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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

I agree with this, and a lot of what has been said in these past few posts. It has been almost a year - I am half-normal, half fucked by anxiety. Doing a lot better than I was on the dope. However I am somewhat of an extremist now in regards to my opinion on cannabis, due to the severe extent of the suffering in my life that was caused by weed abuse and has been ongoing since I quit.

I would have been better off as an IV heroin user - MUCH better off in the long term. I wouldn't have killed my head, fried my fucking brain developing crippling, extreme anxiety that I never thought was possible for a human to experience. This whole mental illness thing is completely new to me, ever since I ripped too many dabs and bong rips last year. Apart from constipation and addiction there aren't too many side effects with the opioids if you keep it under control, which I can manage reasonably well, along with any other drug on this Earth apart from weed. I've never fiended 50 hits a day from morning til night of anything else while never being satisfied, the selfish bastard of a pothead that I was. There wouldn't have been the risk of developing sudden onset full blown panic disorder after years of heavy use, since weed is the only drug that ever caused me panic symptoms as a side effect. I could never control my weed use since day 1. If I had a bag lying around, I was going to compulsively smoke way too much of it, more than I even needed to be high all day. And getting high just made me stupid and anxious. I'd be totally physically calm, except I'd be craving a hit because I was addicted to the disgusting filth. Then I'd get the shit in my head, and I'd have a full blown panic attack. I just called it "getting too high" back then so I didn't have to face the fact that I couldn't physically handle weed and never could, since it fucks my head with anxiety that I never had without weed in my life. Plus I didn't know the word "panic attack" back then, I didn't know they could be a sober reality. Now I know this all too well due to this addictive filth of a weed.

Don't say it just amplified my anxiety that I had to begin with. That's bullshit. I had normal levels of anxiety that were completely manageable as a sober person before I got hooked on pot. It CREATED anxiety, forms of physical anxiety/feelings of panic that I never, ever would have experienced without weed in my life. Makes me wonder why I would even smoke it if it never agreed with me - but then I remember, it's extremely addictive to me - and a pointless, brain damaging, miserable one at that considering I never even liked being high. Absolutely not worth it. Biggest regret and mistake of my life falling victim to that 'weed is harmless, smoke as much as you want' mentality. That was just a mental construct to strengthen the denial. I despised weed; I had uncontrollable cravings for it though and a psychotic obsession with it so I just went with it until one day I started getting the panic attacks from hell. That very quickly set me straight. I'll never touch this filth of a drug again and I don't miss it one bit. The fucking torture and agony I've been going through due to the existence of this bastard of a drug. I started at a young age, didn't know what the FUCK I was getting into until it was too late.

I have plenty of experience with hydromorphone, heroin, oxycodone, and various benzodiazipines. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has ever come close to fucking my mental health like that silly weed which consumed many years of my life. I am furious that I allowed this to happen to myself. I live with extreme, crippling anxiety now, all thanks to smoking too much of that retarded fucking weed. It never did me any good, I never learned a thing from it.

I ended up trying to use it to medicate chronic physical pain, as my stupid stoner mentality was that weed was a medicine for anything whatsoever, playing around with the hash oil and all. It wasn't doing shit, I still couldn't get out of bed and cook myself a meal yet it was "helping my pain". Plus I was too much of a burnout to bug the doctors enough. Now, I'm referred to like 4 specialists and a chronic pain clinic. This is because I have initiative without weed in my life, but cannabis destroys the part of my brain responsible for doing that. I was smoking so much of it that after nearly a year of abstinence I am still living with extreme forms of anxiety that so much as a year or two ago I didn't even know existed in sober life, and that I only ever use to experience after smoking too much weed.

I should have been using opioids to treat my chronic pain (since nothing else allows me to live without chronic pain). They don't turn me into a socially stupid dumbass with an inexplicable lack of self esteem, for one. The constant smoking was so unhealthy too. I also don't get obsessed with them, like how weed literally consumed my whole entire life and I spent $20,000 fucking dollars in a god damned year on a FUCKING PLANT that pretty much just made me stupid and lazy - and don't say I was stupid and lazy to begin with, because now that I quit I am picking up where I left off, after dealing with months of rebound depression mind you - going back to school for a second degree and getting my shit together finally. All of a sudden I am interested in all my old hobbies again, the lifelong makeup of my individuality which was stolen for a while by an evil weed. I was doing fuck all as a pothead but smoking my brains out, going nowhere in life even with a great degree. I was too demotivated and socially anxious from the weed abuse to make use of it back then. That has since been corrected. I am making use of my brain again.

Cannabis was a lying, deceiving, deluding, stupefying, and cheating bitch to me. I devoted my life to her, and she turned her back on me. I developed sudden onset full blown panic disorder one day, almost a year ago. The tiniest puff would send me into a full blown panic attack all of a sudden. Not to mention I have had hundreds to thousands of full blown panic attacks since I quit, and I never ever had a single sober one in my life before last year. So much miserable stress on the heart. Anxiety was always an issue for me when I was stoned, not anywhere near as much when I was sober, but a day came along where I couldn't physically handle a speck of weed anymore without risking a heart attack. My heart rate would skyrocket to very dangerous levels, almost like I smoked too heavy a hit of crack or something? Never done many stimulants, but it felt like a stimulant OD. Even after hammering my system with booze or other downers, that smidgen of marijuana would ruin my whole day and it would take multiple days for me to calm down from that insane, insane fear.

I may be damaged goods, but at least I'll die without a trace of that miserable, god damned THC in my system. Harmless, innocuous though right? Weed never hurt anyone - I call bullshit on that one. It hurt me very much.

This is basically the same as my experience, the only difference being that I absolutely loved the effects of the high. Videogames, movies, music was just so fun when stoned. I still miss the high and have not found anything that is similar, the closest being a second plat DXM dose, but even that feels different and heavy.

If science and medicine did not come up with so many bullshit lies to keep the drug war running, I could have believed the link...also I never knew it was considered a "psychedelic". I thought it was a pure depressant like alcohol in heavy doses or benzos/opiates...I jumped on the harmless thing and it took a few years but boy has it fucked up everything. The fear, I know that fear and it is irrational and intense. You lose all trust in yourself. Weed is very, very dangerous. Out of all the drugs on this planet, it is potentially the most dangerous. Sure, heroin may cause physical addiction and severe social problems, but weed can fuck up your brain for good.

I just wish I found "harder" drugs first. Now I do not understand how this is considered a soft drug and opiates considered hard?? Why is this? Another fallacy by the medical community to keep the Drug War ongoing?? sigh
I just can't stand the new legalization movement too, because more people will be feeling the pain that I had. I had no signs of mental illness, and it does not run in the family, yet my chronic weed smoking caused me to get extreme anxiety for which I am now prescribed heavy doses of benzo's to even feel normal. I bought into the "harmless" falacy and smoked myself stupid, losing a scholarship to harvard law over this stupid plant.

Whenever I try to bring this up with people outside of the internet, they laugh at me and call me stupid. My old dealer smokes upwards of 10 grams of medical marijuana per day, and 3 grams of hash oil with it. That is a ridiculous amount of weed, and I know one day he is going to pay the price. I honestly feel like weed is like heroin after doing both. They both make you content with doing nothing, they both make you feel like you need the drug to better yourself, except weed will fuck your brain up, and heroin will fuck your body up. And I'd rather be dopesick for 3 weeks off heroin, then be dumb and full of anxiety all the time like I am now on weed.

I used to brag about how I could smoke a blunt per hour every day, because I did. I spent $100-120 a day on weed. I consumed between 10-12 grams of medicinal weed per day, along with at least a gram of oil through dabs per day. Weed fucked me up, many of my friends still smoke this crazy amount, and one day they will get to this point.
I was smoking weed for 13 years with no problem until I had a drug induced psychotic episode 1 year and 8 months ago and spent a month in a psychiatric unit in hospital. I've been off the weed since and am on a low dose of the antipsychotic respiridone which I will be coming off soon. I loved smoking weed and would like to know will I ever be able to smoke weed again maybe the ocasional spliff or a certain strain.

Were you doing other drugs much or at all around that time? Was the weed you smoked very potent? 13 yrs no problem, then whamo? Any reason for that?
I can't agree Teo that heroin would have been less harmful for you, alot of people have died off heroin, no one has died off cannabis.

I think it mostly comes down to underlying mental illness. People who have some form of mental illness should not use cannabis, but they should not use any form of drugs unless it is prescribed for their illness. Some people with underlying mental illness may not know they have any sorts of issues and use cannabis and then get into a habit of using it to self medicate and then over time at some point they encounter real serious issues.

I've known alot of people who have used cannabis for along time with no bad effects at all. I myself have used it for over 20 years now and have never seen it fuck up anyone I know. I can't say the same thing for heroin or meth, they have fucked up some people I know for sure.

Cannabis is considered a soft drug because it doesnt kill anyone no matter how much you use. Opi's and heroin are addictive as hell and kill people everyday all over the world.
Weed is very, very dangerous. Out of all the drugs on this planet, it is potentially the most dangerous. Sure, heroin may cause physical addiction and severe social problems, but weed can fuck up your brain for good.

I am sorry but this I disagree strongly with. I firmly believe in the addiction potential of weed, even the fact that for some people it can be physical dependence. But to call it the potentially most dangerous substance on the planet is way too far. The problem with weed is that it doesn't give you much negative feedback if you abuse it. That only happens after a long time, so you get caught in a dependency without realizing it. But dependencies to some other drugs fuck up your life a whole lot more. You can still function semi-normal when high on weed 24/7. This is much harder for certain other hard drugs....

Also I still believe that mental problems appearing during a certain persons life might seem to be caused by weed, but are actually just triggered by it, not caused. I am not trying to make weed seem benign here, it is FAR from it, but to call it the worst drug on the planet is a bit much I think...
No, weed hasn't fucked me or anyone I know up.

[I caught the title of this thread, and then I was not going to post, but then I figured that if people who haven't been fucked up from weed, or known anyone who was fucked up from weed, all opted not to post, that the responses would be skewed. So...]
Poledriver, going by that, I agree. Yes, it can not kill you in the way heroin can. So taking the risk of death into account, I can see how it is considered safe. But take out the risk of OD. Pretend that heroin can not kill you, so just take into account the other problems "hard" drugs cause, like social, occupational, financial etc. I would rather have had those problems than what weed triggered. I know plenty of people who have smoked for decades that have no problems too. They far outweigh the minority that get problems. But the fact that weed CAN trigger these problems is enough to land it on spectrum that is far from safe, even though you can not die.

Bluebull, I said "potentially". You see, usually someone who is more likely to have psychotic symptoms from abusing weed, does NOT KNOW. Sure you can still be functional when dependent on weed. Sure its effects may not be as intense or hard. But fucking up your life externally is a whole different kettle of fish than fucking up YOUR MIND. Your thought processes, hearing voices, loop thinking, non-stop anxiety...I agree that weed does not "cause" but rather "triggers'. But again, people do not know if the are susceptible. I did not know, heck I was scared for other people sometimes...rofl

For me personally, it is the most dangerous, full-stop. If I had used heroin I would not have experienced the living hell that I did. Sure it won't kill me, but proper use of opiates won't either (where I know the dose, pharma grade etc). I think that the risk of permanent mental problems that include psychosis and schizophrenia type symptoms as a forefront, that can basically be permanent and if not the anxiety definitely will be, is a far more scary and life ruining experience than losing friends, financial problems and not being functional enough while on "hard" drugs. You can still pick yourself up, with psychosis....not so much.

Corazon, each time I see threads with this sort of debate, I always try get my story in...so people that think it is harmless and smoke everyday, do not give other more less experienced users a "safe" license to abuse it. That is what definitely gave me confidence to smoke everyday. "Oh it is benign" It does nothing to your body besides some smoke in your lungs, you can function etc etc, but the psychosis link is very real, and if you happen to be that unlucky person, may god help you.

Like I said, give it a good decade of legalization and people thinking it is "benign". This problem WILL be quite persistent once everyone starts smoking it instead of beer to relax after work. I can guarantee it. There is quite a large portion of the population who have underlying issues that do not present themselves because they deal with the problem. Weed will bring this problem to the forefront, if there is one. Once I stopped using weed, my psychosis eventually left, so I KNOW it is that (plus the explanation from my psych). What I have now, is a severe anxiety and fear that only benzos partially get rid of. I still live in fear to this day that I am going to hear a voice or go into psychosis. Heck, anything that is a minor problem in reality, causes extreme anxiety. My CNS is completely out of whack from what I went through and it has almost been half a decade.
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Yeah, that's a really good reason for legalisation, if heroin (or coke) were set doses and purity then users would not get a fluctuating potency of their product and of course there would be no contaminants like fentanyl or levamisole for coke, or MDMA that contains PMA and they would all be much safer. With weed legalisation it helps people to obtain a clean product also, a product that has gone through strict quality assurance procedures and doesn't have say mould (that you cant see with the human eye without microscope) it also allows people to buy certain strains and potency, I myself like to shy away from really potent buds these days, I used to think the most potent shit was the best, now days 20 yrs later I think it fucks with your head when it is way too potent so I like a mid strength or less. But the problem where I am is that it is not legal, so I have to buy off who ever has some and that means I dont know the potency or how good the product is until I buy it and try it.

If you find weed the most dangerous drug for you then that is fair enough, you know to stay off and away from it. Everyone is different, I wont to stay away from drugs I think have high addiction potential as I know I have an addictive personality, so drugs like heroin, oxy, meth are off my list.
Don't think for a minute I am against legalisation here. No. What I really hate is the "benign, harmless" bandwagon that encourages everyday use and basically cons the young. If you take out the nil level of OD potential and look at all the other possibilities compared to other drugs, permanent mental damage is basically on top of the list of life ruining effects drugs can cause. Weed is the pioneer of this and there is a scientific link...

What is at major fault here and also fuels the "abuse it, it is safe" crew, is the bullshit that is the War on Drugs. All drugs should be legal, period. Anything that is a victim-less crime that is illegal, creates a black market. It is not about the drugs. It is about the crime and violence and multi-billon dollar black market prohibition creates. The major fault here is the bullshit evidence that paid scientists are encouraged to produce by governments that want to keep this war going to line their pockets.

When the medical community say "Marijuana has no medicinal value, NONE. It can cause you to shoot your girlfriend, it causes addiction and is a gateway drug. It is dangerous and causes deaths behind the wheel. Causes cancer more than tobacco.", then when someone tries it and the world does not collapse around them, they start to disregard anything the medical community says about drugs. Like the boy who cried wolf. Everything becomes a lie, and the link between psychosis and weed becomes a joke.

All drugs legal, whether dangerous or not (to lift the massive black market that keeps crime sustainable and rich) and REAL, truthful information by science about each and every drug, will help curb these issues into something more manageable, plus the added bonus that you fucking know what you are getting, like you said.
Yeah I think the best idea is to try and tell everyone that it can be very dangerous for younger people especially, so the over 21 rule is a good one, although it's obviously not going to stop most people under 21, but hopefully with education and awareness people over time will educate the young people about its not a great idea to start using it young (on a developing brain).

Yesterday the New York Times (the biggest news paper in the world) editors came out with this statement (read the whole thing in the link if you wont to, this is just a snippet) -

There is honest debate among scientists about the health effects of marijuana, but we believe that the evidence is overwhelming that addiction and dependence are relatively minor problems, especially compared with alcohol and tobacco. Moderate use of marijuana does not appear to pose a risk for otherwise healthy adults. Claims that marijuana is a gateway to more dangerous drugs are as fanciful as the “Reefer Madness” images of murder, rape and suicide.
There are legitimate concerns about marijuana on the development of adolescent brains. For that reason, we advocate the prohibition of sales to people under 21.

Smoked cannabis from age 16 - 24.. starting off slowly, then increasing to say a quarter ounce a week. Never reached the same levels as others I've known, but the potency was always reasonably strong. I have the odd puff now and then.. like last night, a special occasion, but as a regular thing I'm done with it.

I believe smoking it contributed to my anxiety that I'm still dealing with, although I think there are other factors involved with that (dealing with a psychedelic experience at 16, being assaulted, etc). I did notice that as my use picked up that paranoia started to grow and looping thought patterns also began to emerge.. thankfully it never got to the point where I couldn't handle it, but it certainly wasn't a comfortable experience to be dealing with.

Wouldn't say it's fucked up my life but it has changed the course of my life for sure.

I will freely concede that my over use of cannabis was a stupid life choice, but you know life is confusing and overwhelming, and we make stupid decisions. You live and learn. Used on occasion, like a fine wine with a dinner, I don't think it presents a problem at all. But those who've suffered problems with it have abused it generally speaking.
weed was my gateway drug, it gave me anxiety problems that i've been self-medicating on and off (99% of the time on) with other drugs for about 10 years.
treezy Z, I completely get you. I smoked weed all day and night, and when it couldn't satisfy me I moved to booze. When booze couldn't satisfy me I moved to oxy, then black tar heroin. I'm off the dope now, by using kratom, and am currently trying to sober up. Weed can be a very dangerous drug, especially to those who start young. I tend to notice my friends who started smoking when I did around ages 13-15 are all burnouts, with no chance at being successful in life. While people I know who started smoking in their early to mid-twenties are functional, and able to control their use. I really would have waited a lot longer to start smoking weed, rather than starting at 13 to be cool.
Smoked cannabis from age 16 - 24.. starting off slowly, then increasing to say a quarter ounce a week. Never reached the same levels as others I've known, but the potency was always reasonably strong. I have the odd puff now and then.. like last night, a special occasion, but as a regular thing I'm done with it.

I believe smoking it contributed to my anxiety that I'm still dealing with, although I think there are other factors involved with that (dealing with a psychedelic experience at 16, being assaulted, etc). I did notice that as my use picked up that paranoia started to grow and looping thought patterns also began to emerge.. thankfully it never got to the point where I couldn't handle it, but it certainly wasn't a comfortable experience to be dealing with.

Wouldn't say it's fucked up my life but it has changed the course of my life for sure.

I will freely concede that my over use of cannabis was a stupid life choice, but you know life is confusing and overwhelming, and we make stupid decisions. You live and learn. Used on occasion, like a fine wine with a dinner, I don't think it presents a problem at all. But those who've suffered problems with it have abused it generally speaking.

This, all of this. My favourite high of all time is weed. The high is just so much fun. I'd prefer weed over any other drug including heroin, the movies, the video-games. I am shattered I can not smoke anymore. You sound grounded SS, and you seem to have pulled out just at the right time when the loop patterns start. After that it is psychosis. I kept on smoking into psychosis lol. I had about 40 bong rips a night and that is not including my wake and bake sessions (about 2 or 3 a day). I abused it hard. I think if it is used like a fine wine as you say, like once a week or something, it won't cause psychosis as easily, as you are sober most of the time. Psychosis starts while you are high...
Were you doing other drugs much or at all around that time? Was the weed you smoked very potent? 13 yrs no problem, then whamo? Any reason for that?

I wasn't doing any other drugs at the time. I'm not sure how potent the weed was. 13 years no problem and whamo. I guess my brain just had enough.
This is basically the same as my experience, the only difference being that I absolutely loved the effects of the high. Videogames, movies, music was just so fun when stoned. I still miss the high and have not found anything that is similar, the closest being a second plat DXM dose, but even that feels different and heavy.

If science and medicine did not come up with so many bullshit lies to keep the drug war running, I could have believed the link...also I never knew it was considered a "psychedelic". I thought it was a pure depressant like alcohol in heavy doses or benzos/opiates...I jumped on the harmless thing and it took a few years but boy has it fucked up everything. The fear, I know that fear and it is irrational and intense. You lose all trust in yourself. Weed is very, very dangerous. Out of all the drugs on this planet, it is potentially the most dangerous. Sure, heroin may cause physical addiction and severe social problems, but weed can fuck up your brain for good.

I just wish I found "harder" drugs first. Now I do not understand how this is considered a soft drug and opiates considered hard?? Why is this? Another fallacy by the medical community to keep the Drug War ongoing?? sigh

Cannabis to myself was a very powerful psychedelic drug. With abuse, I lost the mind expanding effects and became an addicted burnout. I liked the way it opened up my mind at first, but once I got the message I should have hung up the phone (as with all powerful psychedelics). I didn't, I couldn't, I wouldn't because I was so heavily addicted to it, weed isn't just a psychedelic. It has narcotic properties too. It certainly didn't help that everyone I associated in life was a regular cannabis smoker. I was getting an insane euphoria from it; I would bliss out, and I eventually my body came to require it in order to function. Even once I started getting horrible side effects like extreme anxiety which eventually blossomed into a full blown panic disorder, I was still unwilling and resentful to give up the habit. What had initially been an exploration of my conscious mind, had transformed into a crippling addiction and the process was full of trickery, self-delusion and deceit. It was easy to fall prey to such a "harmless weed that does nobody any harm." I had to ignore the world around me, hearing such nonsense as "weed isn't addictive" and listen to my own body in order to realize what was going on. It took me years to hit rock bottom... I was functioning ok as a stoner, got a serious degree while I was stoned for every minute, which I used to further propagate my denial. After all, "I could function on weed, it wasn't a problem just look at my degree." But eventually the abuse caught up with me and I got ROCKED by it.

I don't get anywhere near as high off "hard" drugs. If I take a percocet, or a bump of heroin, then it does not drastically alter my consciousness so that I am living in a dreamworld. I do not get goofy euphoria from it; it's more that I get "high" on life - the primary effects are chronic pain relief, mental stimulation and mood elevation, none of this psychedelic nonsense that weed gave me. Weed tripped me out so hard that I couldn't even function in social situations, I was living on a whole other plane of existence. I was so disconnected from the world around me and my fellow man... to me it was a very serious psychedelic drug. I just wish I had treated it like one, instead of a "harmless daily medicine." I still learned a lot from my experiences with pot, but I should have given it up many years ago. It's a shame that it's so addictive for myself and many others. I wasn't myself back then - it was such a powerful drug to me, that I completely lost my good old self and I turned into a very strange, pot-obsessed, and awkward human being for a while. It completely set me off course, the part of my brain that was responsible for motivation and initiative had been short-circuited. I just couldn't get anything done for the life of me (that isn't like me AT ALL).

Once I recognized the addiction for what it was, it was too late. I was so addicted that it was simply impossible to control my pot use. Once a week? Yeah, the fuck right... more like 10 times a day at least.

I'm not brainwashed, anymore though. Once you've abused a drug so heavily that you have lost all positive effects from it, it has ruined your mental health possibly permanently, and whenever you smoke it all that happens is you get a full blown panic attack, then it's really time to give it up forever and never touch it again, even years down the road. EVEN STILL I did so with resent, that's how addicted I was. Finally, after 6 months I stopped having cravings for something that had become such a destructive force in my life.

I didn't always hate the feeling of marijuana. I just wish I had more respect for it. I should have treated it like any other potent consciousness altering drug, limiting my use to perhaps once a month.

The main issue I think is the cannabis culture / legalization movement enables drug abusers such as myself who have lost all positive effects from it to live in a world of denial. I should have checked myself into rehab for a detox, but it was "just weed" right? It's like it's laughable if you even consider it to be a problem, you've got "underlying issues". It couldn't possibly be that crazy mildly psychedelic and narcotic drug you've been smoking all day for years, though right. That one that it's impossible to get addicted to even though you quite clearly are a slave to it. That just wouldn't make any sense, that this could fuck with your brain. It was so easy to live in denial about it, I wouldn't even acknowledge that I was a drug addict. In time with further research, I believe that the worlds general opinion on weed will change - it's foolish to call it a "soft drug" when it can and does ruin peoples lives and cause so much damage to mental health and occasionally lead to severe addictions similar to other "harder" drugs.

The underlying issue was always that I was in denial about my severe addiction to cannabis that had taken over my life, completely altered my personality and it was simply destroying me. I needed to address this serious problem, but I couldn't do it on my own. I was too addicted, I needed help. If someone had mentioned this to me, I would have smoked 5 bong rips in front of them and laughed, before beginning to explain to them how harmless and beneficial this plant was, how it wasn't even a drug and it was impossible to get addicted to it; all the typical stoner bs. If I had been smoking crack from morning til night or something like that, it would have been difficult to get away with such an intense level of self-denial. That doesn't make any sense to me, why weed is treated on such a different level. An addict is an addict. Both potent weed and crack can be relatively harmless with limited use, or very destructive with regular use. It's possible for an addict of either to be functional and get away with it for a while, that doesn't make it right to be doing drugs all day. If someone wants to do recreational drugs all day that's fine - they should be made fully aware of the health risks of tampering with the brain though, while being offered help and treatment. This simply doesn't happen with cannabis very often, my addiction was encouraged by most of my friends and considered just fine.

There needs to be more widely accepted awareness in regards to the potential risks of heavy use. If I had known it could be highly addictive, if I had known that it could alter the brain in ways that could trigger panic and anxiety disorders, then I most likely would have stayed well the fuck away from it.

They shouldn't have to deny that it can fuck people up in order to get it legalized. Alcohol and cigarettes kill plenty of people, they can be really nasty and brutal drugs. Every drug should be legal, and the concept of moderation with recreational drugs should be widely expounded. The risks of drug abuse should not be ignored - why would cannabis be treated any differently, in a class of its own as a "soft" drug? That's just going to result in an increase in the abuse of and lack of respect for that particular drug. If I had smoked it once a month, I'd be fine. Once a week, I'd probably be ok (although I most likely would have wound up addicted and unable to control that frequency of use). For myself, weed turned out to be the "hardest" substance I have ever used... which turned out to be quite a surprise.
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Cannabis to myself was a very powerful psychedelic drug.
I don't get anywhere near as high off "hard" drugs. If I take a percocet, or a bump of heroin, then it does not drastically alter my consciousness so that I am living in a dreamworld. I do not get goofy euphoria from it; it's more that I get "high" on life - the primary effects are chronic pain relief, mental stimulation and mood elevation, none of this psychedelic nonsense that weed gave me. Weed tripped me out so hard that I couldn't even function in social situations, I was living on a whole other plane of existence. I was so disconnected from the world around me and my fellow man... to me it was a very serious psychedelic drug. I just wish I had treated it like one, instead of a "harmless daily medicine."
I didn't always hate the feeling of marijuana.

I just wish I had more respect for it. I should have treated it like any other potent consciousness altering drug, limiting my use to perhaps once a month.

The main issue I think is the cannabis culture / legalization movement enables drug abusers such as myself who have lost all positive effects from it to live in a world of denial. I should have checked myself into rehab for a detox, but it was "just weed" right? It's like it's laughable if you even consider it to be a problem, you've got "underlying issues". It couldn't possibly be that crazy mildly psychedelic and narcotic drug you've been smoking all day for years, though right. That one that it's impossible to get addicted to even though you quite clearly are a slave to it. That just wouldn't make any sense, that this could fuck with your brain. It was so easy to live in denial about it, I wouldn't even acknowledge that I was a drug addict. In time with further research, I believe that the worlds general opinion on weed will change - it's foolish to call it a "soft drug" when it can and does ruin peoples lives and cause so much damage to mental health and occasionally lead to severe addictions similar to other "harder" drugs.

There needs to be more widely accepted awareness in regards to the potential risks of heavy use. If I had known it could be highly addictive, if I had known that it could alter the brain in ways that could trigger panic and anxiety disorders, then I most likely would have stayed well the fuck away from it.

They shouldn't have to deny that it can fuck people up in order to get it legalized. Alcohol and cigarettes kill plenty of people, they can be really nasty and brutal drugs. Every drug should be legal, and the concept of moderation with recreational drugs should be widely expounded. The risks of drug abuse should not be ignored - why would cannabis be treated any differently, in a class of its own as a "soft" drug? That's just going to result in an increase in the abuse of and lack of respect for that particular drug. If I had smoked it once a month, I'd be fine. Once a week, I'd probably be ok (although I most likely would have wound up addicted and unable to control that frequency of use). For myself, weed turned out to be the "hardest" substance I have ever used... which turned out to be quite a surprise.

Yeah, spot on dude. The high from opiates is not like cannabis. Opiates do not make movies intensely fun and interesting, they do not make videogames seems like a whole other world, running around in COD with intense focus...opiates can in fact make these activities somewhat boring. They are more of a feeling of peace and body high than anything. Cannabis is very different, it is a psychedelic.

I guess like poledriver stated, it is considered soft because you basically can not die from an OD. The link between psychosis seems still to be seen as a fallacy or one in a million chance. I think psychosis is the worst side effect you can possibly get, flame me, but I'd probably rather die from and OD than get permanent schizophrenia for life and going insane.

Your last paragraph is so true. They should not have to lie to get it legalized. Say the truth, all the risks of everything should be proven science so people can take it seriously. I also wish I had dabbled in joints only and like 2 or 3 times a month, bloody hell. Weed for some people is the hardest and most dangerous if abused. The potential it has is significant.

Like I said, a good decade of real legalisation and the general populace smoking every night, shit is going to change real quick...
If I had quit after 10 years and had the opportunity to return to my normal self like before I ever smoked weed, then despite the addiction I would have a completely different view on the drug. But when I finally was able to quit, I never returned to normal after a couple months, like I used to after enduring withdrawal. I was smoking a lot more (plus I think that hash oil was the fucking devil) and I pretty much consider the experience of myself quitting weed that last time as more of a psychotic break than a withdrawal. I was smoking exponentially more than usual though which explains why it was such a horrific withdrawal that is ongoing after a year, plus after 10 years I think the brain damage caught up with me.

But full blown panic disorder is no fucking joke. I agree a bit, an actually OD would be much, much less painful than this miserable hell of mental illness. I'm not completely psychotic or schizophrenic but being slightly insane and having panic attacks around the clock since I quite is enough for me. Ever since I quit smoking weed, I feel like I am having a heart attack 24/7 which is pretty crippling to say the least. I've shown up at the ER begging for mercy a few times, the suffering has been unbearable and it was ALL caused by weed abuse. I am 100% certain of this and it's a fact in my eyes. I never had these issues before I smoked all that weed. I thought it was safe to do so. I turned out to be very wrong. All of this started happening when I quit weed.

I can in fact "OD" from cannabis - it started as a full blown panic attack. My heart rate would skyrocket to such an extent that I am sure somebody out there has died of a heart attack induced by weed. How they say it's never killed anyone, I think that's complete bullshit. I'm sure that people have gotten cancer, people have had heart attacks but they can't exactly prove it yet. I smoked more weed in order to raise my tolerance and counter the risk of these uncomfortable overdoses. Then, ever since I went cold turkey I've had full blown panic attacks pretty much around the clock.

I can't even drink a cup of green tea without flipping out and ruining my day. I was not like this before as I used to drink coffee. Any sort of stimulant, MDMA, or psychedelic drug is out of the the question for me since I quit weed. Apart from opioids my options are very limited now. I've been through weed withdrawal many times, this isn't it. I used to suffer for a month and be good after 2. It's been a year... pretty sure I finally did myself in. I had many opportunities to quit, but I was unable to do so due to the strength of the addiction.
It's been a year... pretty sure I finally did myself in. I had many opportunities to quit, but I was unable to do so due to the strength of the addiction.

Depends on how old you are. The brain is plastic, more so the younger you are, and the ability for the body to heal itself is quite amazing. Give it what it needs.. excellent diet, sufficient rest, and good exercise. I smoked from 16-24 and not even heavy use compared to what I've heard others using, but it still took me over a year for my mind to calm down/stabilize.. both brain chemistry and also mentally (thinking patterns etc).

Mental things can be unlearned, but it takes time. Give yourself time, and provide the body what it needs for the fastest recovery.