• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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Welcome to Bluelight Falcao! :)

GREAT choice on becoming a member to this excellent community.
What types of things have you been reading on this site as a lurker?
I'll admit, BL is probably one of the best places on the net to self educate about many things.
Enjoy it here and if you have any problems or questions, we're here to help.


Ninja edit: just noticed your join date.
What's been keepin ya from posting?
I'm sure you have at lease SOME good stuff to add to the collection of info here.
Dont be shy bro. %)
Hello , very new not sure where to start. I Hv significant ptsd anxiety and depressive disorder. Va has me on a ton of shit but I'd like to learn about alternatives! Just looking for some clarity in life , some peace after 20yrs and 5 deployments. So thanks and hello
Hey mblonde :) Make a thread tell us some more about yourself!

Hoping everyone is having a good day, I am :)
Happy Holidays people!

Hope you all have a good one for sure.
I'll be checkin in periodically as always, im just taking a break from welcoming new members for a bit.
Focusing more on getting back to writing rhymes, gotta get back to where i was at before my writers block.

But here's a message to an newcomers who see this..
Welcome To Bluelight! :)
If any of you need any help with the site just message me and ill do my best for ya.


Hello all and Happy belated New Year :D I am brand spankin new to this site (as a new 'contributer' if you will at least) but far from new to the mind altering agents that my luck dragon has dabbled in (he seems partial to the pharms in particular and certainly has no quams when it comes to sharing his experiences and the knowledge he has gained along the way) I welcome any pointers, tips, responses etc. as sometimes hands on practice leads to results detrimental to his luck and he may well benefit from the tried and true applications in these matters of others in 'the know', don't get me wrong he has shared some pearls of wisdom that have helped many a lay folk and would be delighted to continue doing so in a new venue :)
Hi everyone, new guy here, i made an introduction topic but I thought here might be a better place to get some conversation going:) wish everyone had aa good Christmas and has a great new year :)
I feel your pain, I also need to get "my shite together" if I want a life worth living, in the words of Dorothy Parker-
Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful,
Nooses give,
Gas smells awful.
You might as well live.”
You mean to tell us them 200,000 words [or something ridic] was just part 1? 8o
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