped. Dont get me wrong, I do love d and all but I feel there's a time span for most things. I don't want this to be forever..

lol, when I first saw that you said subs don't work for you my first thought was "thank God it doesn't work for someone else" and I was going to reply with that but I didn't want to sound like I was saying thank God it doesn't work for you but I was just happy that I wasn't the only one. Especially cuz I feel like people think I'm lying when I say it because they are always like "really? I feel better within 5 minutes of taking it" and I wanna say fuck you sick head, I wish I had that option but no, I have to just deal with feeling like shit when I'm out of D and don't have the means to get more. I swear almost everyone I know that does D has a sub script and don't have to go thru what I go thru when they don't have D.

No i dont think it was you. But someone a few post back was claiming it only took them a week to get off drugs. I hate when ppl come in spreading blatelent lies like that. Theres no way in hell a person can taper off dope when theyve been using daily for months or years!!! Not possible! No one has ever done that.

I agree. Even if you were only using 2 bags a day and you went down to one bag a day, you aren't going to jump off completely from one bag a day without feeling shitty for at least a couple weeks.

Well I wish you the best of luck on the go ahead.. Just try to wait on your first one of the day as long as u can and as small as u can stand it. You will fare alot better that way.. Its my day today so im getting high as a kite. One day to celebrate being alive for one more year lol. I am grateful though:)

Agreed. Instead of doing your first one of the day as soon as you jump out of bed, try to wait until right before you walk into work or even longer if you can. I remember last summer before I got locked up, my habit was so bad, i would wake up every morning on fill blown withdrawal. I could barely get out of bed without that first shot. I'd sit up, pot my legs over the side of the bed where I had a table with everything already set up to prepare my first shot. I didn't care how bad i had to piss or anything, straight to the needle. I'm so glad that is over with. But it was such a great feeling getting that first shot done in the morning, basically going from 0-60 in a matter of seconds. It was always the best shot of my day.
Alright u guys it starts today!!!! #TAPERTEAM2016!!!! Lmao. Lol. But seriously imma try to start off with maybe a line every 4hours or so? Idk. Imma mainly try to just use when i need to throughout the day and start there. But i def think imma do a up to 3 month taper. I have no idea wtf that one chick is talking about claiming it only takes a week to get off drugs? After heavy ussage for months? Ummmm no. I cant help but call bullshit on that one.

So 75 days from now you'll still be on dope..still risking your balls to pick it up..still have your mind warped by it. But you'll be making progress because you have a 90 day taper. Dude, you sound like you aren't ready to quit. I'm not trying to be a dick, but be honest with yourself. You haven't even told us how much you've been using and from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like much. 4-6 bags a day? And you want to be on it for 90 more days? That's crazy talk. There's no easy way to get off dope. If you really want to get off of it, then I also want you to get off of it. Try 3 weels instead. 4 bags first 3 days, then 3 bags for 3, then 2 bags for 3, then 1.5 bags for 3, then 1 bag for 3, then .5 bag for 3, then .25 bag for 3 and jump off. Get some oxys for the first 3 days after being off and then stop. Get yourself comfort meds, some xanax, and weed.
So 75 days from now you'll still be on dope..still risking your balls to pick it up..still have your mind warped by it. But you'll be making progress because you have a 90 day taper. Dude, you sound like you aren't ready to quit. I'm not trying to be a dick, but be honest with yourself. You haven't even told us how much you've been using and from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like much. 4-6 bags a day? And you want to be on it for 90 more days? That's crazy talk. There's no easy way to get off dope. If you really want to get off of it, then I also want you to get off of it. Try 3 weels instead. 4 bags first 3 days, then 3 bags for 3, then 2 bags for 3, then 1.5 bags for 3, then 1 bag for 3, then .5 bag for 3, then .25 bag for 3 and jump off. Get some oxys for the first 3 days after being off and then stop. Get yourself comfort meds, some xanax, and weed.
Yes! Listen to this guy!
So 75 days from now you'll still be on dope..still risking your balls to pick it up..still have your mind warped by it. But you'll be making progress because you have a 90 day taper. Dude, you sound like you aren't ready to quit. I'm not trying to be a dick, but be honest with yourself. You haven't even told us how much you've been using and from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like much. 4-6 bags a day? And you want to be on it for 90 more days? That's crazy talk. There's no easy way to get off dope. If you really want to get off of it, then I also want you to get off of it. Try 3 weels instead. 4 bags first 3 days, then 3 bags for 3, then 2 bags for 3, then 1.5 bags for 3, then 1 bag for 3, then .5 bag for 3, then .25 bag for 3 and jump off. Get some oxys for the first 3 days after being off and then stop. Get yourself comfort meds, some xanax, and weed.

The whole point of weening or tapering off of something is to do it slowly so your body/mind gets used to not having it anymore. If you go to fast it defeats the purpose. I guarantee if he does that regimen you just described, he's going to feel like shit by half way through and start upping his doses. Its like weening a baby off of best milk. If you do it too fast the baby is going to be extremely agitated and fussy so you finally give in and give the baby best milk and now you hours start all over again because you have it what it wanted and it's going to want more. But if you do it slowly, eventually it doesn't realize it's even been taken off. It's the same with your body. You basically have to trick it into forgetting it needs dope. And you're right, there is no easy way to get off dope and there are going to be times when you step down that you are going to probably feel like shit but if you step down before your body gets used to the last step down you are just going to feel worse than you have to and there's no reason to make it harder on yourself than it has to be. The mental part is a whole other story. Also, telling someone to take different drugs to get off of dope is totally wrong. There's a thing called cross addiction where you just replace one drug with another. And taking stuff like oxy or xanax could just become another problem on its own. Even weed for that matter. And taking xanax with opiates is a really bad idea even if you are tapering. I had a really bad experience with that just a few weeks ago.
The whole point of weening or tapering off of something is to do it slowly so your body/mind gets used to not having it anymore. If you go to fast it defeats the purpose. I guarantee if he does that regimen you just described, he's going to feel like shit by half way through and start upping his doses. Its like weening a baby off of best milk. If you do it too fast the baby is going to be extremely agitated and fussy so you finally give in and give the baby best milk and now you hours start all over again because you have it what it wanted and it's going to want more. But if you do it slowly, eventually it doesn't realize it's even been taken off. It's the same with your body. You basically have to trick it into forgetting it needs dope. And you're right, there is no easy way to get off dope and there are going to be times when you step down that you are going to probably feel like shit but if you step down before your body gets used to the last step down you are just going to feel worse than you have to and there's no reason to make it harder on yourself than it has to be. The mental part is a whole other story. Also, telling someone to take different drugs to get off of dope is totally wrong. There's a thing called cross addiction where you just replace one drug with another. And taking stuff like oxy or xanax could just become another problem on its own. Even weed for that matter. And taking xanax with opiates is a really bad idea even if you are tapering. I had a really bad experience with that just a few weeks ago.

I get what you're saying. Every case is different and it's kind of difficult to tell anyone what they should do, but I'm just speaking from personal experience when I went to detox. They had me on oxy for the first 4 days..40mg, 20mg, 10mg, 5mg, and then I left on the 6th day. They had me on klonopin for the first 3 days and obviously a bunch of other meds like motrin and something else for nausea. Nothing bad is going to happen with mixing 30mg of oxy and say .5mg of xanax...not when someone has a dope tolerance. I wouldnt give advice that would harm anyone. It really comes to how long you're using and how much you're using. 3 weeks wouldn't be that bad of an idea for someone who has been using for 6 months. Why not? I think that's plenty of time. It all comes down to whether or not you want to stop getting high. You're not going to become addicted to oxy or xanax if you only use it for 3 or 4 days. And weed is a miracle drug..they even prescribe weed for opiate withdrawal in some states because doctors are learning that it works wonders for PAWS. I'm just being realistic..if someone is going to quit dope without medical help, then they're going to most likely need other substances to assist. We don't know how much he was doing everyday and we don't know the potency of the product, so I guess it's stupid of me to guess, but I just feel like the longer you carry out the taper, the more chance you have at not following through with it. We do dope to get high, not just to feel normal and he's going to be picking up all those times knowing that he's not going to be getting high. Mentally, that would kill me. The slow ween is good for you physically, but what about the mental aspect? Calling up your dealer and taking the ride just to get balanced out and not high? Chopping it up and only yielding a little baby line? Lol I couldn't do it. That's me though. Everyone's different.