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Shadow People: Stories + Theories

the shadow people are currently ruining my life!
my boyfriend seems to be less mentally "stable" as myself and is experiencing the effects of meth psychosis (3-5 days after actual meth use)

can anyone help
Years ago I witnissed a shadow man walking down the streets while on the bus at the corner of my vision on dramamine. Very weird,
They are people who lost a shadow game with Yami Yugi and went to the shadow ream.
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WOW WOW golden thread Ive had my experience to very very very traumatic ended up in a phywayrd it was over 6 years ago and i still dont think i recovered from the post anxiety I will share it when I can be arsed to write it but im very facanated by this thread ive only got down a few posts and its like reading a horror book you brave souls! lol
Anyone seen an ugly humanish face with an evil smile and as it looks at you more and more you start to get nausea?

My friend told me a story about it once dont know if he just imagined it though but he seemed to be scary for him dont speak to him much now though
have had a similar experience on zolpidem
i dont do stims, just because i dont like it and here we only have a street market
no pharmaceutical like adderall and all

while completly wasted on zolpi, i was feeling presence all the time while being alone in the house
wasn't scary tho
kind of a wierd tho
have had a similar experience on zolpidem
i dont do stims, just because i dont like it and here we only have a street market
no pharmaceutical like adderall and all

while completly wasted on zolpi, i was feeling presence all the time while being alone in the house
wasn't scary tho
kind of a wierd tho

Nah cant have been that experience because my friend who I dont talk to anymore said the thing on eye contact made him more and more nauseaous to the point he felt he was gonna be sick and it would be smiling evily more and more as he felt more and more sick scarey shit just thinking about it makes him twitch inside
oh and obviously he was shit scared and terrified throughout the whole experience but I assumed that would go without saying he can't fully remember the feature on its face but boy he can remember enough
I have seen them on amphetimentes in the side of my eyes or at a distance always at a distance unfocused but their and I have been to scared to try and get a closer look the few times it has happened anyway
over-stimulation of the lymbic system resulting in a some booky-ass shitttttttt
It's shocking but I've never experienced seeing these shadow people or even flat out hallucinations. When I was 16 I took a full bag of shrooms with orange juice as my friend instructed me to. I was expecting to hallucinate and was excited to experience it. Although deep down absolutely terrified. During the entire trip I did not see any hallucinations, but rather it was a mental hallucination is the best way I can describe it. I was acting weird, goofy, thinking crazy things that were so incredible, but during the whole time I'm wondering why I'm not seeing cool things cuz my buddy said he saw neon green frogs jumping all over his room and he talked to them all night haha. But needless to say the trip turned dark once I looked in a mirror and need I not say more. I got so terrified because I could not control my bodies movement's so it took all the strength I had to run under my covers and pray as hard as I could to god to make it stop. And just like that, it did. I felt a wave of release, like tons of pressure being taken off my mind and body. It was absolutely incredible because after I felt it go away, I got up, took a deep breath, and went over to the mirror again and everything was normal. I know it most likely wasn't a spiritual thing that stopped the trip so abruptly like that, but rather me being able to control my thoughts and want something so desperately that it happened. I mean, our brains are fucking powerful lol. Too bad we only can tap into what, 30% of it? IDK. So this experience has always been a mystery to me because psychedelics basically make it so you can't do such a thing and you just trip. IDK. Whatever. Anyways, I've seen movement out of the corners of my eyes before, but only when I'm thinking about it. I've never had an auditory or visual hallucination with any drug unless I start thinking about it being a possibility. Meth though fucks with the deepest anxietys one has and for me that's always my health and if I'm going to die from a Heart attack or something. It's ridiculous and I don't know why I do such a retarded drug when all it does is ultimately make me have constant panic and anxiety attacks. So downers are more my vibe I guess, but for some reason I love to test the waters and the boundaries with substances and I don't know why. I guess for my own personal knowledge and experiences but Meth has been the only shit that I can't seem to get away from and it's main purpose is just that. It's evil, it's a shadow person in itself, always following you around in the back of your mind, especially if you have an addictive personality. Let me tell you. Shit. Stuffs incredible for the first 6-8 months if you're lucky, and then it turns to the complete opposite never to return. The shadow man, now shadows you every where you go for the rest of your life whether u quit or not. Well that might not be true, ayahuasca promises to cure any addiction and turn your life around completely. I need to try that shit for real. Fuck this Meth shit it's weak and petty af
I know people who call these speed creatures.

I'm afraid to go up my stairs in my house so I run ever time, sober. Ever since I've seen speed creatures chasing me up the stairs
Once they show up it is time to go the fuck to bed yo!! It puzzles me that almost everyone sees the same thing though, seeming to suggest it not as simple to explain as a sleep deprived hallucination.
Once they show up it is time to go the fuck to bed yo!! It puzzles me that almost everyone sees the same thing though, seeming to suggest it not as simple to explain as a sleep deprived hallucination.

Why? It doesn't seem to puzzle anybody that drugs' primary effects are pretty much the same for most people, e.g opioids produce anxiolysis, sedation, nods in higher dosages; amphetamines produce increased focus and energy, increased libido etc. Why is it so weird that the delirious states induced by amphetamine abuse would be similar as well? It would appear weird to me if they were different.

It's not just amps. Hardcore GABAergic withdrawal a la alcohol or benzos produce hallucinations/delirium very similar in nature among different people. Same goes for anticholinergic hallucinogens (not to be confused with psychedelics) like datura. Again - it would be more strange if the hallucinations were of different nature.
That's not what I ment by it, lol. Everyone sees these shadow people poking there heads around the corner and staring at you, but what if it's not a hallucination? Kinda like the same way children are more prone to see the paranormal, maybe these shadows are a real thing but it takes that certain state of mind too see them.

It's a conspiracy I'm working out
I've never seen people, my ex did, I've been up 12+days. I started seeing shadow animals, like a deer standing there looking at me, or a dog run past.
I thought they were demon type things that wiggle their way into your reality after drugs and or sleep deprivation damages your psyche , allowing them access into your space.
I was sleeping and hadn't been up for days or anything, ( I would take pills at night to sleep and I drank alot of liquor.) when I experienced the worst of them , but stimulants like meth and bathsalts crumble my mind to pieces . I'm just not cut out for them. I did em anyway though , and enough times for the so called shadow things to come... . So ...... What I thought was going to be an ordinary crappy day at work.......
Ok the WHOLE store started to fill with , well ... Shadow people. They were lanky and taller then me , some probably around the same height. I'm short so.....
Man , I was hanging up clothes at Goodwill , trying to ignore what was happening and keep my cool around customers / Co workers . I've heard of this happening to people before. I knew why it was happening .
The whole store was full of them, they were just wandering around . Some would come and linger by me . Maybe try to get my attention by staring at me . Didn't see eyes but I didn't look for eyes and anyway I'm pretty sure they were looking at me.
They were EVERYWHERE , even outside the windows . coming in and out of the store
50-60 at least. It was crazy.
I just tried to be brave and ignore them . Fear or acknowledgment of them would probably just of made it worse.
I think just knowing that " shadow people" were a common experience amongst users , helped me to deal with it. I knew right away when I saw them , that must be what people were talking about.
LOL, they are expressions of your mind's ability to see enough to make rational decisions, except raised to a whole new level:

Your mind calculates sees what is possible. Your enhanced capability to extrapolate possible "futures" is projected into the "mind field" for you to enjoy as a visual reality. Or not (if you get my meaning), LOL

Shadow people are an extension of the over-activated ability that we naturally use to "survive".

Scary, no?
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