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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Oh man; a bell ringer. That's enough to pique my curiosity. I regret ever doing hard though. I never understood the compulsion (my birth mother was a crack addict for many years) until I did it myself. And the self-loathing and hatred when it's all gone? God, that ALONE is enough to keep my curiosity at bay LOL. I have to ask though; does it hit harder like that or last longer? What's the point in doing it like that?

I know, this thread started off awesome but fizzled. Ha, I was telling one of my friends on here through PM I thought the guy asking about pizza places was actually using slang. Then, I literally laughed out loud when I saw that he really WAS looking for good pizza joints lmfao.

My ex punched me in the mouth Sunday night over a custody issue so I have a fat lip, bruised face and really just sick and tired of all the drama. Our kids are with their grandma while I find a place to live far away from him. I just want to be warm and sleepy right now. I have a lot of regrets ever staying with someone so abusive as long as I did. :(
I did my last shot yesterday. I need to quit. Can't afford it like I used to. I drained my savings buying the shit. Ugh Thousands. And I tried to shoot in my foot and its swollen. It's gone down a lot so that's a good thing but I need to give it up for a little while. Like WOA, I have subs too but I enjoy the high of h so much more.

Eastwood, I think someone on here said if you looked up his nose, you'd see a mansion, cars, etc. I added up the amount of money I spent on this shit in just 6 months once and it was jaw dropping. Multiply that by 8 years plus two people when I was still with my ex and it's just pathetic! I wonder how I'd be right now had I never touched this shit, let's not even mention banging it.

I'm in recovery. Not allowed to talk to you derelicts! Especially you WOA! LMAO!
I aint got shit to say. Went to a wedding last night. Open bar...
That's all I gots to say about that.
I've been on the kick lately but had to pick up a jab just for that occasion, cause I would be really not fun to be around, otherwise.
Went through a whole jab in a night.
So it's back to the sub today and hopefully, eventually of off that.
Yeah, you can slam crack, Monchichi.
Later folks.

Itchyscratchy, believe it or not, the last 6 weddings I went to were CASH BARS. Now, I know not everyone can afford some lavish crazy wedding and I'm totally okay with that. But all of these families were well off and spent stupid amounts of money on shit that dies in 3 days (real flowers for every table, stupid chair coverings, etc) but make me pay $6 per drink. Fuck that. Hope you had a good time!
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Oh my Goood I Want to scream. I picked up some super Shitty h yesterday. Shot all three dubs at once and barely felt high. I have no money now. I'm looking at little to no work today so I won't be getting paid much Friday. I have NO WEED and I think that's the worst part. No h, no weed, nothing recreational at all.

Living with my brother really sucks sometimes. He is verbally /emotionally abusive especially toward his son. I try to protect him but my brother is just too angry to stop. He has been ranting for the last 1.5hours... over something trivial. Its sad to listen to.

I wish I could take sub now. I mean SHIT, its been 19 hours since my last shot of h. Yesterday I used at the 30hour mark and was barely sick. This is gonna be rough. I am contemplating knocking myself out with seroquel, the only thing I have. But, what if my buddy calls, heading down to Rockford, Ill wanna come with... he always shares.

I'm guilty of browsing the thread and not posting for a while lol. Let's get this thread crackn again. Don't make me post the offical team nod assemble logo lol.
Itchy ur guna have to inbox me. This urban safari ur going on, Iol I was down there this weekend. It wasn't to hot if that's any comfort plus there's a lot of ppl out. So u can blend in (if u can lol).
On another note, I went down there again at 1am cold copping (try not to ever do this, worst case scenario lol) and I actually scored surprisingly.
I still prefer the raw phone connect over hitting the block anyday.
I've walked down the D block & had the police going up the wrong way on the one way just peering into my soul.

For all u newbies hitting the block, if u look at the cops in the eye & ur scared, they will see the fear in ur eyes and hop out the car on u. Good luck anyway lol
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I'm guilty of browsing the thread and not posting for a while lol. Let's get this thread crackn again. Don't make me post the offical team nod assemble logo lol.
Itchy ur guna have to inbox me. This urban safari ur going on, Iol I was down there this weekend. It wasn't to hot if that's any comfort plus there's a lot of ppl out. So u can blend in (if u can lol).
On another note, I went down there again at 1am cold copping (try not to ever do this, worst case scenario lol) and I actually scored surprisingly.
I still prefer the raw phone connect over hitting the block anyday.
I've walked down the D block & had the police going up the wrong way on the one way just peering into my soul.

For all u newbies hitting the block, if u look at the cops in the eye & ur scared, they will see the fear in ur eyes and hop out the car on u. Good luck anyway lol

HA! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO true and one reason why I won't cold cop unless it's dire straits. Even if I'm driving along doing the speed limit, sober as a judge and holding nothing; as soon as a cop gets behind me, I start swerving, getting scared. They know it too.
WOA, you break my heart every time I read your posts. I wish I could help you girl.
JJ, what up brother from another mother. That's why I always have a couple drinks before I go on safari. Takes that nervous edge out of it. Seriously it helps. No chichi, I would have gone the burning bed on that motherfucker.
Sorry to hear that. Chilling with some shit that my buddy gave me.
I love my friends(fucked up as they may be.)
Love y'all.
JJ, aren't you of African persuasion? I'd be more worried about getting shot, than po-po.
Peace dude.
WOA I usually wait about 12-24 hours and just take a small piece of a sub. I have never gotten sick from it. I wanted to get some shit today and the dude even text me and asked if I wanted some but I can't afford it right now. Ughhh. The dude who gets it for me steals power tools and whatever he can get his hands on to pawn. I just can't risk it with my son
Yeah I'm of African persuasion lol (I like the way u put that lol). I'm more scared of cops. Besides a possible stray bullet.

Are u carcasian itchy? If so I could see why u would be a bit more scared of being targeted.
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I don't know if I have so much dope in my system but I can take a half of a sub(6mil) 24 hours after using and I go into instant withdrawal. I never know when to take the sub. It's definitely not a substitute for good H.
I have sooo many strips! I personally hate subs. I don't see them as any kind of a substitute for H. It fucks with my use. Cause it seems like as soon as I take one, one of my friends comes through with a mercy bag. Maybe I'll just dump the subs. Idk.
Yeah, JJ, I'm of "carcassion" persuasion. Lol! Dude, if I was black...sweet Jesus...lawdy lawdy!! I would have no problem copping! I remember when I used to work at Madison/Pulaski, used to get fucked with 3 times out of 5 working days. That was before I even knew what dope was.
Yeah, JJ, I stick out like like a sore thumb. Shit, I seem to be more paranoid with each time I go there. You would think I would be used to it. I think it's because now,I buy jabs, instead of bags. And they can throw distribution charge at me. Usually, my buddy picks it up. The dude will deliver if you buy 8 jabs or more.
The most I ever bought is 5 jabs.
My boy has the shit delivered all the time.
Be good, folks.
JJ, if I ever go south, I should look you up, man. Yeah, I've only slammed a few times, not long enough to fall in love with. I find it kind of unnatural to be sticking your self to get high.
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God Damn it. I got on sub after waiting like 30some hours. Was sweating like a mock, had all symptoms but the shitstorm for whatever reason. I'm thinking Cuz I haven't been eating much(?). Anyway, my friend called around 11am, just about 5hrs after using sub, said he caved and went to rockford... so he picked me up and I did a pretty big shot. Didn't feel much. I'm back home now while he is getting a tour at Simmons, he needs a job ASAP or he will get contempt of court and probably be put in jail for unpaid child support. Gonna call me afterward and let me know if he can spare another shot. If so, I'm gonna try saving it till morning so that I can work. I'm pretty irritated that I used so soon after going through the struggle. Daaaaamn it sucked wd'ing. It was the restless legs that killed me most. Having no weed made it unbearable.

I'm kinda lost, it seems. I wish I had benzos. Sucks Cuz my bro takes klonopin and I can't steal any right now because he only has what he needs left this month. He'd know I took some. I have NO money since I got ripped off two days ago... Fuckin bitch.

Itchy I appreciate your concern ....its semi encouraging. I'm glad to hear you WANT off, out, however you wanna word it. This is a tough game we are playing... will we be victims or victors? Time will tell. Pass me the green, somebody! Maaaan. I'm gonna try getting a nug off a buddy tonight. If I feel like being out late. I'm also hoping one of my buds cows over with some hard, or powder. Did last night, walked into the house, up to my room and woke me up, in the midst of withdrawal with a bag of coke. Hate doing coke while wd'ing but I couldn't help it. Shot some, only twice... wasn't too strong at all. A little disappointing but it was free. Said he'd make some dough today, call me and come over with powder and or diesel.I don't knooooooow. Peace!
WOA, my comment wasn't meant to be encouraging. Just a simple observation. Shit, I hope your friend comes through. 30 hours?! Thats what I'm saying, WHEN are you supposed to take this shit???!
Be careful girl.
My buddy got me two jabs, I owe him five bags. I hate giving up my shit but that's the way it goes.
Damn WOA I don't know whether to respect you or have you be a force to reckoned with but I SURE as HELL could not even think of doing coca cola when I was anywhere near a WD stage, let alone IN WD's!! Especially even more with no benzos! Just reading about what you are portraying makes me cringe! Stop the self-masochism! LOL... And itchy, I know "the struggle is real bro" hahaz, but at least it keeps you out of harms way with LEO's and getting caught up. That shit is priceless! Good nite to get high and stay high, especially with the weather in forcast for the next couple days..I know I will get rained out since I am an ironworker (i.e. steel erection ;) bridge building and maintenance, and ReBar) so since it's all construction work via union all I have to do when it rains is show up to the job site and as long as we get rained out we get paid our 2 hours regardless, and if we work and it doesn't rain until after 11:00 then we get paid 5 hours and get to skate out! So I will be a happy boy rest of tonight and tomorrow since today was such a beautiful day to go out to the city and grab some party favors ;) which you best damn believe I did! Beautiful driving and like NO serious traffic except the usual 290 shit.. Life is good today lol! Everyone take care and be safe!
O yeah Eastwood smart decision there in regards to your son! That's the shit I like to hear! I get that we're all opiate fiends here but even opioidicts have to have priorities and boundaries at some point/time/line!
Itchy you make me laugh. I know you may not have meant to be encouraging I guess what I meant was that it's nice sometimes to have somebody at least say something with 'I give a shit' resemblance. We may not all know each other in real life, or on a first name basis but I think there is some kind of bond, all being addicts, opiate addicts (poly addict) in this case.

My one friend didn't come through today, but another did! Claimed he had a 50 bag but really turned out to be more like the equivalent of a couple dubs, or a dub and a dime. Either way, out was free. I gotta say, I've been lucky having so many people who are willing to help a sister out when there isnt much to get back in return... Other than my company and the knowing that I've got their back if need be. I'm a loyal friend to have.

Full work day tomorrow, and I'll be able to go in without issue since I've got a shot for morning. I'll have one more shot left after that. Either for night time or the next morning, depending on my level of self control. I'm reeeaally hoping my other buddy, Lowe, pulls through on that coke and,/or diesel. He is a bit tougher to gauge. One thing though, I got him into banging, I'd always hit for him, now he's doing it on his own. Good thing is he doesnt keep rigs on him or at his home, just does it at my place. Idk, though. I hate bringing ppl into that level of the game. It's serious shit!

Can't wait to put in some hours and get paid! Tristan I hear you regarding coke and withdrawal not being a good combo. I am generally in agreement with you there. However, the surge of feel goods in my body and mind was much needed. I figured I already felt like hell and a distraction would be nice, and it was;) I was in the armpit of w,/d.... Deep into it.Who could turn down free coke, esp IV coke. *drools*

Nod on, folks.
it's nice sometimes to have somebody at least say something with 'I give a shit' resemblance. We may not all know each other in real life, or on a first name basis but I think there is some kind of bond, all being addicts, opiate addicts (poly addict) in this case.

Yeah I agree. We should crucify the next person that closes the Chicago thead, esp without providing a link to another thread. Why punish us all? This is a support group I look forward to talking to. It gives one someone to talk to. Out of fear of being stigmatized, sometimes u can't voice the issues we may have. we may just help each other get our lives together..
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WOA I usually wait about 12-24 hours and just take a small piece of a sub. I have never gotten sick from it. I wanted to get some shit today and the dude even text me and asked if I wanted some but I can't afford it right now. Ughhh. The dude who gets it for me steals power tools and whatever he can get his hands on to pawn. I just can't risk it with my son

Eastwood, good for you. I have 3 of my own and I am sad to say, I wasn't always very considerate of them when I was in the throes of my addiction. :(
My friend (my ex boyfriend) just dropped off some dope here where I work. I just did that shot. I should've felt it more than I did, its been more than 30 hours since I sublingualed some suboxone. Idk how much sub I did... I guess maybe 8mg total. My guess is its still blocking. Man, I need to finagle another shot for tonight. Sucks being broke. My paycheck Friday will be tiny.

Ohhh, what a life Im living. I wish I was nodding out right now. I don't think he's gonna wanna spare another shot EVEN THOUGH he got hooked up on a gram (its more than). We'll see. Long as he thinks its not a waste sharing (sub blockage) there's a decent chance. Now I want some crack!! Lol.

I'm blasting an enormous monument at work at the moment. Not paying much attention.... Adiós! Where my junctional funkies at!?
Yeah WOA, I envy and admire people who can save their last shot for tomorrow! Knowing that you have to get up and go to work in the morning feeling like shit and you won't have any dope to get you through the day seems terrified and still ..you shoot your last one that same night. And me not having any access to subs or other substitutes for H it can be really big challenge to save some dope for the morning and many many times I fail