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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v16.0

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If anything. I'm determined to be free of this thing like now. I want off and I will. I know that by the New year I will be fine and into a new well being.

After this I will remember...
^ I second that 2-3 months is not rushing off. That gives you plenty of time to stabilize at a dose around 4-8 mg and then you can do a relatively slow taper, like the drop to 75% every 3-4 days that I mentioned above. The thing is 2-3 months could be rushing off. The idea of rushing off Subs is kind of subjective, some people will screw themselves over by getting off too soon and not fixing the problems they had that led to their opiate addictions. It doesn't matter how long you wait, if you didn't change your life to make being clean of opiates a feasible reality, then you are stacking the odds well in favor of a relapse. Well that is at least how I see it.

Also, wondering what dose you stopped at that you were getting those dreams? Oh and just for the record I prefer to call them "sticky dreams", a lot more accurate IMO/E.

I basically cold turkey'd off of 16mg a day which I was on for 18 months. This was back when doctors claimed the withdrawals weren't bad at all, so when I went away to school and the only bupe doctor in the area couldn't see me for like 6 months, I gave up and went from 16mg/day to nothing in 2 weeks, so basically jumped to 8mg for a week, then a few days at 4mg and maybe a day at 2mg then stopped.

there is no doubt I NEED bupe and I dont see any questioning it. what I am questioning is why others are always in such a rush, or low dosage to get off the bupe itself. I've road the bupe/dope roller coaster for a while toward the end of my last run due to funds NOT being there. I'd take those bupe dosages we usually mention here but I was taking those doses just to hold off until I could pick up the next batch; even if it were 8 hours later. which is why I am one to believe that 1-4MG does not do much to a true junkie who is trying to stop and having a hard time. once I started out at 24MG and dropped to 16MG in less than a week; I've felt great since. Been about 4 months now and there are no cravings, no problems, no nothing. I truly feel blessed for what I have been given and the Dr. I have been seeing.

He's also prescribed me just 10MG Celexa which supposed has some sort of interaction w/ the bupe; but we all know how Dr's are and how each drugs plays a part w/ another in various ways, blah blah. w/ each doc. you hear a different story, but whatever because everything is working fine over here.

My doc. knows I smoke weed. He sees the script and can understand w/ the cancer/tumor that if it's what helps me stay clean, or at least so far. he also knows I've been re-scripted the benzo's due to anxiety; thing is, they script me on a WEEKLY basis, so they cannot be abused, which I am fine by. he has under pretty good control which I am fine w/ and absolutely happy w the results.

the 1 addy I took the other day was just a trade for a benzo through a work guy. probably havent done addy in years before that one.

You have to consider that there are people on suboxone that haven't been through all of that, and some of whom were just taking a moderate dose of pain killers for a while and then got sick of being strung out on them and having to cop them each day, so decided to get on subs. Considering how potent bupe is these people may end up worse off if they stay on a high dose of suboxone for a while, so I believe that trying a 3 month taper may be a better option, and if that's not working out then discuss further maintenance with doctor.

I also highly agree with changing people/places/things if you wish to stay clean after getting off subs. And I think you asked about the 'stickie dreams' or whatever you guys were calling them. They didn't happen until I came off the suboxone (no pun) although I've heard of some people with such high tolerances to dope that they will start getting those dreams when they first get on subs, or when they take methadone for a 5 day detox.

Today 1 mg.

3 days here then , unsure of what their going to do.

I go in tomorrow and find out.

I slept real hard last night like it almost hurt to sleep.

They gave me clonidine, haven't taken it yet. Don't even know when or if I should. 1mg feels like an accomplishment.Getting here with very little problems is even better. Didn't take any benzo's last night or the past couple nights.Trying to get a break in case I need them for a few nights down the road.

1 mg is so little . It's amazing that something so very tiny can be so powerful.

Clonidine worked wonders for me when I was kicking dope. I would always go cold turkey as long as I had clonidine on me because I just wanted the withdrawals to be over with asap, and with the clonidine I was able to tolerate it a lot more and just lay in bed for 3 days and get the worst part over with. It took care of restless legs, it helped with anxiety, and it allowed me to sleep a little.

yup. I started with the 8/72 rule( the second time) and it was working for 2-3 months and one day I said eff it and here I am. It was weird how fast it went past my usual dosage this second time. I got up to 400 mg/day. That's when I felt it was taking over. I had to make a move or it was over.

Here I am today. I am down to 1mg and I'm feeling it. I took a very tiny piece to help this evening.

I just can't see that 8-72 rule working. If you have had a habit before then that's too often to use and you will start feeling withdrawals after a few weeks of doing this. If you haven't had a habit before then after a few months of doing this you will be dependent on getting that dose every 72 hours, and will go through some withdrawals without it. A person may think that they aren't dependent this way, but it may be that they are using before the withdrawals get a chance to start, so if they waited longer than the 72 hours they would start getting sick.
well, sticky dreams are what? we when come (get it) out of the dream VERY happy? see, I never come (get it, again?) out of any dream VERY happy but since using subox my dreams actually have me making moves and having sex, seeing girls, doing weird sexual shit. before that I can always remember just before a girl would take her shirt off, or before I would make a move to pull out my.. thingy there... I would wake up and be like, WTF! now it actually plays out. that has to do w/ the bupe? or is that just cause I have stopped the dope? either way, my dreams have gotten much better. but at very first of detox I would have these vivid/nasty dreams and wake up in a panic and not remember a single thing.

The doctors/makers lied through their teeth about suboxone when it first came out. They still lie about it and refuse to admit a lot of things about the drug that have been proven by thousands of users.

As far as you wanting to come off it, if you taper slowly and correctly, the withdrawals will be very manageable. You said you've been on suboxone for 2 years. What dose?

4mg. I used to be 2mg but I don't know what happened and jumped to 8mg and now I'm back to 4mg once a day at night.
did you find it hard to lessen the dose? i started at 24MG and dropped to 16MG in a week. from there I went to 12 2 months later. then there are days where I'll just go w/ 8MG and be fine but wake up a little shaky. I also am on a cancer treatment 7 days out of the month and during those days I jump back to 16MG to help me throughout the day. my dosing varies but it's based on my feelings and whatnot. I have NO INTENTION on coming off anytime soon so I am cool w/ where I am at.
Best thing to do is fold the strip, unfold it and fold it on the lines again to really reinforce the creases...you can get it into eighths with three folds...then unfold it and fold the top and bottomedges to the middle to get it into near perfect sixteenths...ripping them off is pretty easy if you really get the creases good by folding in both directions on the lines

You can buy an x acto knife for cheap. It'll cut down to your needs below .125!
did you find it hard to lessen the dose? i started at 24MG and dropped to 16MG in a week. from there I went to 12 2 months later. then there are days where I'll just go w/ 8MG and be fine but wake up a little shaky. I also am on a cancer treatment 7 days out of the month and during those days I jump back to 16MG to help me throughout the day. my dosing varies but it's based on my feelings and whatnot. I have NO INTENTION on coming off anytime soon so I am cool w/ where I am at.

If you consider jumping off anytime later in the future, I'd start tampering now and stay at low dosage. Cause subs have half life and it just builds on each day.
If you consider jumping off anytime later in the future, I'd start tampering now and stay at low dosage. Cause subs have half life and it just builds on each day.

I hear ya, man. I am in NO RUSH but people always say I should be more prepared. but life has been so great since making the switch that I am in no rush and my Doc. himself says thee is no rush as well and it's totally on me and how I want to make this happen.

I have other health problems as well since the subox works in a few diff. ways for me; but one thing it does BEST for is keep me OFF DOPE and KILL ALL CRAVINGS! its just great.

when I made the switch from 24 to 16 it was easy. 16 to 12 had me a little slowed down but nothing major. the days when I would get by w/ just 8MG I always would wake up feeling like shiznit but not truly sick.
when I made the switch from 24 to 16 it was easy. 16 to 12 had me a little slowed down but nothing major. the days when I would get by w/ just 8MG I always would wake up feeling like shiznit but not truly sick.

Most people who have tapered subs admit to not feeling ANY difference between 32-8mg. That's because the ceiling is around 8mg for most people. It's very easy to taper to 8mg...harder after 4mg...and tough after 2mg.
Went in again today. I said I wasn't but I needed to make sure there wasn't anything else they were going to do.

so 1 mg till Saturday and then 1 mg every other day is what they said. I will take it from here. Going to start .5 on sunday and by tuesday .25 and then done with it.

I felt crazy weird yesterday. Today I'm feeling fine.
blows my mind peeps take .25. not saying its the first I heard or I wont have to do myself but just nuts to think such a small dosage plays a part, ya know!?! kinda whacky. ha. I remember my buddy would split these fuckers into like 20 pieces.
I've known allot of people who maintain on .5mg to .12mg
It doesn't seem like allot until you stop...Then you realize it was really doing something.
One 2mg sub could last me 16 days at one point and stoping still hurt..
I literally have a phobia of taking subs cause every time ive ever taken em I gag and puke and its the worst taste ever in my mouth ughh i hate it I wish I wasnt so scared cause I see how it works
Went in again today. I said I wasn't but I needed to make sure there wasn't anything else they were going to do.

so 1 mg till Saturday and then 1 mg every other day is what they said. I will take it from here. Going to start .5 on sunday and by tuesday .25 and then done with it.

I felt crazy weird yesterday. Today I'm feeling fine.

It doesn't take long to adjust to a dose drop with suboxone. That is one of the reasons it is so good for a detox tool and maintenance/longterm tape.

I've known allot of people who maintain on .5mg to .12mg
It doesn't seem like allot until you stop...Then you realize it was really doing something.
One 2mg sub could last me 16 days at one point and stoping still hurt..

When I stopped at around .1 mg I really didn't notice much. I was taking some clonazepam, too, but really don't think it made much of a difference. I only used them for like 6-7 weeks and never was using more than 3 mg a day when I did that taper.
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It doesn't take long to adjust to a dose drop with suboxone. That is one of the reasons it is so good for a detox tool and maintenance/longterm tape.

That's exactly what was happening. A drop was catching up to me. Now no urge to take anymore. 1 mg to day and I feel good. I actually had one of my better days compared to when I started sub. 16 mg was way strong. It zoned me out. I was in zombie state.

I'm coming out of the fog and I almost think I felt "normal" at least more normal then I have in a long long time.
Both methadone and bupe are pretty easy to taper low on...It's going to nothing where it becomes a bitch
blows my mind peeps take .25. not saying its the first I heard or I wont have to do myself but just nuts to think such a small dosage plays a part, ya know!?! kinda whacky. ha. I remember my buddy would split these fuckers into like 20 pieces.

Well that's even higher than the dosage that bupe was originally prescribed at when being used to treat pain. Temgesic comes in 0.20mg of bupe, so it definitely works. It doesn't surprise me much either because when I tried to taper off of valium I was actually alright at just 0.5mg, which is far below a therapeutic dosage considering that it's usually prescribed as 5mg or 10mg pills, and it's not uncommon for people to be prescribed 3-4 of them a day. There are 2mg pills of it as well, but those only seem to be used for tapering off, or maybe for someone that is very small or young.

I know that's a different class of drugs, but when you are dependent on a drug there is a world of difference between even a tiny dose and nothing. I eventually got off of valium in early July by going to a detox facility, and have been clean from it ever since, and that was after being prescribed benzos (was on 3mg of xanax a day for around 4 years, then 10mg of valium a day for another 3 years, plus a year of trying to taper before going back to the 10mg and taking around 7.5mg a day for almost a year before successfully detoxing off of it) which totaled 8 years of daily benzo use with missing only a handful of days in all of that time.

I still agree with lower doses of drugs so that your body is closer to being without the drug, making it less of a change when you finally get off of it which makes for a world of difference when it comes to withdrawal and PAWS.

Re: 'sticky dreams': I mean literally cumming in your pants while you are sleeping. If you are having more sex dreams now that you are on bupe it may be due to being off the dope, but I would also venture to guess that if you get off of the suboxone you will experience 'wet dreams' in which you awake to busting a nut. Sorry to get graphic, but I didn't know any other way to tell you exactly what I meant. And hey, you asked.
I am still trying to get my daily dose correct. I want to get off this Suboxone fast. Started last Sat with .5. Stopped my withdrawals within half an hour. took .25 a few hours later and went out Christmas shopping. Was doing .5 twice a day this week but having some issues. The morning dose works well and I have energy at work and get shit done. but tues. I took nothing the rest of the day and had really bad depression and woke up in sweats. took the .5 in am and felt great again. But in the afternoon I took .5 again and felt anxiety and could not sleep that night. strong ringing in my ear also. Today I took .5 in am, had a good work day then took .25 in afternoon and same thing. feel very irritable and anxious???? Cant tell if its too much Suboxone or not enough and I am in withdrawrals in the pm???? I was on 2-3 30,s oxycodone a day before I started Suboxone??
I am still trying to get my daily dose correct. I want to get off this Suboxone fast. Started last Sat with .5. Stopped my withdrawals within half an hour. took .25 a few hours later and went out Christmas shopping. Was doing .5 twice a day this week but having some issues. The morning dose works well and I have energy at work and get shit done. but tues. I took nothing the rest of the day and had really bad depression and woke up in sweats. took the .5 in am and felt great again. But in the afternoon I took .5 again and felt anxiety and could not sleep that night. strong ringing in my ear also. Today I took .5 in am, had a good work day then took .25 in afternoon and same thing. feel very irritable and anxious???? Cant tell if its too much Suboxone or not enough and I am in withdrawrals in the pm???? I was on 2-3 30,s oxycodone a day before I started Suboxone??
2-3, so like 90 mg was your max a day. Dude stop the sub. Sub isnt't for someone with a minor thing like yours.

You are going to make it 10X harder.

I would just taper to 1 blue pill (30mg oxy ir)and then cut that in half and just stop.
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