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SLR Social vs. It's on like Donkey Kong

Lol my friend was telling me the other day he has his "Red Wings." Another friend once told me he's a vampire...

Haha. Nice.

I've also heard of calling guys Moses who go down on their girl/have sex with her during her period. You know.. the whole, "parting the red sea" thing.

Do they really? My girlfriend has been having really bad cramps today.. I think I know the solution now!

Do they really? My girlfriend has been having really bad cramps today.. I think I know the solution now!

For me it does!

Orgasm releases endorphins, and endorphins help to ease pain. Also, prior to orgasm, the uterus tilts and relaxes. The relaxing of the uterine muscles helps to alleviate cramps.

Awesome :) I've actually noticed this; my gf woke up with cramps this morning - I cuddled her for a bit, but one thing led to another, and soon we were having a messy experience that seems, in all honesty, to have helped her! And me!! I love those muscles contracting and releasing when we are going at it ;)
"How does orgasm relieve severe cramps?

Orgasm works in a number of ways to relieve severe menstrual cramps. First, the uterus relaxes and tilts prior to orgasm, and blood flow increases to that part of the body. Both of these effects can help relieve cramps.

Second, the physical response of the cervix at the moment of orgasm helps to dislodge clots. The cervix is designed to open a bit and dip rhythmically during orgasm down into a space where a pool of semen would collect during intercourse. This dipping motion helps draw sperm into the cervical opening increasing the chances of pregnancy. The orgasm response can also immediately force a clot out of the cervical opening, relieving pain at the source and allowing uterine cramps to subside.

Finally, orgasm relieves menstrual pain through the release of endorphins, the hormones that naturally relieve pain. Exercise can cause a release of endorphins, too, and certain medications can produce similar results, but orgasm floods your brain with chemicals like oxytocin and vasopressin, and these natural chemicals help you instantly feel better. The endorphins may also help you go right to sleep, which extends the relief from menstrual pain even longer"

cool beans :)

Do they really? My girlfriend has been having really bad cramps today.. I think I know the solution now!


It has been found the best time for her (pleasure wise), is during her “period”. This is unfortunately when many women (and some men) are uncomfortable with having sex. The reason orgasms are better during this time, is the increase in blood circulation around the groin area.


Yeah no way am I gonna let a little blood stop me, hah. It's all natural and good. It's beautiful. Any dude who can't handle fucking his girl on her period needs to grow up.

I've decided that this attitude is a prerequisite for getting into a relationship with me :)
Anyone around? I could do with some support :(
I'm currently at the Hong Kong airport waiting for a connecting flight to Sydney and have been on the verge of tears for the past 3 hours or so. It's finally hitting me that I'm not going to get to hug or kiss or touch my fiancé for almost 5 months. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to go to Australia and I don't know if I can do this. I said goodbye to him 3 days ago and it already feels like my heart's been ripped out. I don't know what to do :(
Anyone around? I could do with some support :(
I'm currently at the Hong Kong airport waiting for a connecting flight to Sydney and have been on the verge of tears for the past 3 hours or so. It's finally hitting me that I'm not going to get to hug or kiss or touch my fiancé for almost 5 months. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to go to Australia and I don't know if I can do this. I said goodbye to him 3 days ago and it already feels like my heart's been ripped out. I don't know what to do :(

Big hugs to you, Pagey. Be strong <3
Anyone around? I could do with some support :(
I'm currently at the Hong Kong airport waiting for a connecting flight to Sydney and have been on the verge of tears for the past 3 hours or so. It's finally hitting me that I'm not going to get to hug or kiss or touch my fiancé for almost 5 months. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to go to Australia and I don't know if I can do this. I said goodbye to him 3 days ago and it already feels like my heart's been ripped out. I don't know what to do :(
Well firstly, I think you are really going to enjoy the Sydney weather and environment. It is summer right now, about to go into autumn. There are beaches all up the coast that you can explore to your heart's content :)

I have done the connecting flight thing several times, to and from Australia to Europe, US, Canada, etc. It can be particularly draining on your body; emotions are bound to run wild during such an experience, especially given your situation.

If it is a long distance relationship you are anticipating on making work, then only you and your partner can answer whether it is going to work or not. It sounds as if you made a decision to throw caution to the wind with this. It's a situation that you are both now in - you are going to either make it work or not work. Both of you. Not just you. I hope you chose the right guy, because it can be a demanding thing to be in a long distance relationship, in my opinion.

Personally, I have never been able to sustain long distance relationships, hence why I am in Sweden, while my girlfriend is studying. I didn't see her for a few weeks and we used skype, facebook etc to stay in contact. I guess you may find getting into a routine, with regard contact, a good thing.... the time difference will be a factor.

Good luck :)
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Have you guys ever been in a situation where you would like to be friends, but they don't?

You just have to know when to let go when a friendship becomes too one-sided. *sigh* :\
2nded, Just Fuget about it as soon as possible. Be polite but Put them boundaries down, you know the drill : )

I've never had a no to sex during menstruation. Now I just need a partner, it's been too long...

That orgasm-cramp-connection is perfect to convince her to let you throw a towel down and get bloody. Nice one!