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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v16.0

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But I've come to grips with why I use and after 13 yrs of maintaince I wanted to live drug free...like the "normies".
I don't think you should question why anyone wants off drugs...anymore than someone should question why you need them.

when you say maintenance, do you mean methadone? or just maintenance of the drugs you were using?

I'm 31, so I am not saying I am an old timer but I've been on this opiate train since 18. OC 80's were the beginning of the end. sooner than later it all came to dope. it was a life wasted; time wasted; money wasted; years wasted. since I have ATTEMPTED and have GIVEN UP dope over the last 4 months life has truly changed in every way possible. yes, 4 months seems like nothing but you've read before what I've done and been through.

I just dont want to see people RUSH and make WRONG DECISIONS because they have it in their head that the bupe is SO BAD FOR YOU when in reality it is actually a good drug that will help in many ways other than just keeping you clean and safe from harm.

I've played this game too many times now; I've been on the other side where I laughed at those who used bupe to stay "clean" and saying "bupe is a drug, so youre not clean". times have changed, life has changed, and drug studies have changed. do not be in a rush to get clean, stay clean, and change your life. after all, you were in no rush dig that hole 6 feet down and fall in it over and over again.

I am glad you are fully clean now and things are working out well; but as you said, its been 13 year. there are some on here looking to stop for the first, 2nd, 3rd time. so why rush? let's play this out the right way and make sure it gets done. take your time, be medicated, see your doctor and let them watch/help you though the process.

its just how I have been going about it and how its worked for me.
when you say maintenance, do you mean methadone? or just maintenance of the drugs you were using? .

I was on methadone for 12yrs and sub (off and on) for two, after two decades of opiate abuse...(started with Vicodin and ended with shooting morphine, dilaudid and fent patches for yrs)
I'm 56.
Today 1 mg.

3 days here then , unsure of what their going to do.

I go in tomorrow and find out.

I slept real hard last night like it almost hurt to sleep.

They gave me clonidine, haven't taken it yet. Don't even know when or if I should. 1mg feels like an accomplishment.Getting here with very little problems is even better. Didn't take any benzo's last night or the past couple nights.Trying to get a break in case I need them for a few nights down the road.

1 mg is so little . It's amazing that something so very tiny can be so powerful.

If you start having trouble sleeping, ask your Dr. for Trazadone...it works wonders for sleep in WD and it's no habit forming.
I'm glad to hear the drop has gone pretty smooth so far....I hope they continue to taper you to at least .5 or .25mg.
Hopefully someone knows about this. I get my Suboxone brand name tablets in the manufacturer's bottle, so if 90-count script, they'd give me 3 30-count bottles. NORMALLY, the bottles are white, with orange label on it, but today, the label was YELLOW, everything else looked exactly the same, except that color, does anyone know about this, or if there is some difference to this one maybe? I am really curious about this. Thanks in advance!!
If you start having trouble sleeping, ask your Dr. for Trazadone...it works wonders for sleep in WD and it's no habit forming.
I'm glad to hear the drop has gone pretty smooth so far....I hope they continue to taper you to at least .5 or .25mg.
They offer trazadone, I don't like it at all. I asked for something else and they said seroquell , I jumped on that. They are giving my 50mg daily and I only need 25mg to sleep decent now.

ON to the next thing.

Mood swings and just feeling not happy. It's pretty bad ATM.

I'm sure it's my brain not getting the dopamine it's used to . So this should mean that my brain is figuring out that it's going to have to start making more dopamine..?

I think. I swear life is great besides this and I'm all upset and just can't shake it.

I keep thinking to take a little sliver, but I know sooner or later this has to happen.

It's scary. The last time I went QT it was a good 2 months till I was happy again. I was hoping this taper would leave this part out.

I have a lot of fluxotine (prozac)left over from that trip.I wonder if I should start that again. I remember reading shit about prozac being 99% flouride and I felt like crap taking it, so I stopped.
So I caved and took a very small piece.


best I can figure is it's about .2-.3

10 min after that I felt a little better.

This is going to be some fun....

I hope this cheating isn't going to cause me any more suffering then what awaits already.It's really hard to cut exact. The only precision scissors I have are slightly curved at the end.
Can someone help swim's friend? Swim Friend been on subs illegal to stay off the real drugs because he can't afford real prescription with no insurance. Swims friend recently came down with strep throat. Prescribed cheratussin AC which has codeine in it! Swim friend really needs the cough meds but don't need the codeine. Is there a way he can take it both without withdrawals? I know if you mix them, it could cost withdrawals. Swim friend is on 4mg a day.
I'd think a razor blade would work well to cut the strips. I'm not sure, though, I only dealt with pulls and cut them with a razor with pretty good precision. I imagine cutting the strips is easier. But not sure what is the best method, I am sure someone has a good one ,though.

Can someone help swim's friend? Swim Friend been on subs illegal to stay off the real drugs because he can't afford real prescription with no insurance. Swims friend recently came down with strep throat. Prescribed cheratussin AC which has codeine in it! Swim friend really needs the cough meds but don't need the codeine. Is there a way he can take it both without withdrawals? I know if you mix them, it could cost withdrawals. Swim friend is on 4mg a day.

Aside from the codeine in it, all the active ingredients of cheratussin AC are available OTC. Also, even if you did the stuff the Sub would block the codeine and you wouldn't feel it. There is no way you will get any effect from that small amount of codeine if you are on 4 mg of Sub a day.
They offer trazadone, I don't like it at all. I asked for something else and they said seroquell , I jumped on that. They are giving my 50mg daily and I only need 25mg to sleep decent now.

ON to the next thing.

Mood swings and just feeling not happy. It's pretty bad ATM.

I'm sure it's my brain not getting the dopamine it's used to . So this should mean that my brain is figuring out that it's going to have to start making more dopamine..?

I think. I swear life is great besides this and I'm all upset and just can't shake it.

I keep thinking to take a little sliver, but I know sooner or later this has to happen.

It's scary. The last time I went QT it was a good 2 months till I was happy again. I was hoping this taper would leave this part out.

I have a lot of fluxotine (prozac)left over from that trip.I wonder if I should start that again. I remember reading shit about prozac being 99% flouride and I felt like crap taking it, so I stopped.

Ive never taken Seroquell, but know people who have in WD, and they thought it was good too.... It's good your only taking the 25mg. Save a bunch for the jump.
As you taper, your body just wants it's regular dose of opiates. I tend to believe that the brain doesn't really start making it's own dopamine till your off all opiates...but I could be wrong. (Wouldn't be the first time!)
The depression is just something that happens in WD. I don't see any way to avoid it. I put up notes all over my house that said things like "your in WD, that's why life seems terrible right now". It helped. It's a process and as long as you know what to expect, and that anxiety and depression are normal, you can deal with it.
As far as the Prozac..I took that stuff for yrs and I don't think it did much. You really want your brain chemistry to return to normal and I'm not sure throwing ADs into the mix is such a great idea right now. I know how tempting it is. One of my first threads on BL was asking what AD was best post opiates. I got lots of good answers...mostly saying to avoid them like the plague right now.
You snapped back after two months? It took me 5-6 months. The older you get and the more times you detox, the harder and longer it takes.
What sent you back to opiates after you where clean for a while? Did you just think you could handle a little recreational fun and it turned into a full time thing again?
Can someone help swim's friend? Swim Friend been on subs illegal to stay off the real drugs because he can't afford real prescription with no insurance. Swims friend recently came down with strep throat. Prescribed cheratussin AC which has codeine in it! Swim friend really needs the cough meds but don't need the codeine. Is there a way he can take it both without withdrawals? I know if you mix them, it could cost withdrawals. Swim friend is on 4mg a day.

You won't go into withdrawl by taking both...
So I caved and took a very small piece.


best I can figure is it's about .2-.3

10 min after that I felt a little better.

This is going to be some fun....

I hope this cheating isn't going to cause me any more suffering then what awaits already.It's really hard to cut exact. The only precision scissors I have are slightly curved at the end.

I wish you luck when you finally go thru with it!
I'd think a razor blade would work well to cut the strips. I'm not sure, though, I only dealt with pulls and cut them with a razor with pretty good precision. I imagine cutting the strips is easier. But not sure what is the best method, I am sure someone has a good one ,though.

Aside from the codeine in it, all the active ingredients of cheratussin AC are available OTC. Also, even if you did the stuff the Sub would block the codeine and you wouldn't feel it. There is no way you will get any effect from that small amount of codeine if you are on 4 mg of Sub a day.

Must be the flu then! Must be really getting the flu then! As soon as fall asleep and dreamed, woken up by puddle of sweat every hours. Thought he was the wd from both subs and cheratussin. Must be the tamiflu meds then. Advised won't be taking that tonight then!
So I caved and took a very small piece.


best I can figure is it's about .2-.3

10 min after that I felt a little better.

This is going to be some fun....

I hope this cheating isn't going to cause me any more suffering then what awaits already.It's really hard to cut exact. The only precision scissors I have are slightly curved at the end.

No biggie...
You dropped pretty fast. 2 to 1mg is a BIG drop.
Tomorrow's another day...
Your doing great!!!
What sent you back to opiates after you where clean for a while? Did you just think you could handle a little recreational fun and it turned into a full time thing again?

yup. I started with the 8/72 rule( the second time) and it was working for 2-3 months and one day I said eff it and here I am. It was weird how fast it went past my usual dosage this second time. I got up to 400 mg/day. That's when I felt it was taking over. I had to make a move or it was over.

Here I am today. I am down to 1mg and I'm feeling it. I took a very tiny piece to help this evening.
Yeah that's how it happens. Every time you stop and go back, you pick up a habit faster and faster. All it takes is that one extra day of using, and you wake up fucked.
Are you guys tampering off? I would love to follow up with you guys! I'm in the same boat but what I've read, it's not easy! I was never an addict person but I was never an opiate person. I never understood the withdrawals that people described? Sure I've gotten all those symptoms before when I was in high school from real sick(2006 graduated). I never became an opiate person till I got dependent on it 2 years ago. I did H for 6 months straight, went from no tolerance to snorting over a gram a day. I never got into IVing because I'm not "addicted". I'm just dependent on it! I finally found out what WD people are talking about and has never gone back since day one of cold turkey. I am sick and tired of opiates, I hadn't touched it since I found subs. Subs is cheaper and last longer than H and that's why I choose to stick with it for 2 years now. I'm afraid to see what subs do when you stop taking them and I'm afraid I won't beable to be prescribed to them forever. I really want to quit it and I have the mental ability to just not the physical! I hadn't touched real opiates for a year and half now.... I still feel like I'm on it because subs is just one drug for another. I didn't know much of subs when I got on it. I was told it doesn't get you high and doesn't make you withdrawl. How does that sound for marketing sale?

The doctors/makers lied through their teeth about suboxone when it first came out. They still lie about it and refuse to admit a lot of things about the drug that have been proven by thousands of users.

As far as you wanting to come off it, if you taper slowly and correctly, the withdrawals will be very manageable. You said you've been on suboxone for 2 years. What dose?
So I caved and took a very small piece.


best I can figure is it's about .2-.3

10 min after that I felt a little better.

This is going to be some fun....

I hope this cheating isn't going to cause me any more suffering then what awaits already.It's really hard to cut exact. The only precision scissors I have are slightly curved at the end.

Best thing to do is fold the strip, unfold it and fold it on the lines again to really reinforce the creases...you can get it into eighths with three folds...then unfold it and fold the top and bottomedges to the middle to get it into near perfect sixteenths...ripping them off is pretty easy if you really get the creases good by folding in both directions on the lines
Must be the flu then! Must be really getting the flu then! As soon as fall asleep and dreamed, woken up by puddle of sweat every hours. Thought he was the wd from both subs and cheratussin. Must be the tamiflu meds then. Advised won't be taking that tonight then!

Yeah there is really no medication that will stop you from being at least somewhat sick if you have the flu. The Tamiflu should shorten the flu's duration, though. If you haven't been then take some tylenol before bed and it should keep the fever down.
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