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Opioids The Big and Dandy Fentanyl Analogues Thread - Acetylfentanyl / Butyrfentanyl

My Lord and Saviour,

Your list really highlights the subjective nature of people's drug preferences (even within one class of drug)!!

I'm assuming you've not tried heroin seeing as it's not on the list? Having tried all those you listed other than the custom synth, that could almost be my list of least enjoyable opiates! Oxy being the exception. I guess the use of the word "Rush" is more akin to enjoyment or pleasure, because I don't know how you'd get a rush out of PST, codeine, loperamide or Tramadol.

The only people I can think of who might benefit in some way from the fent analogues would be people like 'dopemaster' who have to live with chronic pain every day of their lives, as I imagine that tolerance would be a serious issue and for moments of breakthrough pain a fent analogue could be just the thing; short acting and powerful. Which is why actual fentanyl is used by paramedics at the scene of an accident, for instance.

Aside from the fact that I didn't think much of the fent analogues personally, I just cannot see it being good for anyone. Too strong and just not long lasting = perfect recipe for a binge and skyrocketing tolerance.

For me of the opiates I've tried the Hierarchy of Rush goes:

Butyr Fentanyl - Smoked
The opioid that was a custom synth that I can't name (sorry folks, agreed to keep schtum) - also Smoked.
Morphine - IV
Oxycodone - Snorted
Tramadol - Oral
Buprenorphine - Snorted
AH-7921 - Oral
Poppy Seed Tea - Oral (aside from the rush this beats Morphine itself normally though)
Codeine - Oral
Loperamide (lol)
I would say the rush is about fuckall.

But waking up and not hurting is priceless to me. I have been on pain medication since 19.

I had more severe injuries and have been on heavy duty pain meds about 6 years and I am almost 30 now.

To all the people who say they wish they had meds like me I say to them "I will trade you for your good joint, hell you can have the bottle right now and I will give you the name of the dirtiest doctors in the county while I am at it."

Chronic pain is a bitch and for me lighting up a pre-measured dose of AF or BF sorts out the pain and sickness for me quick.

I still cannot suggest it by a long shot. No one has a clue what this type of compound does long term and it will be quite sometime. I imagine I will be one of the first to know the long term effects.

So once again I really urge you to not mess with this stuff. I only do it because I am walking around with bones that never heal and pinched nerves and well it comes down to the quality of my life and well I am sick of being in pain and being sick, so I will accept the consequences.

I could easily end up in jail for life if I get busted with this shite, so I do not even tell my friends irl about it. So often police assume that if you have strong "dope" you are a criminal and it couldn't possibly be for yourself.
As I said most of those do not provide a rush, those at the top however do, and I rate Butyr-Fentanyl the highest of those, at a nice dose that produces a nod but is not yet sedating (Butyr-Fent for me is uplifting like Oxycodone until I dose too high). Any higher and it's not my thing, any lower and it's still great but the rush isn't quite so strong.

PS Snorting is good and snorting and sublingual are a much better choice for someone with a lower tolerance - but if you have a lower tolerance these are not the drugs for you in the first place, seriously.
I would beg to differ with ROA and say putting it in the end of a cigarette works pretty well.

I don't mess with foil as first off this stuff burns quick and second of all foil gives you alheimers or some shite if I am not mistaken.

I am trying to figure a way to get this substance effective with an e-cig.
I am trying to figure a way to get this substance effective with an e-cig.

IMO Terrible idea that will easily lead to od even if useful. Just make blotter even if yup have to make each individual dose seperatly to garuntee a standard dose thought out your blotters. That way you can use it on the go if needed.

Edit: Jesusgreen I am curious how you compare the effects of actf vs btf as far as sedation or narcotic (sleep inducing) effect?

If anyone else wants to touch on this go for it.
They both make u a bit knoddy. Kinda depends on how much someone ingests and their tolerance.

I have never seen anyone pass out, but I have seen ppl beg for more.
Kratom is habit-forming enough, I'm of half a mind to stay an arms' length from fentanyl analogues.

I wonder what happens when all the fent-analog users have a lovely habit and their analog supplies dry up.
Wow. You realize that you're putting other people's lives at risk when you do dumb shit like that? If you can't stay awake then don't fucking drive.

No shit, but you're stating the obvious... most people are well aware that mixing driving and sleep is indeed dangerous.
Harm reduction is the reason I made mention of it; because it initially happened out of nowhere. Sure I felt a bit drowsy, but nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly not like I was about to nod almost completely out of consciousness with no warning. After that initial attack of narcolepsy, I of course abstained from driving completely. Just wanted to get the warning out there.
Kratom is habit-forming enough, I'm of half a mind to stay an arms' length from fentanyl analogues.

I wonder what happens when all the fent-analog users have a lovely habit and their analog supplies dry up.

Kratom does literally nothing for me. I have run out of AF and BF and the past and I experienced no withdrawals but then again I get an RX for 120 morphine 30s every month.

I suppose I am about as seasoned as junkies get and still remain functional.

Smoking it is my preferred ROA by and I usually put the same amount in the end of a cigarrette. I can easily pack the tobacco back in so it looks like a regular smoke. I just flip cigs like that upside down in the park so I know.

I would be terrified if anyone I knew were to find this stuff because well first off I don't share and drugs that are that heavy people do not even need to know about. Also you probably couldn't black mail me to give anyone this compound.

So I keep it under lock and key and a secret as well.

I know ppl cannot handle this stuff such as the people knodding out while driving. Please think twice before you do that again as you are risking both your life and others. I would not care if you were riding a moped, but that is not the case. So if you must indulge please get your dose sorted at home and keep your dose under control. There is no excuse for knodding out and driving. So it you cannot handle it, you cannot handle it.

I have had police try to take blood tests when I was suspected of a DUI. I politely declined. I beat the charges. Now I was on a substance that was quite different from opiates and if anything would make me more alert, but all the same I broke the law. Thankfully since it was in another state I was given my license back upon making bail.

The law had even taken me to the hopspital for a drug test. The doctors were really mad at the cops because they were like you brought a man here who already declined a drug screen. The whole ride the police told me I had no choice but to take the drug screen. Basically the police were trying to trick me into taking the drug screen and well if I had I would have done at least 2 years over that. So if you tell them there is no way in hell they are sticking a needle in your arm and protest the fact you don't use drugs they really have to let you go. The charges were dropped. I do not think I was technically arrested.
Idk why ppl spend hundreds on one patch or put there lives at risk over an opioid that isn't even that recreational to begin with and way too sedating to enjoy and short lived.....I'm human and love all opiates, so ppl your out there And agreeable....fentanyl does not provide euphoria. Like the rest of opiates it's just a knockout drugs, Let a hospital give u it if u Ppl love it, just anticipate a serious injury to have the opportunity, hey it's better than eyeballing fentanyl and shooting it, not knowing what analogue..
Even though MXE is well known to go nicely with Opioids/Opiates, it seems that Butyr-Fentanyl and Methoxetamine have, with a 99.9% possibility, dangerous and with higher dosing possibly even fatal interaction!

Thing is, as a poly-drug user i cannot 100% rule out that it's a result of also having other substances whirling trough my system.

What i know is, that the first time i took MXE the same day as B-F, it resulted in a headache that i can only discribe as one of the most hellish, almost unbearable pains i've ever experienced. I didn't combine them this one time, but stupidly did it the second time (dunno ask me why because after the first experience i knew what could happen, so it was just plain stupid, to say at least!) and so i passed out for the very first time in my whole life!

Thanks God i'm still alive, and yes, at least i can say that with a 100% certainty i'm a moron, and stupid as stupid can be.

Fact is: both times the B-F was dosed somewhat low (~500µg) while the MXE dose was approx. 20mgs.

Perhaps someone can contribute on combining MXE/B-F (even though strongly advise not to!), so we can really say it's this specific combination or not.

The other compounds i spoke about where MDPV, Gabapentin, Oxycodone and Pyrazolam, but not all of them where consumed on both days. All of them went nicely or at least, without problems on the days of also taking the B-F.

Please don't judge me - i know combining stuff like this is dangerous and also know what could've happened.

Please be very careful!!!
I'd be standing next to my boss writing a note in my notebbok and I'd nod off out of nowhere, my knees would buckle and I'd jump like crazy as I "woke up".

But dude, don't fucking drive while you are nodding. Call in sick if you have no other way, you are risking other peoples' lives here!!!! I've had a few people die in car accidents and it's always drugs or booze involved, so pull yourself together and STOP THAT SHIT!
Damn... this stuff REALLY fucks up ones tolerance like nothing else i've ever experienced before. But that's something i knew from day one of researching this compound (Butyr-Fentanyl), and at least to a degree, it's damn worth it! It's painkilling effects are just as 'awesome' as it's 'fun' for recreational use here and there, but i wouldn't want to dive deep into (daily) consumption - for obvious reasons.

Butyr-Fentanyl is, along with Morphine, one of the best opioid Substances i've ever had the chance to ingest. I always plug, and found this to be the best ROA, even though smoking also seems to be a viable way of consumption!

I'd really like to know why the new batch doing it's rounds is that much cheaper as the 'old' one, and since i know discussing prices isn't allowed, i'd like to add that i just mention this because of the fact that it's a completely different appearance as the one that was available before.

Well, that has nothing or not that much to say, but what's even more interesting is, that the compound sold as B-F and which i also had the chance to sample back in early 2012, had the, believe it or not, distinctive taste of poppy pods =D :? and came in crystalline appearance, while this one is a bright-white powder with a chemical taste.

Potency/effects are, as far as i can remember, equal to the old batch.

After some more in-depth research with Butyr-Fentanyl (including doing some other compounds the same day) without any adverse-/side-effects i can say now with 100% certainty, that it was the Methoxetamine/B-F-combo making me blackout!

So, perhaps something to mention in the MXE-Combinations-Subthread!?

Btw, what's the (guessed) half-life of Butyr-Fentanyl?
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No shit, but you're stating the obvious... most people are well aware that mixing driving and sleep is indeed dangerous.
Harm reduction is the reason I made mention of it; because it initially happened out of nowhere. Sure I felt a bit drowsy, but nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly not like I was about to nod almost completely out of consciousness with no warning. After that initial attack of narcolepsy, I of course abstained from driving completely. Just wanted to get the warning out there.

Quick update - I haven't touched any of this or any opioid in months, but this "narcolepsy" is getting very bad, I'm going to get some help, and I haven't seen a Dr. In 7-8 years so it takes a lot to get me looking for professional help. So I guess unless the Fent precipitated this, it likely doesn't deserve the blame for my aforementioned nods.
I'd like to mention something here, since some people seem to be very enthusiastic about their newly found companions. Every person I've known well who has been doing fentanyl "recreationally" (lol) is now dead. I'm not exaggerating and I'm not saying you are going to die off this, just stating that the chance of that happening might not be as low as you think.

All of these people were very experienced drug users with precision scale and a fully functional brain. One of them was an experienced organic chemist.

Most of those in here who are now glorifying the stuff will fall flat on their asses. I just thought this deserves mention.
I'd like to mention something here, since some people seem to be very enthusiastic about their newly found companions. Every person I've known well who has been doing fentanyl "recreationally" (lol) is now dead. I'm not exaggerating and I'm not saying you are going to die off this, just stating that the chance of that happening might not be as low as you think.

All of these people were very experienced drug users with precision scale and a fully functional brain. One of them was an experienced organic chemist.

Most of those in here who are now glorifying the stuff will fall flat on their asses. I just thought this deserves mention.

Posts like these help.

They make me feel better about throwing away what I had, and help me not to look for more.
^ This is NOT Fentanyl and it's not anywhere near it's potenty, but whatever...
Posts like these help.

They make me feel better about throwing away what I had, and help me not to look for more.
Very good to hear that. Kudos to you. There's much less to be gained from fentanyl derivates than it seems when one is on them. Deceiving as fuck.

^ This is NOT Fentanyl and it's not anywhere near it's potenty, but whatever...
[irony]Sorry I forgot that this is so much more forgiving. My bad.[/irony]
i gotta admit, i am pretty dammed tempted. Do we know which is more forgiving in terms of dosage? acetfent or butylfent? hmm definitely something to ponder...
I'd like to mention something here, since some people seem to be very enthusiastic about their newly found companions. Every person I've known well who has been doing fentanyl "recreationally" (lol) is now dead. I'm not exaggerating and I'm not saying you are going to die off this, just stating that the chance of that happening might not be as low as you think.

All of these people were very experienced drug users with precision scale and a fully functional brain. One of them was an experienced organic chemist.

Most of those in here who are now glorifying the stuff will fall flat on their asses. I just thought this deserves mention.

It is worth noting that these analogues are a lot less potent than Fentanyl, I'm typically very sensitive to opioids but I had no problems with Butyr-Fentanyl. Went through 800mg of it in 5 days at one point, was smoking 20mg+ by the end of that, and didn't even have any withdrawals when I finished it. That's not to glorify it though, Fentanyl analogues are better for people who already have high opiate tolerances or a lot of general experience with opiates and how to handle them, deal with an overdose, etc - they're not something to treat like toys and push to the limit. (Besides low doses still give the rush just without you putting yourself at unnecessary risk)

I think folks should avoid IVing it though for certain, everyone I know who's attempted to IV it has overdosed at least once on the stuff, while I've yet to know a single person to overdose via snorting the stuff, and it's pretty easy to dose with this ROA, I've even accidentally snorted multiple doses at once without any issues. IV on the other hand seems to cause insane respiratory depression regardless of tolerance - while for me when I was taking it with an average tolerance 1-2mg snorted was a good dose, and while 1mg IV isn't a particularly high dose for a user with a very high existing tolerance, someone I know who already had an extreme tolerance to heroin IVed just 1mg and had to be taken to hospital there on the spot.

It's a good drug but stay away from it if you don't have a scale, and you should really stick to snorting it. If you must go for the crazy rush, smoke it - since the smoke is most effective when held in, and you tend to smoke what you put on your foil in parts, you can exhale as soon as you're good and put the foil away - and as long as you put only one dose on there to begin with even if you accidentally put 0.5-1mg too much because of a scale error you can do what I said to avoid problems. I found it very easy to work with the raw material even smoking with zero tolerance, while Fent itself is something that's simply too potent for me to touch.

Be safe though guys please, although tolerance to the stuff rises quickly, tolerance to positive effects and tolerance to negative effects (like CNS depression) don't always build at the same rate, so you shouldn't start pushing the doses even if tolerance dictates it, just give your tolerance a break and start fresh from tiny doses :)