• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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Its All part of the process captain at least your honest with yourself.

You were off buprenorphine a lot longer then I have ever been jeez what's my record a week or two before going back to drugs? you were clean for going on a year wernt you? That's something to be proud of and at least now you know you got it in you to quit.

We're all here for you captain
I had over 7 months off it

I won't be putting myself through this again. I am simply not able to survive another withdrawal
Gets harder and harder I know man.

So it's another lengthy buprenorphine detox you have to go through again? Not heroin?
Word to that CH.
We are all getting too old to be going through wds.
(I don't know anyones age that im referring too, but seriously bday age dont matter, its "how much we been through" age im talkin bout and wds do sure make you feel old when gone through them so many times)
I honestly at 26 think im too old to be able to deal with another wd also.
BUT us humans are amazing creatures, we bounce back from hell over and over.
All you need is the mind set that you wont let the drugs win.. ever.
Keep this in your head like i do.. "I. Will. Not. Lose."

Like The Doc said, we're all here for ya bro.
We all fam here.

Gets harder and harder I know man.

So it's another lengthy buprenorphine detox you have to go through again? Not heroin?

Yes. I am pissed at myself. I could have just shot speed. It's easy for me to quit slamming speed. But what do I relapse on? Suboxone. :|
What is there to do on this site for fun? Where do you recommend i go? So far have been here and other drugs.

Now i went to the featured forum, add that to my travels.
And i learned you cant double post so now i know about editing in my old ones
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It depends on your interests. There are many forums to visit, Picture threads, art, politics, heavy stuff in the Dark side… The Lounge. Music threads.
So is this thread "the social" a place to ask questions like this?
Because to me, being a "social" would mean just a place to talk to others. If this is where i can meet new people and make friends i will likely stick around here if thats ok with everyone else. Or have I got it wrong?
Yep this is the social thread and the nice one where people don't make fun of you and don't act like dicks. If you enjoy making fun like that then you can go to the lounge but here we just get to know each other and keep in touch.
Oh so that´s why withdraw is taking so long..
As I view it, I had always thought that relapsing on Subs was not so bad, psychologically speaking not physically.
I would think that quitting "slamming speed", would often appear to be glued on bad reputation from society in general.
Don´t get me wrong please. I know you are going through hell, but a step ahead in life in general same would say.
Suboxone and methadone can have a worse withdrawal than Heroin… Oy!
I use methadone myself. And I know that. But that wasn´t my point..
Way different than quitting heroin, or street drugs. He´s better than that, some might say.
Nothing to do with withdraws
And not about heroin either.
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