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Shadow People: Stories + Theories

I saw them whilst driving one night when I'd been awake for days, I stopped and got out to stomp on them but they hide!
Never had a hallucination in the form of "people" on amps but I've sure seen some very weird shadows, most likely due to sleep deprivation over the span of 3-4 days. The shadows looked more like branches of a tree or large black feathers waving in the wind.
I've done many drugs in my day. My preference are amphetamines. I once stayed up on meth, and had seen the devil in my dealers face. Red hot, snickering at me. Laughing hysterically almost in a mocking way. Also. Another time I felt as though a shadow person, or some kind of demon had sex with me while I lay awake trying to sleep. It wasn't bad, and I knew it was really there. I felt everything.
My first post folks!!
I will agree with what was said by many of the likely better experienced and (may I say) awesome crowd of those who have blazed their message across this wall of cyberspace before me... There is one note to add though. It's been awhile since I went there but after 3 days max with no sleep the shadow people seemed to be the most devious individuals imaginable. I would freak out thinking they were planning things too graphic for film. Yet on the first evening after using. While sitting outside enjoying a cig, I would always tend to watch the trees blowing in the wind. That is when the shadow people (often all of them ladies at the time, I admit) almost seemed like decent folks, as they danced around on the wind I just couldn't bear to look away. Then I would realize on day three that this was simply a ploy to keep me docile so they could harvest my earliest memories one by one.
Thanks for reading and I really enjoyed the rest of the thread, great comments my fellow tweaks of both current and former nature
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Ever since the first time I used adderal, it was only 30mg and I hadn't staid up the night before, that night I saw full on people, that I could stare straight at and hear them, describe every detail about them, and no matter how little or high of a dose or what add Med it is, I have always Seen these at night and always wondered what it was, then found this but was confused cuz Its happened every time, Never had to stay up a night before and the hallucinations we're 100% real looking, I can't tell if they are real or not and they don't disappear when looked at. Not only that but every night I do this, from like 3am to 6am I just go insane, I'll text random people for 3 hours straight and not look away from the screen and whatever I said is just some random thing and would just re write another long ass thing to them saying the exact same thing, just worded differently, and there's all this other stuff that happens that I feel like is insanity, like I get so confused and it can be about something so simple but I'll scream and just go crazy about how impossible it is to understand it. And one time I was home alone and for 5 hours I just stared at a lamp and I remember it was cuz the lamp is near a room I was waiting for somebody to come out. And the insanity will just stop in an instant. But yeah, i dont understand it, I cld take 5mg of adderall, not feel anything from it, them at night I just go complete nuts. Oh well, guess I just gotta live with it.
They are nothing more than the paranoid imaginings of a mind that has received little rest or sustenance for a prolonged period.

Or; a sure-fire sign to put down the pipe and get to bed! =D

This all the way, no to mention meth is notorious for these sleep deprived, paranoid delusions of shadow people. I just ignore them, try sleep and a benzodiazepine next time you've become paranoid of these stimulant psychosis induced moving shadow figures. And yes, possible solution: give the stim a break, if not expect worse paranoia and more disturbed ideas nurtured by delusions.
True stories of "shadow people" & "real hallucinations of people that are not real"

There is a big difference to seeing "shadow people" and seeing "people" on meth. Now I've known people who see shadow people straight away after doing one big IV shot, but this is always from paranoia as they will be peeking out the peek hole in the front door or something like that and think they see a person inside a dark car in the drivers seat, at night time. But when I would open the door and tell them no definitely not, they'd realize nothing is there looking at the car with the door open. Yet when I close the door, they get paranoid again and look through the door peek hole and see the shadow person in the car again, falling back into the same paranoia. Trust me I've experienced the same thing one time and it's easy to fall back into the old paranoia when you actually do see a person in the car through the peek hole, but open the door and they're gone. The way the peek hole changes your vision to a fish eye lens has to help with that particular "shadow person" effect.

Now on the other hand, the only way I was ever able to see FULL REAL COMPLETELY DETAILED PEOPLE, at a distance, and then up close even. Was when I was up for 5 days STRAIGHT NO SLEEP, no napping, no passing out, NO BLACKING OUT, NO SLEEP OK. THE ONLY WAY TO DO THIS IS BY INJECTING LARGE AMOUNTS AND EATING WELL + taking supplements even, such as magnesium citrate, potassium, calcium, & sodium(this will help your muscles from not seizing up and cramping, as all these electrolytes all are involved in muscle movements and the ability to hydrate your muscles.) Because if you're vaping/smoking this much, eventually your body will stop your lungs from absorbing any more of it and you'll pass out. (although it's dangerous to IV large amounts+not sleep for this long, you might have a nervous breakdown or something similar.)

I only saw them once okay, but I was still in a decent frame of mind, no delusional thinking. I was standing outside, smoking a cigarette at night, about 2-3am and I was just looking around with my eyes randomly as most people do smoking alone. Then I happened to look two houses down at a neighbors driveway, they had a car parked on the street right next to their mailbox and they had 3 people washing the car, clear as day, at 3am on a weekday....... also they had one person recording them washing the car with a video camera and he was crouched down in front of a bush, aiming his camera at them.

Well they were all looking intensely real so I decided I had to find out if they actually were or not, fuck the fear of seeing this random shit, I had to know. So I (don't drive on meth, I don't at all except for the fact that I was just going 2 houses down and then turning around) got into my car and drove towards them, as I got within 10 feet of them, and they all looked 100% exactly real, as you or I would look from 10 feet away stone cold sober. Anyways I got within 10 feet of them and was staring at them and they all kinda disintegrated into wisps of cloud like material and became blurry as they all floated away around the car, then they were all gone. I drove back to my driveway and got out and went back to where I was smoking at when I first saw them and I looked back at that area and they were no longer there. Where I saw the guy recording in front of the bush was just an indent in the bush where another bush was. And where I saw the 3 people washing the car was nothing. The car and the mailbox were still there however. Now you may say I saw the mailbox and car morph into those people or something but, I didn't see any kind of blurry effect or morph or anything the whole time, except for when they dispersed. So label my experience as what you may, but just know I've had friends who stay up for 5 days and fall asleep for 6hours total during that time, and don't see any people, then pass out.
This can actually be some scary shit!

It happened to me once (and never again, fortunately ;) ) couple of years ago.

I did lots of (european) speed/amphetamine -was very strong stuff- and didn't sleep for 5-6 days.
At that time I lived at my moms house and was selling weed.
On the 5th day I started seeing 'people' (seriously. as funny as it might sound, it was frightening.)
And just like the OP I'm Not talking about “shadow people“,
'they' were as real as you and me.
I thought they wanted to rob me, because of my weed-activities.

Of course I knew that staying up for days on stimulants can fuck with your head, but I have never before experienced real hallucinations. (Psychedelics which I have lots of experience with, cause visuals but no hallucinations)

So I didn't know what to think really. 'They' were clever,ambidextrous and criminal masterminds. XD Well, it was at least the way I perceived 'them'.

All this was happening for hours. Ended with my mum calling the cops and an ambulance after I threw a Molotov cocktail,

Lot of other things happened during this madness.

Absolut madness!

As you can imagine, this put me off stims for quite some time. ;)
What you're talking sounds more like delirium or psychosis than what most people think of as "shadow people"
3gs of 2-FA snorted/bombed over about 2 and a half days, slept like 6 hours with the help of GBL

Woke up and snorted 3.5g 4-MMC/Mephedrone over next 2 days slept 4-6 hours with GBL

Woke up and did around 300 mg of amp sulphate and 4 mg of kpins over like 12 hours, decided to rectally dose 50 mg of amp + around 10-15 mg 4-HO-MET (shrooms basically), but forgot that I snorted about 50 mg and bombed 50 mg around 30 mins earlier. I think the rectal solution may of had some mephedrone in it because I mixed it the night before as well. I was a fucking idiot and in major psychosis already making these decisions.

Went to smoke a cig, then all the sudden it hits me like a freight train... started fucking running for no reason and it was like 20 degrees outside and I lived on a main road but not many people driving.

So basically it was like 1 AM and I'm just running in a bathrobe on the sidewalk of a busy road...After about a half mile I notice wtf I'm doing. Lucky only a couple people passed me but I bet they were fucking confused. Then all the sudden there's an army of people in front of me. Detailed people who I tried to talk to and would disappear when I got close to them. Realized they were really ghost looking and knew I was hallucinating or died and went into the spirit world. So I bolted home and started screaming when I got inside to see them everywhere in my apartment, because I kept forgetting I was hallucinating and they weren't real. They looked like really old people who were like malicious. Someone called cops because they heard me screaming. Cops show up I open the door like a fucking idiot and they just raid the house and I get busted with tons of shit. When I was talking to the cop after I had handcuffs on I just said "And why the fuck are there frogs in my house...there fucking everywhere!?"

Wicked embarrassing they wrote in police report I was on bath salts.
Last week my girlfriend and I were on our day three shit(you know what I mean lol) doing our usual shards and crafts and having a good ole time. I had the weirdest feeling that a third person was there with us, but it wasn't a creepy vibe or anything. It felt like it was someone I knew really well, like a best friend who I was totally okay with chilling with us while my girlfriend and I tweak out in our underwear all night.

The next day my girlfriend randomly explains to me in that awesome day four stupor that she "felt like someone else was in the house with us last night but it wasn't odd feeling, it was very comfortable". (I hadn't said anything to her about me feeling the same way).

Needless to say we tripped out for a long while on the fact that we shared that same vibe without knowing it and proceeded to name our "shadow friend" and still talk to him/blame things on him/joke with him/find solace in his presence that he will protect us from the other mean shadow people
Ive experienced similar things, which has its ups and downs. Can be freaky as hell! To, for instance, see a shadow flash by in the corner of your eye or really feel someone (something?) standing behind you. Especially if you are on a speed race or on mind altering drugs. Anyway, I think some substances / disorders / states of mind makes it possible to get closer to parallel universes / other dimensions etc.
That's kind of scary. I think that should be a sign that you need to slow your roll. It may "feel" comfortable but it will turn to the devil soon and you'll be in some serious trouble!
Friends don't usually take an extremely long time plotting my inevitable death, or running a train on a vivisected prostitute outside my tent.

So no- fuck the shadow people, they never have failed to fuck with my head and put me into very real and dangerous situations.
What you're talking sounds more like delirium or psychosis than what most people think of as "shadow people"

I actually was in quite a sound mindset on day 5 when I saw the people washing the car with one guy recording, that vanished as I got close. I remember it quite vividly and thinking to myself, "well I don't want any more strange unexpected things like that to randomly show up so I think it's time to drink some liquor and go to sleep asap" What helps not go into psychosis is electrolytes, nutrition, not doing too much meth, and keeping a low-dose of some sort of downer in your system, like 10mg valium or 0.5mg suboxone.