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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Agreed, even when money isn't an issue it's still so exhausting when you're stuck in that cycle of living your everyday life but having to make time to go cop. Especially when money isn't an issue you are most likely going to use more which in turn means more time spent going to cop.
Yea, like now. In not the one doing the legwork but I'm still here sick as shit waiting. I'll be ok, that's all I know. Thanks for the good advice. I do appreciate it. I'm just not ready for this shit yet.
Mission accomplished. Whew!!! What a super fucked up day! What a super duper way to end it. Ahhhhhh!
Mission accomplished. Whew!!! What a super fucked up day! What a super duper way to end it. Ahhhhhh!

Glad to hear you got right. I really felt for you. Now you're probably sitting outside in this beautiful weather smoking mad cigs, lol. My worst dope sick was last summer when I got locked up for a warrant for a probation violation. It was so unexpected and at the time I was banging over a jab a day so my habit went from nice and hefty to a forced cold turkey quit at 26th and Cali. The days already go super slow sitting in county and then on top of being dope sick, I thought I was going to go completely out of my mind insane. It was literally like torture. Cruel and unusual punishment. And I was in division 2 dorm 4 which is just a big ass room with 250 something bunks which adds up to 500 something people in one big room that is 24/7 loud as hell and people that fucking stink cuz they don't shower and the smell of everyone shitting themselves (farting) cuz they serve beans with every dinner and that so-called bologna everyday for lunch which was more like mystery meat. Fucking terrible.
Glad to hear you got right. I really felt for you. Now you're probably sitting outside in this beautiful weather smoking mad cigs, lol. My worst dope sick was last summer when I got locked up for a warrant for a probation violation. It was so unexpected and at the time I was banging over a jab a day so my habit went from nice and hefty to a forced cold turkey quit at 26th and Cali. The days already go super slow sitting in county and then on top of being dope sick, I thought I was going to go completely out of my mind insane. It was literally like torture. Cruel and unusual punishment. And I was in division 2 dorm 4 which is just a big ass room with 250 something bunks which adds up to 500 something people in one big room that is 24/7 loud as hell and people that fucking stink cuz they don't shower and the smell of everyone shitting themselves (farting) cuz they serve beans with every dinner and that so-called bologna everyday for lunch which was more like mystery meat. Fucking terrible.
I completely relate 100%! I got popped twice last year. First time they have me an ibond, the next was almost 2 weeks later and I was not so lucky. I say at 26 n cal for 38 days. Sick as shit. I was in division 3 so no laying down whenever I wanted. It was pure hell. Like I said, I completely understand. That place is nasty as fuck without being sick. Ugh! I got high as a kite 20 mins after release. I appreciate you for talking today. You don't know how much a simple conversation helped. Yea, I'm feeling like a million bucks right now and I saved a bit for a wake up. Oh how stupid my decisions can be while good. I won't be stupid now. No freaking way. I will be ok to mission thru tomorrow lol
I completely relate 100%! I got popped twice last year. First time they have me an ibond, the next was almost 2 weeks later and I was not so lucky. I say at 26 n cal for 38 days. Sick as shit. I was in division 3 so no laying down whenever I wanted. It was pure hell. Like I said, I completely understand. That place is nasty as fuck without being sick. Ugh! I got high as a kite 20 mins after release. I appreciate you for talking today. You don't know how much a simple conversation helped. Yea, I'm feeling like a million bucks right now and I saved a bit for a wake up. Oh how stupid my decisions can be while good. I won't be stupid now. No freaking way. I will be ok to mission thru tomorrow lol

That was kinda like my original cases that I was on probation for to begin with. I got grabbed by the jump out boys not even 100 feet from the on ramp to 290, got an I-bond and less than 3 weeks later got nabbed again and had a $50,000 D-bond ($5,000 to walk) but luckily only had to sit for 2 days and bonded out. Both times I got lucky as fuck to that the cops were nice enough to park my truck on the street and not impound it. But this last time I had a warrant for a vop. Supposedly my PO sent me a letter saying I had court (didn't get shit) so I get pulled over leaving work one day and the cop comes back after running my lisence and arrests me for a failure to appear warrant. So I get to court and the judge isn't there that day, so I get a one month continuance, go back to court after sitting in there for a month and he gives me 120 days (4 months) county time in the "drug program" after already sitting for a month, so I was locked up in that hell hole for a total of 5 months. The only thing worse than being in jail is being in rehab in jail. You have to get up at 7am every day and go to meetings all day until 3:30 but can't lay back down on your bunk or even play cards until 5:30. I'm high as fuck right now. It took me over an hour to write all this cuz I keep nodding out, lol.
Hi all,from England here and check out the Chi thread most days.You sure get some shit from the police compared to us.I live outside a big city and drive in to score nearly every day .I've done this over 1000 times and have been stopped once for car paperwork.
There's no openair,phone numbers only and plenty of them since the dreaded drought of 2010 ended a couple of years ago.
The dealers are all Asian-Pakistani or Indian and typically sell B and W-heroin and crack .
If you were found to have a bag or two on you not much would happen,prob just take it off you .
Oh yeh what happened to Itchy Scratchy ?
That was kinda like my original cases that I was on probation for to begin with. I got grabbed by the jump out boys not even 100 feet from the on ramp to 290, got an I-bond and less than 3 weeks later got nabbed again and had a $50,000 D-bond ($5,000 to walk) but luckily only had to sit for 2 days and bonded out. Both times I got lucky as fuck to that the cops were nice enough to park my truck on the street and not impound it. But this last time I had a warrant for a vop. Supposedly my PO sent me a letter saying I had court (didn't get shit) so I get pulled over leaving work one day and the cop comes back after running my lisence and arrests me for a failure to appear warrant. So I get to court and the judge isn't there that day, so I get a one month continuance, go back to court after sitting in there for a month and he gives me 120 days (4 months) county time in the "drug program" after already sitting for a month, so I was locked up in that hell hole for a total of 5 months. The only thing worse than being in jail is being in rehab in jail. You have to get up at 7am every day and go to meetings all day until 3:30 but can't lay back down on your bunk or even play cards until 5:30. I'm high as fuck right now. It took me over an hour to write all this cuz I keep nodding out, lol.
Haha! I was out like a light last nite! I'm kinda pissed cause I feel like I wasted my high a bit but my body was so damn tired. I needed sleep, good sleep. On to today lol...
Hi all,from England here and check out the Chi thread most days.You sure get some shit from the police compared to us.I live outside a big city and drive in to score nearly every day .I've done this over 1000 times and have been stopped once for car paperwork.
There's no openair,phone numbers only and plenty of them since the dreaded drought of 2010 ended a couple of years ago.
The dealers are all Asian-Pakistani or Indian and typically sell B and W-heroin and crack .
If you were found to have a bag or two on you not much would happen,prob just take it off you .
Oh yeh what happened to Itchy Scratchy ?

Shit, I was locked up with dudes that got popped off for 1 and 2 bags. One guy in his late 40s early 50s was facing 10 years for 1 fucking bag because of his background. The cops here are dicks like that. Once in a while there are some cops that'll just dump the 1 or 2 bags and tell ya get the fuck outta here. Especially if they run your name and you have no criminal history. But jail and prison incarceration is big business here in the U.S. and especially Cook County.
On another note, itchyscratchy hasn't popped in here in a while. I hope dudes alright. He'd be happy to know that he has achieved international recognition, he's got fans in England asking about him, lol.
What do you mean by B and W- Heroin and Crack?
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Brown and white ,you can get powder coke but all the Asians that punt the heroin also sell crack.

:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:XYou dont need to put that on here i am deleting you account i am the owner pf this site so goodbye:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.
You're so right. But just imagine what type of person do you have to be in order to sell dope? Knowing that it's destroyin that persons mind and life, knowing that they can die any day from it, knowing that all your money is going to them, and knowing that you'll do anything you possibly can in order to get that fix. I honestly feel like many dope dealers love the fact that people need them like that and how they basically have us by the balls. Go here go there, wait here wait there. It gives them a feeling of empowerment and being needed like that is something that is lacking in their lives outside of dope dealing. These people are also slaves..but it's for money not for dope. I guess they're in a better spot temporarily, but jail time is inevitable when you're selling something that can kill so easily. I remember my old guy burned me once for 60$. I was sick as fuck and this was the 2nd time dealing with him. We drove to the spot, I give him my money and he leaves. Never comes back. That was the worst feeling of my life. Sitting there knowing he wasn't going to come back and being in a place that's not safe and withdrawing. He called me the next day and said his buddy went on him but it was all bullshit. How soulless do you have to be in order to leave someone sick like that and take their money? At least give me 20$ worth you stupid motherfucker. I eventually cut him off and started going to his main guy and it felt so good. But how pathetic is that? He burned me and I still called him because I didn't have anyone else for raw. We let these people walk all over us, but don't even care because all we care about is dope. I'm like "I don't even care if you burned me, just answer your phone because I need something." That was after he went over on me and wouldn't answer his phone. Straight cunt shit.

Well it also shows how economically deprived some ppl r in order to resort to selling drugs. Come on man, these ppl do as a means of survival. Some, not all obviously.
Changing pace on the thread....lets come up with some ways to realistically get off the dope. Lets hear some post of ppl with a strategy to taper down and get off the dope! Id like to hear someone that could maybe give me a 1 to 3month game plan to where i could taper down and get off? What do u guys think? What are some things i could do to get off? And lets not do rehab or methadone. Im primarily interested in a taper down strategy.
Changing pace on the thread....lets come up with some ways to realistically get off the dope. Lets hear some post of ppl with a strategy to taper down and get off the dope! Id like to hear someone that could maybe give me a 1 to 3month game plan to where i could taper down and get off? What do u guys think? What are some things i could do to get off? And lets not do rehab or methadone. Im primarily interested in a taper down strategy.

The most important parts about a successful taper is discipline and self control. To do a successful taper you are going to have to allow yourself to feel a certain amount of discomfort during certain times of the process. Also, you have to teach yourself to use only enough to be straight and not get "high". You can't get a couple weeks into the process and talk yourself into believing you are doing such a good job that you deserve a "treat" and do a bunch to get high because it'll be a big set back and potentially ruin all your work up to that point.
Agreed !!! Self control and discipline is the key part here when you wanna taper down your usage and quit. I've done this many times before with a success and managed to stay clean for as long as I wanted. The longest was 5 years! But I do this quite often...I use like crazy for few months and. then one day I decide to quit for a month let's say. So from a 0.5 gram a day (5 bags) I'll go and do 2-3 bags the next day , still gets me high for the whole day, ... The following day I'll do 2 bags..still high for that day and 1 bag next day to get me through the day and 1 bag on the next and final day. Suboxone helps if you have some for the next couple of days but I've done it without subs many times and I was all right. Of course heroine is so addictive that you'll find a way to use it again even when you are sober for months of time . That's why there is so many recovery programs out there. I went through one myself and it helped me a lot! It's free and I think it's the best one in US. PM me if you want more info.... And as always.. stay safe!
Changing pace on the thread....lets come up with some ways to realistically get off the dope. Lets hear some post of ppl with a strategy to taper down and get off the dope! Id like to hear someone that could maybe give me a 1 to 3month game plan to where i could taper down and get off? What do u guys think? What are some things i could do to get off? And lets not do rehab or methadone. Im primarily interested in a taper down strategy.

I think a good strategy would be to take a couple days to figure out what is the bare minimum amount that you need to get through the day to stay well without actually getting high. Then go from there where you would go a week using that amount and then the following week cut it down to one less "hit" per day. So if week one you were using 1 bag/5 times per day then week two go to 1 bag/4 time per day and always make sure you are saving your "hits" for important times like 1 before you go to work and one before you go to bed and the others as needed throughout the day. Those 2 are going to be the hardest to get past, the morning "hit" and before bed "hit". So when you are down to say 1 bag a day then you'd probably want to split it into a half before work and a half before bed.
Glad we are talking about the subject of tapering, because it prevents a lot of unnecessary suffering but that doesnt make it easy to do lol.
Yeah I would say itchy should be honored going international lol Im laughing my ass off about that over here.
So everyone make sure u get on later tonight...Saturday BL Nights! lol.
Nice. I see some good advice out there. Imma def try this starting Monday and track my progress. Im thinking maybe taper a 3to 4 week process. Cuz i also want to be sure im eating right, working out,etc. Appreciate the comments! And its not a getting the dope issue, or money issue. So now is when i would actually want to try to quit insteas of waiting til im fucked up and withdrawing. And i think the "treat" part Woosa mentioned was spot on. And to be discipline enough ONly to do what i need and not enough to get high. The first step for me will be to figure whats my starting point gonna be?! 4bags a day? 3? Idk.
Glad we are talking about the subject of tapering, because it prevents a lot of unnecessary suffering but that doesnt make it easy to do lol.
Yeah I would say itchy should be honored going international lol Im laughing my ass off about that over here.
So everyone make sure u get on later tonight...Saturday BL Nights! lol.

LOL, SBLNL, Saturday Blue Light Night Live.
Yeah tapering is definitely not easy. But if you have the means, tapering straight off the dope, imo, is better than going on methadone or suboxone and trying to taper off one of those.

Nice. I see some good advice out there. Imma def try this starting Monday and track my progress. Im thinking maybe taper a 3to 4 week process. Cuz i also want to be sure im eating right, working out,etc. Appreciate the comments! And its not a getting the dope issue, or money issue. So now is when i would actually want to try to quit insteas of waiting til im fucked up and withdrawing. And i think the "treat" part Woosa mentioned was spot on. And to be discipline enough ONly to do what i need and not enough to get high. The first step for me will be to figure whats my starting point gonna be?! 4bags a day? 3? Idk.

I would say allowing yourself a little longer period of time to taper would be better. Only giving yourself a couple weeks might be unrealistic of you take into consideration how long you've been using and how often you use. Even if you've only been using for a shorter period of time, like 1 year, you've most likely incorporated dope into a lot of your daily routines. So you wanna give yourself time to get a feel for what some of your daily activities are like without getting high. Like you mentioned working out. That's something you aren't gonna wanna do feeling shitty but if you use beforehand you will actually start to feel wd's sooner after working out. I would say 3 months is a realistic goal for tapering off of a 1 to 3 year habit. Now, for someone who's been using for 5 years, 10 years, and more, a heroin taper would probably take 6 months to a year. My father has had 3 liver transplants, 2 kidney transplants, and both knees and hips replaced. He's been on fentanyl patches, dilaudid, oxycodone, opana, ms contin and norco. Every time he's done with pain management his doctor would taper him off over a 6 to 8 month period even though there is no more pain and my dad swears he has never had wd's by the time he's off everything.